Political Opinions


CAG Veteran
1. Should the government should prohibit gun ownership by private citizens?

2. Should Marijuana should be legalized?

3. Should the death penalty be abolished?
yes, except during certain cases such as a mass serial killer

4. Should the government control, regulate, and ban video games, including banning video game sales to teens?

5. Should we pull our troops out of Afghanistan?

6. Should abortion be legal or illegal?
It should be legal. If it was illegal it would force women to go to unprofessional black market doctors that don't know what they are doing, and cause both the mother and the baby to die.

7. Should stem cell research be legal?

8. Should criminals who sexually assault and/or rape children under the age of 13 be killed, castrated, chemically castrated, or simply imprisoned and registered as a sex offender?
yes, but only if they are guilty beyond a reasonably doubt

9. Should the police get money directly from tickets or should ticket money be put in with other government spending?

10. Should the police have a monthly/weekly quota of tickets that they must meet?

11. Should we stop Iran's nuclear weapons program?

12. Should we liberate North Korea and install a peaceful democratic government?

13. Should the government give money to failing businesses in order to keep them from going bankrupt?

14. Should the government control the economy (command economy), should the government never intervene in the economy (laissez-faire), or should the government intervene in the economy only when it is necessary (mixed economy)?

15. Should lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered individuals be given equal rights as straight individuals?

16. Should we pull our forces out of Iraq?

17. Should gay marriage be legalized?

18. Should we recognize the independent nation of Kosovo?

19. Should we recognize the independent nation of Abkhazia?

20. Should we recognize the independent nation of Jonathanland?

21. Should we recognize the independent nation of South Ossetia?

22. Should Puerto Rico become a US state, become and independent country, or remain a US territory?
US State

23. Should Guam become a US state, become and independent country, or remain a US territory?
US State

24. Should American Samoa become a US state, become and independent country, or remain a US territory?
US State

25. Should the US Virgin Islands become a US state, become and independent country, or remain a US territory?
US State

26. Should the US Minor Outlying Islands become US states, become and independent countries, or remain US territories?
US States

27. Should we make Iraq a US state?

28. Should we make Afghanistan a US state?

29. Do you think WikiLeaks should get shutdown?

30. Should the government minimize it's military spending?
only a little bit to help fix the economy

31. Should the government make stronger efforts to stop illegal immigration, especially from Mexico?

32. Should citizens of the District of Columbia be granted full voting rights?

33. Should New York City become it's own state, an independent country, or remain part of New York?
either remain part of New York or become it's own state

34. Should the United States create a North American Union with Canada? If so should we allow Mexico to join?
not now, but perhaps in the future, but not with Mexico unless Mexico becomes a first-world country by that time

35. Should the government censor books, movies, and other entertainment mediums?

36. Should it be made illegal to deny that the Holocaust happened or to claim that the government is responsible for the 9/11 terrorist attacks?
no, but it should be frowned upon

37. Should the government offer free broadband internet to all citizens, like Finland does?

38. Should the government increase it's power to enforce internet laws and put a stop to internet crimes?

39. Should the government shutdown 4chan, just /b/, or neither?
maybe /b/, but only if they get out of hand

40. Should 13 year olds be given universal suffrage?

41. Should the drinking age be lowered to atleast 18?

42. Should church and state remain separate?

43. Should we allow a mosque to be built next to Ground Zero?

44. Should the government offer free healthcare?

45. Should the government offer free college/university education?

46. Should tobacco be made illegal?

47. Should alcohol be made illegal again?

48. Should the government keep secrets from and lie to it's citizens?
only if it's necessary

49. Should classified and top secret documents be declassified?

50. Should the government take greater steps to promote political awareness among teens, so they know how to make better informed political decisions?

51. Should public schools bring back the ability to beat their students and force them to wear school uniforms?
no and absolutely not, school uniforms don't exist in the US and they could never exist here in public schools due to cliques and how high school students have always had the freedom of being able to dress how they wish, so long as they don't violate a dress code, plus people would rebel, and I'd be one of those rebels

52. Should we allow weapons in space?
yes, but only for the US, not for other countries

53. Should the United States join the International Criminal Court?

54. Should the age of consent be lowered to 13?

55. Should Julian Assange be tried in court for sexually assaulting (and raping) women and for releasing top secret government and military documents to the public?

