PlayStation Move - Launching September 19, 2010 (US)

[quote name='Snake2715']So will the current eye be outdated?

If so I am selling mine now.[/QUOTE]

No you would still need that with this.

And I don't know, it seems like they are doing something different here. Usually the ship something like this with one or two decent titles and the others trickle out, right?

To me... Looks like they are going for the casual market. So maybe the fall equals a new system bundle- PS3/PSEye/"Wand"/Game and perhaps another price drop?

Still guessing Eyepet is something they are reworking to take advantage of this, so I could see it being ready (again) by the end of the year as one of the motion launch titles. LittleBigPlanet too.

If they have a solid release time frame now, we should start seeing some games though right?
The wand/camera will come in packed with every ps3 this holiday season and from now on. Sony is very serious on this front. They want everyone to release their wii games on PS3, even the crappy shovel ware, since obviously even that garbage is selling.

I just want the wand cause i have every psn game released and a ton of them will be patched for wand support for sure.
Taken from the Sony GDC press conference.

It will be under $100, will have the wand and a nunchuk.

Will have games like Sports Championship (Wii Sports clone), Move Party (lol), and SOCOM 4 with motion controls (haven't seen footage yet).

Regardless, I hope it turns out cool.
yeah SOCOM 4 demo was actually really nice looking , It had updated graphics , and also a very fluid cover system . Cant wait to see more of the wand thingy .
[quote name='mjyoung']The Socom 4 demo was very promising. We're truly moving towards how shooting games should be played![/QUOTE]

We already have with Call of Duty Modern Warfare: Reflex on Wii. \:D/
I'm excited about this. I really think this will pick up where the Wii left off and really be cool.

I really like how there are no wires on it, and you can use 2 of the main wand things at once (like with that boxing game).

Don't know if I agree about the integration with FPS' though. The main problem with FPS' on the Wii (that will have the same issue with PS Move) is that you have to hold your arm out, or at least point the controller at the screen, and it becomes uncomfortable.
I think the Playstation Move controller looks fantastic. The short demos during the GDC conference showed more precision and more interaction than I've ever had playing my Wii.

I think it looks very promising. The controls with the controller look great, and the graphical capabilities of the PS3 make it even better. They mentioned how they have a big marketing initiative, and the videos they showed back it up. I think the Wii will have some serious competition come this time next year.
I think the controller and nunchuck attachment look great, except for the bulbous orb on the end, however, its probably there to map motion accurately.

Also, to clarify the price, for less than $100, you get the EyeToy camera, PS Move wand, and a game. They will also sell a console bundle with the EyeToy and Move. That info is taken from here:

You'll be able to purchase the PS Move seperately, if you already have a camera. I expect the price to fall somewhere between the cost of a wiimote and a dual shock 3.
Yeah, I got the PS Eye for $15 on clearance at K-mart, so I hope buying the controllers standalone are reasonable...

Just watched the full video and it looks cool. I want to see an RPG that looks like that Gladiator game but with FF13 style graphics.
Am I the only one not totally thrilled with the whole motion control frenzy? Maybe I'm just old school but I cant help but feel like its all a bit gimmicky.

I dont know, maybe Im just dense or afraid of change.
[quote name='BannedEpisode']Am I the only one not totally thrilled with the whole motion control frenzy? Maybe I'm just old school but I cant help but feel like its all a bit gimmicky.

I dont know, maybe Im just dense or afraid of change.[/QUOTE]

It is gimmicky, but I think that they're not going to throw out all the regular PS3 games and go whole hog on this. I think this will be able to coexist with traditional games on PS3.
[quote name='jh6269']It is gimmicky, but I think that they're not going to throw out all the regular PS3 games and go whole hog on this. I think this will be able to coexist with traditional games on PS3.[/QUOTE]

The Wii gave us a friggin vibrating dildo with a condom on it, Sony is giving us an anal plug, & MS is giving us a sexcam. I don't want any of em, just give me a DS3.
There was a reason i sold my Wii, and now PS3 and 360 are trying to be a little more like a Wii. God help us all if this is the next generation of gaming. If i have to deal with controllers like this, im done with video games. Though i am intrigued by the thought of using this controller for RE5. I loved RE4 for the Wii, however it was one of very few titles i liked for Wii.
[quote name='BannedEpisode']Am I the only one not totally thrilled with the whole motion control frenzy? Maybe I'm just old school but I cant help but feel like its all a bit gimmicky.

