Pressure from Gamestop Corporate Overlord means free shit for us...


4 (100%)
I was in gamestop today (as I am just about everyday) and I was pressured to preorder a game. I hate doing this...I really do. Why should they hold MY money for a game that comes out months down the line? They know I hate it...but they also know I'm a sucker for extra geeky gmaing goodness. So I told them I traditionally only give preorders when I get something free back. They were trying to get Fable orders, but were willing to give me just about any of the free shit that they were giving out with other games. (This isn't the first time that happened either.) Picked up a free Tenchu shirt AND Megaman shirt when I reserved megaman collection. Today got three Showdown: Legends of Wrestling II shirts for my Fable reservation.

So the moral is...if you like free crap that makes your wife call you a geek (my wife tolerates videogames but hates you can imagine her joy when I came home with 3 videogame wrestling t-shirts), takea chance at your local Gamestop because right now they seem to be putting a ton of pressure on the employees to meet their presell quota.
I couldn't imagine what the repucussions from my girlfriend would be if I came home with a wrestling videogame shirt. She won't go out in public with me when I sport my nWo wolfpac shirt anymore.
Preorders are important cause it tells the retailer how many copies to purchase when it comes out. If the game has a low number of preorders, the retrailer will buy only a few extra copies + the preorders. In some cases, the retailer may only order enough to cover the preorders.
Wario, true to a point, but the way they pin you to the wall and put a gun in your mouth and force a preorder is ridiculous. I finally got the store manager fired locally bc I was tired of his pressure, and lack of knowledge. Now my friend is store manager and I dont have to put up with that anymore. Anytime I go to another store and tey tell me "If you dont preorder then you may not get it!" I just laugh and explain there are at least 15 places to buy a videogame within 10 minutes of my house. Loation of purchase is irrelavent.
Yeah, the way they try to get preorders can be a bit questionable. Although I have an incentive to preorder at my local Software Etc. because I'm near a distrubibution HUB and the store usually gets new games the night of the shipping date. The only problem is that they don't sell the game to the people until the next day, unless you preordered the game. I have no problem with that since this particular store actually gets games before anyone else does :)
There are several reasons preorders are so Important.
1. I remember reading a statistic that a manager showed me saying over 50% of preorders go unclaimed... thats a free minimum $5 for the store right there.
2. Accurate inventory orders, like what was said already. Its real nice when a business can cut out some guess work on quantity to order.
3. Its an incredible interest-free advance loan! Think about the big games that get 200,000 preorders. At five dollars a pop, the company is getting a huge loan MONTHS in advance that they do not have to pay interest on.
What an incredible business video games is...
I only preorder when I'm specifically told "we only have x amount that aren't preordered" and the quantity left is too low to take a chance.

Thread seems to be going a little off topic though. I'm pretty sure his point is more like, take advantage of the pressure that's being put on the employees.
I've never had a gamestore employee pressure me to preorder. They'll always ask at the very least when they're ringing up a purchase, but I've never been harassed about it. I go to at least 12 different gamestops regularly in my area.
I only PRe-Order the item i think it RARE and it hard to find after year later or the Price of the game never DROP. Something like "La Pucelle Tactic".
gamestop is overly anal about pre-orders. I call EB the day something comes out, check if they have copies and go and buy it. Gamestop gave me crap saying they may not have a copy.
what makes me laugh the most is when they want you to pre-order games that do not come out for forever. A lady last Cristmas was getting bugged to pre-order Halo 2.
I happen to work at GameStop, and yes, we definitely do want you to preorder. But the employee who asks you doesn't get ANY kind of commission or compensation for asking you. And believe me, I understand the pressure you may be feeling when someone asks you to preorder something. If you don't want to, then say you aren't interested. Any place of business will lay on the promotions during a sale. Ever try to buy a car, or even get groceries without being offered something you don't want? All you gotta say is no, and we'll get the picture. We just want you to get the game you want when it releases. But, back to topic, I always try to give people something interesting for preordering, be it a t-shirt, a demo, promotional materials like posters and standees that get thrown away anyways, pennied out strategy guides, etc. I don't do this out of pressure from my superiors, though. I do it because I like to get free shit too. Maybe I'm biased, but I'd much rather preorder at a game store where I can talk to the employees and not be treated like a tool as opposed to going to Best Buy the day something releases and watching as a swarm of whitless guys surround me looking to make a sale. So please, if you know you want a game, preorder it. You have no reason, other than the absense of your 5 dollars, not to preorder. Game companies (not GameStop, but the actual producers of games) spend millions of dollars trying to find cool things to give you for preordering. Doing so let's them know what games you want and how many you want. That little known franchise that you love may recive a nice big-budget sequel if enough people preorder it. Trust me, I've seen it happen. Nothing tells a company you like a particular game or franchise more than preordering it. Sorry if I sounded kinda preachy there, but preordering is very important to the game industry. And not because we are getting your money before you get your product. And I know that anyone reading this likes free stuff. I mean c'mon, this is :wink:
Hey there, Ledhed.

