Playstation Vita 3G with Free 8GB Memory Card and More at Amazon, Elsewhere




PS Vita w/ Wifi + 3G
8GB Memory Card
Dataconnect session pass
1 Playstation Network game


We'd like to provide an update for customers who have pre-ordered the "PlayStation Vita 3G/WiFi" handheld console. All customers who pre-order this item before its February 22, 2012 release date will be automatically upgraded to the "PlayStation Vita 3G/Wi-Fi Launch Bundle" at no additional charge. The "PlayStation Vita 3G/Wi-Fi Launch Bundle" will include an 8GB Memory Card, AT&T DataConnect Session Pass, and Free PlayStation Network Game. More details can be found in this item's product description section here: PlayStation Vita 3G/Wi-Fi Launch Bundle

This upgrade will be extended to all existing "PlayStation Vita 3G/WiFi" pre-orders. Please note that due to limited quantities, we can't guarantee the availability of "PlayStation Vita 3G/Wi-Fi Launch Bundle" after the pre-order window has ended.

We appreciate your business and hope you enjoy your new handheld console.

- Amazon Video Game Editors
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Honestly, the memory cards and the 3g plans are an absolute joke. I refuse to buy a Vita, as much as I want to.
[quote name='Kitoro']If you want to download the game off PSN, you need to worry about these numbers. If you're buying retail, it's not an issue.[/QUOTE]

Ah. Of course. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
I got burnt with 3DS and it will not happen with the Vita. This will price drop in 2 months.

Unless Amazon is offering $50 credit with the pruchase of a Wifi model, than I will not be purchasing this on launch.
[quote name='gokuofheaven']This is exactly how I feel and I thought I was the only one. For me though, the excitement of getting something brand new/shiny on a system launch day is a pleasant experience. But, lately I just haven't had enough enthusiasm to buy this on day one even with Amazon's package deal.[/QUOTE]

This. I think that the IDEA of buying the new shiny thing is more exciting at times than actually having the thing. Once you finally get it, you use it a few times and then you are off to the next obsession. :)

I am an admitted gadget freak who spends far more than he should buying gadget after gadget (and as a gamer, game after game) that I probably (definitely) don't need because the idea of the device is awesome. Fortunately, I have the disposable income to do this and it isn't a financial issue. But that doesn't make it smart either.

I REALLY want the Vita. But the fact that PSX1 and other PSN compatibility isn't there yet (wth not?) and I can't use my boatload of PSP UMD games is all very disconcerting. To be honest, the latter I can live with because I am old school and don't necessarily expect that new systems should be able to play all of the old hard copies of prior systems. But PSX classics and all of that other crap is essentially advertised as being usable on future iterations, and technically it is easy to do.

The fact that Sony isn't allowing use of those things yet makes me wonder what the money grubbers have up their sleeves. Do I have to purchase FF (fill in the number) AGAIN to play on my Vita?
[quote name='DesertLeo']Is it sad that in my current internal debate over whether I should get a 3ds or vita, I'm leaning towards the vita BECAUSE it doesn't have as many good games yet (thus saving me from having to buy more games)?[/QUOTE]
I do not see the logic in this. So you would buy the psv at launch and let it collect dust? Why not just don't buy it until a title u really want come out. The system is only gonna get cheaper.
[quote name='62t']Just be clear it is only some games that needs a memory card. For example if I am getting a Vita and only Marvel vs Capcom 3 I don't need a memory card at all.[/QUOTE]

Unless you want to save your game, right? ;)

[quote name='Lanman']This. I think that the IDEA of buying the new shiny thing is more exciting at times than actually having the thing. Once you finally get it, you use it a few times and then you are off to the next obsession. :)

I am an admitted gadget freak who spends far more than he should buying gadget after gadget (and as a gamer, game after game) that I probably (definitely) don't need because the idea of the device is awesome. Fortunately, I have the disposable income to do this and it isn't a financial issue. But that doesn't make it smart either.

