Post your worst buy of 2003

i didnt make any bad purchases because i always get reviews first to make sure a game doesnt suck goat milk......except i pre-ordered state of emergency. but i actually liked it for a good number of hours. then it got old as so many games do. i usually only pre-order games that WILL be good i.e. Wind Waker and Half Life 2. but i was kinda suckered in by the prospect of even more violence than gta.
Morrowind GOTY Edition for 30 + shipping. Considering it doens't have as much polish as Morrowind (which isn't alot) I have now saw it for 20-25. I wish I would have waited.
those who brought n-gage when it came out $ 300 with no game

then a month later 100 price reduction and free games!! that the worst buy!! :x
yea, but who here actually bought a n-gage? they only sold like 5000 in teh first week. i dont think things have changed much even with the reduction
I'd have to say Socom II is my worst buy of the year. Not that I actually paid money for it (enter EBGames super after christmas trade-in ) but it sure was a waste of $50 credit. I don't know why I thought a console FPS would be any good.

Word of advice. If you are a PC FPS player, stay that way. It'll be a while before console titles will compare (or even use a mouse and keyboard...)
Project Gotham Racing. Got it for only $15 (as part of EB's 2 for $30 deal), but after about 5 hours I hit the "OMG how did this game get so hard" wall.
[quote name='guyver2077'][quote name='GameDude']Probably Mortal Kombat or DOAXBV for $25 each. They were both my most expensive purchases of last year, I believe.

Not that either of them are bad games, quite the contrary; I just didn't get them for my average cost of a game this generation (about $9).[/quote]

god damn....u must wait till like a year after games come out huh??/ i payed $50 first day it came out for mk deady alliance and it was worth it[/quote]

I just don't like paying full price for anything. I rarely ever pay full price for anything except gas and utilites and stuff like that.

But I do have credit at EB which didn't cost me much at all thanks to the Ninja Gaiden game, and I'm thinking about getting The Suffering. It will be the first time I got a new game on release date since WWF Attitude for the PSX, I thing. Good thing I don't like wrestling anymore, though.

Yeah, MK Deadly Alliance does own. I'll be glad when the new one comes out, especially since it's suppose to include online support! :lol:

Actually, I did get Zelda the Wind Waker on the first day for like $42. :wink:
ugghhh....Freedom Fighters (PC) for full price. Told myself I would go back and get it pricematched when I saw the price drop. Stopped paying attention and never did go back for the PM. Next thing I know, it's $15 everywhere.

Also, picking Starfox Adventures as my free game when I first bought my GC. Haven't touched it once.
Murakumo... at any price. Fortunately, Gamestop still had their 'bring it back in 7 days policy'... Yuk, what a rotten rotten game.
Worst buy? Haven for 15 bucks Canadian.. It could have been one dollar and I would have regreted it..oh well.
Gimme a minute to think.Well my memorys a little fuzzy at the moment but i think id have to pick VF4:EVO.I bought it at EBgames and it never worked.The reson i didnt return it is cause its like an hour away and it was just to much of a hassle for 20 bucks.Same thing happened with Castlevania AOS got it for 15 bucks and it has a glitch that makes it so i cant progress past the first level.Also i have to go with Pokemon Ruby.I barely played an hour of it.Its just to much the same as the others and the new pokemon and rediculos and unmemorable.And SMA4:SMB3 it just felt like to much of a step back from Yoshis Island.So in the end i guess i had a bad year for picking out games.I was actually in fear that i might loose my interest in video games altogether.But luckily 04 is supposed to be a great year for games.
[quote name='msdmoney']Without a doubt Star Wars Galaxies. I purchased this for $50 before I knew about CAG and video game deal sites even though I'm not sure I would have saved much money. But regardless of the price I think this game just plain sucks. Boring combat, a lot of bugs as it was released before it was ready, and really lame professions like dancer/entertainer (how can that be fun?). I am hesistant to buy any SW game after that, as I really don't even care for Star Wars that much (I like the movies but really can't handle the obsessive star wars fans).[/quote]
I am not big on any SW games.
Except, I want to play KOTOR for PC -- b/c it's a Bioware game and they make GOOD RPG's.

