Political podcasts, radio shows and other things to listen to while gaming?

MSI Magus

83 (100%)
I have a few games like Marvel Heroes I play that are pretty grind heavy that I like to listen to podcats in the background or run TV shows on my laptop. I feel over the last year or two most of what I have listened to has either ended(Talk of the Nation/Its all politics) or has just become something I cant respect(Diane Rehm). Hoping maybe a few of you can suggest some new stuff to listen to. I am open to TV shows about politics as well.

While I am a liberal I am open to conservative sources IF they can present reasonable facts and not be completely one sided/talking points. I can only think of a few Republicans that can do this(MIcheal Steele for example) so I highly doubt there is a whole show of that type of discussion though :shame:

Hopefully a few of you have some new news sources, I am beyond frustrated and bored with the ones I am using!

I don't listen to political podcasts AT ALL. I do listen to Public Radio, but when I do listen while gaming, they're in culture mode, meaning they play Frank Sinatra-era music, play This American Life, and etc. Nobody's shouting down each other, and if anybody is caught on taping talking like an idiot, it's their own damn fault.

You're better off listening to music or something.

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I don't listen to political podcasts AT ALL. I do listen to Public Radio, but when I do listen while gaming, they're in culture mode, meaning they play Frank Sinatra-era music, play This American Life, and etc. Nobody's shouting down each other, and if anybody is caught on taping talking like an idiot, it's their own damn fault.

You're better off listening to music or something.
Well I do have everything from Music to Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia or Marvels Shield on in background. It would just be nice to find a few more intelligent things to listen to. I like getting my news this way and I find music or TV with games leads to me turning my vaporizer on and never leaving the couch :whistle2: :D/

Listen to Tom Woods. If you a liberal then you will like his podcasts on social issues. I think there was a pretty wonderful episode featuring Ralph Nader. 


I don't listen to it all the time, but it's about stunt skating on rollerblades similar to flatland bmx and skateboarding. There's a lot of talk about how aggressive rollerblading began, it's boom, decline, future, and interviews with "pros" as well as people formerly and currently involved in the industry. They tend to be 1-2 hours and as someone that used to skate, I find the background stuff that was going on while I was wrecking myself on ledges and getting harassed by cops on motorcycles really interesting...haha
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Wow if the episode on police brutatlity and race is any indication no no no no heeeell no to Tom Woods. Him and his guest in the first half hour of the show.

Implied all police are evil and stupid because "low class people with little worth" sell Marijuana and get raped in jail

Implied the whole entire world judges Jews differently

Stated that we need to privatize the prison system to end these injustices

Stated education is over funded

Stated anytime we socialize ANYTHING everything costs more and becomes ineffective

None of these things were backed up with facts, just a life experience or two and both the host and the guest were insulting to conservative and liberal alike. I mean this is the PERFECT example of why I hate most libertarians. Some are great people who are conflicted by a world that attempts to see things in black and white. Almost every libertarian I know is also smart as hell. The problem is that they are the type of person that gets off on showing how intelligent and reasonable they are to the point where they become unintelligent and unreasonable. Basically they tell us all how grey life is and how grand the middle is but they always seem to find a side pretty easily and insult everyone who doesnt agree with them while hiding behind the shield of "being the reasonable guy in the middle who sees both sides".

I still cant believe the guy implied all police officers are evil because people get raped in our corrupt prison system....let alone then implying the answer is privatization. Maybe this was just a bad episode to try for a first one? Either way, damn you would think the host even if he wasnt going to call the guy on that level of bullshit would at least make him elaborate more.

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How about Mike and Tom Eat Snacks? http://www.nerdist.com/podcast_channel/mike-and-tom-eat-snacks-channel/ Tom Cavanaugh is a pretty mouthy guy contrary to his acting.
He used to be really funny on those old "I love" shows on VH1. I do not understand peoples fascination with watching other people eat snacks though. There are sooooo many of these types of shows right now and outside Buzzfeeds making people from different countries eat each others snacks/foods I really do not see the point to them. Even then I think I mostly watch them to humor my wife heh.

Hate that I want to rewatch those stupid VH1 shows now though.....

Each episode is at least 30 minutes, you'd think two famous comedic actors would find more to talk about than just eating snacks.

Of course, you can also listen to the Bugle with John Oliver and Andy Zalzman. But you'd have to be able to stomach British accents.

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Search for "Art Bell" and sometimes the streams have an old political show of his going.  It's interesting listening to the political shows he did back in the 90s.

Wow if the episode on police brutatlity and race is any indication no no no no heeeell no to Tom Woods. Him and his guest in the first half hour of the show.