I REALLY want the Vita. But the fact that PSX1 and other PSN compatibility isn't there yet (wth not?) and I can't use my boatload of PSP UMD games is all very disconcerting. To be honest, the latter I can live with because I am old school and don't necessarily expect that new systems should be able to play all of the old hard copies of prior systems. But PSX classics and all of that other crap is essentially advertised as being usable on future iterations, and technically it is easy to do.

The fact that Sony isn't allowing use of those things yet makes me wonder what the money grubbers have up their sleeves. Do I have to purchase FF (fill in the number) AGAIN to play on my Vita?[/QUOTE]

I agree with you on a lot of you said.

I'm in the same boat where I like to buy the newest gadget the first day it comes out, and then use it only a little bit before I get bored. Then again I passed on the PSPGo completely (excellent decision on my part) and the 3DS the first day (also a good decision) because I felt that I wasn't getting my money's worth. I also have disposable income, so the price doesn't affect me all that much. It's a lot of money, don't get me wrong, but it's not that crazy considering the specs of the Vita. That's my opinion of course!

For me, it's about the games. I am a huge Uncharted fan. Once I saw that Uncharted was confirmed for the Vita, I was sold. When it was announced that it was a launch title, then I knew I had to get the Vita day 1. Not only was Uncharted coming on day 1, but so was Hot Shots Golf. Then in March, MLB 12 will be released as well. Sold and sold.

The 3DS didn't offer any real launch games that I, personally, needed to buy. I liked some of them, but not enough to warrant a day 1 purchase.

The argument about re-buying games is a cop-out IMO. How many of you bought Zelda OoT and Starfox 64 for your 3DS? I know I did, and I still have them for the N64 as well as the GC. The "portable" argument is valid, but in the end, you're still re-buying the games you already own, or have owned in the past. Nintendo has been doing it for years, so let's not vilify Sony for doing the exact same thing.

At some point MS, Sony, and Nintendo have to move on from their elder consoles. Otherwise, the Wii would have slots for an NES, SNES, N64, GC, and all of their portable consoles to satisfy the backwards compatibility argument. The price for a console with that type of hardware would be out of the reach of most consumers. It just doesn't make sense.

Bottom line is, the Vita won't play UMDs (dead technology), or PS1 games (17 year old console), or PS2 games (12 year old console), or PS3 games, and I'm ok with that. It does have a decent lineup of games, 2 touch screens, an OLED screen, and the ability to sync game data to and from my PS3. If that doesn't work for you, then don't buy it. It couldn't be more simple!
[quote name='Pck21']Unless you want to save your game, right? ;) [/QUOTE]

No, you can save your game on some of the carts. UMVC3 does not require the memory card for anything. That said I'm not sure why anyone wouldn't buy a memory card, as the 4GB one is only 20.00.
[quote name='MPoWeRM3']I do not see the logic in this. So you would buy the psv at launch and let it collect dust? Why not just don't buy it until a title u really want come out. The system is only gonna get cheaper.[/QUOTE]

Sigh. You're right. Why should I rush into a handheld that I KNOW won't have any games I want for a while? 3ds it is then. Now I just gotta find a good deal for one of those...
[quote name='PaRappa/GMRTAG']So $350 First Edition Bundle comes with 4GB and $299 3G Bundle comes with 8GB?[/QUOTE]

So far that's right. Doesn't look like it's going to change either. The First Edition Bundle will get the game and the case(and the week early I guess) at the expense of 4GB on the memory card.
[quote name='bdb2m']So far that's right. Doesn't look like it's going to change either. The First Edition Bundle will get the game and the case(and the week early I guess) at the expense of 4GB on the memory card.[/QUOTE]

Well, plus the extra $50.

I still think the WiFi model is the best deal.
[quote name='Lanman']I have one on preorder (with Amazon) and keep going back and forth on whether to cancel.

It pisses me off that they still don't have compatibility with the PSX1 classics and certain other stuff from the Sony Store, which makes NO sense. My PSP library is mainly discs still, so the fact that the digital psp games can be played on Vita would not benefit me for some time.