56. Should NASA work harder to accomplish goals such as making first contact, building space ships, and colonizing other planets?

57. Should NASA set-up a colony on Mars using their proposed one-way trip system?

58. Should nuclear weapons be banned globally?
they should, but it's not really plausible

59. Should nuclear power be actively used in the United States?
yes, but not near large population centers

60. Should teenagers (from 13 to 19) be given the same rights and privileges as adults?

61. Should we allow private military contractors to continue to exist?

62. Should the government and military work to help stop and prevent genocides, civil wars, and other atrocities happening around the world, such as in Africa?

63. Should research into cloning be conducted?

64. Should we close the Guantanamo Bay prison?

65. Should Guantanamo Bay become a US state?

66. Should the United States become imperialist again, but this time we make the places we conquer become permanent US states?
no, but we should peacefully assimilate other countries into the US if they want to become states

67. Should the world unite under a democratic world government that is just like the United States, but governs the entire world?
hopefully sometime in the future
Should the drinking age be lowered to at least 18?

This told us everything we need to know about this school project. How's Government class going for ya?
1. Should the government should prohibit gun ownership by private citizens?

2. Should Marijuana should be legalized?

3. Should the death penalty be abolished?

4. Should the government control, regulate, and ban video games, including banning video game sales to teens?

5. Should we pull our troops out of Afghanistan?

6. Should abortion be legal or illegal?
Legal in instances of rape/incest/complications that would lead to the death of the mother/child.

7. Should stem cell research be legal?

8. Should criminals who sexually assault and/or rape children under the age of 13 be killed, castrated, chemically castrated, or simply imprisoned and registered as a sex offender?

9. Should the police get money directly from tickets or should ticket money be put in with other government spending?
Straight to the police department.

10. Should the police have a monthly/weekly quota of tickets that they must meet?

11. Should we stop Iran's nuclear weapons program?

12. Should we liberate North Korea and install a peaceful democratic government?

13. Should the government give money to failing businesses in order to keep them from going bankrupt?

14. Should the government control the economy (command economy), should the government never intervene in the economy (laissez-faire), or should the government intervene in the economy only when it is necessary (mixed economy)?

15. Should lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered individuals be given equal rights as straight individuals?
They already have them.

16. Should we pull our forces out of Iraq?

17. Should gay marriage be legalized?
All forms of government sponsored marriage should be removed, and have just a legal civil union contract in place (just for insurance/end of life decision purposes).

18. Should we recognize the independent nation of Kosovo?
Don’t care.

19. Should we recognize the independent nation of Abkhazia?
Don’t care.

20. Should we recognize the independent nation of Jonathanland?
Don’t care.

21. Should we recognize the independent nation of South Ossetia?
Don’t care.

22. Should Puerto Rico become a US state, become and independent country, or remain a US territory?
It will remain a territory because it receives all the benefits of a US state without the tax requirements of one.

23. Should Guam become a US state, become and independent country, or remain a US territory?
Don’t care.

24. Should American Samoa become a US state, become and independent country, or remain a US territory?
Don’t care.

25. Should the US Virgin Islands become a US state, become and independent country, or remain a US territory?
Don’t care.

26. Should the US Minor Outlying Islands become US states, become and independent countries, or remain US territories?
Don’t care.

27. Should we make Iraq a US state?

28. Should we make Afghanistan a US state?

29. Do you think WikiLeaks should get shutdown?

30. Should the government minimize it's military spending?

31. Should the government make stronger efforts to stop illegal immigration, especially from Mexico?

32. Should citizens of the District of Columbia be granted full voting rights?
Don’t care.

33. Should New York City become it's own state, an independent country, or remain part of New York?
Stay the same.

34. Should the United States create a North American Union with Canada? If so should we allow Mexico to join?
We’re fine how we are.

35. Should the government censor books, movies, and other entertainment mediums?
Not at all.

36. Should it be made illegal to deny that the Holocaust happened or to claim that the government is responsible for the 9/11 terrorist attacks?
There is no reason to make it illegal, nor is there any way to uphold any law that states it is.

