Prefered Caffeine Drink?

Coffee. Very strong, and lots of it every morning.

Not that sissy shit either, mocca java latte pussy frappola crappola. I'm talking Mean Joe Grenn Java - COFFEE!

and a little sugar, just a little, not much.

and maybe some soy to cool it off a bit, just a touch.....
my friends dad is a beer/pop/whine distributor and he just brought over this new stuff: Wired X3000. It's the most powerful energy drink on the market. It comes in a 16 oz. can. I've had wired before, but this isn't out yet. It's like an updated wired.
Coffee, black. I drink 2-3 cups every evening a couple hours after dinner.

Not really into energy drinks or sodas, if I need to stay up all night I'll usually just eat an extra meal (or a yummy dessert) around when I'd normally go to bed and then keep the coffee coming.

I rarely drink iced coffee but Sacramento in the summer is often between 100-110 degrees so you gotta hit that shiz sometimes.
[quote name='WeaponX2099']Red Bull or Blue Ox is the drink of Choice, both go very well with Vodka. Drunk and full of energy, Great MIX!![/quote]

Man that is a great combo! I remember when I was at a bar and the redbull girls were there. They gave out free redbull and the bar provided teh vodka. I was so wasted, but bouncing off the wall.
Feh to all these new fancy-ass caffeine drinks. I'm a little more old school. For me, it'll always be Mountain Dew, be it Code Red, Livewire, or Original... Although, when I can find it, I'll always throw down some cash for a bottle of Jolt. Thank god I've got the ultimate soda shop just down the street from my work.... Pop the Soda Shop. :)
Just boring old Coca Cola for me. Not that I drink it for the caffeine; I mean there really isn't much in it compared to everything else being listed here, but I don't drink coffee or any of those energy drinks, so I guess I'll volunteer to be the lame guy on the thread. :)
...Do i even have to say it??

oh and i like coffee too
and bluewing is no way coke a boring lame drink.
Trust you me it can be quite entertaining and *fidget* good for your soul
if it wasn't for coca-cola i wouldnt be at school right now actually awake.
i would be dead asleep in my bed passed out for about another 6 hours because i just got back from april vaca.
yeah six flags this wknd.
I drink 2-3 cups of hot tea (black tea, not green or herbal tea) per day. One every morning, one after dinner, and sometimes one in the mid-afternoon. It gives about 40 mg of caffeine per serving versus 100 mg per serving for coffee, so it's not quite as substantial a boost, but it's helpful. Too much caffeine is not so good on my stomach.
[quote name='metroidkiller9']has anyone ever had jolt cola? itd hard to find. i used to drink it but it started giving me heart palpatations so i thought it was time to quit.[/quote]

had it in canada, gave me hallucinations. fun stuff.

heres my preffered drink

mix 1 packet sugar with one dairy creamer. take as a shot.

holy shit does that thing wake me up.
[quote name='metroidkiller9']has anyone ever had jolt cola? itd hard to find. i used to drink it but it started giving me heart palpatations so i thought it was time to quit.[/quote]

it has twice the caffine!!!!

Have you seen the old TV spot they show in I love the 80's Strike Back
[quote name='metroidkiller9']80s??? maybe thats why it gave me heart palpatations...[/quote]

LOL. They had a whole little segment on how bad it was 2X the sugar and caffine

I think it is still around in specialty stores though.

If we are talking drinks that pack a punch I stick to lots and lots of Pepsi
bread's done