The ONE factor that has given me some reason not to cancel the preorder is recognition that it was the early PSPs (still love my phat, even though I also ended up with a 2000 and a go) that were hackable/rootable/whatever you want to call it and it took a long time for later versions to get to the same place.[/QUOTE]

Wow, I feel like I could have written this. I'm in the same boat-- at this point the only reason I really feel like I want an early model is knowing they'll be the most hackable. I will say the 3G bundle suddenly makes me unsure about if I want to switch my wifi preorder or not- some days I am sure I will just cancel outright and save the money, some days I think I'll just keep wifi, some days I want to splurge. I absolutely don't want/need 3G though, I have just been planning to tether the system to my phone, but I don't know if the GPS-like functionality or anything would come into play. I would doubt it would because most people won't have the 3G systems. (and no way in hell is AT&T getting a penny from me, my happiest tech day was the day I was finally free of their crappy 'service') I just wonder if down the line there will be any advantage to the 3G model.

That said, I love Hot Shots Golf, Wipeout, LBP, etc... so there are games I want to play. But I don't know about having the time...

Ugh, what to do... the money isn't a huge issue but I'd hate to make it through to the summer then crack, spend the same amount of money, and not have just bought the system at launch.

I will say until the insane pricing for the memory cards was announced I was pretty excited for the system, but that dropped pretty fast when seeing how much it added up to to buy. (money is thankfully not really an issue for me, other than is it worth $400+ for me to buy everything NOW or wait for a better deal)
Also, to those considering getting the 3G version just to activate the code and get your free game without any plans to renew the 3G service, keep this in mind:

You'll have to create a data account with AT&T before activating your card, which will likely require you to enter credit card info.

Also, you have to wait thirty days after activation in order to get your free game.

There's no way I'm giving my billing info to AT&T.
As torn as I am, I'll most likely still go with the First Edition bundle. The 8gb card would be nice, but I'm enough of a loser to go all out with having the tech first. Especially after getting ~$300 in best buy trade-in credit. No guarantees I'll actually use the 3g, but having it as an option is nice.

That, and Little Deviants was a title I wanted to try out after checking it at E3.
[quote name='finsfan0210']Wait what? The Vita can't play PS1 classics? What the hell.[/QUOTE]

I think there will be an update that will allow PS1 games.
[quote name='finsfan0210']Wait what? The Vita can't play PS1 classics? What the hell.[/QUOTE]
Supposed to come later with a FW update.

The device could have been remarkably different, however. For instance, Sony designer Takashi Sogabe (responsible for the Walkman, among other things) had originally intended for the Vita to be a much more svelte device: "The original design of the PS Vita, for example, was very much thinner than the current retail product," Sogabe said during an interview with The Guardian. "From a designer's point of view, thinner is better-looking, but the engineers wanted to put all the features in. Maybe it will become thinner in the future, but the engineers would have to come up with a means to do that."

Dunno about you guys but I'd rather wait for a revised model.
[quote name='Nohbdy']

Dunno about you guys but I'd rather wait for a revised model.[/QUOTE]
did you read what you post? i could design an awesome vita model but there's lots of things to consider, the most important heat dissipation, by the looks of it sony got it right, because no one has complained that the vita overheats or feels even warm, you keep waiting for your revised model, we'll keep you updated on the awesome games you're missing
Gotta love all the talk about a revision. People were saying that about the 3DS since launch, still have yet to hear anything even near credible about a actual revision a year later.

Either way, enjoy the 2ish year wait. Gonna be enjoying mine in about 2 and a half weeks :D
[quote name='gueeds']To clairify, it is a session pass, not season. From the description, it looks like it is for 1 month free of their 250mb plan.

There is also a free game, but only after you activate the Dataconnect plan (not sure if this means you have to pay or just redeem the free month). No info if you get to pick the game or they pick it.

