Playstation Vita 3G with Free 8GB Memory Card and More at Amazon, Elsewhere




PS Vita w/ Wifi + 3G
8GB Memory Card
Dataconnect session pass
1 Playstation Network game


We'd like to provide an update for customers who have pre-ordered the "PlayStation Vita 3G/WiFi" handheld console. All customers who pre-order this item before its February 22, 2012 release date will be automatically upgraded to the "PlayStation Vita 3G/Wi-Fi Launch Bundle" at no additional charge. The "PlayStation Vita 3G/Wi-Fi Launch Bundle" will include an 8GB Memory Card, AT&T DataConnect Session Pass, and Free PlayStation Network Game. More details can be found in this item's product description section here: PlayStation Vita 3G/Wi-Fi Launch Bundle

This upgrade will be extended to all existing "PlayStation Vita 3G/WiFi" pre-orders. Please note that due to limited quantities, we can't guarantee the availability of "PlayStation Vita 3G/Wi-Fi Launch Bundle" after the pre-order window has ended.

We appreciate your business and hope you enjoy your new handheld console.

- Amazon Video Game Editors
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So I was looking at the fine print and found this:

Your promotional 250 MB session automatically starts upon expiration of your 1st session plan, if you have activated the redemption code. Offer redeemed is for 250MB DataConnect Pass session only, regardless if you are on the 250MB, 3GB or 5GB DataConnect Pass plan.

I hope this doesn't mean you have to pay for a month before you can use your free month of 3G.
[quote name='dgwillia006']Not sure why people decide to wait almost a year or so just to get a console a bit cheaper or with a free game
[quote name='skiizim']I looked up previous Price Drops on other systems and I doubt there will be one this year. .[/QUOTE]

Did you skip over the 3DS? It dropped 40% 4 months after it's release...
[quote name='GizmoGC']Did you skip over the 3DS? It dropped 40% 4 months after it's release...[/QUOTE]

Sony & Nintendo=Apples & Oranges, Nintendo can't afford to make mistakes and needs the market share. I was purely going on the history of Sony and nothing else.
[quote name='GizmoGC']Because history has proven that Sony handhelds don't sell, Vita had a poor Japanese launch, and does not have a whole lot announced for this year.

So why spend $250 on something that has nothing you would play?[/QUOTE]

So why spend so much time in threads of products you have no intention of buying?
[quote name='skiizim']Sony & Nintendo=Apples & Oranges, Nintendo can't afford to make mistakes and needs the market share. I was purely going on the history of Sony and nothing else.[/QUOTE]

Nintendo needs the marketshare? They are #1 in both the console and handheld race.
Not to derail the thread but Nintendo (as far as I know) only does this, Sony has a wide variety of products not limited just to video games. If you think Nintendo doesn't need a market share to stay in business, I guess I don't know anything about business. I guess you should go talk to Sega. >_
I am going to buy a wifi vita with a memory stick and a couple of games and enjoy the shit out of it! If it drops in price so be it. I will enjoy my uncharted, escape plan, gravity daze, and the best of them all golf!
[quote name='darwalker23']So I was looking at the fine print and found this:

Your promotional 250 MB session automatically starts upon expiration of your 1st session plan, if you have activated the redemption code. Offer redeemed is for 250MB DataConnect Pass session only, regardless if you are on the 250MB, 3GB or 5GB DataConnect Pass plan.

I hope this doesn't mean you have to pay for a month before you can use your free month of 3G.[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure it mean exactly that...rather than a "Free month", it's a "Pay for one month and get a second month for free". And you better stop service before it auto-renews because I'm pretty sure they don't give you a refund for a partial month usage.
[quote name='n4styn4t3']Cheapassgamer[/QUOTE]

waiting over a year to get a better deal on a console makes you a cheapassCASUALgamer, though with a portable console I guess it makes sense especially looking at the 3DS price drop so soon after launch and in all honesty I'm holding of on the Vita and waiting for a good price drop
[quote name='GizmoGC']Nintendo needs the marketshare? They are #1 in both the console and handheld race.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, this generation they are. Sony and Microsoft can afford to lose some buyers buy having higher cost products and sale prices. They have other departments that can help with the lost. Nintendo only has gaming to fall on and if that isn't doing well than they get a price drop. Which is why the 3DS dropped in price so quickly.
[quote name='skiizim']Not to derail the thread but Nintendo (as far as I know) only does this, Sony has a wide variety of products not limited just to video games. If you think Nintendo doesn't need a market share to stay in business, I guess I don't know anything about business. I guess you should go talk to Sega. >_
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[quote name='skiizim']Not to derail the thread but Nintendo (as far as I know) only does this, Sony has a wide variety of products not limited just to video games. If you think Nintendo doesn't need a market share to stay in business, I guess I don't know anything about business. I guess you should go talk to Sega. >_
[quote name='GizmoGC']Have you guys been following any non-gaming Sony news? They are not doing hot in any category...losing billions.

