PlayStation 4 Pre-Order Thread *GREATNESS OUT NOW!*

Looks like it, GAF is going nuts. But holy shit if the Xbox One can't run Ghosts of all games at 1080p then thats not a good sign of things to come. :lol:
who is coming out with this? lol the engine for cod is so low tech the req specs for pc to run game at 1080 p is less then the xbox one power so if it's in a article it's non sense. plus iw said back at e3 pc,ps4,x1 will run ghost at full 1080p.

who is coming out with this? lol the engine for cod is so low tech the req specs for pc to run game at 1080 p is less then the xbox one power so if it's in a article it's non sense. plus iw said back at e3 pc,ps4,x1 will run ghost at full 1080p.
IDK, there's some credible sources over at GAF that are saying this is true, we'll have to wait for official confirmation of course.

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IDK, there's some credible sources over at GAF that are saying this is true, we'll have to wait for official confirmation of course.
some true rumors have come from that site and some way off rumors have iw said way back at e3 that ps4/x1 would both be at 1080p but thanks to this new engine the best version of game will be on pc. if 360 can handle cod at 60 fps at up converted to 1080p why people would think x1 could not handle it in 60 fps at true 1080 p is just non sense.

plus that perso that first started the rumor says the ps4 version looks like junk so not sure how he is realiable source

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Incase anyone was wondering. 

Allocation list is in. We (GameStop) got whatever was pre-ordered. No extras as of right now.

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IDK, there's some credible sources over at GAF that are saying this is true, we'll have to wait for official confirmation of course.
Well there was rumors that the PS4 was way more powerful than X1, I mean according to the tests, PS4 can run a game at native 1080p while Xbox One could barely handle 1680x1050 or something similar to that. Even with upscaling, this is pretty huge if it's true. I can't say for sure yet, X1 and PS4 are not out yet, but from all the rumors I am hearing, it might be.

Well there was rumors that the PS4 was way more powerful than X1, I mean according to the tests, PS4 can run a game at native 1080p while Xbox One could barely handle 1680x1050 or something similar to that. Even with upscaling, this is pretty huge if it's true. I can't say for sure yet, X1 and PS4 are not out yet, but from all the rumors I am hearing, it might be.
everyone knows x1 is less power then ps4 but to think call of duty can't run in 1080p in 60 fps when 360 runs it at 60 fps at 720 but up convert to 1080 p is just non sense. that forum is just full of x1 haters and the person that gave that rumor has said nothing sense lol seems like a dude trying to get website hits.

some true rumors have come from that site and some way off rumors have iw said way back at e3 that ps4/x1 would both be at 1080p but thanks to this new engine the best version of game will be on pc. if 360 can handle cod at 60 fps at up converted to 1080p why people would think x1 could not handle it in 60 fps at true 1080 p is just non sense.

plus that perso that first started the rumor says the ps4 version looks like junk so not sure how he is realiable source
For someone who claims they're not and always points out they're getting both systems so they can't be a Xbox fanboy, you're always awfully quick to discredit any positive sony information that comes out.

If this rumor is true its a huge win for Sony. Hopefully it's an exaggeration. I mean, the ps4 is meant to be my main next gen system, but it'd be a total bummer to spend so much on a day one Xbox One to have it not even pull a current gen title in 1080p.
everyone knows x1 is less power then ps4 but to think call of duty can't run in 1080p in 60 fps when 360 runs it at 60 fps at 720 but up convert to 1080 p is just non sense. that forum is just full of x1 haters and the person that gave that rumor has said nothing sense lol seems like a dude trying to get website hits.
Actually that is only if they made minor graphical upgrades. If they actually made a version that takes advantage of the new hardware in every way (with higher textures, more shadows, more everything), it's still plausible. I mean lets take a game like Doom 3 for example. Doom 3 runs on machines from like 2004. Doom 3 BFG edition which is an enhanced port with a enhanced graphics requires much more demanding hardware.

If the developers did their job, then it is highly plausable that this could be true considering they probably made one version for next gen, adapted it for both consoles and had to lower the res to make it work. Then again both will be lower res probably than a PC that costs over $1000 so...

I have an Amazon preorder, but it is shaky at best. The only reason I will keep it is if I can't get one elsewhere. Either way, I am getting a ps4 at launch. I missed out on the last generation, but I won't this time around. No sir!

