PROTOTYPE - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='guinaevere']If the guy is legally cleared by the developers to discuss the game publicly, there's no problem.[/quote]

There's not an NDA on Prototype. There might be a review embargo from professional sites, but NDA only really applies to games that are very early in development.

Obviously, an official demo has never been a problem.

This is an official retail copy.

The post was deleted because it didn't adhere to the rules.

But the only thing he said was that it was pretty much awesome.

Leaked content does not have to be downloaded.

Come again? Oh, in that case, you guys may want to head over to the Blu Ray forum, we've got some reviewers over there that also have access to blu ray's a month before they come out and they talk about them on there.. and even sell them before their street date.

Again, you dont have to buy it on day one, now do you? You can wait till its out and the industry and your fellow gamers have all had a chance to give you an idea on if it's worth it or not.

What does that have to do with the discussion at hand? If I get my hands on a game early, what difference does it make if I talk about the first level or whatever? I can understand if I had downloaded it, but I didn't.

As for if you personally dont care how someone got a game, sorry, but so what? The issue isn't what you or I care about, but what the guy who is accountable for any and all legal repurcussions of posts/blogs on this site is concerned with.

Where does it say it's illegal to talk about Prototype? I understand review embargos, but all I did was post initial impressions.

I told you all that I'll run it by David, so that's where it currently stands. Any further debate on this issue in this thread will cause the thread to close until then.

Fair enough, I just don't feel that I should be punished for finding a game early just because some people on here have modded 360's and download their games.
[quote name='Scorch']Fair enough, I just don't feel that I should be punished for finding a game early just because some people on here have modded 360's and download their games.[/QUOTE]No one punished you. I deleted posts and sent you a PM reminding you of the rules.

Thread closed for now.
No need to close the comes out tomorrow, cleaned up the thread, just need to move the discussion to the feedback forum if you guys want to continue.
[quote name='Tigresa']Ouch! I wonder who else's reviews are regarded as shitty, as well. I didn't even realize that there isn't a single review floating around that I've seen and it's so close to release. Hmm! Maybe there is an embargo not to post one up until actual release, weird that they'd do that even for the big sites though.

Maybe the game is SO long that they are taking the time to play through the whole game before posting a review. I don't know. Well I've heard it was fun so far from a few writers I know that have been playing it. :][/QUOTE]

Or more likely they didn't have time to review since everyone was covering E3 last week.
I paid in full for Prototype on Friday. Then a friend at E3 contacted me and said I might want to hold off on the game. Didn't demo well. Graphics weak. I then went to the forum for the game. Some people have been getting the game early. Seems most agree the gameplay is fun, but the graphics are weak. Some called the game a disappointment.

Sixty bucks is too much to gamble with on a game that doesn't "have a pedigree" and hasn't drawn much press attention. I rented Red Faction over the weekend and had a blast (no pun intended) with it. Today, I transfered my credit and picked up RFG. I'll get Prototype if and when it earns my attention.
Here's my mini-review. My copy is legit, so there's no need to remove this. Sorry for the wall of text but I did it in a hurry. I wasn't planning on writing this because I expected actual reviews to be up by now. I decided to write it because I know people are going to regret not picking it up with the $20 GC's this week if they're interested.

Presentation, Graphics & Sound - 8.0:
Solid is the best way to describe everything. Nothing will blow you away, but nothing will turn you off either. The frame rate is constant throughout which is pretty impressive given how much is going on. The character models in cut scenes and the building destruction animations were disappointing, but I didn't dock the score for them because they are minor in the overall scope of the game. I've seen people compare it unfavorably to inFAMOUS and GTA IV, but those comparisons aren't really relevent because those games move slower and/or don't have as much going on. The graphics definitely are a significant improvement over Spider-Man: Web of Shadows and The Incredible Hulk which both also had fully realized New York city environments (and were getting graphics scores in the 6-6.5 range). The presentation is also solid. The story isn't going to make you fall in love with the game, but it is interesting enough to keep you engaged. The web of intrigue is well done and offers a nice little story bonus (which I haven't seen done before).

Gameplay - 9.0:
There are highs in the gameplay that are amazing and there is a ton of variety. It's knocked a little because there are some elements like the strike teams that can get annoying/repetive. The game was hard, but not in a punishing way. It forces you to unlock the upgrades and learn how to use them, which is extremely rewarding in the end. If I wasn't trying to rush through the game in the end I probably would have put 2-3 hours in messing around with the other powers that I didn't master. Between the story, web of intrigue, collectibles and events there is a lot to do. I loved the gliding events so I sought them out and did them all. I didn't like some of the combat events as much so I only tried them if I came across them in gameplay. Driving the tanks and flying helicopters do a lot to help mix things up and keep the game fresh throughout. A big plus for giving you the choice of stealthily completing a lot of missions or going all out action if you wanted. Another big plus for rewarding and meaningful upgrades.