3DS dropped because it was overpriced. Sony should drop the Vita because not only is it overpriced, it came a year after the 3DS. The little package Sony threw together last minute isn't bad, but it's not going to get many fence sitters to jump in.[/QUOTE]

No offense but have you. Microsoft and Sony both aren't doing great in businesses other than gaming. They still take the risk to lose money in order to gain more in the long run.

3DS did drop because it was overpriced, but mainly it dropped because no one was going to buy a portable console that had little to offer (compared to phones) for $250. Nintendo wanted to see how long they could last with that price before dropping it. They knew that having a price drop of any kind after having it start out at $250 would get it some good sales. Having a price drop of $70 only made it even better but showed just how bad of a position they were in.

The CAG in me wants it to drop in price but from a business stand point, they have no choice right now. Maybe around Christmas time it will start out at $200 though. Unlike the 3DS though, the PSV does actually start out with apps (Twitter, Netflix, Flickr), have the games people want at launch (Hot Shots Golf, Wipeout 2048, Uncharted: GA (these are currently the top selling PSV pre-orders in America), and offers a more engaging gaming experience that can handle more than just games.

Only downside imo is Memory Stick pricing, lack of a system selling game (despite Uncharted: GA being the most sold pre-order game), game pricing (which all games should start out at $30 regardless of AAA or not), and the over advertising for the 3G model when most people will be getting the wifi only model.

I think Sony is in a much better position than Nintendo was even if that was a year ago. As long as they bring out the apps, games, and have a reasonable pricing for games, I think they will do well until Christmas when they will be directly competing with the 3DS.
[quote name='GizmoGC']Have you guys been following any non-gaming Sony news? They are not doing hot in any category...losing billions.

3DS dropped because it was overpriced. Sony should drop the Vita because not only is it overpriced, it came a year after the 3DS. The little package Sony threw together last minute isn't bad, but it's not going to get many fence sitters to jump in.[/QUOTE]

Then you haven't been paying close attention to what you're reading. The lost isn't because they aren't doing hot, it's because of currency exchange. If you haven't notice the last few years, the USD is incredibly weak vs the strong Yen.

I disagree, the Vita is a fair price for all that is included. What's strange is that gamers cheer when Sony announce the Vita to be $250 a year ago (giving gamers a year to save), now suddenly nearing launch, it's overprice. With the time value of money and inflation, the Vita is cheaper than what it really is since the 1 year announcement.

You speak for yourself about the fence jumping. The 3G Vita skyrocketed on Amazon top preorder list when the Launch bundle was put up. I was initially going to get the wifi or wait a week to see if there was any deals but I jump on the 3G Vita bundle.
[quote name='UltimateIdiot911']Then you haven't been paying close attention to what you're reading. The lost isn't because they aren't doing hot, it's because of currency exchange. If you haven't notice the last few years, the USD is incredibly weak vs the strong Yen.

I disagree, the Vita is a fair price for all that is included. What's strange is that gamers cheer when Sony announce the Vita to be $250 a year ago (giving gamers a year to save), now suddenly nearing launch, it's overprice. With the time value of money and inflation, the Vita is cheaper than what it really is since the 1 year announcement.

You speak for yourself about the fence jumping. The 3G Vita skyrocketed on Amazon top preorder list when the Launch bundle was put up. I was initially going to get the wifi or wait a week to see if there was any deals but I jump on the 3G Vita bundle.[/QUOTE]

The TVM is negligible at the current interest rates.
[quote name='skiizim']Sony & Nintendo=Apples & Oranges, Nintendo can't afford to make mistakes and needs the market share. I was purely going on the history of Sony and nothing else.[/QUOTE]

Sony and Nintendo are both round fruits?
[quote name='Yigytugd']No offense but have you. Microsoft and Sony both aren't doing great in businesses other than gaming. They still take the risk to lose money in order to gain more in the long run.