I think the whole franchise is way overmilked for games. Sorry for the ramble and hope I didnt offend any Star Wars fans. Luckily I sold mine and made some money back.
Yes, too many bad SW games.
But, it's a franchise -- so what do you expect?
[quote name='D4rkewolfe']I enjoyed Enter the Matrix too...but then I realized I paid full price for it. Woe is me.[/quote]

I bought ETM for PC for $10.

That game is pure mediocrity. At times, it's really good (fighting the helicopter), other times it's extremely boring and sucky (first few levels of ETM).

Technically, it runs like crap and some annoying clipping issues exist (like they shooting on one side of wall through it and hit me on other end -- WTH?)
I agree with the guy who said the best level in Enter the Matrix is the vampire one.
I actually didn't buy any games (besides like, some used SNES and Gen stuff) that I took back/traded in this year. There are some things though:
-Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance, $35 about a month before it became a Greatest Hit. It's a great game, it's just that it was priced 39.99 but they gave me a discount because it was open already. So that kinda sucked.
-Rez for $36. Again, great game, but I probably could get it cheaper somewhere else.
I paid full price for (and am regretting painfully):

Xenosaga - HAD to have this day one. Played it two hours and that was it. I liked it and intend to go back but... like that will happen.

Panzer Dragoon Orta - went apeshit to get this one too. Couldn't get past the second level. *sigh* Then the price plummeted. How depressing.

Virtua Fighter 4 - was so suckered in by all the good press (and I know alot of you love this game, I respect that) plus fond memories of many nights playing Virtua Fighter 2 on the Sega Saturn made me run out and get it... but the characters are all ugly and suckass. I can't stand the game. Its been shelved, permenantly.

Kingdom Hearts - a great game yes, but I paid fulll price for it then a few months later it became a greatest hits title. So depressing.

Metroid for the GBA - it holds your hand, there's no exploration at all. I enjoyed Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow MUCH more. This sucker got buried in the hall of "I'm not ever gonna play this" fame...

Splinter Cell XBox - Not only did i not like the game, the price was dropped to $30 THE WEEK AFTER I bought it. Wah!!! Another $50 bites the dust, yeah.

HMmmmmmmmm did I buy anything that truly truly sucked besides "Virtua Fighter"?? guess not last year....
[quote name='Neo']Worst buy: Return to Castle Wolfenstein

Worst Buy #2: Rainbow Six 3 for Xbox

Yes, I have Live.[/quote]

dam gu i bougth both of those games at full price and they are both awesom!!!especially rainbow
Viewtiful Joe, people. So difficult that I sold it. The crazy thing was that it was the demo that sold me!! The demo was brilliant. Thank )*^ I've still got that bobble head though. Now that's a keeper!!
Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lotis for 30 dollars around March of 2003. I bought it based on the fact that it won Gamespots GBA game of the year and I hated it. FFTA was a completely different story for me...

My favorite game was something I payed full price for. KOTOR. 50 Bucks, 5 days, 40 hours, and time excellantly well spent.
I'm not sure this counts as llast year or not, but, here goes. During the recent Blockbuster buy 2 get 1 free used dvd/game sale (On dec 31), I got Zelda TWW, RE: zero, and (Because it was in a RE: remake box and I didn't check the reciept) RE: zero.

Having left one copy in the car, I actually played the one in the wrong box for a week before finally deciding I needed to try out the remake. Strangely, I actually thought of just keepiing both copies.

When I returned it, the GC used game selection was very decimated. In my gut, I knew I should have just gotten the Daredevill DVD, no matter how bad I thought it would be. At least my nephew (5) would enjoy it. But horror of horror's, what did I do!


I won't even go into how bad this game is, let's just assume that's a given.
I will say this though, it is the first game since Maken X that literarely makes me nauseous, and much more quickly (5 minutes). Unfortunetely, my nephew loves to play this, and I am all too often forced to help him with the "hard" parts.

So my worst purchase of last year resulted in me not only being stuck with a crappy game, but actually paying money to make myself sick several times a week :cry:, (And no, I'm not into that.) and i suppose expose my nephew to violence, gore :roll:
[quote name='metroidkiller9']dead or alive xtreme beach volleyball for 50... just... couldnt... resist temptation...[/quote]

OMG. I gave up my two seasons of Buffy (yes, *that* Buffy) for only 7 bucks a piece (they retail for 35) for that stupid fucking game. Now I have to go buy Buffy again. God dammit.
bread's done