I dont know, maybe Im just dense or afraid of change.[/QUOTE]

Pretty sure this is how most people feel, but what Sony is trying to get across with their controller is that it is more than a gimmick. It will surely introduce motion to casual gaming on the PS3, much like the Wii (and do a good job as long as it is not too expensive, imo), but will be used for a more hardcore audience.

What they keep stressing is that its not just a stick you shake around to move on the screen, its got precise control. Integration into LBP is amazing for the controller and will open up tons of new possibilities for creators. I'm sure we will see it integrated into an RTS game, and it will probably be done pretty well and could result in finally being able to move the genre to consoles smoothly. Finally, the announcement of Move control in Socom 4 is huge. If this is done well, I think it will be the point of realization that motion control can be more than Wii Sports and shoddy control in a Zelda game. I can't wait for Quantic Dream's next game with Move integration.

I was not excited at first announcement, but the more I see of it in action, and the more I hear of how seriously Sony is going to be marketing it, the more excited I am for it.

Of course, there always is that possibility that it will just suck. :/

And anyone who seriously thinks Microsoft/Sony are trying to replace the current gaming generation with motion control is absurd.
Sony won't replace standard gaming with motion anytime soon if ever. Just think of this as a new option in gaming on the system. Perhaps an alternative to buying the Wii for instance. Plus you're more likely to see hardcore motion controller games show up on the PS3 than the Wii.
This is also a strategic move for Sony. I have at least 3 friends that asked me which console to get, which one I played the most. I told them I have both a Wii and a PS3, and I play PS3 more now days. But all of them ended up going with the Wii b/c they have small children and want them to play as well.

That was a major gap in Sony's ability to give something for everyone, and now that gap will be filled. I don't think they're going to screw over all the new hard-core audience that flocked from the Wii to the PS3.
[quote name='fizzywix']Pretty sure this is how most people feel, but what Sony is trying to get across with their controller is that it is more than a gimmick. It will surely introduce motion to casual gaming on the PS3, much like the Wii (and do a good job as long as it is not too expensive, imo), but will be used for a more hardcore audience.

What they keep stressing is that its not just a stick you shake around to move on the screen, its got precise control. Integration into LBP is amazing for the controller and will open up tons of new possibilities for creators. I'm sure we will see it integrated into an RTS game, and it will probably be done pretty well and could result in finally being able to move the genre to consoles smoothly. Finally, the announcement of Move control in Socom 4 is huge. If this is done well, I think it will be the point of realization that motion control can be more than Wii Sports and shoddy control in a Zelda game. I can't wait for Quantic Dream's next game with Move integration.

I was not excited at first announcement, but the more I see of it in action, and the more I hear of how seriously Sony is going to be marketing it, the more excited I am for it.

Of course, there always is that possibility that it will just suck. :/

And anyone who seriously thinks Microsoft/Sony are trying to replace the current gaming generation with motion control is absurd.[/QUOTE]

It would be fantastic if Sony can manage to have both control schemes living in harmony. I guess we will have to wait and see how it all pans out.
Nothing imo, will ever be better than a standard controller, and I don't mind motion controls and motion games.. that's good I love the variety. But the difference between the PS3 and the Wii is that the PS3 still has that standard controller that you can go back to and they'll always have basic games that use the standard controller. Whereas, the Wii seemed to totally abandon the standard controller... yes there's the classic controller but it needs the Wiimote to function, as the same with joysticks and everything else. I just like variety; and with the PS3 motion controller, we'll get to have some of those motion controller gems.
^ Yeah, that's one of the gripes I have with the Wii is that they invented the "Classic" controller instead of just having a wireless version of the GCN controller. I know you can buy that Wavebird (or whatever it was called), but that didn't have rumble I believe (but I guess the Wii Classic Controller lacks rumble as well).