Microsoft is doing well in other areas. I love how everyone is accusing each other of not paying attention and then spews crap about things they know nothing about.
[quote name='Tigershard']Microsoft is doing well in other areas. I love how everyone is accusing each other of not paying attention and then spews crap about things they know nothing about.[/QUOTE]

Microsoft is doing great with Computer Software, Kinect, and the 360. Not so well in the phone market or mp3 / video players (look at the Zune which did get replaced by Windows Phones). They are doing better than Sony in those areas but in no way are they not losing money. There's a difference.
Gamers are spoiled.

Microsoft and Sony both lose money on their new consoles (especially Sony) taking huge losses over what they build the system for. Then they have to make it up with licensing comissions or units sold down the road when the tech is old. Nintendo generally profits on the system build but when you toss in marketing, R&D, and everything else, they aren't exactly raking in the dough either.

These systems aren't overpriced. Maybe they are more than you are interested to pay, but these companies aren't blowing their noses with wads of bills - they are taking huge risks in hope to succeed in the long run in a cutthroat environment.
[quote name='UltimateIdiot911']I disagree, the Vita is a fair price for all that is included. What's strange is that gamers cheer when Sony announce the Vita to be $250 a year ago (giving gamers a year to save), now suddenly nearing launch, it's overprice. With the time value of money and inflation, the Vita is cheaper than what it really is since the 1 year announcement[/QUOTE]

That was before the need for proprietary memory cards for a cart-based game system (ridiculous) to even boot games, and that they're incredibly overpriced for what you get, were announced. That made the system go from $250-300 to $270-350. And even then, 4GB simply won't cut it given how Sony is pushing this as a multimedia device.

Not to mention as of now they're making more per unit sold than Nintendo is with the 3DS. There's room for compensation there, and IMO the 8GB card should come with every system (wifi and 3G) indefinitely (not just until April 1).

Pretty sure that's why the system is doing so poorly, they need to make some adjustment to their plan with the Vita.
[quote name='Yigytugd']Microsoft is doing great with Computer Software, Kinect, and the 360. Not so well in the phone market or mp3 / video players (look at the Zune which did get replaced by Windows Phones). They are doing better than Sony in those areas but in no way are they not losing money. There's a difference.[/QUOTE]

I'm not one for internet arguments. My point is people like to make general sweeping statements that further their pointless arguments. Most people don't have a good idea of how corporations operate. Win 7 phone doesn't have to become the dominant platform on the market, the patents that come out of it will make Microsoft a lot of money.

Back to talking about the Vita, I still have my PSP phat. I found the build quality of the old PSPs to be much nicer than the 2000/3000s. I am hoping it will be the same with the Vita. Plus, it will be easier to get homebrew on launch models than the subsequent higher security models Sony will have to release to get around the security flaws.
After reading the fine print there is no way I am paying for a month of 3G just to get a free month of 3G to get a free game. I'll go with the WiFi model and get a 16GB card for about the same price.
[quote name='SW4J']That was before the need for proprietary memory cards for a cart-based game system (ridiculous) to even boot games, and that they're incredibly overpriced for what you get, were announced. That made the system go from $250-300 to $270-350. And even then, 4GB simply won't cut it given how Sony is pushing this as a multimedia device.

Not to mention as of now they're making more per unit sold than Nintendo is with the 3DS. There's room for compensation there, and IMO the 8GB card should come with every system (wifi and 3G) indefinitely (not just until April 1).

Pretty sure that's why the system is doing so poorly, they need to make some adjustment to their plan with the Vita.[/QUOTE]

Fair point about some games that won't boot without the memory card. As for the price of the card, that shouldn't be a huge surprise. Anyone who owned a PSP around launch would/should remember the price on memory stick pro duo were price in a similiar fashion.

Eventually, the price on the cards will fall which I believe will come first before the system.
No matter what you guys say... the Vita is bombing really hard in Japan, even thought it had a better launch lineup than the 3DS launch and holiday season.

And it's still doing pretty bad. Just so you know... WipEout was released last week in Japan and according to MediaCreate, it sold less than 5,000 copies.

It is doing much worse than the 3DS ever did, specially in software sales.

And no matter what you guys say, the Vita is going to bomb here in the US too.
No matter the fact is Mircosoft made money in 2011 and saw growth in all areas outside of windows, but that will change with windows 8. Sony on the other hand had a big net loss for the year and is bleeding money.

Back to topic.....kind of.....

