PlayStation 4 Pre-Order Thread *GREATNESS OUT NOW!*

Though I am very limited in my knowledge of the American legislation system, I guess this is a law issue rather than an Amazon decision.
I'm sure it is. File it under "dumb ass laws" 'cause it makes no sense. If anything, there should be a law preventing this very situation.

P.S. I hope Amazon never starts operating in my state. lol...

So they are adding MP3. What about DNLA or whatever it is? What about iTunes format (forget what it is. AAC?) And of less importance, probably, Audio CDs.

We've all gotten away with no-tax purchases for many years, I'm in VA also and expect taxes for future purchases. Though strangely, my PS4 preorder (going on Amazon credit) shows no tax at all on the order details. If I get taxed, that's fine; had to happen sooner or later.
Mine wasn't showing it either nor was my DS4 so it will get added.

I wasn't being a jerk with them or anything. I know in this case it's not their fault but I converted $400 of GameStop credit for Amazon when I could have not been charged any tax at GS by using all credit to pay it off there. I wasn't going to cancel my preorder over it or anything but it was nice to have them understand.
One of the reasons that many states are able to add new sales taxes is the attitude that we are getting away with something and that it was inevitable that amazon purchases will be taxed.  Don't get me wrong, I agree that it feels like we are getting used to the idea that everything will be taxed.  In Maryland, there is a "rain" tax-no kidding!  The government doesn't have the "right" to collect taxes on everything we buy or money we make.  For those of us in America, we fought a war of independence to get out from under oppressive taxation among other things.  Get involved, call your senator and representatives and remind them that they represent you and you choose no more taxes.  

One of the reasons that many states are able to add new sales taxes is the attitude that we are getting away with something and that it was inevitable that amazon purchases will be taxed. Don't get me wrong, I agree that it feels like we are getting used to the idea that everything will be taxed. In Maryland, there is a "rain" tax-no kidding! The government doesn't have the "right" to collect taxes on everything we buy or money we make. For those of us in America, we fought a war of independence to get out from under oppressive taxation among other things. Get involved, call your senator and representatives and remind them that they represent you and you choose no more taxes.
Love the enthusiasm, but you forget some important factors for a tax revolt.

Over half of americans dont pay ANY federal income tax. 2/3 of federal spending is transfer payments (ie taking a lot of your paycheck and giving it to the lazy ass person who wont work and is on welfair and foodstamps with 5 kids). Until that gets corrected (IE never), the producers (you and me) will continue to make it so lazy people can not have to work and live for free basically with their free govt house, foodstamps, welfair, medicare, medicaid, etc.

Murica - Where we pay people to not work.

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Love the enthusiasm, but you forget some important factors for a tax revolt.

Over half of americans dont pay ANY federal income tax. 2/3 of federal spending is transfer payments (ie taking a lot of your paycheck and giving it to the lazy ass person who wont work and is on welfair and foodstamps with 5 kids). Until that gets corrected (IE never), the producers (you and me) will continue to make it so lazy people can not have to work and live for free basically with their free govt house, foodstamps, welfair, medicare, medicaid, etc.

Murica - Where we pay people to not work.
Excellent summation. Unfortunately, entire segments of the American population have bought into the victim mentality promoted so readily by politicians and the education system.

Love the enthusiasm, but you forget some important factors for a tax revolt.

Over half of americans dont pay ANY federal income tax. 2/3 of federal spending is transfer payments (ie taking a lot of your paycheck and giving it to the lazy ass person who wont work and is on welfair and foodstamps with 5 kids). Until that gets corrected (IE never), the producers (you and me) will continue to make it so lazy people can not have to work and live for free basically with their free govt house, foodstamps, welfair, medicare, medicaid, etc.

Murica - Where we pay people to not work.
Dumbest thing I have ever heard. You had no fear of the welfare queen until several years ago, when the media told you to have this fear. It was right around the time we were bailing out wall street for more money than we have spent in all our wars combined. 95 percent of new income has gone to the top 1%, and they are able to continue this trend because they own the media outlets who control your thought process.

Big business uses food stamps to supplement slave wages rather than cut into their profits. Also, 1 out of 4 of the most profitable companies here pay no taxes, none. Stop judging the poor, because when enemies come knocking, it will be them alone who let you sleep safe at night. A smaller percentage of people serve in the military than who pay taxes, including myself in the Marines. However, I don't go around calling you a moocher of freedom because you are scared of deploying. I just do my job and try to have empathy, why don't you give that a shot?