You got any of those standees to give me??

I'll preorder some stuff.

The last standee, that was given to me, is my Final Fantasy 9/ Bouncer, 6' tall, hologram one.

I politely asked a Lowes theater guy, and he sent me to the manager. I pointed out, that it was a videogame, and that the game was released over a month prior.

She said, "no problem, were going to throw it out anyways."

Just as I made it to my Jeep, I started screaming. I couldn't believe that they just gave me this huge FF standee. I still get giddy, just looking at it.

Anything Nintendo, for me. Or FF. Let me know.. :)
Lol Hi there yourself Drone. Sorry bro, but seeing as you're located in Delaware, I'm not gonna do much good for ya. But the next time you go to a game store and see a standee you like, let em know. I've never known a GameStop employee to tell a customer they couldn't have a standee when the store no longer needed it (unless of course said employees have already called it, hehehe)
I work at a Gamestop and want to clarify some things here. I can only speak for my store but I know the corporate office is pretty strict on this stuff so I'm assuming this will apply to most Gamestop/Babbages/Funcoland stores.

[quote name='Dustin Echoes']There are several reasons preorders are so Important.
1. I remember reading a statistic that a manager showed me saying over 50% of preorders go unclaimed... thats a free minimum $5 for the store right there.[/quote]

Our store makes an effort to contact everyone that made a reservation (pre-order) for a game a day or to prior two its release, just to remind them. Then, after a pre-order has been unclaimed for about a month or so, we contact the customer again to let them know that they still have a $5 store credit left over from that unclaimed reservation. We offer them the option of rolling over the store credit to a new reservation for another upcoming game, or to come in for a refund. We don't purposefully keep unclaimed reservation money and deceive the customer.

2. Accurate inventory orders, like what was said already. Its real nice when a business can cut out some guess work on quantity to order.

Ledhed already commented about this but I'll add to his comments. It can also be an indicator to the publisher on how many discs to initally press, so it helps the publisher keep their costs down, so they can afford to stay in business.

3. Its an incredible interest-free advance loan!

That's not the best way to describe it. It's not a loan so much as it is a deposit. And interest free is far from the true. The store is actually earning interest on that money while it sits there waiting to be applied to a purchase. Our store alone has over 400 reservations for Halo 2 right now. There are about 1500 srores nationwide. Even if the average number of Halo 2 reservations per store is only 200 you still get $5 X 200 X 1500 = $1.5M !!! Now invest that money and the power of compound interest kicks in and the company is making a pretty good chunk of change on your $5 deposit. Throw in the reservations for other games and you can easliy see that the interest income on $2-3M is quite substantial.

So yes, we are told to push reservations. But we don't push it to the point of forcing anyone to do it. We'll sweeten the deal with freebies, etc. But we don't twist your arm. Trust me, we're not seeing my of that extra revenue in our paychecks.
This happened to me once, but I didn't pre-order anything. I just loitered long enough around the store and made nice with the clerks. Total nerds, just like me. I got some Monster Rancher 4 playing cards, a Jedi Academy lightsaber pen thingy, and a Mr. T action figure (from Celebrity Deathmatch). Uber score. But I would like a t-shirt or something.
JediSB hit it on the nose folks. No store employees see any kind of commission or compensation for preorders. As for the availability of a game in regards to preorders, here is an example of a conversation I have far too often.

Me: Hi, wanna reserve blah-blah, it's releasing next month.
Them: Thanks, but I'll just come pick it up when it releases.
Me: Are you sure you wanna take the chance? If you reserve it, I can assure you there will be a copy for you and you alone.
Them: Yeah. it's ok. I'll find it at another store if you sell out.

Day of blah-blah's release:

Me: Hi, are you here to pick up blah-blah?
Them: Yes I am.
Me: Great, can I have your name so I can find your reserve?
Them: Oh, I didn't reserve it, I just want to pick up an extra copy.
Me: I'm sorry, all our current copies are under reserve for other customers.
Them: But I just left Best Buy and they are out!!!

