Porno Movie gets re-edited for R rated release


5 (100%)
Adult Film Pirates Sails Home With R Rating
The adult movie becomes widely accessible with this edited release.

May 23, 2006 - On July 11, 2006, MTI Home Video will release an R-rated version of the adult film, Pirates, on DVD. The movie is the most expensive adult film ever created, and has been edited down to be the very first hardcore adult movie to ever receive an R rating, and follows a group of pirates as they search for treasure. It will boast several bonus materials and extra features, and will be available for the MSRP (Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price) of $24.95.

The R rated edition of the Pirates DVD will feature the following bonus materials:

* Visual F/X Making-Of
* Blooper Reel
* Trailer

Check out the artwork for the Pirates DVDs below:


I am really curious if this movie is goin to be like 20 minutes long.
[quote name='wbc1228']huh?!
so they took out most if not all of the porno and it is now a related R firm?!
who the hell is going to buy this?![/quote]

You'd be surprised. Some people like the softcore Cinemax type stuff. It's actually a pretty good idea from a business standpoint IMO.
Porn without the porn? No, thanks.

There might be some good Cinemax stuff out there but i usually tune out into the boobies start flying.
How did I know it was that porn going for an R rating. They need to earn more money, and the stars if good actors can possibly do a Traci Lords move and get into non fucking roles.
[quote name='ValkyrieVF-1S']but what would be the point?! ;([/quote]

To get mainstream exposure and get into Blockbuster Video.
It's all about the story, man. Like, why is that buxom maid having such trouble reaching the high spots on my entertainment center? And by entertainment center, I mean my...
Man its like half the price of the actual DVD. That things like 4 discs or something. Wow Teagan and Jenevieve are in this?! :joystick:

Oops, I mean...uhh...who are these people?!
[quote name='GuilewasNK']You'd be surprised. Some people like the softcore Cinemax type stuff. It's actually a pretty good idea from a business standpoint IMO.[/QUOTE]

No, this will appeal to the people that used to watch USA Network Up All Night where they played the shittiest softcore movies evar and cut out all the good stuff, then played the movie as if an actual plot existed without the titties.

This is actually a damn good idea. Anytime someone sees a hot chick on TV, they google more pictures of her. Now you can see a R-Rated porno, then go buy the version that has the dick in her ass.

Teagan Presly is fucking awesome BTW. So I've heard.

[quote name='CouRageouS']Man its like half the price of the actual DVD. That things like 4 discs or something. [/QUOTE]

It's was the first Hd-DVD porn. I shame my family name with this knowledge.
"Pirates" won a record 11 AVN Awards.
  • Best Video Feature
  • Best DVD
  • Best Director - Video (Joone)
  • Best Actress - Video (Janine)
  • Best High-Definition Production
  • Best All-Girl Sex Scene - Video (Janine & Jesse Jane)
  • Best Special Effects
  • Best Actor - Video (Evan Stone)
  • Best Music
  • Best Supporting Actor - Video (Tommy Gunn)
  • Best On-Line Marketing Campaign
cinemax and showtime have been doing this for years they play actual porno movies that have been edited to an R rating.

The only diference I guess is this will be available to buy to the public.

Its for those that are fans of the 'stars' and those creepy guys that get mad when there favorite bangs on screen they want romance and there jealous!Thats there girl!
Yeah, I read about this too, I guess it's because this was apparentally an expensive porno, but judging by some screenshots I saw (
), it looks to have the production values of your typical DTV action other than boobies, what distinguishes this from those? Is it actually good in terms of plot or something?
This is going to be ten minutes of pirate dialogue delivered by porn stars, interrupted with scenes of male top nudity and women's legs.

But now I have an idea of a cool porno to see. Thanks, ikohn!
[quote name='Graystone']Amazing, I can't wait to see this at wal-mart for $14.99 and a kid asking his mom for it cause its that "pirate movie."[/QUOTE]

And the mom tells the kid, daddy has that movie already.
[quote name='2poor']"Pirates" won a record 11 AVN Awards.
  • Best Video Feature
  • Best DVD
  • Best Director - Video (Joone)
  • Best Actress - Video (Janine)
  • Best High-Definition Production
  • Best All-Girl Sex Scene - Video (Janine & Jesse Jane)
  • Best Special Effects
  • Best Actor - Video (Evan Stone)
  • Best Music
  • Best Supporting Actor - Video (Tommy Gunn)
  • Best On-Line Marketing Campaign

It won that many awards?! I thought it wasn't that great of a porno movie. My opinion is irrelevent though, I watched it just for the story (note to self: there was a plot?! Oh yeah..... I fast forward thru all of that).
[quote name='MightySlacker']
Teagan Presly is fucking awesome BTW. So I've heard.

I too have heard this. But don't go spreading rumors on the internet without providing proof!
I saw the actual porn, and I can easily say it would suck as a regular movie. The actual porn didn't do much for me either, let alone the movie without sex. I like more natural looking girls not the whole bleached blonde/fake tits/hard body thing. Just picture a really bad Pirates of the Carribian rip-off with really bad acting, and really bad digital skeletons, and you have this movie.
Hey, they showed this at my campus' movie theater during the year, and from what I heard it was pretty good (I had a lab report due the next morning, so I didn't have time to wait in line to try and get in :().

Apparently the candle scene was something to behold, hopefully that wasn't cut out.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']The R rated edition of the Pirates DVD will feature the following bonus materials:

* Visual F/X Making-Of
* Blooper Reel
* Trailer[/quote]

I somehow missed this before. What the hell would this edited porno movie blooper reel consist of?

"Yarr me booty needs some tuna salad!"
"LOL U BLOB that wasn't your line!"
I'm temped with this one. I have a thing for women wearing historic clothing. But I never really did like pirate movies, or hard bodies. Kate winslet would have been perfect in this film, before she lost all that weight anyway.
Teagan looks good in a few of her flicks, so I don't know about the hard bodied thing, as she's decently thick (weapons of @ss destruction :) ), minus the chest. As for the rest of the cast, bleh.

I'll d/l it sometime if I'm bored, or not ready to shiver me timbers.

MSI^ LMAO btw. :)
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