Playstation Day - 5/6/08 - Haze Demo and Resisitance 2 info + Alot More

Haze impressions from not me.

Frame rate is véry good. Don't know if it's 60fps, but definitely very smooth, no frame drops, no tearing.

It's a jungle level, looks like Uncharted, but no plants move when you touch them. A little hazier / more misty too.

Enemies are regular bad guys so far, but when you take some of that nectar stuff, you gain special powers and the enemies stand out in a bright, orange color. Sort of like a thermal vision, but without affecting your view (the colors and brightness) of everything else. Only enemies turn into those bright, ghost-like things.

Controls and camera very good, feels just like TimeSplitters. But a little more fluent (last TimeSplitters I played was #2, has there been another sequel ?)

So far, so good.

Online Stats

X to select
Triangle - Friends & Invites
--in game invite you can manage friends list.

Quite a lot of options for the controls and the audio.

Singleplayer campaign (easy, normal or hard... extra hard grayed out) and online co-op (host or join) to choose from.
[quote name='jman619']To mark the event, PLAYSTATION Store on PS3 will carry two updates instead of the usual one. Look out for great demos, including PS3 exclusive Haze, as well as a host of game trailers, expansion packs and videos of the press conference which will include a keynote speech by Kaz Hirai, President of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc

Don't they mean a limited exclusive? So is the demo already up in the uk psn?[/quote]

So, any chance we get PixelJunk Monsters Expansion today?
[quote name='Vanigan']Good thing we'll have Haze and R2 this year to hold us over.[/quote]

Also Socom should be out this year right?

Surprised I didn't see more highlights on their PSN titles like Socom and WipEout during the event. Though maybe it just wasn't in the blog I read.
Ended up making a UK account and d/l Haze...It definitely is a lot more fluid than I thought it was going to be. I loved the TS series (first two mostly) so I may consider picking this up now...maybe
[quote name='Havok83']No, Haze is completely exclusive. Its not coming out on any other platform.[/QUOTE]

You have no obviously played the demo. When you read the ending of the demo it makes it sound like its coming for other systems. Example

"Exclusively for the Playstation 3: 4 Player Co-Op"
[quote name='doubledown']So, odds are Haze will come to the US store also, correct? I still have not created an account outside the US.[/QUOTE]

Comes this Thursday
It's currently not being developed for any platforms either.

From impressions, Haze sounds like its gameplay is solid, if not very amazing. The big draw, as usual, is co-op for me. The fluidity of the game and its controls are a big plus, as no one likes a sluggish FPS (Perfect Dark Zero).

Were the rumors correct that the demo has co-op?
Just read one of the live blogs of the press event and noticed that Europe's getting video and game download services for the PSP, which seems cool from the limited info that's out there.
Meh, I was really excited for Haze but its not that awesome. It really reminds me of Timeshift which is just an ordinary FPS.
I absolutely love this short clip of Killzone 2, courtesy of GAF


As for Haze, I'd say it was good, but not great. It seems to be a 7-8/10 type of game. Should be fun for co-op. Not mind-blowing, but solid.
[quote name='Vanigan']It's currently not being developed for any platforms either.

From impressions, Haze sounds like its gameplay is solid, if not very amazing. The big draw, as usual, is co-op for me. The fluidity of the game and its controls are a big plus, as no one likes a sluggish FPS (Perfect Dark Zero).

Were the rumors correct that the demo has co-op?[/QUOTE]

Has Co-Op & Single Player
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I absolutely love this short clip of Killzone 2, courtesy of GAF


As for Haze, I'd say it was good, but not great. It seems to be a 7-8/10 type of game. Should be fun for co-op. Not mind-blowing, but solid.[/quote]

Um, wow. Framerate on that GIF looks good even with all that stuff happening. If they can keep that level of quality in the graphics and gameplay, I really wouldn't mind waiting until Feb 09. Especially since co-op R2 will likely take up a lot of my play time.

Also, anyone notice that they've altered the colors for Killzone 2 subtley? The previous demos, and this new media is still mostly greys and muted greens, but there's a lot more subtle color use and shifts. In a few shots it showed blue sky.
Yeah, Killzone's been at the top of my list for PS3 ever since they said they'd do it. I strongly believe it'll be a good game due to how strong the universe is. At least it's not nerf guns like another game I won't mention.
The release date is set for February 2009. This isn't quite a delay since they hadn't announced any release date, but I suspect they were hoping to release in 2008 and knew that it wasn't going to happen, at least not for the kind of game Sony needs Killzone 2 to be.

It's very clear that Killzone 2 has had a very troubled development despite how good it looks, and rumors of Sony pressure on Guerrilla Games, high staff turnover rate, and general low morale/slowness could be true. But despite that the game still looks good.