Lasting Appeal - 7.5:
For a single playthrough I ended up at 16 hours. I messed around with the events as it felt natural within the playthrough of the game and died a lot (45 times on normal). At the same time I rushed it at the end because I needed to give my copy back. You could probably beat it in under 6 hours if you were doing a speed run and are really good at games. Even if you don't want to do the optional events most people will have to do something to gain experience to purchase upgrades because the game is difficult (unless you play on easy). If you just want to play through once you could easily get 20 hours out of it without feeling like you're grinding. If you want to do everything it's easily 30+ hours.

Overall - 8.25

Closing comments:
With the coop of Crackdown it would be a definite buy at $60. As it is at $60 you'll probably won't be disappointed if an open world game with massive amounts of action appeals to you. If you're on the fence if you can buy it at TRU this week (or Best Buy) w/ the gift card and you should end up satisfied. Many people would be satisfied with a rental but it will be hard to find copies for awhile. At $40 you should be able to hold it for a month and then sell it for $30, basically the cost of the rental. On the other hand if you go into this game with doubts you will probably find enough to not like because it isn't perfect.
[quote name='jkanownik']Here's my mini-review. My copy is legit, so there's no need to remove this. Sorry for the wall of text but I did it in a hurry. I wasn't planning on writing this because I expected actual reviews to be up by now. I decided to write it because I know people are going to regret not picking it up with the $20 GC's this week if they're interested.

Presentation, Graphics & Sound - 8.0:
Solid is the best way to describe everything. Nothing will blow you away, but nothing will turn you off either. The frame rate is constant throughout which is pretty impressive given how much is going on. The character models in cut scenes and the building destruction animations were disappointing, but I didn't dock the score for them because they are minor in the overall scope of the game. I've seen people compare it unfavorably to inFAMOUS and GTA IV, but those comparisons aren't really relevent because those games move slower and/or don't have as much going on. The graphics definitely are a significant improvement over Spider-Man: Web of Shadows and The Incredible Hulk which both also had fully realized New York city environments (and were getting graphics scores in the 6-6.5 range). The presentation is also solid. The story isn't going to make you fall in love with the game, but it is interesting enough to keep you engaged. The web of intrigue is well done and offers a nice little story bonus (which I haven't seen done before).

Gameplay - 9.0:
There are highs in the gameplay that are amazing and there is a ton of variety. It's knocked a little because there are some elements like the strike teams that can get annoying/repetive. The game was hard, but not in a punishing way. It forces you to unlock the upgrades and learn how to use them, which is extremely rewarding in the end. If I wasn't trying to rush through the game in the end I probably would have put 2-3 hours in messing around with the other powers that I didn't master. Between the story, web of intrigue, collectibles and events there is a lot to do. I loved the gliding events so I sought them out and did them all. I didn't like some of the combat events as much so I only tried them if I came across them in gameplay. Driving the tanks and flying helicopters do a lot to help mix things up and keep the game fresh throughout. A big plus for giving you the choice of stealthily completing a lot of missions or going all out action if you wanted. Another big plus for rewarding and meaningful upgrades.

Lasting Appeal - 7.5:
For a single playthrough I ended up at 16 hours. I messed around with the events as it felt natural within the playthrough of the game and died a lot (45 times on normal). At the same time I rushed it at the end because I needed to give my copy back. You could probably beat it in under 6 hours if you were doing a speed run and are really good at games. Even if you don't want to do the optional events most people will have to do something to gain experience to purchase upgrades because the game is difficult (unless you play on easy). If you just want to play through once you could easily get 20 hours out of it without feeling like you're grinding. If you want to do everything it's easily 30+ hours.

Overall - 8.25

Closing comments:
With the coop of Crackdown it would be a definite buy at $60. As it is at $60 you'll probably won't be disappointed if an open world game with massive amounts of action appeals to you. If you're on the fence if you can buy it at TRU this week (or Best Buy) w/ the gift card and you should end up satisfied. Many people would be satisfied with a rental but it will be hard to find copies for awhile. At $40 you should be able to hold it for a month and then sell it for $30, basically the cost of the rental. On the other hand if you go into this game with doubts you will probably find enough to not like because it isn't perfect.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the non-biased review. I've seen all the gameplay videos, but can't seem to get excited over the game. Seems very repetitious and monotonous, but then again, I hate sand-box type games. Modern Warfare 2 is the only day-one purchase for me this year.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']No need to close the comes out tomorrow, cleaned up the thread, just need to move the discussion to the feedback forum if you guys want to continue.[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure she was going to let Cheapy read over our discussion, so thanks for cleaning it up..

