PlayStation 4 Pre-Order Thread *GREATNESS OUT NOW!*

i was hoping the big thing tonight wouldhave been what naughty dog is working on but my guess isthey wait till spike gaming awards to announce that seein that's when they announced uc3 and last of us.

AWW s***!

My PS4 just left a warehouse a few hours away from me. Would be interesting if I got it today...
Probs not, It has to be to UPS by like 5 int he AM to make the trucks... you'll get it tomorrow... Unless you call UPS and get it from the warehouse, that might be a choice.

my ps4 still doesn't show as shipped (amazon).  but still says scheduled for delivery by tomorrow at 8pm...


i'm within 100 miles of a very large amazon distro center though, so i suspect it will go out today (or even tomorrow).  I often get my 2 day shipped items in 1 day...

Pre-ordered PS4 through Amazon.  I got the "launch edition" so mine shipped out yesterday.  It might be late for most of you now, but you should sign up for My UPS.  Basically, it allowed me to have them hold my PS4 at the nearest to me UPS facility so I can go pick it up tomorrow at 8am.  Instead of waiting for 2p.m, when the truck usually arrives.

I would call your local GS. The should know how many they have by now and the ones around here were planning to give out numbers earlier in the day so that people didn't have to wait all day and could come back and line up around 11PM. Don't know if they'll tell you how many extra they have but they should at least be able to tell you if and when they plan to do it so you can get an idea of if it's worth your time or not.
Thanks, I just got an email from GS about how the process will work so I might stop at the store by work and see what they say. I really don't even care about midnight launches at this point. I'd be fine just picking it up tomorrow, but the ship has probably already sailed on that. I play mostly on 360 and there isn't anything on either console I feel like I have to play at midnight on day 1, but I'm a sucker for new Tech stuff so I'd still like to pick one up.

Alright, just got my Amazon order straightened out so I'll have Lego Marvel and NBA 2K on Tuesday and have Knack, AC4 and Rivals for tomorrow. Five new games for under $90 total ain't too shabby.

My order finally shows "Shipping now". Hope it goes out by the end of the day. I'm in NC, and I think there's a warehouse in TN so hopefully it arrives tomorrow.

My order finally shows "Shipping now". Hope it goes out by the end of the day. I'm in NC, and I think there's a warehouse in TN so hopefully it arrives tomorrow.
I'm not sure where yours will come from, but there are warehouses in TN, KY, and NJ that could all probably get it to you on time if they ship by tonight.

I'm not sure where yours will come from, but there are warehouses in TN, KY, and NJ that could all probably get it to you on time if they ship by tonight.
I've gotten stuff from KY and TN before, never NJ I don't think. I live roughly 1 hour from the TN border though.

well get used to it amazon and usps signed a giant deal. usps now will delevery amazon only packages on sundays and trials start some time this month in bigger cites. Seems like ups soon will not be major shipper of amazon product.
Oh I am used to it. It's been going on for years.

Doesn't mean I have to like it.

I just don't get the camping. They have to have your system is your pre ordered pretty much. And if you missed out and have the urge to camp, you probably shoulda pre ordered in the first place
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Alright, just got my Amazon order straightened out so I'll have Lego Marvel and NBA 2K on Tuesday and have Knack, AC4 and Rivals for tomorrow. Five new games for under $90 total ain't too shabby.
Nice! Overall this launch has been incredible when it came to deals. We had that amazing DS4 trade in promo, Targets B2G1 stacking with the 30% off coupon, and Amazons B2G1. Can't ask for anything better then that. Now if amazon would hurry up and list that blue DS4 my launch would be complete.

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I just don't get the camping. They have to have your system is your pre ordered pretty much. And if you missed you and have to urge to camp, you probably shoulda pre ordered in the first place
camping for products is an experience. worth doing at least once in your life. don't knock it till you tried it.

Nice! Overall this launch has been incredible when it came to deals. We had that amazing DS4 trade in promo, Targets B2G1 stacking with the 30% off coupon, and Amazons B2G1. Can't ask for anything better then that. Now if amazon would hurry up and list that blue DS4 my launch would be complete.
I'm keeping an eye out for the red one.

Are only third parties releasing a vertical stand? I'd like to keep my PS3 and Wii U in the same spot, but my PS3 lays flat (it's a fat PS3), so I was thinking of getting a stand for the PS4. All I'm seeing is those made by third parties.

Are only third parties releasing a vertical stand? I'd like to keep my PS3 and Wii U in the same spot, but my PS3 lays flat (it's a fat PS3), so I was thinking of getting a stand for the PS4. All I'm seeing is those made by third parties.
Seems like it. If it makes you feel better, they're all licensed by sony so there is some sort of quality control there. Besides, what could go wrong with a stand?!?!?
Are only third parties releasing a vertical stand? I'd like to keep my PS3 and Wii U in the same spot, but my PS3 lays flat (it's a fat PS3), so I was thinking of getting a stand for the PS4. All I'm seeing is those made by third parties.
Third parties are all I've seen also. Best Buy has a Rocketfish stand which goes on sale tomorrow (you can order on the website now and pick up in-store), and I'm not sure who makes the stand Gamestop has for sale.

I have the amazon launch day bundle preordered and it is telling me that expected delivery is november 19th. wtf?
Do you have prime or free shipping? If it's free shipping then you wont get it launch day as Amazon is shipping out it's consoles today/yesterday. If you have prime, then contact Amazon.


Just heard Kevin Pereira on the DeathSquad podcast leak some info regarding one of the big surprises tonight. He said it has to do with bringing back one of the biggest Sony exclusives, and has to do with space...I'm drawing blanks, y'all have any ideas what the announcement could be?

Link to the podcast for anyone wanting to check it out.

Also some PS4 and Xbox One size comparisons.

  • TFbCprQ.png
  • d7OyxTc.png
  • vtg4p7P.png
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camping for products is an experience. worth doing at least once in your life. don't knock it till you tried it.
This and people have to understand this is the first generation where preorders are widespread. In 2006, only gamestop took preorders. TRU took preorders but was very limited. Bestbuy, Target, etc never took preorders.

Camping out is definitely something you will remember for the rest of your life. It turns a day that you prolly never would have remembered into one of your best memories. If I had to camp 14 hours for the Wii again, I would. Its really something special.

I didn't realize Gamestop was doing a discount on PS4 games.

Oh it's online only...thats whack.

If only they did it without a promotion code so I could price match =(

Damn, the Xbox Juan looks like a fucking behemoth next to the PS4, and Im also drawing blanks as to what that space game could be. :whistle2:k
The Xbox One doesn't look that big in person. I actually think my phat PS3 is bigger than the Xbox One. It just that the PS4 is really small, probably even smaller if they took out the power supply.

Damn, the Xbox Juan looks like a fucking behemoth next to the PS4, and Im also drawing blanks as to what that space game could be. :whistle2:k
I think the game is Zone of the Enders because Hideo Kojima said there is a PS4 game on spike tonight he is showing.

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The Xbox One doesn't look that big in person. I actually think my phat PS3 is bigger than the Xbox One. It just that the PS4 is really small, probably even smaller if they took out the power supply.
Yeah I saw the x 1 up close it's not THAT big . Ps4 must be tiny! So now I no my PS4 can fit next to my wii u and the x 1 gets its own shelf :)
Showed up at my Gamestop at noon only one in line for a non preorder. Employee us telling customers who call they should line up at 5. Too scared to leave that I might miss out.
bread's done