Primetime - 1 vs. 100 - US Beta Going On Now

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Check out the Regian's review of the Canadian Open Beta here

Updated: 05-07-09

Microsoft's plan for 1 vs 100 is for the multiplayer game show to run for 13-week seasons. Each season will offer players the chance to gain 200 Achievement Points. New season, new Achievements.
Because 1 vs 100 is free to Xbox Live Gold subscribers (who have to pay annually for Gold, of course), these will be some of the cheapest Achievement Points achievable on the system.
No word yet on what the Achievements will be.


Updated: 05-06-09

1 vs. 100 rules, details and prizes announced at kotaku here :

Price tag: Free for Gold Members only, prizes are only for 18 and over.

Prizes: Include Microsoft points, XBL Arcade Game, and sweepstakes prizes like a Zune.

Advertisers confirmed are Sprint and Honda so expect prizes relating to both as well.
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[quote name='spree4567']New trailer for 1 vs 100

At 1:12 or so, it says 800 Point Arcade title, so looks like that'll be one of the prizes. Still no news on a cost for this or how it'll work so people get a chance to play and win prizes. Also no date, but I saw somewhere else that it was coming in Mid May.[/quote]
It's coming May 15, as announced here.
I am real excited about this but considering how ridiculously expensive Hasbro Gaming Night games were, I'm a bit concerned how the pricing will be.
There's already a thread about this that I made a loooong time ago, but I'd just assume use this one since maintaining one OP is enough for me.

This looks like it is going to be pretty awesome, I just hope they don't totally rape us with "additional fees" to play it frequently or whatever, since they are providing real prizes and it seems like this is a bit more of an undertaking than just bringing out another Uno game or whatever.
I wonder if they'll implement the other NXE feature they promised but delayed -- the ability to watch streaming Netflix content in a Party setting. I could really use that.
Yep. This puppy will be free.

Now, rumor has it that Honda will be sponsoring the game for three months with the grand prize being a new car for anyone who beats The Mob. Again, I wish I had some solid evidence to back that up, but that's been churning in the rumor mill.

Still, I can't wait to play this.
I am very excited for this. I was planning to pay the 800 or 1200 point cost for it but free? Wow, MS.

You surprised us all.

I'll have to see this in action before I really want it.

Seems like to me that 90% of the assholes on XBL will look up answers on google really fast.

Kotaku tries to explain the complex rules for actually winning prizes in 1 vs. 100:

Easy Questions: Let us hope that we were told a fact when a Microsoft rep assured us that questions for 1v100 would never be repeated. This must be so, because who wants to play a game show that includes the following question (which your DME got right!): "What country is the 2008 movie Australia set in? 1) New Zealand, 2) Australia, 3) Papua New Guinea"

More Complex Than Wheel of Fortune: Maybe Microsoft will mail people an instruction manual, and maybe it was just too early in the morning when Microsoft was showing the game, but there's a chance that first-time players will find the rules 1 vs 100 baffling. Let's break this down: 1v100 will be run live on Fridays and Saturdays at scheduled sessions that last a couple of hours. You play as your Xbox avatar. Any Xbox Live Gold member can be a member of the audience, aka the Crowd. This lets them answer questions and be linked to three local players or friends in an Xbox Live party. Crowd players earn chances to win sweepstakes prizes. Playing in the Crowd also increases the likelihood that the player will be chosen to join… the Mob. That Mob is the "100" part of 1 vs 100. Members of the Mob see their avatar seated against a big wall a la the Brady Bunch show opening, if the Brady Bunch got randy and had 100 members in the family. Every round of the game sees a new "1" selected from the Mob. The core of the game involves the 1 and the 100 answering the same trivia questions. If the 1 gets it wrong, he or she is knocked out of competition. If a member of the 100 gets it wrong they're dropped from the 100. For every question the 1 gets right, he or she amasses potential Microsoft Points winnings and has the option to cash out. But he or she needs to outlast everyone in the 100. The 100 can win prizes as well, but only once 40 players have been eliminated. The Mob's prize can be a free Xbox Live Arcade game, pre-determined by the show's organizers (which you may already own). Got all that?