I'm on the fence. I preordered back in July a WiFi vita as I have no reason for 3G seeing as I already pay AT&T $30 a month to be on 3G. Then the cost memory cards, that you have to have, are overpriced. When all said in done I will have 300 to 350 invested into a vita; cost of games etc. So I still haven't decided to cancel or not, but I see Sony sticking to the price for atleast a year unless there is massive pressure from the market.

The biggest issues Sony and Nintendo both face is smart phones, tablets, and the iPod touch. I know Cheapy and Ship bring this up on the Cagcast from time to time and Wombat thinks its a bit if a red harring, but the fact is there is a ton of pressure from those devices. For the price of a vita I can buy a 8gb iPod touch and fill it up with music, movies, apps, and games; Your still not doing bad buying a 32 or 64gb version.

The argument is that gamers don't won't to play games on a iPhone etc, but lots of people are. This is moving the dedacated handheld into a niche market. I am a gamer, but I only play my handheld at home there is no way I'm taking it out with me when I have an iPhone in my pocket the whole time. Again I'm stuck on one hand I want a vita on the other it's overpriced, in my opinion, and if I'm out and need to waste time I can play tiny tower on my phone. I understand the tech put into the vita makes the price pretty good for what you get, but I don't need another twitter app, Netflix, or Facebook I can already do that. When all is said and done I will get one, but my time is limited to play, the value propstion isnt there, and I have no need for all the bells and whistles.
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Just spoke with GameStop manager. I have the bundle with little deviants that comes out on the 15th. It has been upgraded also. So now u get the game, case , 8g card , 10 Psn game,AT&T pass. Def awesome!!! B
I want a Vita, but I'm definitely gonna wait it out for a either a price drop or the second version. I don't really want to support Sony overcharging for flash memory and, paying over $250 for a portable device without the ability of TV output sucks.
[quote name='Fernando Rocker']No matter what you guys say... the Vita is bombing really hard in Japan, even thought it had a better launch lineup than the 3DS launch and holiday season.

And it's still doing pretty bad. Just so you know... WipEout was released last week in Japan and according to MediaCreate, it sold less than 5,000 copies.

It is doing much worse than the 3DS ever did, specially in software sales.

And no matter what you guys say, the Vita is going to bomb here in the US too.[/QUOTE]

I really do hate when people complain saying that a console is going to fail b/c its not doing well in Japan. When the PSV came out in other Asian territories and Japan makes up for the smallest percentage of sales. Not only that but the fact that the 3DS is much cheaper, has Super Mario 3D and Monster Hunter, and offers more.

The 3DS should be doing well b/c of that and I'm happy that it is. Just mad when people say the PSV isn't going to do well in America b/c of Japanese sales. The Japanese launch barely had games that Japanese gamers wanted (other than Hot Shots Golf) and cost the same as a PS3.

I rather not consider Japan with the PSV or 3DS when comparing it to worldwide sales. If anything I would much rather consider Europe but it releases worldwide on the same day as the US launch.
[quote name='brentgolden']Just spoke with GameStop manager. I have the bundle with little deviants that comes out on the 15th. It has been upgraded also. So now u get the game, case , 8g card , 10 Psn game,AT&T pass. Def awesome!!! B[/QUOTE]

How? All of those items are prepackaged? Are they swapping the 4gb card included in the box for the 8gb card specifically for you?

[quote name='Fernando Rocker']No matter what you guys say... the Vita is bombing really hard in Japan, even thought it had a better launch lineup than the 3DS launch and holiday season.

And it's still doing pretty bad. Just so you know... WipEout was released last week in Japan and according to MediaCreate, it sold less than 5,000 copies.

It is doing much worse than the 3DS ever did, specially in software sales.

And no matter what you guys say, the Vita is going to bomb here in the US too.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the red herring. It pairs really well with all the w(h)ine in this thread. :roll:

So, by your logic, any video game console that fails in Japan, fails in every country as well? Somebody better get Microsoft on the phone then since the 360 has been dismal in sales since it was released. If only Japan bought into the 360, then it would have done great in the States! Ugh!

Wait a minute...;)
[quote name='brentgolden']Just spoke with GameStop manager. I have the bundle with little deviants that comes out on the 15th. It has been upgraded also. So now u get the game, case , 8g card , 10 Psn game,AT&T pass. Def awesome!!! B[/QUOTE]

Can anyone confirm if Sony really is doing this? If so an 8gb card with the first edition bundle may be enough to get me to bite.
When we get closer to launch, I expect more deals and maybe amazon credit to pop up just like what happened with the 3ds launch. That's why I still have 3 pre-orders at once.