I have an Amazon preorder, but it is shaky at best. The only reason I will keep it is if I can't get one elsewhere. Either way, I am getting a ps4 at launch. I missed out on the last generation, but I won't this time around. No sir!
What games do you want the most? I want one at the beginning too, but besides games available on other consoles, no exclusives are tickling my fancy.
What games do you want the most? I want one at the beginning too, but besides games available on other consoles, no exclusives are tickling my fancy.
I want Battlefield for the online experience, and madden and watch dogs. Killzone looks good, but it's not a must have.

There are really no exclusives that interest me that I would solely purchase a system for them.
Right now you can get Killzone Shadowfall on the PSN store and get $10 credit back. Do you guys think there's any chance there will be a better deal at retail for Black Friday?

This my 2nd time posting this, so sorry if that annoys anyone, just curious to what people think.

Right now you can get Killzone Shadowfall on the PSN store and get $10 credit back. Do you guys think there's any chance there will be a better deal at retail for Black Friday?

This my 2nd time posting this, so sorry if that annoys anyone, just curious to what people think.
I think the resale value on a retail copy is worth more than the $10 savings of buying digitally.
[quote name="Gamer4life88" post="11155240" timestamp="1382503960"]

Damn, its crazy how bad MS done fucked up. Third console curse indeed. :rofl:[/quote.

You trust a guy that can't even type English? Also have you seen the recent ign video that is so called ps4 footage game even looks like garbage on ps4. If people judge a system on cod well they have issues. Another thing a dude is judge a dame like Titan fall saying its running at 720 by just a trailer really. That site keep being linked is a well knowing son fanboy hang out
I actually like how the OP lays out the rumor trail. It's clear and well thought out. He even points out it's just a rumor and to be fair he even says the PS4 version sucks too. I actually don't mind checking out GAF every now and then. Hell, I'd probably be on there more if it weren't for so many deals that pop up on this site.

I think most hardcore gamers on these boards know that the cross-gen launch games are going to be mediocre. Unless you have a PC, I don't see why anybody would get all excited about Ghosts.
I actually like how the OP lays out the rumor trail. It's clear and well thought out. He even points out it's just a rumor and to be fair he even says the PS4 version sucks too. I actually don't mind checking out GAF every now and then. Hell, I'd probably be on there more if it weren't for so many deals that pop up on this site.

I think most hardcore gamers on these boards know that the cross-gen launch games are going to be mediocre. Unless you have a PC, I don't see why anybody would get all excited about Ghosts.
Don't believe everything you hear from neogaf there's a lot of people on there who talk out there ass. I've used neogaf to do a lot of trades with games. Lots of people are scammers on that site.

That being said people think SD is bad, you haven't seen nothing compared to the trolls on that site.
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If you change the payment method on an order on amazon it won't affect your spot on the queue will it?
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Again, I know they're just rumors but the response from Albert Penello kinda has me leaning toward this being true, and I'm guessing its the reason why Activision is showing off the PS4 version on IGN. Which looks horrible by the way, can't even imagine what it looks like on running on the Xbox One at this point. It will be interesting to see how things shake out with this and other multiplats and if its true that the Xbox One will have trouble hitting 1080p.


I pre-ordered Knack, will keep it if the reviews are good.

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720P for Titanfall and COD on XB1 is a bit disappointing. I hiope the rumor about 1080p on PS4 is true.
What rumor about 1080p? That PS4 can run in 1080p in general? Or that Titanfall will run on PS4 at 1080p, cuz I didn't know Titanfall was coming out for the PS4...

Activision is showing off the PS4 version on IGN. Which looks horrible by the way, can't even imagine what it looks like on running on the Xbox One at this point.
So I'm not the only one super unimpressed by that footage? :lol: I mean, Assassin's Creed IV on PS4 looks like a current-gen game, but with better textures and much nicer lighting. I think that's pretty much expected for a cross-generation launch title. But Ghosts pretty much just looks like a current-gen game. They could have labeled that as Xbox 360 footage and I'd have believed it.

when i first seen game play footage of ghost i lol at their face saying it was next gen engine. the game looks like cod has looked since mw2 with just special lighting added for next gen systems and pc. With that said just puzzles me how xbox one and even ps4 could look so bad that i would blame on the garbage cod engine over the power of either system.