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Dumbest thing I have ever heard. You had no fear of the welfare queen until several years ago, when the media told you to have this fear. It was right around the time we were bailing out wall street for more money than we have spent in all our wars combined. 95 percent of new income has gone to the top 1%, and they are able to continue this trend because they own the media outlets who control your thought process.

Big business uses food stamps to supplement slave wages rather than cut into their profits. Also, 1 out of 4 of the most profitable companies here pay no taxes, none. Stop judging the poor, because when enemies come knocking, it will be them alone who let you sleep safe at night. A smaller percentage of people serve in the military than who pay taxes, including myself in the Marines. However, I don't go around calling you a moocher of freedom because you are scared of deploying. I just do my job and try to have empathy, why don't you give that a shot?
could not have said it better sir.
Let's stick to deals please.  If I want to hear about tax and economic policies, I'd go to the Economist or wherever PhD economists are.  Pretty sure 99.9% of you are not PhD economists.

Well, Amazon started charging tax today in Connecticut (and Mass), but it looks like my PS4 preorder is safe for now. Order page doesn't show that I'll be paying tax on it.

Edit: I guess this is the relevant discussion now anyways.

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Dumbest thing I have ever heard. You had no fear of the welfare queen until several years ago, when the media told you to have this fear. It was right around the time we were bailing out wall street for more money than we have spent in all our wars combined. 95 percent of new income has gone to the top 1%, and they are able to continue this trend because they own the media outlets who control your thought process.

Big business uses food stamps to supplement slave wages rather than cut into their profits. Also, 1 out of 4 of the most profitable companies here pay no taxes, none. Stop judging the poor, because when enemies come knocking, it will be them alone who let you sleep safe at night. A smaller percentage of people serve in the military than who pay taxes, including myself in the Marines. However, I don't go around calling you a moocher of freedom because you are scared of deploying. I just do my job and try to have empathy, why don't you give that a shot?
Your service and that response deserves this:


Now back to everyone helping others find and figure out preorders....coz dammit, I still need one! I have lots of children in my school's video game club counting on me!

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I talked with a gamestop employee about how many "extra" ps4s they would be receiving . She said they expect 30% in addition to there preorders . She said to come in on the 14th at 6pm because that's when they will start having ppl pay off there preorders and you can pay off one of there unclaimed ps4s . Ymmv but she seemed very sure .
Well, Amazon started charging tax today in Connecticut (and Mass), but it looks like my PS4 preorder is safe for now. Order page doesn't show that I'll be paying tax on it.

Edit: I guess this is the relevant discussion now anyways.
You will pay for it once it ships. Trust.

So what are any of you hearing about Best Buy Preorder Pickups?  I preordered in store the first day they were available, my store is having a Midnight Launch, and I dont want to wait in line (thus, I preordered) but I want to pick it up at Midnight.

Best Buy Unboxed has most Best Buy Moderators saying that Preorders will be handled first, in the order they were received, and held for X amount of days until you pick it up.

Anyone else hearing differently at YOUR stores? I hear a lot of rumors about still having to wait in line, with those that dont have preorders, and stuff like that. ITs 2 weeks till launch, I would think Best Buy would release some official statement. 

This probably won't apply to anyone else here, but just in case I wanted to share.

If you live in Virginia and preordered a PS4 when they were first available, you would have been given the impression you wouldn't be paying any tax because VA never had to pay tax on Amazon.

Until September 1st.

I noticed my DS4 was an odd price when it shipped and while I knew the tax was kicking in on September 1st, I was under the impression that, despite the fact that Amazon doesn't charge until it ships, if you had something preordered and "paid off" (I used Kindle cards) they wouldn't add it later.

Well I called Amazon customer service and they confirmed that they would be charging whatever the tax rate was in VA since they don't officially process the payments until it ships even if it's with credit. The guy said I was the first one he knew of to bring up this concern and had to get with his supervisor. He was really cool and had to play around on his calculator to find the exact price to lower it to so that the post-tax amount was $399.96.

Again, I know I'm in the minority with these circumstances but $20 is $20 and that was the sole reason I went with Amazon.
i live in VA as well...had the same exact issue, they gave me the runaround and pretty much told me to deal with it, i might try again
Dumbest thing I have ever heard. You had no fear of the welfare queen until several years ago, when the media told you to have this fear. It was right around the time we were bailing out wall street for more money than we have spent in all our wars combined. 95 percent of new income has gone to the top 1%, and they are able to continue this trend because they own the media outlets who control your thought process.