Also, I'm waiting to see if the digital releases of PSV games will be cheaper than retail or not.
[quote name='GundamS']When we get closer to launch, I expect more deals and maybe amazon credit to pop up just like what happened with the 3ds launch. That's why I still have 3 pre-orders at once.

Also, I'm waiting to see if the digital releases of PSV games will be cheaper than retail or not.[/QUOTE]

From what I've seen at the Best Buy Kiosk the digital games are 10% off
[quote name='JG5253']From what I've seen at the Best Buy Kiosk the digital games are 10% off[/QUOTE]

I'm curious - if you have two Vitas, can you play the digital version on both consoles simultaneously. Be great for multiplayer games.
[quote name='WilliamG']I'm curious - if you have two Vitas, can you play the digital version on both consoles simultaneously. Be great for multiplayer games.[/QUOTE]
In theory...
[quote name='mkm1998']Can anyone confirm if Sony really is doing this? If so an 8gb card with the first edition bundle may be enough to get me to bite.[/QUOTE]

I'm calling BS on this claim at the moment. I think his post is of the "comforting" persuasion.

I've scoured Vita information sources, and nowhere does it say that they've changed the 4gb card to an 8gb for First Edition bundles.
[quote name='WilliamG']I'm curious - if you have two Vitas, can you play the digital version on both consoles simultaneously. Be great for multiplayer games.[/QUOTE]

I'm guessing you could but I'm not sure to tell you the truth
Downloadable is more convenient though since you can have all your games with you on one card. And you need a memory card anyway to store the PSN only games.
Current prices, it costs $70 more for a 32 GB card vs. 8 GB card, so you would need to buy $700 of store bought games for that 10% to help you. Lets say $35 a game so you break even after buying 20 games as downloads instead of on individual card.
I aim to be download only. I never trade my games in and I don't want to deal with swapping cards/discs or whatever.
[quote name='AoA']Downloadable is more convenient though since you can have all your games with you on one card. And you need a memory card anyway to store the PSN only games.
Current prices, it costs $70 more for a 32 GB card vs. 8 GB card, so you would need to buy $700 of store bought games for that 10% to help you. Lets say $35 a game so you break even after buying 20 games as downloads instead of on individual card.
I aim to be download only. I never trade my games in and I don't want to deal with swapping cards/discs or whatever.[/QUOTE]

You wish 20 x $35 games will for on a 32 GB card.
[quote name='elessar123']You wish 20 x $35 games will for on a 32 GB card.[/QUOTE]

You guys know you can delete and re-download games, right?
Talk to GameStop. They are still doing the 14th release. I'm a huge gamer. I was int the store today and again I was assured by the manager because I was going to switch to the 22 release 3G. So dont go against me. Sorry everyone preorders amazon and else where. I usually don't go with Gstop but this time I'm glad I did. Call a local store u will see. Happy gaming
[quote name='metaphysicalstyles']I'm calling BS on this claim at the moment. I think his post is of the "comforting" persuasion.

I've scoured Vita information sources, and nowhere does it say that they've changed the 4gb card to an 8gb for First Edition bundles.[/QUOTE]

Call a GameStop. Actually I preordered at Dulles plaza sterling va
[quote name='brentgolden']Talk to GameStop. They are still doing the 14th release. I'm a huge gamer. I was int the store today and again I was assured by the manager because I was going to switch to the 22 release 3G. So dont go against me. Sorry everyone preorders amazon and else where. I usually don't go with Gstop but this time I'm glad I did. Call a local store u will see. Happy gaming[/QUOTE]

Because they are assuming (the first edition bundle) is releasing on a Tuesday most likely, which it isn't.

Don't be so confident to trust a Gamestop employee.
[quote name='gettinmoney662']You guys know you can delete and re-download games, right?[/QUOTE]

That goes against carrying it all with you, which would make the $700 of games in his calculations wrong.

Actually, it's wrong anyways, because he calculated it based on $70 for a 32GB, instead of 24GB net gained from the $70.

Just looking on PSN, something like Deathspank is 1.2-1.5 GB, and that's a $15 game. Something like Wipeout will be 2GB+, judging by Wipeout HD. That's the closest comparison you can make, based on Wipeout being a full priced title.

Dead Space Extraction is nearly 4GB. Assuming a common $40 game takes even 3GB, it'll use 10% of your 32GB card, which is $10 of card real estate. You saved $4 from getting the digital version. Which one's the better deal, even before you factor in the ability to resell?
bread's done