Who is at fault here? Sometimes a company can only press enough copies to meet preorder demand. This is especially true of lesser known titles. I could understand feeling pressured when an employee asks you to preorder, but we do it because we are tired of having this dialogue with people. And by no means am I saying that people who don't preorder are stupid, it just makes things incredibly easier for both parties.

As for the '50% of reservation credits go unclaimed' issue, like JediSB said, we make every effort to tell the customer that their credit is still available to them. The only time it can become more difficult to obtain your credit is when the credit has still not been claimed after 6 months or so from the game's release date. At this point, the credit is sent to our corporate office, but is still entirely claimable. There is just an added step of contacting the corporate office and asking that the credit be mailed to you.
I love my local EB. All the guys know me, so they rarely push me to preorder. If they do ask, it's only in passing. They know that they don't need to sell me, I sell myself. ;) And because they are all friendly and quite often throw me freebies, I give them 90% of my business.

I'll be stopping by to pick up my Onimusha 3 preorder today, and I'll most likely grab the deluxe guide too.

BTW, I had the manager talk to me about the Halo edition Xbox preorders before they came out. I told him I most likely was NOT going to swap out my Xbox, but he asked me to preorder anyway. He said the only ones the store would get in would be the ones preordered, and if I didn't want it that would give them another one to sell to someone else. I preordered, then a week later shifted the $5 to something else.
Ia gree that pressure tactics are uncalled for when mentioning a preorder, but being asked is not the same as being hounded for it. If an employee, particularly a GameStop one (like me) seems a little insistent about reservations it's only because of the corporate goons(who have no idea how hard it is to get people to preorder) hounding our SM's who in turn hold our jobs over our heads.
Other than that, pre-ordering games isn't a bad thing in the least. Like several other people mentioned before it is a gauge companies use for distribution and pressing, and it sets the base for how many copies a store will get. Regardless of what people might think; there are not always enough copies to go around when the game comes out especially when it's the niche games and RPGs that don't start with "Final" and end with "Fantasy". Take Halo 2, our store currently has over 200 reservations for it. This is quite a large amount for our small area, not to mention considering it comes out in September. Now, everyone who pre ordered will receive a copy., but I know some dumbasses are going to walk in on that day though and be like "I WANT HALO 2 BUT I DIDN'T PREORDER IT" and act surprised whe I tell them we don't have enough copies for walk-ins and it might take a couuple of weeks to replenish our stock after that day. It never fails.
Don't be so sure that it will be out in September. The latest speculation has it coming out on it (and the xbox's anniversary) giving it a release date of November 15...
JediSB hit it on the nose folks. No store employees see any kind of commission or compensation for preorders. As for the availability of a game in regards to preorders, here is an example of a conversation I have far too often.

Me: Hi, wanna reserve blah-blah, it's releasing next month.
Them: Thanks, but I'll just come pick it up when it releases.
Me: Are you sure you wanna take the chance? If you reserve it, I can assure you there will be a copy for you and you alone.
Them: Yeah. it's ok. I'll find it at another store if you sell out.

Day of blah-blah's release:

Me: Hi, are you here to pick up blah-blah?
Them: Yes I am.
Me: Great, can I have your name so I can find your reserve?
Them: Oh, I didn't reserve it, I just want to pick up an extra copy.
Me: I'm sorry, all our current copies are under reserve for other customers.
Them: But I just left Best Buy and they are out!!!

Sorry, but that story is hilarious as it sounds like a freakin sales pitch.

I have never had a problem finding a game and I never will. The whole you need to preorder sales pitch is complete bullshit that takes advantage of impatient fools. If by some miracle you can't find a game just order it online, and if you can't get it online wait a week for the next shipment. Yes it's that simple.
[quote name='Wario64']Preorders are important cause it tells the retailer how many copies to purchase when it comes out. If the game has a low number of preorders, the retrailer will buy only a few extra copies + the preorders. In some cases, the retailer may only order enough to cover the preorders.[/quote]

Then how come every store I go to has 50,000,000 copies of Max Payne 2 still?
[quote name='Scrubking']The whole you need to preorder sales pitch is complete bullshit that takes advantage of impatient fools. If by some miracle you can't find a game just order it online, and if you can't get it online wait a week for the next shipment. Yes it's that simple.[/quote]

Noone ever said you NEED to preorder, it is just silly when I have to explain to people who are angry as to why they can't find a particular game that they could've avoided it by preordering. You are completely right. If you can't find it, order it online or wait 'til the next shipment. If that isn't good enough, then maybe you are an impatient fool. I'm just tired of people getting angry with me for not having a game they didn't bother to preorder. Regardless of whether or not it sounds like a sales pitch, I can guarantee you that any employee of any videogame retail establishment can attest to the fact that ignorant people make stupid decisions and try to hold us responsible.