Regardless.. yes, the graphics are pretty weaksauce, but who the fuck cares. Open world environment, insane gameplay.. it's well worth it..

besides, you get a $20 GC if you buy it at TRU this week.. it's well worth it.

Edit: Touche, sir vv
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[quote name='Scorch']I'm pretty sure she was going to let Cheapy read over our discussion, so thanks for cleaning it up..

FYI The deleted posts are still visible to mods ;)


It can be somewhat tedious at times, but with all the gore and action it is still a fun game. The graphics are amazing and the game play keeps flowing with excitement and you have the choice. If you do feel lost; Image Comics had put out a Prototype Series so you can catch up on the back story of Alex Mercer. With that said I shall give Prototype 4 memory links out of 5, this game will be out on June 9th for PS3, PC and Xbox 360 stay frosty gamers!

First I've heard of the graphics being "Amazing"
[quote name='TC']Anyone hear anything about a possible demo?[/QUOTE]
I recall reading that they are thinking about releasing a demo.
I've only been playing the game for two hours now, but here's my impressions so far.
-The parkour elements are noticeable, and they're fun.
-The gameplay is very fluent, and very satisfying
-The graphics aren't the best, I don't know what the guy was on when he said they were amazing, but they're definitely next-gen graphics, and while not the best, nothing that should stop you from buying the game either.
-The missions are varied nicely, and usually missions do have multiple ways to do them (sneaking in or destroying everything).
-I don't know about the longevity of this game though, that still remains to be seen. I'm having a blast now, but a few hours from now I could be bored.
Well, I re-ordered it on Amazon the other night (or two nights ago), but apparently, this became such a highly pre-ordered item at the last minute, Amazon ran out of copies, and has now moved up the release date to the 15th.

Mine still has an "at home" date of the 12th, but I assume it will have to be sent out very early tomorrow to get here by then (they didn't even charge me yet).
Cheat code for the early body surfing move for all those who are interested! Just got this in a email...
Here is the instructions to unlock Alex Mercer's
devastating body surfing ability!
- Select "Extras" from the Main Menu and go to "Cheats"
- Enter: Right, Right, Left, Down, Up, Up, Up, Down
- You will get a message pop up if the code is entered correctly!
so prototype or red faction? :lol:
im leaning towards prototype just cuz i want to jump around and elbow drop tanks like a badass:cool:
Honestly, I say rent both. Don't buy either, because they're both love/hate games and kind of deceiving.

They're both solid games, and I like both of them, but I don't think they're worth 60.
RF at least has online, so it will have replay, but it's nothing amazing really.

If you can't live without one after playing it, you can always go out and buy it, or you might decide to save the cash until Ghostbusters (or whatever) comes out, which may be better than both of them.
It feels like the experience points are extremely unbalanced in this game. Enemy klills get you.. what, 10, maybe 15 xp.. missions get you around 25,000 starting out.. and the little hidden items or whatever get you 2000.. then 5,000 once you collect 10 or 15.. then they're worth 7500 each after you collect 25..

I do like where this game is going (it's building you up faster to be a supreme badass), but I feel like I get more EP collecting the little things instead of the missions. And some of these missions are fairly challenging.
[quote name='Sparta Omni']Honestly, I say rent both. Don't buy either, because they're both love/hate games and kind of deceiving.

They're both solid games, and I like both of them, but I don't think they're worth 60.
RF at least has online, so it will have replay, but it's nothing amazing really.

If you can't live without one after playing it, you can always go out and buy it, or you might decide to save the cash until Ghostbusters (or whatever) comes out, which may be better than both of them.[/QUOTE]

i just need something to burn my last yf360game credit on before i move to a new ip address and i was thinkin bout ghostbusters as well
[quote name='Nelo Ice']i just need something to burn my last yf360game credit on before i move to a new ip address and i was thinkin bout ghostbusters as well[/QUOTE]
Well if it's just extra credit and you can't wait to see how Ghostbusters pans out (got a better rating than the other two, but that doesn't mean shit), then I'd suggest Red Faction overall, mainly because it has online.
Prototype is a must rent, though.

