Potentially great news about wi-fi...


14 (100%)
Didn't notice it on the first page, so here it goes...


"Nintendo Europe have confirmed on their Wii microsite that the Wii won't have specific friend codes for gamers to connect titles online. The fact the DS has seperate codes for each game has arguably been seen unfavourably among Nintendo fans, compared to having one user code which stays constant whatever game you're playing.

The fact Nintendo has chosen this style of online networking has us all very happy indeed. As ever, voice your opinions on the forums by the link below!"

I can't find this on the Europe site, but I hope the news is true. I can deal with typing in one friend code per person...
Here's something a poster at the GoNintendo site said

[quote name='Forum']“Let’s say someone buys a new game. When they switch on their console, a question could appear on the screen: “Do you want to let your friends know you have bought this game?” If you select “Yes”, the message “X has bought the game Y!” will pop up on your friends’ Message Boards.”
it doesn’t really matter that much. I was worried about this before, but either way, it sounds like you’ll be able to add your past friends to your new games without much hassle.[/QUOTE]

Thank goodness. Now people can stop complaining about these Friend Codes. Although I hope Nintendo still has the option for "Random Matches"
[quote name='pimpinc333']I'd rather have no friends codes. Any forms of friends code will result in no matchmaking whatsoever.[/quote] Umm... how would you ever find your friend online to play then? AnonymousUser1237738?

If this is the setup that is confirmed, friend codes will be functionally identical to gamertags. Even with friend codes on DS games, you can still play against anyone, but they give you the flexibility to say "I only want to play against the people I had added to my list" which is probably a feature I will use exclusively.

Ecofreak, that comment was a quote from one of the developer interviews, possibly Iwata's quote, I don't recall. While they have said they haven't finalized that sort of functionality (which means it'll likely be a firmware update somewhere along the line), it's the kind of thing that pretty much confirmed to me that we're going to see universal friend codes.
[quote name='botticus']Umm... how would you ever find your friend online to play then? AnonymousUser1237738?

If this is the setup that is confirmed, friend codes will be functionally identical to gamertags. Even with friend codes on DS games, you can still play against anyone, but they give you the flexibility to say "I only want to play against the people I had added to my list" which is probably a feature I will use exclusively.

Ecofreak, that comment was a quote from one of the developer interviews, possibly Iwata's quote, I don't recall. While they have said they haven't finalized that sort of functionality (which means it'll likely be a firmware update somewhere along the line), it's the kind of thing that pretty much confirmed to me that we're going to see universal friend codes.[/QUOTE]

O ok I forgot that you can still play with random people. Ok let me reword it. I don't want friends codes at all. They should follow the same setup as Xbox Live. If there is someone I like to play with I just send a friend request. Easy right there.
[quote name='Ecofreak']Here's something a poster at the GoNintendo site said
Originally Posted by Forum
“Let’s say someone buys a new game. When they switch on their console, a question could appear on the screen: “Do you want to let your friends know you have bought this game?” If you select “Yes”, the message “X has bought the game Y!” will pop up on your friends’ Message Boards.”
it doesn’t really matter that much. I was worried about this before, but either way, it sounds like you’ll be able to add your past friends to your new games without much hassle.

Thank goodness. Now people can stop complaining about these Friend Codes. Although I hope Nintendo still has the option for "Random Matches"[/quote]
That isn't confirmed. That is an idea they are thinking about putting in. It was mentioned during Iwata's developer chat.
It's good that they're scrapping that part of the friends code system. We've got a lot of waiting left to find out what the rest of online gaming for the Wii will look like.
What I thought was a fantastic idea (and one I hope they use, but chances are they'll use something not nearly as cool...) during the announcement of the Mii system is that the Miis basically represent other people and you have your own Mii along with your friends Miis and then you can bring up information on what those people are playing and their "achievement" stuff like 360, but it's connected to the Miis in that little 3D environment.
[quote name='dastly75']IMO they should just blatantly rip off the gamertag system, Sony too[/quote]

QFT. The gamertag was an ingenious move on MS's part, and I wouldn't be againt Nintendo implementing it into their online plans.
I just want Nintendo to actually put some genuine effort into online play with this console. I really really really hope Battalion Wars 2 is online.
I personally enjoyed the friend codes!

Not :lol: Now please, stop throwing sharp objects at me...

I'm happy to hear that Nintendo might avoid this silly, stupid codes. They plagued online play for the DS.
Friend Code, Gamertag, I really dont care. So long as its one per system.

However, if Nintendo still thinks they need to prevent individuals from knowing who they are playing in random matchups I cannot begrudge them that stance.

It would be all too easy for a media outfit to blame Nintendo for being the venue by which a pedophile met a potential victim.
Their ideas about online play are completely different from MS. I should hope that there is as little copying as possible. If you want Live, then use Live.
[quote name='Eastsidecracker']Aww, thought there was going to be some news about wifi, like built in.

1account/wii hopefully.[/quote]It is built in.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Their ideas about online play are completely different from MS. I should hope that there is as little copying as possible. If you want Live, then use Live.[/QUOTE]

If they had online Wii games on live then I would. There is nothing wrong with wanting a coherent online experience, and the DS online, while cool, is hardly spectacular.
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