when i first seen game play footage of ghost i lol at their face saying it was next gen engine. the game looks like cod has looked since mw2 with just special lighting added for next gen systems and pc. With that said just puzzles me how xbox one and even ps4 could look so bad that i would blame on the garbage cod engine over the power of either system.
Yeah. Engine has to be part of the equation. But developers have been hinting for awhile that one of the consoles has an appreciable performance lead. It'll be interesting to see if XBone ends up setting a ceiling on crossplatform games or if games like Ghosts are engineered with obvious platform differences.
when i first seen game play footage of ghost i lol at their face saying it was next gen engine. the game looks like cod has looked since mw2 with just special lighting added for next gen systems and pc. With that said just puzzles me how xbox one and even ps4 could look so bad that i would blame on the garbage cod engine over the power of either system.
Which makes it that much more puzzling that such a dated engine could struggle so hard to render smoothly at 1080p. But there could be any number of reasons contributing to this, such as lousy drivers or issues with the Xbox One OS. If the 720p rumors are true -- and recent evidence has been mounting that they are -- it does suggest that Microsoft has some issues to work out with the XB1.

However I don't think it's valid to say, as some are, that the XB1 will suffer terrible performance throughout its entire lifespan. I think Microsoft was put behind the 8 ball on this launch and their tools, drivers and possibly OS aren't as far along as they hoped they'd be by now. Hopefully a lot of this can be worked out over time, even if some early games suffer for it.

It likely is valid to say, though, that the PS4 has the performance (and ease of development, from what I hear) advantage out of the gate. I'm getting both consoles and have only pre-ordered platform exclusive games so far, but it's looking like my multiplat purchases will be for PS4 -- a switch from last gen for me.

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Yeah. Engine has to be part of the equation. But developers have been hinting for awhile that one of the consoles has an appreciable performance lead. It'll be interesting to see if XBone ends up setting a ceiling on crossplatform games or if games like Ghosts are engineered with obvious platform differences.
i really feel it might be like this past gen at least until 360 and ps3 is out of it's life. Alot of this 3rd party games will not look the greatest thanks to these companys trying to make a game then can be play on 360/ps3 and pc/ps4/x1. it's more easy to up convert games then it is to down convert them.

Don't believe everything you hear from neogaf there's a lot of people on there who talk out there ass. I've used neogaf to do a lot of trades with games. Lots of people are scammers on that site.

That being said people think SD is bad, you haven't seen nothing compared to the trolls on that site.
Agreed. I would feel safer trading here than there. They have some reliable sources through their mods though but I don't take every discussion there as truth.
i don't see no mention of forza 5 running at full legit 1080 p on xbox one which for sure is a better judge o system then a 5 year old cod engine in that forum.

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i don't see no mention of forza 5 running at full legit 1080 p on xbox one which for sure is a better judge o system then a 5 year old cod engine in that forum.
The thing is with hardware, hitting 1080p doesn't mean much. It's more of how the game is built graphics wise. For example you could build a game that runs on 1080p with really bad textures, lighting, etc and it will run in 1080p 60 fps on anything, but if you build some really detailed, advanced, graphical experience then it is all possibility that the game wont run in 1080p because it's so demanding.

Basically Forza 5 runs on 60 fps 1080p because the game was made for the hardware and it's limitations. I can see multiplatform games having this problem of not being able to handle X1 perfectly especially in the next few years just because the hardware is much better on PS4. The PS4 and X1 are both comparable development wise, it's now the PS4 has better hardware so it in theory it can handle more.

Anyway on topic to the thread. Is Lego Marvel a confirmed PS4 launch date?

Has anyone been charged for their Sams Club orders (from the recent order opening) or the recent Gamestop Xbox One Bundle order opening?

I got in on both of those and still have not been charged for either. I would have figured both of these companies would charge when the order went through, but I could be wrong.

I hope like hell this doesn't effect Watchdogs, and Destiny. I so hope they are 1080 on both if not I will disappointed.
Was looking at pre ordering battlefield 4 on the psn store today and saw the verbage of the license and I'm beginning to think we wont be able to game share with a friend

For ps4 battlefield it says:

One-time license fee for play on purchasing account’s designated, primary PS4™ system and other PS4 systems when signed in with purchasing account.

For ps3 battlefield it says:

Purchase or use of this item is subject to the PlayStation®Network Terms of Service and User Agreement and this item's use restrictions. This item has been sublicensed to you by Sony Computer Entertainment America. One-time license fee for downloads to up to 2 console systems that are associated with the purchasing account.

I know no one knokws for sure if we will be able to until we get the consoles.

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bread's done