So we've got quite a wait. I'm not concerned, this year we've got Resistance 2, MGS4, Fallout 3, and lots of other games. But, KZ2 has reached a status in the media where if it were not for videos, screenshots, and playable demos, people would think it's vaporware.

My only concern is, since there's going to be a lot of very good FPS games coming out this year, they're going to have to make the game into something very special so that it stands out after some other big shooters come out this year (namely R2). Well, they have 10 months to do it, and they won't be pressured by the 2008 holiday release window. If they have their game tech nailed down and focus on gameplay it should turn out well.

They recently hired on another contract AI programmer, a good one at that and he mentions he's working with other very good AI programmers that he knows, so we may see a drastic improvement in non-scripted AI (I wanna see FEAR level AI when possible).

I could see them at least trying to top some features in R2, namely 8 player split screen online co-op (for which any details about the multiplayer or co-op in KZ2 are still absent), more community features, etc...
I said over and over again, I just knew Killzone 2 was going to be pushed until 2009 unless it could come out this summer. Releasing two high profile FPS this year, R2 and KZ2 would have been a huge mistake (it would have just divided the PS3 userbase hurting either game's sale or both). Also, there's Socom coming out, and having three shooters this year (1st party) would have been too much. 2009 sounds good, because that could be Sony's FPS next year.
KZ2 is being developed by Guerilla which is a European dev though (under SCEE at least I think), so more than likely Feb 09 is for US also.
played HAZE last night... it's not what I was expecting to be honest. In reality, it feels like Timesplitters in a totally different universe. That's not bad, it just feels weird to me.
[quote name='pete5883']Wasn't this an EU show? Couldn't KZ2 still be out for fall here?[/QUOTE]It's made in Europe, so I doubt they'll get it later. And since they are making the game multiple languages from the get go, the releases will be close by. What causes Euro to get a game later is if it's targeted and made in Japan or U.S. at times.
I played Haze split screen with my brother and we had a good time. I didn't understand how to use the nector at first. But I figure out, the harder you press the L2 button the more it will pump into your blood. I was only getting short boosts until I figured that it. Will be cool trying to balance how much you need in the middle of a battle.

Felt a lot like TS but that isn't such a bad thing. Was really smooth and polished, even for a demo so I am very positive about the final product.
I'm not surprised it's taking forever for Killzone to come out, but it had better deliver. I'm guessing it will though since Sony is putting in the money to make this the big franchise they want it to be.
[quote name='Vanigan']
It's very clear that Killzone 2 has had a very troubled development despite how good it looks, and rumors of Sony pressure on Guerrilla Games, high staff turnover rate, and general low morale/slowness could be true. But despite that the game still looks good.


The long-delayed DLC pack for Killzone Liberation may have had a little bit to do with all of this. Liberation came out in October 2006 and the DLC pack that was supposed to be available shortly after release got pushed all the way back until May 2007. I recall their community manager saying something about getting the DLC done so they could focus on "new projects".
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']:lol: anyone see this :)[/quote]

I was just going to post about that.

I wonder what sort of game homages we're going to be able to make/see/play once people get their hands on it.

Sony games only?

A Mario Big Planet?

A Halo Big Planet?

A Grim Fandango Big Planet?

The possibilities are endless, if we're given the right tools.

Shin Megami Tensei Big Planet sounds awfully good. As does Suikoden Big Planet.
Actually, there's shots of Sackboys that resemble all sorts of famous game characters. Some aren't made from

But, I suspect we'll be seeing official content packs that contain stuff from all Sony games in LBP.
[quote name='Vanigan']Actually, there's shots of Sackboys that resemble all sorts of famous game characters. Some aren't made from

But, I suspect we'll be seeing official content packs that contain stuff from all Sony games in LBP.[/quote]
By the time Sony and Media Molecule get the content up on the PSN someone will have made anything they created but better.
[quote name='nyprimus4']By the time Sony and Media Molecule get the content up on the PSN someone will have made anything they created but better.[/quote]

Which is why they plan on taking the best user content and putting that in the disc release when that comes out. IF they are still doing that.
I just want to see how the developer created stages are going to work..

and I'd love to see a Mega Man 2 Big Planet with Mega man 2 music playing in the background.. oh I hope you can add custom tracks to the stages. Id' love to make some stages with Minibosses music playing.
[quote name='Thomas96']I just want to see how the developer created stages are going to work..

and I'd love to see a Mega Man 2 Big Planet with Mega man 2 music playing in the background.. oh I hope you can add custom tracks to the stages. Id' love to make some stages with Minibosses music playing.[/QUOTE]

you can have it where the items in the game are music based, so you can make entirely original compositions out of game items.
bread's done