PlayStation 4 Pre-Order Thread *GREATNESS OUT NOW!*

You really think come next Xmas when the real numbers count will happen that people will remember what used to be in the system when it was first amount. The big money will be made on these things next Xmas when they can be found in stores and more next gen only games are out for them. Majority of gamers are not rushing out to buy a next gen system to play their call of booty on when it's the same gnaw for system they already have. This day and age it's all about what people fronds have or getting and right now when it comes to ads ms is kicking behind In that right now.
Are you even speaking English?

Kind of off topic but I liked this tribute video in anticipation of getting my PS4 in a few weeks.
Ok guys, your missing my main point. It's all about install base. If PS4 has the largest install base it will help draw people to it (it's like gravity). This is what the Xbox 360 had being a year earlier and much cheaper. The PS4 this time around has a marginal price difference and a lot of bad press with Microsoft that helped. This will eventually close over the years like it did last gen. At the initial launch, games should maintain a larger online community on the PS4.

The only exception to this last gen was fighting games. PS3 was the place for the fighting game community.

You really think come next Xmas when the real numbers count will happen that people will remember what used to be in the system when it was first amount. The big money will be made on these things next Xmas when they can be found in stores and more next gen only games are out for them. Majority of gamers are not rushing out to buy a next gen system to play their call of booty on when it's the same gnaw for system they already have. This day and age it's all about what people fronds have or getting and right now when it comes to ads ms is kicking behind In that right now.
Seems like this is actually the point of the argument that Konfusion was originally making -- that there may actually be fewer Xbox One early adopters because of MS's initial policies, and as a result, fewer friends who have the system to spread the word about how great it is.

However, if recent rumors that there are "just as many" preorders for XB1 as there are fore PS4 are true, then Microsoft probably has little to worry about.

Seems like this is actually the point of the argument that Konfusion was originally making -- that there may actually be fewer Xbox One early adopters because of MS's initial policies, and as a result, fewer friends who have the system to spread the word about how great it is.

However, if recent rumors that there are "just as many" preorders for XB1 as there are fore PS4 are true, then Microsoft probably has little to worry about.
From the start, PS4 will sell more. Cheaper systems usually sell the most at launch.

Seems like this is actually the point of the argument that Konfusion was originally making -- that there may actually be fewer Xbox One early adopters because of MS's initial policies, and as a result, fewer friends who have the system to spread the word about how great it is.

However, if recent rumors that there are "just as many" preorders for XB1 as there are fore PS4 are true, then Microsoft probably has little to worry about.
Right. People buy what their friends have because they want to play with them online. Like I said, I don't know a single person getting an Xbox One outside of people on this site, so even though I think it has lots of potential, I won't be getting one right away. Most people aren't fanboys and they will base their decision on price and what their friends have. MS turned off a lot of people with their initial policies and even after they reversed those policies, people have a hard time forgiving and forgetting after they railed against MS so hard when the systems were first announced.

Guys, stop making posts on your opinions and/or your own personal lifestyles and stating it is fact.

Do some research, gather some data and put together a coherent comment.

In the latest pre-order data the PlayStation 4 has gained 125,000 pre-orders for a total of 725,000 in the US. The Xbox One has managed to gain ground on the PlayStation 4 as it gained 175,000 pre-orders during the same time frame. The Xbox One currently sits at 525,000 pre-orders.
Marketing will be ramping up until the end of the year. The real metrics is not going to be preorders but End of Year Sales for both products (Holiday 2013). Let's see how they both do this season and then we can come back and say one is better than the other in terms of Sales. Right now its still anyones game.

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Right. People buy what their friends have because they want to play with them online. Like I said, I don't know a single person getting an Xbox One outside of people on this site, so even though I think it has lots of potential, I won't be getting one right away. Most people aren't fanboys and they will base their decision on price and what their friends have. MS turned off a lot of people with their initial policies and even after they reversed those policies, people have a hard time forgiving and forgetting after they railed against MS so hard when the systems were first announced.
Basically, this gen (about to be last gen) in reverse.

Guys, stop making posts on your opinions and/or your own personal lifestyles and stating it is fact.

Do some research, gather some data and put together a coherent comment.

Marketing will be ramping up until the end of the year. The real metrics is not going to be preorders but End of Year Sales for both products (Holiday 2013). Let's see how they both do this season and then we can come back and say one is better than the other in terms of Sales. Right now its still anyones game.
LOL. VGChartz. 'Nuff said.