Big business uses food stamps to supplement slave wages rather than cut into their profits. Also, 1 out of 4 of the most profitable companies here pay no taxes, none. Stop judging the poor, because when enemies come knocking, it will be them alone who let you sleep safe at night. A smaller percentage of people serve in the military than who pay taxes, including myself in the Marines. However, I don't go around calling you a moocher of freedom because you are scared of deploying. I just do my job and try to have empathy, why don't you give that a shot?
I don't believe he was judging the poor. I believe he was judging the lazy. Big difference. Just saying...

And do you honestly think you have control of your own thought process? *knee slapper*

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i live in VA as well...had the same exact issue, they gave me the runaround and pretty much told me to deal with it, i might try again
Same problem here. Would I be able to avoid the VA tax by shipping to my office in DC? Or would Amazon use my "primary" address as a home address and collect VA tax regardless?
Same problem here. Would I be able to avoid the VA tax by shipping to my office in DC? Or would Amazon use my "primary" address as a home address and collect VA tax regardless?
Tax is based on shipping address, not your "primary" address on file. So if you can have it shipped somewhere else with no or lower taxes, then you're better off doing that.

I don't believe he was judging the poor. I believe he was judging the lazy. Big difference. Just saying...

And do you honestly think you have control of your own thought process? *knee slapper*
Yeah the "lazy" who take food stamps like most of the working poor, some with 2 jobs, what lazy bums they are.

How do you feel about mega corporations not paying their employees a living wage and in turn encouraging them to get on public assistance? Ya know the public assistance that all us "producers" pay for.

Thank you for posting up this deal. Looks like Facebook also has more deals when you use your Amex is which is Awesome!!! :whee:
Yeah, you really missed out last year, they did this same deal, but also did a deal where they gave $75 for getting a couple of achievements in Halo 4.

I saw this earlier. We cant change our BestBuy payment method without losing out place, correct?
I didn't see a way to change the payment method, so you'll likely have to return/rebuy, that's what I'm going to do.

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Yeah, you really missed out last year, they did this same deal, but also did a deal where they gave $75 for getting a couple of achievements in Halo 4.

I didn't see a way to change the payment method, so you'll likely have to return/rebuy, that's what I'm going to do.
Yeah hopefully the return CSR knows what they are doing.
Yeah, you really missed out last year, they did this same deal, but also did a deal where they gave $75 for getting a couple of achievements in Halo 4.
That was one of the best deals ever!!!! Didn't we also get $50 back for spending $100 at BB using our amex? That was my seed money for trading games. Lol.

That was one of the best deals ever!!!! Didn't we also get $50 back for spending $100 at BB using our amex? That was my seed money for trading games. Lol.
Yeah it was crazy, I can't remember all the credits, but I bought my 3DS XL and 3 games for like $90 out of pocket.

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Question... pre-ordered the Killzone bundle from Gamestop with overnight shipping and they shipped the copy of Killzone 2 days ago. They charged me the $15.00 shipping charge on the game, making it about $80 bucks. They aren't going to charge me the $15 AGAIN when they ship the PS4, are they? I was under the assumption they'd just ship the game in the same box as the system.

Question... pre-ordered the Killzone bundle from Gamestop with overnight shipping and they shipped the copy of Killzone 2 days ago. They charged me the $15.00 shipping charge on the game, making it about $80 bucks. They aren't going to charge me the $15 AGAIN when they ship the PS4, are they? I was under the assumption they'd just ship the game in the same box as the system.
I don't know man, sounds like they gonna do you twice with that. Hope they don't.

It's BS to charge tax on any orders period unless Amazon is operating their warehouse in the same state the item is being shipped to.
Virginia and New Jersey both have Amazon warehouses that recently opened or will soon open. Nothing shady involved, just the government making them charge sales tax when they operate in a given state.
Yeah the "lazy" who take food stamps like most of the working poor, some with 2 jobs, what lazy bums they are.

How do you feel about mega corporations not paying their employees a living wage and in turn encouraging them to get on public assistance? Ya know the public assistance that all us "producers" pay for.
working poor is a term you will never be able to teach some ppl
bread's done