I'm just kind of mad at myself for even bothering with the Wii. I bought 2 extra wiimotes and 2 nunchucks, a classic controller, a wii zapper, 4 mario kart wheels, and a wii fit. All just gathering dust or packed away in the closet. I'm buying no more white plastic from Nintendo. I'm pretty pissed off about the Wii motion plus, it makes me mad that I have to buy it just to play Zelda when it comes out.
[quote name='BannedEpisode']Am I the only one not totally thrilled with the whole motion control frenzy? Maybe I'm just old school but I cant help but feel like its all a bit gimmicky.

I dont know, maybe Im just dense or afraid of change.[/QUOTE]

I'm not afraid of change, but I did buy a Wii and ended up selling it a few months later. I'm just disappointed in the Move. It's basically the Wiimote V2. If I didn't love the first Wiimote, why am I going to love this one? I definitely wont be an early adopter, if I'm even going to be an adopter at all.

Sony's recent video game hardware ideas haven't been very innovative. They basically take a step back, let everyone else announce ideas, then take those ideas and implement them into their own style. Which is actually a brilliant idea on their part, but I just wish they would be more innovative with their hardware instead of making a "better" version of whatever else is out there.

Too bad the only thing Sony can't get right is PSN. Start stealing Xbox Live ideas. Why stop at the Wiimote? Hell, if PSN turned into Xbox Live, I'd probably end up selling my 360.
Anyone have any idea how they're gonna treat old Little Big Planet games? I don't want to have to buy a totally new edition just to have it compatible with the Sony Move.
I thought it was a pretty neat device to have as an alternative to play games and to play other games that you could not without it. Pretty cool. No reason to get all irked up about it...

[quote name='Thomas96']Nothing imo, will ever be better than a standard controller, and I don't mind motion controls and motion games.. that's good I love the variety. But the difference between the PS3 and the Wii is that the PS3 still has that standard controller that you can go back to and they'll always have basic games that use the standard controller. Whereas, the Wii seemed to totally abandon the standard controller... yes there's the classic controller but it needs the Wiimote to function, as the same with joysticks and everything else. I just like variety; and with the PS3 motion controller, we'll get to have some of those motion controller gems.[/QUOTE]

Exactly. This is the right direction, START with a normal controller and then add in an optional motion controller for different types of games. Nothing wrong with that...
It's only natural that future big-name releases will be compatible with the new system. I'm just hoping that you have a choice on whether you want to use a DS3 or the Move controller and not force you to wave that Harry Potter wand around if you don't want to.
[quote name='DOMINATOR912']It's only natural that future big-name releases will be compatible with the new system. I'm just hoping that you have a choice on whether you want to use a DS3 or the Move controller and not force you to wave that Harry Potter wand around if you don't want to.[/QUOTE]

That would make the wand a tough sell, especially if this is going to be as big as they hype about it.

They NEED games that only use the wand for input else it'll just be another item not purchased.

It would be like making Wii Play with the remote that could use a controller, the game won't sell otherwise.
It is going to take some seriously killer AAA game only playable with the new controller to get me to go out and buy one. Something like Wii Sports (a glorified controller demo) isn't going to cut it either - that's what the Wii is for!
Okay, I'm happy that I got that Eye of Judgement for $20 bucks at a Walmart last year. Because I think the Eye and the Move bundled togeather for $99 is a bit steep.

I'm just wondering how much the standalone Move controllers would cost. $50 bucks isn't so hard to ask is it?

But looking at the threads on Joystiq and Kotaku, it seems like everybody's thought about previous Wii games coming to the PS3. Which is sad. Truth be told this is like a high tech wiimote and I know there can be better games made then that crap.
[quote name='defmonkey05']Okay, I'm happy that I got that Eye of Judgement for $20 bucks at a Walmart last year. Because I think the Eye and the Move bundled togeather for $99 is a bit steep.