Including yourself? It's hard to decipher your posts, but it sure sounds like you're the one talking about how Xmas 2014 will impact sales.
how would you not think next xmas is the first real test for each system? by then enough decent games should be out for the systems and should be on store shelves more hen it will be this xmas. in all honest by then i will have both system so could cares less about sale numbers i just care about games but for some people to say what they are saying over pre orders is nonsense.

i will say it will be interesting come early dec to see how many pre orders never became a full purchase for both systems. it might sound silly but i think watch dogs delayed will hurt both systems and drive club might hurt ps4.

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This time around, Microsoft screwed up big time at E3 by revealing a higher price point than PS4 along with policies that people didn't like including forcing Kinect, always online, used game policy. People were pretty upset about it and even though Microsoft eventually changed their stance on these things, it still rubbed people the wrong way. On the other hand, Sony had a much better showing at E3, other than when they slipped in the fact that playing online would no longer be free, but I think most people didn't hear that bit and found out later. Everyone I know who is getting a next gen console at launch is getting a PS4. A lot of people just get what their friends have, so the early adopters will influence purchases next year and years to come.
Couldn't agree more! 360 is my favorite platform this gen (I like the PS3 a lot too though), but the XBox One reveal was abysmal, and completely turned me off to the system. Even though MS reversed themselves (after some arrogant statements by Mattrick and others), I still couldn't shake what they tried to pull off. And on top of that, they're forcing Kinect in every bundle (and making you pay for it), and I really don't care for Kinect at all (never bought one, never will). So its PS4 only for this coming gen, at least for now.

Couldn't agree more! 360 is my favorite platform this gen (I like the PS3 a lot too though), but the XBox One reveal was abysmal, and completely turned me off to the system. Even though MS reversed themselves (after some arrogant statements by Mattrick and others), I still couldn't shake what they tried to pull off. And on top of that, they're forcing Kinect in every bundle (and making you pay for it), and I really don't care for Kinect at all (never bought one, never will). So its PS4 only for this coming gen, at least for now.
simple question if sony decided to leave in the ps move like they planned at first till they changed it at last sec after seeing backlash ms got in may would you just keep gaming on current gen? ps4 would have been 499.99.

simple question if sony decided to leave in the ps move like they planned at first till they changed it at last sec after seeing backlash ms got in may would you just keep gaming on current gen? ps4 would have been 499.99.
LOL dude you like to spread some bullshit ass rumors. Xbone is not equal to PS4 live with it stop defending it.

Agreed the xbox one is not equal to the ps4. It takes a huge fucking dump on the ps4. Have owned every console since the NES so not a basher except for Nintendo of late. My honest problem with the ps2 n ps3 are the dinky sized controllers.
So, anybody have a good launch game suggestion?  I had Watch Dogs preordered but with the delay that seems a waste, and Drive Club was rumored to be delayed as well.  I like BF4 but I dont know if thats worth getting the system for now.

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Agreed the xbox one is not equal to the ps4. It takes a huge fucking dump on the ps4. Have owned every console since the NES so not a basher except for Nintendo of late. My honest problem with the ps2 n ps3 are the dinky sized controllers.
i like the ps4 controller had hands on with it at e3 and i think it's way better then ps3 and i kind of like it better then x1 controller which with out battery pack feels worse then 360.

im not defending anything sony fanboy it came out on ign copule weeks ago that sony at first was going to pack in ps eye but later on before e3 decided to change their mind.
Since when is IGN a reputable source? and thats funny that you call me a sony fanboy when 360 owns ps3 lol. I just see the specs and what devs are saying about the PS4 and its obvious to me and alot of other people who are jumping ship that PS4 is the better console going forward.

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im not defending anything sony fanboy it came out on ign copule weeks ago that sony at first was going to pack in ps eye but later on before e3 decided to change their mind.
Even if they did pack it in, its 60 bucks stand alone, so where does 499.99 come from?

grrr I fell for it, im argueing with timboslice...

Since when is IGN a reputable source? and thats funny that you call me a sony fanboy when 360 owns ps3 lol. I just see the specs and what devs are saying about the PS4 and its obvious to me and alot of other people who are jumping ship that PS4 is the better console going forward.
you do know ps3 was more powerfull then 360 right? people adopt the 360 because of price and the over all better online service in xbox live. it takes more then power to make a system great the quality of psn will be one deciding thing for alot of people. for me ps3 was single player system and 360 was mp system seeing it has better online service.

Even if they did pack it in, its 60 bucks stand alone, so where does 499.99 come from?

grrr I fell for it, im argueing with timboslice...
you really think sony would sell a system for 459.99?

