POLL: I have to get one shooter for Christmas, which one?

Lieutenant Dan

10 (100%)
I need solid online play and solid single player. I can't decide which to get. I know "all of the above" would technically be the best decision, but if you had to pick one, which would you pick?
I haven't played CoD3 yet, but of the others I say Rainbow Six Vegas is the best. It has far better cover mechanics than Gears of War and way more varied environments than either of the other two.
GOW - has a short single player, but the multiplayer is good

RS:V - seems like the single player has decent legth, not to mention that you can play the single player campaign online with 3 friends, and toss in some more varied multiplayer and it seems like you have yourself a winner

Can't talk about the others as I am getting COD3 for xmas, and if I wanted to play FEAR I would have picked it up for PC already

But you can't really go wrong with GOW or RS:V
gow is so outstanding i dont think it should be missed. it doesnt feel like anything else to me, which is nice, having a fresh experience.
fear is pretty darn good, i havent put much time in it but i liked it enough to pay full price for it and be happy which is something.
[quote name='tekkenlaw']Is GOW worth getting if you dont play on live?[/QUOTE]

Would you count online Co-op? The campaign is good, but at points you'll wish the AI wasn't shit.
As said, I wouldn't count Gears as an FPS. So with that said - Rainbow Six. Played it at a friend's today, came home and ordered my copy. I knew it would be good but it was better than I expected.

If you can only get one of those games, GoW. Both are well worth your time and money though.
CoD3 but it really comes down to what you want to play. Do you want a run-n-gun shooter (GoW) or a game thats somewhat realistic (CoD3) I like CoD3 better because it has different postions and you have to work as a team.
[quote name='CitizenB']CoD3 but it really comes down to what you want to play. Do you want a run-n-gun shooter (GoW) or a game thats somewhat realistic (CoD3) I like CoD3 better because it has different postions and you have to work as a team.[/quote]

Gears is the exact opposite of a run and gun game. You have to constantly take cover and work together as a team, or you're effed in the a.
[quote name='Trakan']Gears is the exact opposite of a run and gun game. You have to constantly take cover and work together as a team, or you're effed in the a.[/QUOTE]

During the story, or CO-OP mode yes.
but when I played online. Everyone ran toward each other and had a shoot-out within 10 feet. Or one group would hide in a corner of the map and wait for us to run around the corner, and try to snipe us.
Rainbow Six....been playing mp nonstop since early this week. this game has a ton of legs and will get you months of playing time
[quote name='CitizenB']During the story, or CO-OP mode yes.
but when I played online. Everyone ran toward each other and had a shoot-out within 10 feet. [/QUOTE]

Then you just played GOW with a bunch of people from a group home.

I'm putting in vote for F.E.A.R. , although you can't go wrong with anything on the list. At this time, I am enjoying the Multiplayer in FEAR the most .
Voted for Gears of War, but I suggest getting Gears and Rainbow Six: Vegas.
The story mode of Vegas is monumentally more interesting and satisfying than Gears.

But I prefer Gears' tight, tense online battles, to the more standard fare of Vegas online.
I've played all of your choices, and GOW is a must-have for any 360 owner with XBL and any interest in shooters.

With that said, R6 is right on its tail (and in some aspects, surpasses it).
GoW is fun both single and multi

CoD3 seems rather short for single, did not go online yet.

FEAR seems ok, but I did not like the demo

RS:V - Demos were good, just rented today....we;ll see how it goes.
If you are use to playing your CODs on the PC, stay FAR FAR away from cod3. Absolutely horrible rail shooter. Unless of course you like getting stuck on a twig or not being able to walk over a small rock and even stopped dead in your tracks by 1 ft. tall grass. It may be a good console fps, but this game would get torn apart if it were on the pc.
Multiplayer felt like an average class based console fps.
On the positive side, the graphics for the environment looked really really nice! The skins for the characters, not so much. Everyone has a wet starched looked to thier clothes
I can't imagine the other choices up there are any worse then cod3.
I posted this in the Rainbow Six Vegas discussion as well...

For anyone who has the final version of Rainbow Six Vegas, have the framerates improved at all or is it still like the demo?
bread's done