37. Should the government offer free broadband internet to all citizens, like Finland does?

38. Should the government increase it's power to enforce internet laws and put a stop to internet crimes?

39. Should the government shutdown 4chan, just /b/, or neither?
Free speech, so no.

40. Should 13 year olds be given universal suffrage?
Don’t care.

41. Should the drinking age be lowered to atleast 18?
Either that or the voting/adulthood age needs to be raised to 21.

42. Should church and state remain separate?

43. Should we allow a mosque to be built next to Ground Zero?

44. Should the government offer free healthcare?

45. Should the government offer free college/university education?

46. Should tobacco be made illegal?

47. Should alcohol be made illegal again?

48. Should the government keep secrets from and lie to it's citizens?
Seriously? If you think they aren’t doing that already, it is time to wake up. I don’t really care if they lie to me, I already know they do it.

49. Should classified and top secret documents be declassified?

50. Should the government take greater steps to promote political awareness among teens, so they know how to make better informed political decisions?
No. It needs to be a personal choice, and doesn’t need to have any bias from the particular group in power, republicans or democrats.

51. Should public schools bring back the ability to beat their students and force them to wear school uniforms?

52. Should we allow weapons in space?
It isn’t like we can stop anyone from doing it.

53. Should the United States join the International Criminal Court?

54. Should the age of consent be lowered to 13?

55. Should Julian Assange be tried in court for sexually assaulting (and raping) women and for releasing top secret government and military documents to the public?
Yes to the first, no to the second.

56. Should NASA work harder to accomplish goals such as making first contact, building space ships, and colonizing other planets?

57. Should NASA set-up a colony on Mars using their proposed one-way trip system?

58. Should nuclear weapons be banned globally?

59. Should nuclear power be actively used in the United States?

60. Should teenagers (from 13 to 19) be given the same rights and privileges as adults?

61. Should we allow private military contractors to continue to exist?

62. Should the government and military work to help stop and prevent genocides, civil wars, and other atrocities happening around the world, such as in Africa?

63. Should research into cloning be conducted?
Yes, in regards to growing organs.

64. Should we close the Guantanamo Bay prison?

65. Should Guantanamo Bay become a US state?

66. Should the United States become imperialist again, but this time we make the places we conquer become permanent US states?

67. Should the world unite under a democratic world government that is just like the United States, but governs the entire world?
1. Should the government should prohibit gun ownership by private citizens?


2. Should Marijuana should be legalized?

Yes. As should other substances and activities.

3. Should the death penalty be abolition?


4. Should the government control, regulate, and ban video games, including banning video game sales to teens?


5. Should we pull our troops out of Afghanistan?


6. Should abortion be legal or illegal?

Government shouldn't legislate morality. Unless life can be proven to begin at X point, it should be legal.

7. Should stem cell research be legal?

Yes, but not funded through income tax dollars.

8. Should criminals who sexually assault and/or rape children under the age of 13 be killed, castrated, chemically castrated, or simply imprisoned and registered as a sex offender?

Imprisoned. Can't blanket the sex offender label for potentially non-violent crimes, though.

9. Should the police get money directly from tickets or should ticket money be put in with other government spending?

No opinion. Haven't sat down to think about it.

10. Should the police have a monthly/weekly quota of tickets that they must meet?


11. Should we stop Iran's nuclear weapons program?

No. Especially if it isn't certain that they even have a weapons program.

12. Should we liberate North Korea and install a peaceful democratic government?

No. It'd be great if South and North Korea worked out their problems, though.

13. Should the government give money to failing businesses in order to keep them from going bankrupt?

Absolutely not.

14. Should the government control the economy (command economy), should the government never intervene in the economy (laissez-faire), or should the government intervene in the economy only when it is necessary (mixed economy)?


15. Should lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered individuals be given equal rights as straight individuals?

Any law giving any rights based on anything other than humanity should be repealed.

16. Should we pull our forces out of Iraq?


17. Should gay marriage be legalized?

Government should not legislate morality. As such, it should stop rewarding "straight marriage" and stop punishing "gay marriage".

18. Should we recognize the independent nation of Kosovo?

Define recognize.

19. Should we recognize the independent nation of Azerbaijan?


20. Should we recognize the independent nation of Jonathanland?

Peaceful secession is fine.

21. Should we recognize the independent nation of South Ossetia?

See above.

22. Should Puerto Rico become a US state, become and independent country, or remain a US territory?

Puerto Rico's decision to make.

23. Should Guam become a US state, become and independent country, or remain a US territory?

Guam's decision.

24. Should American Samoa become a US state, become and independent country, or remain a US territory?

American Samoa's decision.