I'm just wondering how much the standalone Move controllers would cost. $50 bucks isn't so hard to ask is it?

But looking at the threads on Joystiq and Kotaku, it seems like everybody's thought about previous Wii games coming to the PS3. Which is sad. Truth be told this is like a high tech wiimote and I know there can be better games made then that crap.[/QUOTE]

You know, there are third party Wii games that aren't crap... :roll:
[quote name='SuperPhillip']You know, there are third party Wii games that aren't crap... :roll:[/QUOTE]

Zack and Wiki, Boom Blox and......
[quote name='javeryh']Zack and Wiki, Boom Blox and......[/QUOTE]

Boom Blox is coming to PS3. Pretty sure we'll see Zack and Wiki also. Good opportunity for third parties to try and re-gain all those losses from the wii on the PS3. I'd buy quite a few myself.
If some big time games, or most current gen games, go Move/Natal controller only (not dumb stuff like Wii Sports ripoff), I'll sell my PS3, 360, and all my games from this generation and go back to playing basketball more frequently.

That's how much I dislike that nonsense.
[quote name='Feeding the Abscess']If some big time games, or most current gen games, go Move/Natal controller only (not dumb stuff like Wii Sports ripoff), I'll sell my PS3, 360, and all my games from this generation and go back to playing basketball more frequently.

That's how much I dislike that nonsense.[/QUOTE]

:applause::applause::applause: Bravo. That's my sentiment as well. Even moreso if they go all digital downloads.
[quote name='blitz6speed']Boom Blox is coming to PS3. Pretty sure we'll see Zack and Wiki also. Good opportunity for third parties to try and re-gain all those losses from the wii on the PS3. I'd buy quite a few myself.[/QUOTE]

Tell that to Factor 5, GRIN, and tons more whose one bomb will make it their losses will never be obtainable.

Meanwhile, Boom Blox sold one million copies on Wii with little advertising.
Zack was a bomb. It'd be a bomb on any system. I doubt you agree, of course, since you're passive-aggressive.
Grin didn't have one bomb. They had three in the span of a few months and were expanding quicker than they could really handle financially.

Talk about ignorance.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Grin didn't have one bomb. They had three in the span of a few months and were expanding quicker than they could really handle financially.

Talk about ignorance.[/QUOTE]

Bionic Commando was the straw that broke that camel's back though is my point.
No ignorance, just getting straight to the point. Or at least less ignorance than "Wii has no good games because I'm disingenuous and don't follow the Wii at all."
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[quote name='SuperPhillip']Bionic Commando was the one that crippled them[/quote]
All three of them failed because they had no money coming in to keep them afloat. Quit acting like only one caused it.
[quote name='SuperPhillip']and it was on an HD system.[/quote]
That doesn't matter since any independent developer will suffer with multiple bombs with a few months' time.
[quote name='SuperPhillip']Talk about not reading between the lines. Thanks.[/QUOTE]
The pot calls the kettles black a bit too often on here.
I dont get the immense hate behind this. All it is, is an alternate controller method so you can throw away your Wii. I don't see the problem... and same with Natal, yea it may seem useless but you still can use your regular controller for games and they wont abandon regular play style. Like the Wii...
[quote name='SuperPhillip']Tell that to Factor 5, GRIN, and tons more whose one bomb will make it their losses will never be obtainable.

You keep proclaiming this as fact when its just BS. But repeating it makes it true, so keep up the good fight.
[quote name='blitz6speed']You keep proclaiming this as fact when its just BS. But repeating it makes it true, so keep up the good fight.[/QUOTE]

Sort of like everything you post.

Regardless, this is the first and only time I've talked about HD bombs and them resulting in the destruction of companies.
You have me confused for someone else.

I forget that we're not allowed to talk nicely about other consoles on the PS3 forum.
Sort of like third place bitterness or something.
bread's done