[quote name='RedvsBlue']Then how come every store I go to has 50,000,000 copies of Max Payne 2 still?[/quote]

Well, considering that Max Payne 2 has been out a while, I imagine the store you visited has recieved at least one more shipment of the game. But, in regards to preorders, what we are concerned with is the INITIAL SHIPMENT. Bigger releases like Max Payne 2 aren't as important for preordering, because yes, you will see it everywhere. It is the smaller tites that not too many people are concerned with that rely heavily on preorders. With smaller titles, often times we will only get enough copies to cover preorders. Call it a sales pitch if you must, I don't care. It's the truth.
At my local GameStop, one employee keeps on bringing up to registering for a GameStop membership cardy thing everytime someone brings up a used game to buy...

I hope I could take advantage of him :wink:
I've never felt the preassure, the staff at the stores seem to realize the only way to snare a dweeb like me is to pitch the perks.

On one ocassion I was useing a a coupon at Gamestop to get an extra $10 in trade for three ass PS2 games, the clerk told me they had a promotion where I'd get another $5 with my trade if I pre-ordered a game, so I scored SCII with the Lithograph and Artbook for (effectively)$45. The game dropped to around $30 withing 6 months but I feel it was worth $15 to get the game (plus shiz) at release.

Most of the time though, if I want a game on release day I pass up Gamestop and EB. I've got multiple K-Marts and Targets in my area that break release dates sometimes by more than a week (My best find was a game a 10 days before release.) So tying myself down with a preorder can mean wainting longer for a game. I'm rarely geeked up enough over a game to care but when I am it's great fun calling all the stores and hunting up the one or two that will let you snag the game before everyone else.
[quote name='Scrubking']
JediSB hit it on the nose folks. No store employees see any kind of commission or compensation for preorders. As for the availability of a game in regards to preorders, here is an example of a conversation I have far too often.

Me: Hi, wanna reserve blah-blah, it's releasing next month.
Them: Thanks, but I'll just come pick it up when it releases.
Me: Are you sure you wanna take the chance? If you reserve it, I can assure you there will be a copy for you and you alone.
Them: Yeah. it's ok. I'll find it at another store if you sell out.

Day of blah-blah's release:

Me: Hi, are you here to pick up blah-blah?
Them: Yes I am.
Me: Great, can I have your name so I can find your reserve?
Them: Oh, I didn't reserve it, I just want to pick up an extra copy.
Me: I'm sorry, all our current copies are under reserve for other customers.
Them: But I just left Best Buy and they are out!!!

Sorry, but that story is hilarious as it sounds like a freakin sales pitch.

I have never had a problem finding a game and I never will. The whole you need to preorder sales pitch is complete bullshit that takes advantage of impatient fools. If by some miracle you can't find a game just order it online, and if you can't get it online wait a week for the next shipment. Yes it's that simple.[/quote]

I agree. I've only preordered once, just to get rid of DMC2 which I got like 32 dollars for with a bonus 25%. But even the most popular games can be found at one store or another on the release day. Plus most people have deals on new games within the first couple of weeks anyway. I've always thought that preorders were a waste of time.
There have been many valid points here, but for anyone who doubts the need to preorder ever exists, I've got quite the story to share...

Last year, the launch date of Madden NFL 2004, our local Gamestop had literally 1600 reserves, lined up around the outside of the store. The first guy in line had camped out since close of the night before. The store opened (an hour early), and there he was, the first guy in line after a 13 hour wait.

Guy: Madden 2004.
GA: Did you pre-order a copy?
Guy: No, I'm just here for a pickup.
GA: I'm sorry, we didn't get any extras.

The guy finally had to be escorted out by the hired security. Before anyone gets irked though, he was right; we only did have exactly enough for pre-orders.