It says a $55 value:

$30 card
$15 3g
$10 PSN game

Sucks there is no Release Date Delivery on this at the moment.[/QUOTE]

Free game when you activate an AT&T DataConnect Pass*
I gave in and canceled my First edition and changed to the normal 3G . . . I just don't see playing Little Deviants enough to justify not getting the 8GB memory card. Wipeout and Hotshots, and I'll pick up Uncharted when I finish 1, start and finish 2, and buy and finish 3.
[quote name='Kachu']I gave in and canceled my First edition and changed to the normal 3G . . . I just don't see playing Little Deviants enough to justify not getting the 8GB memory card. Wipeout and Hotshots, and I'll pick up Uncharted when I finish 1, start and finish 2, and buy and finish 3.[/QUOTE]

Is there reason to? I thought Golden Abyss was a prequel to the first game.
does anyone know of any store in Canada that will ship internationally? I feel like the Candian wi-fi bundle is the sweet spot here for what I'm looking for as I want to get the system a bit earlier as well...but perhaps I'll just have to suck it up and wait for a good bundle to come along that is wi-fi only. I dunno what they are thinking trying to shove 3G down our throats when I can't imagine there are that many people begging for it (not at these data prices anyway)
[quote name='Nohbdy']

Dunno about you guys but I'd rather wait for a revised model.[/QUOTE]

Keep in mind that this guy is a device designer that wants things to look sexy and appealing (form), not a gamer that wants something that is great for actually playing games (function). Sony had both types of people working on the Vita so they could create a great gaming device (first and foremost) that also looked great (or as good as possible without compromising playability). If you get too thin, you have less battery and it can actually be harder to hold for longer periods of time.

That doesn't mean they won't have a revised model, but I think it will continue to be a balance between form and function.
Regarding storage cards, I think Sony will have this market cornered for the foreseeable future because I just don't see how it is physically possible to create a microSD card adapter because the size of the Vita card is the same size (if not smaller) than the micro SD card. There's just no way to create an "adapter" that holds the microSD card and still fits into the Vita card slot.

Only real possibility (from a technical standpoint) would be a clone card, but this would put the company selling such cards at major legal risk because they'd have to crack and duplicate all kinds of DRM and proprietary tech in the cards and Sony would put them out of business pretty quickly. So while this might be a technical possibility, I don't think it will happen due to the legal exposure.

So what that really means is that we'll have to wait for Sony to drop the prices of the cards. Only reason for them to drop the price will be lack of demand, but I see this as an area where they are looking to make a major portion of their Vita profits so they'll milk it for all they can. Shoot, I'd bet they are making more profit on a 32GB card than they are on the Vita itself.
[quote name='Justin42']Wow, I feel like I could have written this. I'm in the same boat-- at this point the only reason I really feel like I want an early model is knowing they'll be the most hackable. I will say the 3G bundle suddenly makes me unsure about if I want to switch my wifi preorder or not- some days I am sure I will just cancel outright and save the money, some days I think I'll just keep wifi, some days I want to splurge. I absolutely don't want/need 3G though, I have just been planning to tether the system to my phone, but I don't know if the GPS-like functionality or anything would come into play. I would doubt it would because most people won't have the 3G systems. (and no way in hell is AT&T getting a penny from me, my happiest tech day was the day I was finally free of their crappy 'service') I just wonder if down the line there will be any advantage to the 3G model.

That said, I love Hot Shots Golf, Wipeout, LBP, etc... so there are games I want to play. But I don't know about having the time...

Ugh, what to do... the money isn't a huge issue but I'd hate to make it through to the summer then crack, spend the same amount of money, and not have just bought the system at launch.

I will say until the insane pricing for the memory cards was announced I was pretty excited for the system, but that dropped pretty fast when seeing how much it added up to to buy. (money is thankfully not really an issue for me, other than is it worth $400+ for me to buy everything NOW or wait for a better deal)[/QUOTE]

Glad to know I am not the only one in this boat. To be frank, because I am fortunate enough to have the disposable income, I am sure I will finally just ignore the cancel button at Amazon and it will come, mainly because of the idea that earlier versions are more prone to the hacks/roots. (PS - for the haters, I don't hack my stuff for free stuff, if I did I wouldn't have this assload of UMD discs). :D

But, I must say, as the gadget freak I am, I rarely struggle over a purchase the way I have this one.
[quote name='dgwillia006']Just got to play a Vita at Best Buy. It was quite awesome, all my fears over the device are now gone.