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you do know ps3 was more powerfull then 360 right? people adopt the 360 because of price and the over all better online service in xbox live. it takes more then power to make a system great the quality of psn will be one deciding thing for alot of people. for me ps3 was single player system and 360 was mp system seeing it has better online service.

you really think sony would sell a system for 459.99?
enjoy your over priced $100 camera from Xbox And Xbox live is only better because of "party chat". You get a way better deal and value from PS+ All the free good games they put out not like the bullshit xbox gives out like halo 3 LOL. Trust me even if PS4 was $499 people who know about the consoles would still choose it because of the power it has.
Did my preorder for the PS4 at BB VIP Night, does that ensure me on getting my console on launch day? I asked the BB rep today and after 10 minutes of making no sense I just said "Thank you" and left. So before I go back in there, does anyone know? Is it first come first serve and if I miss the first shipment then I will have to wait until the next or am I guaranteed to get one on launch day?
simple question if sony decided to leave in the ps move like they planned at first till they changed it at last sec after seeing backlash ms got in may would you just keep gaming on current gen? ps4 would have been 499.99.
Simple answer is I'd still be getting a PS4, unless Sony jammed all kinds if silly motion-control gimmicks into the operating system, like MS has with the Xbone. From what I've read the PS4 is the more powerful system of the two, and I really just don't care about all the Kinect gimmicks tied to the Bone.
i like the ps4 controller had hands on with it at e3 and i think it's way better then ps3 and i kind of like it better then x1 controller which with out battery pack feels worse then 360.
I really want to try out the ps4 controller. The 360 controller is pretty close to perfect which is why I played most games on there.
enjoy your over priced $100 camera from Xbox And Xbox live is only better because of "party chat". You get a way better deal and value from PS+ All the free good games they put out not like the bullshit xbox gives out like halo 3 LOL. Trust me even if PS4 was $499 people who know about the consoles would still choose it because of the power it has.
ifor one enjoy my kinect iuse it mostly for non gaming things. With that said im geting both so can enjoy both worlds. i agree ps + is a better deal but they love to give older games pepole already have. xbox livefor alot of people including me has better servers when it comes to downloading things i can do much faster on 360 then ps3. again if your last thing was true why was ps3 not doing well until it was like 300 bucks.

I really want to try out the ps4 controller. The 360 controller is pretty close to perfect which is why I played most games on there.
Can't wait to get my hands on the DS4 as well, my BB says they will put up the demo units soon. Also, here's someone who got all of his mutiplats on the 360 because of the controller but will be switching that around after he tried both next gen controllers. Now, I know everyone will have different opinions but there has been a ton of good feedback regarding the DS4, seems like it will be a substantial upgrade over the DS3.

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Ordered the Knack Bundle in case my Killzone Bundle, from BJ's falls through. Zero interest in Knack but I imagine I could get $40-$50 bucks in TIV or Ebay at launch.

I think for Sony is really comes down to how PSN/online gaming works to how well this system will do.

Personally, I plan to drop my PS4 preorder and buy in the future if it gets praise.
That's the same conclusion I'm coming to. I was excited for Driveclub(besides multiplats), but now that it's another few months away at the least, I really don't want to buy a $400 thing that I "might" enjoy for the first 6 months. I'm still going to hold out for the week prior to launch to cancel.

ifor one enjoy my kinect iuse it mostly for non gaming things. With that said im geting both so can enjoy both worlds. i agree ps + is a better deal but they love to give older games pepole already have. xbox livefor alot of people including me has better servers when it comes to downloading things i can do much faster on 360 then ps3. again if your last thing was true why was ps3 not doing well until it was like 300 bucks.
A lot of games PSN gives out arent even a year old. Live is giving games away that are 4+ years old.
That's the same conclusion I'm coming to. I was excited for Driveclub(besides multiplats), but now that it's another few months away at the least, I really don't want to buy a $400 thing that I "might" enjoy for the first 6 months. I'm still going to hold out for the week prior to launch to cancel.
That's right! PS4 has no games, the only hope it has is Second Son which comes out next year and will probably get delayed till like 2016. Cancel cancel cancel. Everyone needs to cancel.

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A lot of games PSN gives out arent even a year old. Live is giving games away that are 4+ years old.
Why are people even using the live free games even remotely in comparison? Games for gold is a limited time promo that only lasts until the end of the year. It's not part of the service, it's a limited time promotion.

PS+ 'free games', as it stands, is tied to the service as a perk. A lot of the free games are less than a year or two old and not always ones people immediately played.

Comparing the two is like comparing apples to genetically engineered spiders.

Why are people even using the live free games even remotely in comparison? Games for gold is a limited time promo that only lasts until the end of the year. It's not part of the service, it's a limited time promotion.

PS+ 'free games', as it stands, is tied to the service as a perk. A lot of the free games are less than a year or two old and not always ones people immediately played.

Comparing the two is like comparing apples to genetically engineered spiders.
i wasnot even comparing the things lol i said ps plus is greta value and yes xbox live games suck

bread's done