I guess the point is that if you know you are going to be getting the game anyway, and you have the means, not preordering a game is just a paranoid act of people who assume that everyone is "trying to stick it to you". Yes, it's very rarely the extreme of the Madden launch, but it's just one less headache if you know it'll be there for you.
I don't think that companies that do preorders are trying to "stick it to you". All they are trying to do is secure sales. No harm no foul. I just don't see why so many people preorder when games are carried at so many stores, with many copies at each store. If you buy from a certain store to support it or whatever, then why not preorder. But if you're just trying to get a game when it comes out, preorders, IMO, aren't necessary.
[quote name='Dustin Echoes']There are several reasons preorders are so Important.
1. I remember reading a statistic that a manager showed me saying over 50% of preorders go unclaimed... thats a free minimum $5 for the store right there.
2. Accurate inventory orders, like what was said already. Its real nice when a business can cut out some guess work on quantity to order.
3. Its an incredible interest-free advance loan! Think about the big games that get 200,000 preorders. At five dollars a pop, the company is getting a huge loan MONTHS in advance that they do not have to pay interest on.
What an incredible business video games is...[/quote]

But you don't understand. Those are three reasons why the customers shouldn't preorder.

I don't understand why gamestop/eb employees seem to think that what is good for the store is good for everyone else. Its like they are brainwashed or something.
[quote name='Ledhed'][quote name='Scrubking']The whole you need to preorder sales pitch is complete bullshit that takes advantage of impatient fools. If by some miracle you can't find a game just order it online, and if you can't get it online wait a week for the next shipment. Yes it's that simple.[/quote]

Noone ever said you NEED to preorder, it is just silly when I have to explain to people who are angry as to why they can't find a particular game that they could've avoided it by preordering. You are completely right. If you can't find it, order it online or wait 'til the next shipment. If that isn't good enough, then maybe you are an impatient fool. I'm just tired of people getting angry with me for not having a game they didn't bother to preorder. Regardless of whether or not it sounds like a sales pitch, I can guarantee you that any employee of any videogame retail establishment can attest to the fact that ignorant people make stupid decisions and try to hold us responsible.

[quote name='RedvsBlue']Then how come every store I go to has 50,000,000 copies of Max Payne 2 still?[/quote]

Well, considering that Max Payne 2 has been out a while, I imagine the store you visited has recieved at least one more shipment of the game. But, in regards to preorders, what we are concerned with is the INITIAL SHIPMENT. Bigger releases like Max Payne 2 aren't as important for preordering, because yes, you will see it everywhere. It is the smaller tites that not too many people are concerned with that rely heavily on preorders. With smaller titles, often times we will only get enough copies to cover preorders. Call it a sales pitch if you must, I don't care. It's the truth.[/quote]

Who has to wait? You can also avoid it by shoping at another store. Its the retailers' job to stock enough games to meet demand, they shouldn't put that responsibility on the customer. I don't know why some people are stupid enough to shop at stores like yours that make them jump through hoops.
If you live in a small town with only a Gamestop or EB in it, I think pre-ordering is a good idea. If you live in a larger area with Best Buys and Walmarts, there's simply no need to pre-order. I haven't had any problems getting any new releases since the N64 launch titles (that was the last time). This includes GTA VC, Madden, etc. I've seen them for sale all through the launch week.
I always pass on their offers for pre-orders. It is getting out of hand, just a few days ago I basically got cornered being asked if I wanted to pre-order Onimusha 3 or Halo 2. Of course, I said no, but I don't want the same pitch everytime I walk into the store. Also, pre-orders are basically useless now with all these stores carrying the games, or you could just order it online(and usually if you order around it's release you get free shipping).

That's why I only pre-order consoles.
Wow, at Game Crazy we make $1 per pre-order. Feel bad for you GS and EB employees.

However, it never fails...
Onimsuah 3 comes outs. We have 10 pre-orders, and get 11 copies. All day we have people saying "Ill get Oni3", and I will be like "Only if you pre-ordered...". Then they get all pissy, its great.

I really get a kick at people who I tell over and over we WILL be sold out as soon as it comes in. We only get a couple extras. They still say "Nahh, Ill get it". Then they have to drive 30 minutes, and waste gas to get it somewhere else (if even possible, my EB was sold out as well as Best Buy).

Sorry, but pre-ordering is very important, if not just to guarantee you a copy, but maybe so others can get it. A small title like Harvest moon grabbed only 1 pre-order at my store, so we got 2 copies. The company and publisher saw here wasn;t a huge demand for it at my store. ALL week we had people asking for it. As of now, we have 11 people on a waiting lit since no other store has it either.
[quote name='gizmogc']Wow, at Game Crazy we make $1 per pre-order. Feel bad for you GS and EB employees.

