Positive Ways video games have affected our culture?


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We were having a discussion in class today about video games, and how they may have affected violence among our youths. The thing is video games have had a positve influence in our culture. But I need more examples.

1. The Elderly in retirement homes.
2.Disease (PS3 Folding at home)
3.The US Army.

Anybody have anymore suggestions?
Well, video games have likely had some positive effects, yes, but have also likely had some negative effects. Positives?

1. hand-eye coordination
2. problem solving skills
3. exposure to previously neglected (in the West) Asian cultures

There's more than you can probably come up with, but all of these are more guesses than any real hard evidence.
Apparently, playing videogames and watching anime has made kids become experts in all things Japanese. VIDEOGAME SUKI GOMEN. JAPANESE PEOPLE ARE FUNNY AND CRAZYYYY

Talk about like the use of more uncommon terminology in video games (ex. playing racing games and learning the names of the parts of a car, or learning the names of guns...lol), historical figures being incorporated into them (ex. Eternal Sonata)...although an argument may be that you could read a few books and learn as much as 50 video games...but its a start :)
building up your reflex skills!

teaching you how to use crazy technology like a 360 or ps3.

teaching you how to sync bluetooth devices.

pushing imaginations by showing gamers how great stories dont come from just books or movies

GTA4 teaches u if ur car is turned upside down u better book it or itll blow up, go check out that article on that family whos daughter played GTA and their car flipped over and she was like we better get out then a few mins later the car exploded!

teaches u the rules of all sports by putting u in the game, i think i learned the rules of football from madden.

brainage keeps your math skills and reflexes sharp!

keeps kids from doing drugs cause.. theyre busy gaming! and they use their $$ towards games and not drugs lol
Play enough KOEI games and you don't really need history class anymore.
bread's done