Prediction for E3 2012 - Xbox 720


Since Nintendo has laid their cards on the table, and we can be sure Sony won't have anything planned for 2012. In my opinion it would be perfect timing. A great opportunity for Microsoft to yet again be ahead of the game with the most powerful system at just a few hundred more than the competition. Unless they are banking on trying to milk the Kinect for a few more years, but that don't seem like a smart play to me. Strike while the iron is hot before all the soccer mom's buy a Wii U.
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They said that the new Halo trilogy would be on the 360 so you can expect it to be around for a while. Also they just came out with the Kinect last year, breaking sales records, why would they ditch it as soon as possible?
[quote name='unluckynumber11']They said that the new Halo trilogy would be on the 360 so you can expect it to be around for a while. Also they just came out with the Kinect last year, breaking sales records, why would they ditch it as soon as possible?[/QUOTE]

The truth is Kinect could work with the Xbox 720, so they wouldn't exactly be ditching it. They could just offer backwards compatibility with the titles. Kind of a win-win IMO. I know EA denied receiving a dev kit from Microsoft for the new console, but I wonder if that was just a cover-up. Who knows.. At the very least I'm expecting some kind of announcement from Microsoft about the 720 at E3 2012, tough to say when they'll release it though.
Im sure it wont be called the xbox 720. they will follow nintendo and sony and name their console something retarted that means something just in another language.
Microsoft is still banking from the 360
"Microsoft has now sold 55 million Xbox 360 consoles across 38 countries and sales are accelerating. Xbox 360 maintains its lead in the U.S. as the top selling console in 2011, and ten of the past eleven months. In the first four months of 2011, Xbox 360 has seen a 29 percent year over year increase in sales, which is more than triple the growth of PlayStation 3 and the largest growth of any console on the market."- from Kotaku

Why update something when it's still doing fine in the market?
[quote name='golfing7861']Microsoft is still banking from the 360
"Microsoft has now sold 55 million Xbox 360 consoles across 38 countries and sales are accelerating. Xbox 360 maintains its lead in the U.S. as the top selling console in 2011, and ten of the past eleven months. In the first four months of 2011, Xbox 360 has seen a 29 percent year over year increase in sales, which is more than triple the growth of PlayStation 3 and the largest growth of any console on the market."- from Kotaku

Why update something when it's still doing fine in the market?[/QUOTE]

That's true, still making loads of cash so why bother right? meh Hope they don't follow suit with Sony and go for a 12 year life cycle. I'd switch back to the PC before I'd wait that long.
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[quote name='raistlin']That's true, still making loads of cash so why bother right? meh Hope they don't follow suit with Sony and go for a 12 year life cycle. I'd switch back to the PC before I'd wait that long.[/QUOTE]

I don't need new technology every 5 years. The only reason Nintendo is introducing a new console now is because the Wii has pretty much reached the end of its usefullness, meanwhile using Kinect and new engines, developers are doing things on the 360 that have never been done before. I hope the 360 sticks around for another five years. Looks like Gears 3, Mass Effect 3 and Skyrim will once again push the system's graphical power, so why introduce somethng new when people are still pushing the envelope?
Unless Microsoft is no longer going by their "no new consoles until 2014" statement, I don't expect anything other than their game sequels and Kinect stuff.
lol that's what I've been telling my friends for awhile.

I won't be an early adopter. No money right now, and I still have a backlog of stuff from the 360.

I sure as hell hope the transition for XBLA stuff is seemless and I won't have to keep my 360 around.
Nintendo's release is essentially bring Wii to THIS generation. Finally going HD. Don't think this has any barring on Microsoft or Sony releasing a new system. I doubt either releases a new system (non-portable) prior to 5 years from now.
[quote name='drktrpr1']I don't need new technology every 5 years. The only reason Nintendo is introducing a new console now is because the Wii has pretty much reached the end of its usefullness, meanwhile using Kinect and new engines, developers are doing things on the 360 that have never been done before. I hope the 360 sticks around for another five years. Looks like Gears 3, Mass Effect 3 and Skyrim will once again push the system's graphical power, so why introduce somethng new when people are still pushing the envelope?[/QUOTE]

Envelope!? A processor can only process so many bits of info at a time. They are just being forced to clean up their code. New engines just means it will cost them more money to develop on five year old hardware rather than getting to work with better tech. I would gladly pay for an upgrade to my 360 so I can play ME3 at a decent framerate (30fps is not okay). Fortunately, I wont have to cause my ancient 8800GTS will probably handle it fine. Skyrim on the other hand well... I guess I will just have to shell out $150 for a new GPU. Consoles have a chance to completely dominate the game market if they would just open their eyes and put a little effort into R&D.

edit: Sorry, forgot the OT. M$ won't release new hardware until 2015. I'm pretty sure I saw that on wikipedia so it must be true.
I would imagine they will show something about the 720. I think the most important thing they need to do is have a system that is 100% bc and 100% compatible with 360s live. Buy a 720, buy some games, play some new games, but also be able to play COD7 (or whatever is new) with your live friends.

Having a rolling upgrade of people to the 720 makes the most sense. Trying to segregate people and force people to upgrade I d
on't think will work well for them.
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