Pro Wrestling discussion topic--WWE, AEW, ROH, Impact, New Japan, indies

anyone know who is number 2 and still in the running for the most people tossed,  At least kane gets the new record

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Wasn't HBK vs. Diesel technically the main event for 11?
Surprisingly, even lists it as the main event.
I mean they probably call it a "co-main event" but it was the last match of the night so...

Also, el-oh-el that they're just straight up showing the rumble again. Is it still possible to get the pay per views through pay per view (thus spending $50 on something that's free tonight)?
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Surprisingly, even lists it as the main event.
I mean they probably call it a "co-main event" but it was the last match of the night so...

Also, el-oh-el that they're just straight up showing the rumble again. Is it still possible to get the pay per views through pay per view (thus spending $50 on something that's free tonight)?
My bad Bret had left during that time before signing the 20-year contract or whatever so I didn't pay much attention to WM 11.

WWE eliminated Bryan early and had Reigns win to maintain the abusive relationship they have with their fans.

What is the allure of an abusive relationship?  The abused stick around hoping that their abuser will change.

Here's a pic I saw on Twitter of Andre the Giant at 19 years old:

I'm reading the Andre graphic novel right now and so far it's been pretty good.

WWE eliminated Bryan early and had Reigns win to maintain the abusive relationship they have with their fans.

What is the allure of an abusive relationship? The abused stick around hoping that their abuser will change.
I used this exact analogy when I stopped watching WWE a few years ago. I just got tired of being slapped around and then hearing "baby, I'm so sorry, please don't go!".

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It was edited to omit people entering and being eliminated (Wade Barrett, Titus O Neil to name a couple).

The entire ending didn't seem edited though.

This was such a refreshing show. Beyond having JBL do the weather, they should really consider putting at least one full PPV match on a post-PPV Raw show. They've already budgeted PPV buys as zero, and by only doing one match (and not always having it be a main event), you don't piss off Network subscribers. The sitdown interview stuff was so great too. Seth put himself over as a top guy and then did a deal with Brock that should logically lead to a Brock match at Fast Lane. They're already giving away Cena-Rusev and a HHH-Sting confrontation for that show, so you might as well go all-in and get one more match out of Brock if you're determined to sacrifice so much of WM's card. Have Seth-Brock in a one on one match to cement Seth, even with a loss, as the top dog. Hell, I'd have Seth beat him and either do a triple threat with Brock cashing in his rematch and saying it's a chance to beat up two guys again, or do Brock-Bryan and calling it a number 1 contender's match.

They seem to think that Brock's leaving, although if I was WWE, I'd look into a dual contract with UFC. It seems insane given that WWE is such a control freak of a company, but they do allow him to have sponsors and UFC does allow Josh Barnett to do IGF matches. UFC has far more to gain with Brock being exposed on WWE's TV than just being on their currently-struggling TV setup and it would be best for both companies to have Brock's services right now. WWE needs the roster depth and star power, and the same holds true for UFC. Having him do one fight per year for UFC and then long before and after that doing a match for WWE would work for the companies and allow Brock to line his pockets like never before.

The Roman interview was a disaster. Between the audio issue at the start and Roman offering up patty-cake responses, he came off as doomed. The weirdest bit was them bringing up him being hand-picked by the higher ups, who in storyline are opposed to him as evidenced by the end of the Rumble match, and he thanked them for the opportunity. LOVED LOVED LOVED the Arnold parody bits - Paige and Ryback shined, while Vince probably went through his personal collection for the bodybuilding pics. Loved Dean walking and hitchhiking to the building, then asking  "Hey, you guys got any posters of me I can look at!?" Bryan's interview with Renee was a great way to set up a Brock match in the future. They've really got more matches they need to get out of Brock - shame they wasted three matches on a year-long feud with HHH. Heyman cut among the greatest promos in history with Roman Reigns here. This promo was worth every penny they've paid Brock since 2012 if it winds up helping Roman out. If this was just in a vacuum with nothing else until WM, it would be a million buys.

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WWE 24 - WM 30

WWE built this up pretty big and while it was really good, it was greatly hurt by time constraints and painting as rosey a picture as possible for things. It was Connor-heavy, which is fine but Steph saying they invited him to WM to give him something to live for came off as one of those self-congratulatory lines that they throw out. It was nice to have Warrior's family in this, but if you didn't know otherwise, you wouldn't know he passed away since that didn't get a graphic while Connor did.

The biggest letdown here was the Taker-Brock stuff. We got the briefest of glimpses of Taker backstage and I loved the hug with Vince, but they didn't even talk about what caused the injury or Vince going with Taker to the hospital. They went with a surface-level approach to everything and I get why they would do that from a corporate perspective, it did make the special a lot worse than the Mania of WrestleMania/WrestleMania: The Movie this was patterned after.

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So I'm not a subscriber so I didn't get to watch the Rumble until last night. Sucks for subscribers but really cool gift on WWF's part to rebroadcast the PPV the night after for the rest of us folks. 

The title match was very entertaining. I thought all three wrestlers put on a good show but I thought Seth looked really great coming out of it. He's got the size that a guy like Vince covets but is very athletic in-ring. Kind of reminds me of the physical talents of Bret Hart. Question is whether he'll last as long. They keep having Brock dominate his matches so it looks like a big mismatch between him and Reigns thus far. Heyman did a great promo as usual. 