Implied all police are evil and stupid because "low class people with little worth" sell Marijuana and get raped in jail

Implied the whole entire world judges Jews differently

Stated that we need to privatize the prison system to end these injustices

Stated education is over funded

Stated anytime we socialize ANYTHING everything costs more and becomes ineffective

None of these things were backed up with facts, just a life experience or two and both the host and the guest were insulting to conservative and liberal alike. I mean this is the PERFECT example of why I hate most libertarians. Some are great people who are conflicted by a world that attempts to see things in black and white. Almost every libertarian I know is also smart as hell. The problem is that they are the type of person that gets off on showing how intelligent and reasonable they are to the point where they become unintelligent and unreasonable. Basically they tell us all how grey life is and how grand the middle is but they always seem to find a side pretty easily and insult everyone who doesnt agree with them while hiding behind the shield of "being the reasonable guy in the middle who sees both sides".

I still cant believe the guy implied all police officers are evil because people get raped in our corrupt prison system....let alone then implying the answer is privatization. Maybe this was just a bad episode to try for a first one? Either way, damn you would think the host even if he wasnt going to call the guy on that level of bullshit would at least make him elaborate more.
Haven't checked that episode yet but you were probably right about that episode being a bad choice. The show is aimed at Libertarians so to us everything makes sense where to a liberal it might be a shock.

If you ever have time you should read about some of these issues you stated above such as privatization since in reality it does make sense and has been argued before. Probably some information can be found on his site. I don't know about your libertarian friends but in my city the group I hang out with is one of the most respectful people I have met. The libertarians on these forums are also the nicest people in the VS. section. Unlike a few liberals we actually try to debate the issues and not personally attack each other.

Anyways hopefully you will find something interesting.

I think the final straw was when he said he respects not just the people of Fox Bussiness but the show itself.....
Anything in particular? Like John Stossel?


I don't listen to it all the time, but it's about stunt skating on rollerblades similar to flatland bmx and skateboarding. There's a lot of talk about how aggressive rollerblading began, it's boom, decline, future, and interviews with "pros" as well as people formerly and currently involved in the industry. They tend to be 1-2 hours and as someone that used to skate, I find the background stuff that was going on while I was wrecking myself on ledges and getting harassed by cops on motorcycles really interesting...haha

I haven't skated in a couple years, but I used to love to run around town like an idiot trying to get into stuff. I will have to give this a listen tomorrow at the office.

The bad part is, this is probably going to make me want to start skating again!


Search for "Art Bell" and sometimes the streams have an old political show of his going. It's interesting listening to the political shows he did back in the 90s.
I really like Art Bell. He is very very entertaining. It really seems like he truly believed what the callers were saying. I'm not as big of a fan of George Noory, but I listen to him on the way to work most days.

I got big into Coast to Coast in 2005 when I was a courier and had to make a 6 hour round trip every night, from about 11:00-6:00 with a break in the middle. That show was awesome, and really makes you think about what happens, and what is out there.


I haven't skated in a couple years, but I used to love to run around town like an idiot trying to get into stuff. I will have to give this a listen tomorrow at the office.

The bad part is, this is probably going to make me want to start skating again!
O man the image of Bray Wyatt with the crazy face in your avatar on a skateboard is just too amazing. I want a Bray Wyatt vs Dean Ambrose Skateboard on a pole match next Monday!

@Mrsilkunderwear - We just disagree on privitization and I am sorry but many places that have tried it have already proven you wrong. I have read about it, living in Michigan I am disgusted enough with what Private contractors are doing to inmates in my state in my name. It is easy for libertarians to say they care about social issues but I am sorry when end of the day you put privatization over people it is just not true. History has proven time and time again we have regulations for a reason. Regulations are not perfect they create tons of bureaucracy which cost us all massive amounts of time and money. I understand WHY libertarians are so pro privatization, I really do. I chose to remain a liberal on this issue though because to me human life and dignity should always be of utmost importance not the mighty dollar. It does not matter if it is in war or just feeding our prisoners, privatization always ends badly for those who are not getting paid. Libertarians just so happen to always be on that paid winning end.

Speaking of getting paid that is another big issue. Bureaucracy is expensive but outside of a perfect libertarian Utopia so will privatization be. We have a broken world full of crony capitalism and liberal, conservative or libertarian we have to function within the existing system til we break it and build a new one. The same way that this broken system brings any liberals dreams to a screeching halt when we get a chance to put them into practice, libertarianism is the same. It is impossible to not argue this again when men like Cheney and Rick Scott always seem to come away much richer after we privatize and or contract.

Done discussing this for now since I hate getting drawn in at the politics forurms. I will be happy to read over any links on privatization though that you leave to back up your points. Again sorry but personally when I look at history I see a whole lot of rich people getting richer, a whole lot of black men being boxed up and not fed properly and a whole lot of quasi soldiers doing fucked up things in my name. fuck privatization of any public system until privatization comes with IMMENSE regulation.

