Problem with DS touch screen?


6 (100%)
I just bought a DS this past week and I think there is a problem with the touch screen. At start up it skips the screen you usually need to touch and then to start a game you usually can touch the screen to start but it won't. Just wondered if anyone else has had problems like this. I know the screen did work fine the other day because I was playing Zoo Keeper for awhile, so it seems to be something that comes and goes.
Wait, does the game automatically start up as opposed to the interface? If so you need to change the settings, just take out the cart and go into the menu. If nothing at all happens when you turn the system on, call nintendo.
Maybe your batteries are low, I think I might have noticed decreased sensitivity when my DS's batteries have gotten low, but I'm not sure, my system seems to work great.
I work at TRU and I've had a small number of DS' returned that had defective touch screens. Basically they didn't work, and when you tried to touch something on the starting menu, nothing happened. I say take it back to the place you got it at with the receipt and get a new one, I don't see why they'd turn you away.
Foreign material can get stuck at the edges of the touch screen underneath the plastic casing. This can cause all sorts of issues with the touch screen such as registering an input even though you didn't touch the screen, or unresponsivness when touchng the screen.

If you notice anything stuck there, you can clean it using a brand-new, clean toothbrush. Here is a link for detailed instructions
[quote name='thesilentshadow30']Hello...????

Doesn't anyone pay attention to the date of posts??
I started this thread 6 months ago....the problem has LONG since been taken care of...[/QUOTE]
what was the resolution to your problem?
bread's done