The ending to the Rumble was pretty flat. If they are pushing Reigns as the next heavyweight contender, they really shouldn't have had him eliminate Kane/Show/Rusev the way they did. Kane and Show basically eliminated each other and Reigns just pushed them over without working for it. Rusev just came out of nowhere (was he laying on his back the whole time outside? lol) for a guy that was impossible to be eliminated took Reigns all of 15 seconds to dispatched. Pretty lame. I really thought they should have made Reigns a heel but after his promo last night looks like they're not going to bother at this time. Who knows, there's still Seth Rollins with the MITB so there's a wildcard in play here that may just save Wrestlemania's main event. 
I'm surprised jay watched and reviewed Raw knowing there wouldn't be any Diva ass shots to screen cap.
And for those who were disappointed by this, I have a solution.

Here's what happens when Lana lets her hair down and gets into a WWE ring:

Progress from our F2P wrestling game, The Squared Circle. We're going for a flat-shaded style look for the characters. This should keep costs low and let us offer new characters quickly without breaking the bank. Any feedback?

We're still in the process of finalizing body types and what not so any feedback will definitely be utilized since we're early enough in the development cycle that we can afford to fine tune things and make changes. 


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I was just being stupid. Didn't intend to trivialize your work or anything. I am not concerned with virtual wrestler nipples one way or another, although what Hydro said is true.
Best gif ever... I subscribe for ppvs and to watch classic ppvs and all the content. Am I unhappy with the current product. Yep but I'm a fan and I'll still watch it.
WWE is reportedly no longer branding WrestleMania with numbers, at least with the logo. Instead, symbols are being used to distinguish each event.

It was announced last week that WrestleMania will come to AT&T Stadium in Texas on April 3, 2016 and "32" is nowhere to be seen on the logo. It instead features a star to represent the "Lone Star State." On top of that, the logo for this year's WrestleMania features a "Play" button. to represent Silicon Valley, which is near Levi's Stadium, in Santa Clara, California.

This is according to Dave Meltzer of, who said on Wrestling Observer Radio today that the events are no longer being branded with numbers "because Vince [McMahon] thinks it makes it sound too old."
So they're going with the way Summerslam, Survivor Series & Royal Rumble are remembered(by the year, not numbered). I thought something was odd about that Wrestlemania sign sunday night and now that explains it.

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Creative has been fucked up for so long at WWE that, without even trying to, they managed to get more heel heat on Roman Reigns then they could ever dream of doing for Luther Reigns.

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Just got back home after a week in LA (thanks for the extra few days, Juno). Initially, while I was stoked about my trip, missing out on the Rumble had me *mildly* disappointed - I wanted to see Bryan's return, and the potential booking for Lesnar/Cena 2 could have been great.

Thanks to WWE booking, I have zero regrets. I am *so* proud of my city for taking an historic dump on Roman Reigns. I mean, we're Philly. Of course we're gonna boo. Guy's lucky he didn't get pegged with batteries.

As a life-long wrestling fan, just like many others here. We can all agree no mater how bad the product gets we are still going to watch and follow it regardless. People cancelling the Network will now likely watch horrible quality streams before realizing that $10 a month for all the content and live PPVs in HD is an incredible value and resubscribe because we as fans will watch whatever they throw at us good or bad. 

Canceling the network was never an option for me. Aside from some Nitros and the AE Raw's, the network has roughly everything I've enjoyed about a sport that I care for, in the best quality possible, for $9.99. You can't get that anywhere else. DVD's and VHS's are near impossible to find for some of these events, and for the VHS tapes that I do have, I don't want to spend hours upon hours converting them to DVD. Easily the best $10 I spend each month.

I still want to find ECW DVD's, though.

You mean like how Stone Cold wasn't in one prior to winning it in 1997 and only one singles match main event prior to winning it in 1998? ;)
I know what you're getting at, but Stone Cold Steve Austin didn't enter the WWF/E with essentially no professional wrestling experience. He certainly didn't need writers to tell him what to say during interviews either.

I'm all aboard with the WWE finding their replacement for John Cena but Reigns isn't it yet. Like someone else said, maybe he can use the boos to turn heel ala The Rock but right now, I'm not too confident in that working out.

I know what you're getting at, but Stone Cold Steve Austin didn't enter the WWF/E with essentially no professional wrestling experience. He certainly didn't need writers to tell him what to say during interviews either.

I'm all aboard with the WWE finding their replacement for John Cena but Reigns isn't it yet. Like someone else said, maybe he can use the boos to turn heel ala The Rock but right now, I'm not too confident in that working out.
Austin wrestled his first match in 1989, 8 years before he won Royal Rumble. Furthermore, the end of the Royal Rumble was booked in such a way that he wasn't (and didn't) going on to main event Wrestlemania. None of that is present here. Unless something changes, Reigns is main eventing Wrestlemania, barely 4 years after he failed at football and decided his actual passion in life was wrestling. Austin wasn't coddled and pushed from the very beginning of his entry into WWE, either ("no, you gotta make Reigns look really good").

Also, before Austin even entered WWE, he had won in WCW the TV title, the US title, and tag title. Reigns has been an FCW tag team champ and WWE tag team champ. Austin has hardly had the rocket push that Reigns has had. In fact, I think this is probably the most egregious rocket push in recent history. I'd say Sheamus and Bobby Lashley are pretty close but they were never pushed right into the Wrestlemania main event in such a ridiculous fashion. Hell, even Kurt Angle who came in white hot had to wait 5 years before main eventing Wrestlemania. I guess the closest comparison would be Batista who debuted in WWE in 2002 and main evented Wrestlemania in 2005.

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Isnt Brock a viable option in this discussion? Didnt he go from wrestling dark matches to headlining and winning the title within a year or two?
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bread's done