Wow if the episode on police brutatlity and race is any indication no no no no heeeell no to Tom Woods. Him and his guest in the first half hour of the show.

Implied all police are evil and stupid because "low class people with little worth" sell Marijuana and get raped in jail

Implied the whole entire world judges Jews differently

Stated that we need to privatize the prison system to end these injustices

Stated education is over funded

Stated anytime we socialize ANYTHING everything costs more and becomes ineffective

None of these things were backed up with facts, just a life experience or two and both the host and the guest were insulting to conservative and liberal alike. I mean this is the PERFECT example of why I hate most libertarians. Some are great people who are conflicted by a world that attempts to see things in black and white. Almost every libertarian I know is also smart as hell. The problem is that they are the type of person that gets off on showing how intelligent and reasonable they are to the point where they become unintelligent and unreasonable. Basically they tell us all how grey life is and how grand the middle is but they always seem to find a side pretty easily and insult everyone who doesnt agree with them while hiding behind the shield of "being the reasonable guy in the middle who sees both sides".

I still cant believe the guy implied all police officers are evil because people get raped in our corrupt prison system....let alone then implying the answer is privatization. Maybe this was just a bad episode to try for a first one? Either way, damn you would think the host even if he wasnt going to call the guy on that level of bullshit would at least make him elaborate more.
Tom Woods generally asks his guest a question, then lets his guest speak for a good period of time. He rarely interrupts. His guest that week's schtick is that he's ascerbic.

Also of note, Tom Woods is an anarcho-capitalist. He's going to be opposed to state-run institutions, like police. He gave a presentation of the economics of the police state this year. Here it is, so you can hear Tom's thoughts in his own words:


O man the image of Bray Wyatt with the crazy face in your avatar on a skateboard is just too amazing. I want a Bray Wyatt vs Dean Ambrose Skateboard on a pole match next Monday!

@Mrsilkunderwear - We just disagree on privitization and I am sorry but many places that have tried it have already proven you wrong. I have read about it, living in Michigan I am disgusted enough with what Private contractors are doing to inmates in my state in my name. It is easy for libertarians to say they care about social issues but I am sorry when end of the day you put privatization over people it is just not true. History has proven time and time again we have regulations for a reason. Regulations are not perfect they create tons of bureaucracy which cost us all massive amounts of time and money. I understand WHY libertarians are so pro privatization, I really do. I chose to remain a liberal on this issue though because to me human life and dignity should always be of utmost importance not the mighty dollar. It does not matter if it is in war or just feeding our prisoners, privatization always ends badly for those who are not getting paid. Libertarians just so happen to always be on that paid winning end.

Speaking of getting paid that is another big issue. Bureaucracy is expensive but outside of a perfect libertarian Utopia so will privatization be. We have a broken world full of crony capitalism and liberal, conservative or libertarian we have to function within the existing system til we break it and build a new one. The same way that this broken system brings any liberals dreams to a screeching halt when we get a chance to put them into practice, libertarianism is the same. It is impossible to not argue this again when men like Cheney and Rick Scott always seem to come away much richer after we privatize and or contract.

Done discussing this for now since I hate getting drawn in at the politics forurms. I will be happy to read over any links on privatization though that you leave to back up your points. Again sorry but personally when I look at history I see a whole lot of rich people getting richer, a whole lot of black men being boxed up and not fed properly and a whole lot of quasi soldiers doing fucked up things in my name. fuck privatization of any public system until privatization comes with IMMENSE regulation.
First of all it is amazing to me that people expect perfection from a free market yet ignore the faults within the current system.
Not every libertarian is for a complete privatization of everything, if we are talking about prisons then I believe it should be under government’s jurisdiction. To say that we put privatization over people is like saying progressives put taxes over social rights. You try and make us out to be pawns of the big corporations when libertarians believe in the rule of law and individual rights no matter the skin color or social status. Regulations exist and they can be good but I personally never argued for getting rid of all of them but instead make it smart without a government’s overreach. To say that privatization always ends badly for those who are not getting paid and then not provide actual data makes me want to just ignore the rest of your post as you have criticized Tom Woods for doing the exact same thing.
You talk about Cheney getting richer but he has not gained his wealth through pure free market but by manipulating the government forces. If you understand that then you should have no qualms with the capitalism.
I understand that this forum can be divisive but in the future I would enjoy reading some of your posts. Just remember that libertarians are for equal rights for all people. Those rich people would get richer with hard work, the black men would be fed as they do today by private organizations and not by taking resources from one group of people and giving it to the other without your consent. That is not a trait of a free society.

Town that privatized nearly everything:
Privatization of schools:
A small bit on social security:
Here's some good NPR ones:

Planet Money (I really recommend this one, the episodes are short and sweet)

On Point with Tom Ashbrook

This American Life

Radio Lab

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