25. Should the US Virgin Islands become a US state, become and independent country, or remain a US territory?

US Virgin Islands' decision.

26. Should the US Minor Outlying Islands become US states, become and independent countries, or remain US territories?

Their choice.

27. Should we make Iraq a US state?

Absolutely not.

28. Should we make Afghanistan a US state?

See above.

29. Do you think WikiLeaks should get shutdown?

Ridiculous to even entertain the thought.

30. Should the government minimize it's military spending?

To the extent that we no longer have a standing army.

31. Should the government make stronger efforts to stop illegal immigration, especially from Mexico?

Depends on the proposal.

32. Should citizens of the District of Columbia be granted full voting rights?

Define full voting rights.

33. Should New York City become it's own state, an independent country, or remain part of New York?

That's between New York and New York.

34. Should the United States create a North American Union with Canada? If so should we allow Mexico to join?

No, and since I'm against NAU, no.

35. Should the government censor books, movies, and other entertainment mediums?


36. Should it be made illegal to deny that the Holocaust happened or to claim that the government is responsible for the 9/11 terrorist attacks?


37. Should the government offer free broadband internet to all citizens, like Finland does?


38. Should the government increase it's power to enforce internet laws and put a stop to internet crimes?


39. Should the government shutdown 4chan, just /b/, or neither?


40. Should 13 year olds be given universal suffrage?


41. Should the drinking age be lowered to atleast 18?


42. Should church and state remain separate?


43. Should we allow a mosque to be built next to Ground Zero?

Shouldn't be up to government to allow such a thing.

44. Should the government offer free healthcare?


45. Should the government offer free college/university education?


46. Should tobacco be made illegal?


47. Should alcohol be made illegal again?


48. Should the government keep secrets from and lie to it's citizens?


49. Should classified and top secret documents be declassified?


50. Should the government take greater steps to promote political awareness among teens, so they know how to make better informed political decisions?


51. Should public schools bring back the ability to beat their students and force them to wear school uniforms?


52. Should we allow weapons in space?

What is the issue at hand?

53. Should the United States join the International Criminal Court?

If it's non-binding and does not require taxpayer funding, sure.

54. Should the age of consent be lowered to 13?


55. Should Julian Assange be tried in court for sexually assaulting (and raping) women and for releasing top secret government and military documents to the public?

Not wearing a condom is not rape. And no. The First Amendment is pretty clear on this.

56. Should NASA work harder to accomplish goals such as making first contact, building space ships, and colonizing other planets?


57. Should NASA set-up a colony on Mars using their proposed one-way trip system?


58. Should nuclear weapons be banned globally?


59. Should nuclear power be actively used in the United States?

Without government subsidies, sure.

60. Should teenagers (from 13 to 19) be given the same rights and privileges as adults?

Too generic.

61. Should we allow private military contractors to continue to exist?

Sure, but we shouldn't employ them. Certainly not at the rates at which we currently do.

62. Should the government and military work to help stop and prevent genocides, civil wars, and other atrocities happening around the world, such as in Africa?

Diplomatically through neutrality.

63. Should research into cloning be conducted?

Not by taxpayer funds.

64. Should we close the Guantanamo Bay prison?


65. Should Guantanamo Bay become a US state?

According to the Bush Administration, it both is and isn't US territory. It should be under Cuba's control.

66. Should the United States become imperialist again, but this time we make the places we conquer become permanent US states?

We stopped being imperialist? That practice should end immediately.

67. Should the world unite under a democratic world government that is just like the United States, but governs the entire world?

[quote name='xCKxCORNFLAKES']Just voicing my opinion don't get so mad babes[/QUOTE]

So in your humble opinion, why should the President of the United States get his brains splattered all over the trunk of a Lincoln or shot in a train station?
[quote name='depascal22']So in your humble opinion, why should the President of the United States get his brains splattered all over the trunk of a Lincoln or shot in a train station?[/QUOTE]

hmmm ok first he is black let me get that out of the way first.
second he spends 2 much time making childrens books and playing basketball then fixxing this country nothing gotten better and i thought it was time for a change but not for the worse the better
[quote name='xCKxCORNFLAKES']hmmm ok first he is black let me get that out of the way first.

I hope whoever made this joke account gets banned from this forum. I'm really hoping it's one of the holy trinity of dumbasses we have running around, the names of which anyone can figure out without too much trouble.
bread's done