However, it never fails...
Onimsuah 3 comes outs. We have 10 pre-orders, and get 11 copies. All day we have people saying "Ill get Oni3", and I will be like "Only if you pre-ordered...". Then they get all pissy, its great.

I really get a kick at people who I tell over and over we WILL be sold out as soon as it comes in. We only get a couple extras. They still say "Nahh, Ill get it". Then they have to drive 30 minutes, and waste gas to get it somewhere else (if even possible, my EB was sold out as well as Best Buy).

Sorry, but pre-ordering is very important, if not just to guarantee you a copy, but maybe so others can get it. A small title like Harvest moon grabbed only 1 pre-order at my store, so we got 2 copies. The company and publisher saw here wasn;t a huge demand for it at my store. ALL week we had people asking for it. As of now, we have 11 people on a waiting lit since no other store has it either.[/quote]

This is the problem. Normal stores don't just get 1 copy more than their preorders. In fact, normal stores don't take preorders. They just order a bunch of copies and let them sit on the shelves until people buy them. That is what a retail store is supposed to do.

I think the message given by eb, gamestop, and gamecrazy is clear: "If you don't want to preorder then don't shop here." I hear that loud and clear.

BTW, I love that paul frank shirt that cheapy posted. Where did you get it CheapyD?
Last thing I preordered was very recent. This was for the GBA SP Classic Console. I assumed id want mine as soon as possibly, and maybe these will actualy be limited, other than the "limited" platinum GC's.
You are all missing the point.

We want you to preorder because its gurenteed money to OUR store. If you preorder a game at my store your putting 5 dollars down... whoop de doo, now when you come to pick that game up... your gonna pay 45 MORE dollars. Thats what Preordering is all about.

Its good for the business
and its good for the customer IF you really want that title.

If you have a spare 5 dollars and you know you want the game and you dont want to have to run to 2 or 3 stores looking for it why NOT put the 5 dollars down ? Especially if you like that store anyway.
"This is the problem. Normal stores don't just get 1 copy more than their preorders. In fact, normal stores don't take preorders. They just order a bunch of copies and let them sit on the shelves until people buy them. That is what a retail store is supposed to do.

I think the message given by eb, gamestop, and gamecrazy is clear: "If you don't want to preorder then don't shop here." I hear that loud and clear."

Which "normal" store are you talking about ????

Bestbuy, Circuit City, Toys R us, etc... all do preorders
[quote name='chunk'][quote name='Dustin Echoes']There are several reasons preorders are so Important.
1. I remember reading a statistic that a manager showed me saying over 50% of preorders go unclaimed... thats a free minimum $5 for the store right there.
2. Accurate inventory orders, like what was said already. Its real nice when a business can cut out some guess work on quantity to order.
3. Its an incredible interest-free advance loan! Think about the big games that get 200,000 preorders. At five dollars a pop, the company is getting a huge loan MONTHS in advance that they do not have to pay interest on.
What an incredible business video games is...[/quote]

But you don't understand. Those are three reasons why the customers shouldn't preorder.

I don't understand why gamestop/eb employees seem to think that what is good for the store is good for everyone else. Its like they are brainwashed or something.[/quote]

I think you'll find alot of employees don't feel it's best for the company, but best for their own employment. These are numbers that are held over employees heads. In a lot of stores your numbers reflect on the amount of hours you get per week, as well as how likely you are to keep your job for an extended period of time. This isn't in all stores but I have dealt with SM's that are like this.
wow we are really off topic, I thought people would be bragging about some of the few times they broke down and preordered because the deluge of freebies offered:

I can count the times I preordered on one hand:

Lunar 2 for the PSone: they gave me a ghaleon punching puppet~KICKASS!! w00t!

Metal gear solid for the psone: they gave me a free cd that has the battle music and end song(the celtic theme of the best is yet to come") again w00t!!

there are a few more, I cant remember if I preordered Lunar SSSC or not, bc I have loads of goodies with that. i dont remeber what was a preorder goody tho

I have never been "forced" to "pressured" bc I talk way too much, if they ask if there are any games I wanna pre order, I say "Oh that reminds me I was thinking of getting___(any game that came out recently) but I am waiting for a price drop. I usually just wait, you would have to give me an ASSLOAD of freebies for me to preorder."

bread's done