PRINCE OF PERSIA $29.99 (360, PS3) @ Game Crazy

I just finished this game yesterday- I can give some brief feedback.
The game is beautiful. Perhaps some of the best art design this generation, although the game could vary in level design as I'm tired of seeing the same grassy colors. The animations are fantastic, and sincerely bring life to two fictional characters.
The gameplay, well, it's tough to call it gameplay. With no difficulty choice, the game is scattered. For the majority of the game, the player barely inputs anything that wasn't going to already happen, which coincides with the story being quite linear. Ocassionally, it just feels like you're watching a movie. You can also never die in the game. Whenever falling off a platform or jumping the wrong way, Princess Elika reaches out an arm and the Prince grabs it, every, damn, time.
The combat is mediocre. Quick time events bail the player out if they are in danger, and provide no consequence for a mistake. Even if you miss the quick time event, the game will provide an animation which just shows the Prince getting beaten up. There are combos which you can alternate between the Prince and Princess Elika, which is fun. Combat appears so often, however, that the combos quickly become stale and flat.
The sound is phenomenal. The patters of the Prince's foot emanate beautifully and really make you feel like a badass as you're wall running. The background tunes fit the desert setting convincingly.

I'll edit this later when I have more time to write this *review*
Too bad Game Crazy doesn't have an online store since I don't have a Game Crazy near me. Hopefully Amazon will price match soon.
I finished this a couple of weeks ago. I'll echo some of the things ssssss said particularly in regards to the art direction - this is one of the more visually stunning games I have played. This game is partly so enjoyable because it is so easy on the eyes.

In regards to the game play, I mostly disagree with the 'you can't die criticism." The game play mechanic of always being saved by your partner at the moment of death is really just an abbreviated reload of the last save point which is no different than other game out there except it is less time consuming.

However, it is definitely too easy in other areas - it often feels the game is playing itself. Most of the platform sequences are pretty easy with too large of a window for hitting the requisite button. These type of games are supposed to test the quickness of your reactions but you can be in a drunken stupor and still have time to hit jump, wall run or whatever.

Combat also often seems like it requires no involvement on your part. It looks GREAT at first but quickly becomes tedious after you realize you fight the same enemies over and over with the same movie-looking combo sequences. This is also the only area where the "no death" made the game way too easy. In combat, the enemies only regain portion of their health when you "die." So, instead of the threat of facing a fully healed enemy hanging over your head if you die, you can just whittle the guy down while dying over and over. No suspense whatsoever even in the boss fights since its impossible to lose or even have to start over.

Finally, it is repetitive. There is a game play structure where you basically play ever level twice - once to find the boss and then, after it is defeated, scour the entire level over again to collect an item. This concern is somewhat mitigated by how good the level design is; sometimes its even enjoyable to go over a level again to see how originally some of them are designed.

I enjoyed the game but a large part of it was probably due to it being eye candy; this game is like a vapid but beautiful woman you can't help but stare at. I recommend it but, if you have waited this long, I'd say wait until it gets under 20.
This game is beautiful.
That being said, you'll find it to be the exception that people praise this game without following it with the negative aspects.
This game felt like a tan, bleach blond girl, wearing way too much makeup, that couldn't spell her name.

To me, I immediately felt like they were ripping off okami and sotc.
But not in a good way.
I honestly would not pay more than 10 bucks for this game, maybe 15 just because the world and characters look so amazing.

Of course that's just me.
I would just say, if you've waited this long, wait a little longer.
It's gorgeous, which almost makes up for everything else that's wrong with it.
Familyvideo still has it for 24.99 online used, but if you're expecting a game you can't put down, you'll be disappointed.
I rented it from Gamefly, and struggled through it for about a week.
It's just not a very good game, and the story, to me, did feel like a ripoff of Okami.
[quote name='United_Korea']this was one of the best games i've played in 2008. so worth that price.

I keep hearing this, and I think I may as well bite. I'm not going to bother waiting for it to go down $2-3; I'll just skip a cup of coffee and there's the difference.
Just buy PoP already people. It is THAT good and the DLC will keep you occupied even longer.

Its funny that GS had it $27 used for both systems before the DLC came out and that B2G1 deal. Its now $44 used.
God, I never want to go to a Gamecrazy again. I'll have to make a blog post about that, or something.
Love this game...honestly, one of the best games of 2008 (I've played it even more than Left 4 Dead and Gears of War 2...combined, not to say that those 2 are bad games in anyway...but if you're coming home from a long day at work/school/wherever and want to relax, I think PoP does it much better than an intense action experience). Oh, and be careful you don't fall...for Elika, that is. (okay, okay...that was a bad pun)
People waiting for the game to drop to $20, $10, or $5?
HA. I got the game for FREE in a promotion at Game Crazy(where I work) and never even opened it. I sold it to someone in the store for $50.
I really don't have much interest in playing it. Maybe wayyyyy later, if I catch up on my backlog of games.
[quote name='blahtastic']Love this game...honestly, one of the best games of 2008 (I've played it even more than Left 4 Dead and Gears of War 2...combined, not to say that those 2 are bad games in anyway...but if you're coming home from a long day at work/school/wherever and want to relax, I think PoP does it much better than an intense action experience). Oh, and be careful you don't fall...for Elika, that is. (okay, okay...that was a bad pun)[/quote]
really i got into the storm and never put it back in my 360 :(
I'm waiting on the $20 price or cheaper.
I loved Sands of Time and the original trilogy, but I've heard mixed reviews about this one.
Thanks for sharing OP.
$20 is definitely a slicker price, but $30 is okay. I got it for $34 on eBay (LE), i love the game so far, it's visually stunning! Elika is hot ;)
I loved this game but largely in part to the well written dialogue and story. The deepness it lacks in combat and platforming gets polarized with the story and script. Still haven't played the DLC though, must remember to purchase more cards.
bread's done