And There Are More Rules: I haven't even explained the non-live, every-weekday mode called Extended Play in which everyone is in the Mob and winnings count toward chances to be picked to be in the Mob for the live games. Complex as this all sounds, we were having fun.

Some of the things they liked about it:
Non-Invasive Advertising: All the Microsoft reps' discussion of Sprint sponsorship and Honda ads seemed ripe for disaster. But the ads in 1 vs 100 weren't a bother at all. The virtual game show set is branded with Sprint signage. A between-sessions break throws more ads onto the screen, but even during that break a player can call up their stats and study their performance.

It's Live: Some of the announcer chatter during the live games of 1 vs 100 is canned. But host Chris Cashman will call out performances and talk about what's happening in the game. He'll also call players up, as he did with me, and record quick interviews that get played during the breaks. He chatted with me about my performance. I accused him of being as shady as the guy in Slumdog Millionaire. He laughed it off.

Everyone Gets A Shot: Microsoft has the right idea about getting new people into the hot-seats for this game. They estimate that up to 1500 people have a shot at getting in the Mob per live session. And the stats that improve your chance for selection — earned by playing the Live and Extended versions of the game regularly — will be re-set each week. So the elite players shouldn't get all the shots at the glory.
thanks Frisky, I was actually just about to post this.

I've always been a fan of trivia games, add prizes and a ton of competition this looks to be really good. I just hope there's some kind of a system set in place where you can't cheat by googling your answer...
I enjoyed the TV show, so I think I'll like this... We should look into forming 4 man CAG parties when this goes live.
I'm hoping this actually does start next week as the Honda article suggests, but I'm kind of doubting Microsoft would just start it out without any real marketing.
[quote name='Xavin']1v100 actually looks kinda cool... and it's free?[/QUOTE]

If you're a Gold member, yes
[quote name='thrustbucket']Yeah it's a great idea but i think nerds with laptops and google will kind of ruin it.[/quote]

They'll have to be super fast nerds. I can't see it giving you more than 5 seconds to answer.
No, you have about 3-4 months to get them all. It's set up like a TV show, season-wise, though I'd hope that they have enough sponsors lined up to not have a long break between them.
this is shaping up to be awesome fun. Being in your own gameshow. Ive never seen the show since i dont watch much tv but this seems really fun. Wheres price is right and wheel of fortune! Hopefully they have mods running around kicking out people who are cussing excesively or throwing out racial slurs like we all have to put up with in other games.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']They'll have to be super fast nerds. I can't see it giving you more than 5 seconds to answer.[/quote]

Well I guess it depends more on what the question is, but that picture in the OP, all I typed in was "late night married" which took about 1 second and Letterman popped up 3 spots down. Of course, I wasn't in a rush to type it, look it up, then run to or switch to my 360 and go to the answer, which would definitely take over 5 seconds for me. But I know there are some people out there that are probably already practicing their cheating skills in anticipation.

The only real way I could see them not having people cheat like that is to have the question come across in a typewriter fashion, one word at a time real fast. They should have the answers already down there available and start a 5 second countdown timer when it's about 2-3 words from the end of the question.
I am downloading the Beta Launch Demo now as I type this. I couldn't find on marketplace but I saw someone on my friends list playing this. When I hit 'Join Session in Progress" it told me that I didn't have the game and I needed to download it. I used the Download Now function and it worked.

The guy on my friends list is in Canada so I don't know if that means anything.
Been trying to get into a game for the last 30 minutes. No dice. (keeps bitching about network connection and losing LIVE connectivity)

Beta game is beta.
I don't think I like the idea of refilling achievements. I especially don't like the idea of achievements you can't get after a while.
I'm not sure, I only found out about because I saw someone on my friends list playing the game. It allowed me to "join session in progress" but then said I didn't have the game.

So it gave me an option to download it, I downloaded it and searched for game library and nothing. On the dashboard nothing. It was saved into my Memory but I couldn't find the option to play. My friend was in the lobby and it owuldn't let me join session in progress anymore, so I dunno.
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