Cant wait to get my FEB dammit....
[quote name='aftermath001']Free game when you activate an AT&T DataConnect Pass*[/QUOTE]

sony said the game is 15 dollars
[quote name='MaximusDM']Is there reason to? I thought Golden Abyss was a prequel to the first game.[/QUOTE]
I have plenty of uncharted to play and I can wait for a price drop on a single player game.
[quote name='MaximusDM']Is there reason to? I thought Golden Abyss was a prequel to the first game.[/QUOTE]

As I understand it, Golden Abyss happens before the trilogy but it is not a true prequel in that the events of GA are not necessarily precursors or lead-ins to the trilogy.

Due to my scary backlog, I actually have not played the original trilogy yet, although I own them all. So, GA becomes a potential first day buy as it wouldn't spoil the other games.

That being said, I hope Amazon matches the $39.99 price from Toys R Us cited in another thread here.
[quote name='str8gamer23']is bestbuy gonna get in on this? I have some giftcards im ready to use !!![/QUOTE]

its how all 3gs are going to be packaged at launch, so yes
[quote name='dgwillia006']Just got to play a Vita at Best Buy. It was quite awesome, all my fears over the device are now gone.

Cant wait to get my FEB dammit....
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']

But the price is I still can't bring myself to plunk down as much as a new PS3 for a handheld device.:whistle2:#[/QUOTE]

If only that handheld device had full remote play support for PS3 games and PSN games. Once they do that, I would buy it immediately.
I tried it at best buy as well last night

I didnt need any other reasons to get it but it felt great to play and hold. Everything feels extremely responsive, and the quality throughout is impressive
[quote name='shiftymcneely']If only that handheld device had full remote play support for PS3 games and PSN games. Once they do that, I would buy it immediately.[/QUOTE]
If they make a way to upload your disc version games to your PS3 and then put those on a memory card in the Vita then I might consider it. But otherwise I wouldn't pay for the downloadable versions of the same PS3 games I have on disc already.:razz: Especially since many of them are MSRP.
I would like a Vita but maybe waiting to see if the price drops sometime later this year would be wise.

Also very surprised Sony went with extremely overpriced proprietary memory. Didn't PSPs allow memory stick duos? And they even encourage people to replace PS3 hard drives on their own. Seems more like a MS move.
[quote name='n4styn4t3'] Seems more like a MS move.[/QUOTE]
Except that Sony did it just as much during the PS2/Xbox/GC gen. I find it funny how they're doing a complete 180* from their stance on the PS3. Although they did do a partial 180* on that as well(with BC anyway).
well i'm in $20 more than i would pay for the wifi and 8gb card and you get a free game? I do plan on buying stardust delta so i'm not sure what free game i would be interested in. but still might as well get it. i only have 200mb data on my phone. it lasts fine for checking emails and stuff but i don't do youtube or anything on it. with this if you know you are going on a trip or something you can just sign up and use it then cancel at end of month. might come in handy.
I want to wait but I see the pre-order 3G basically giving me the 8GB card free. If I pick it up after it comes out, that freebie (plus the other stuff) will likely be gone. I don't imagine a price drop for months. Hmmm....decisions, decisions.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Except that Sony did it just as much during the PS2/Xbox/GC gen. I find it funny how they're doing a complete 180* from their stance on the PS3. Although they did do a partial 180* on that as well(with BC anyway).[/QUOTE]

By my math, that puts Sony at 270*...almost heading back in the direction they were originally going.

I'm debating between buying the 3g wifi bundle or buying the wifi only with 8 gb memory card separately. I like the bundle, but I wouldn't use 3g after the complimentary 1 mth but the free downloadable PSN would be nice. I just don't want to deal with ATT and their high priced 3g service. Any suggestions on which to buy?
[quote name='gamerguy73']Hi,

I'm debating between buying the 3g wifi bundle or buying the wifi only with 8 gb memory card separately. I like the bundle, but I wouldn't use 3g after the complimentary 1 mth but the free downloadable PSN would be nice. I just don't want to deal with ATT and their high priced 3g service. Any suggestions on which to buy?[/QUOTE]
If you want a 8GB card, then go with the $299 3G bundle. It's better to have the hardware and not use it then to not have it at all (especially when the price difference is negligible).
bread's done