Program recommendation request, please...


Can anyone recommend some program that will allow myself and a few classmates to collaborate on math? On a basic level, it should be able to display text and do simple drawing (MSPaint quality interface would be fine) and allow all users viewing it to make changes to it. Open source or freeware would be a plus. Is there any such thing out there?
does your school have blackboard? There's an electronic blackboard thing on there that kinda works like aim only you can draw on it.
OpenOffice has a math app.

Post the file to a site that you can each edit and update.
Thanks for the suggestions, all. As of now, I'm giving Coccinella a try. It runs through Jabber and allows what I want, I think. I'll have to wait until Monday to let everyone else know about it and get set up, but it seems pretty decent.
bread's done