Regardless, I'd suggest really looking at the videos/reviews (if you haven't) and make a decision based on whichever looks more fun/appealing to you, since our opinions are pretty "to each their own" with these types of games.
lol @ Gamestop having a few posters and a decent sized sign in Times Square.. and Game Crazy having a GINORMOUS sign in the middle of it
[quote name='tenzor']7.5 out of 10 from IGN[/QUOTE]

The 5.5 graphics score is ridiculous. There is no way in hell it is a full point lower than the Sega Incredible Hulk from last year. I think the 7.5 final score is fair, but it doesn't make sense in the context of their review. Interestingly IGN AU gave the game an 8.5 graphics score. It's like IGN doesn't even try to maintain any credibility.
I still don't get why some are complaining about graphics...they are great for all the onscreen action that occurs at one time and no slowdown.
Are the graphics at least as good as Saints Row 2?

That's all I need to enjoy open world gameplay and based on videos Prototype looks better than Saints Row 2, so I don't understand IGN's complaint.
These missions are getting really old, really fast. Protect someone. Fight hunters. Fight military. Fight helicopters. Fight hunters and helicopters. Fight helicopters and military. Fight military and hunters. etcetcetc. I hope the rest of the game isn't this way.
From what i've heard graphically its not as high as some other games but thats because it has ALOT going on-screen with no slowdown.
I just wanted to update everyone who was following the drama from the other day. But DO NOT reply to this post in this thread, as it will derail this thread from Prototype discussion. Cheapy has updated the site rules slightly. If you have any comment, you can PM me, email Cheapy or create a thread in the CAG Feedback thread.

If someone legally purchases a game early, like Scorch did, he is permitted to discuss having it, and naturally, the actual game itself. But he must be able to provide proof of legal ownership (ie, picture or scan of dated receipt and the game). If someone discusses having a game early and you suspect it has been obtained illegaly, and they do not provide proof of legal ownership, report the post(s) in question.

Again, I'm only posting this in here, because some of you all wanted and needed to know the official line on this issue. But DO NOT post your thoughts, comments, insight, et cetera to this issue in this thread.

Thanks a bunch for y'alls patience with me.
[quote name='jkanownik']There are multiple ways to approach situations, but there is no avoiding consuming some people because there are a few required for missions. You will probably need to consume lots of other stuff (because consuming things gives you life), but you can choose to avoid to avoid consuming humans. The animation for the consumption process is stylized so doesn't make it feel like you're eating them.

And if it makes you feel any better he's more of a Byronic Hero than an anti hero. Although feel free to hate on the anti hero because Radical is the one that first threw the term out there.[/QUOTE]

Meh. I think I'm going to pass on this.

And somehow I'm not seeing the difference between Byronic Hero, Anti Hero, and "Troubled Guy who sometimes does good, has a troubled past, and an ANNOYING internal monologue."
[quote name='rgd2blck']Are the graphics at least as good as Saints Row 2?

That's all I need to enjoy open world gameplay and based on videos Prototype looks better than Saints Row 2, so I don't understand IGN's complaint.[/QUOTE]
They are as good as GTA IV i would say...just not nearly as detailed. I installed it on my HDD and the draw distance doesn't seem bad at all.

I only played it for about an hour and half, but I like it a lot. I don't care about repetitive missions, in fact, I tend to like them a lot.

I loved Ultimate Destruction and I like repetitive gameplay worth the 60 dollar purchase (taking advantage of 10 dollar bonus at GS times 3 mind you). If you you don't like repetitive gameplay (think AC except a little more varied in types and execution) and are expecting top-notch graphics..they are good for a sand-box then I would wait for a 30-40 dollar price.

It is a blast to play though even for a little bit. I don't like to fuck around with sandbox games very much but last night I messed around quite a bit.
These graphics aren't nearly as good in any way, shape, or form as GTA IV's. GTA IV had its graphical shortcomings, but this game looks absolutely bland. It looks nothing like NYC aside from tall buildings and being an island. GTA IV is gorgeous in comparison. The draw distances in this game are borderline annoying, only because of the stupid blue orbs. I would say they're not as good as Saints Row 2. This is arguably the worst "next-gen" graphics since 2007. Theres maybe 4 or 5 character models (not including military), and its just very bland in the looks dept.

That being said, the gameplay is a lot of fun and makes up for some of the above shortcomings. Running up buildings and getting all crazy is very addictive. The amount of shit going on at one time onscreen can be overwhelming in places and its obvious to me that they toned down the graphics because of this.

If you like sandbox games, comic books, you like a lot of action, and are not a graphics whore, you will probably enjoy this.

The one place I see this game really falling short is lasting appeal. I see myself beating it and getting rid of it ASAP to maximize trade value.

Id say:

Graphics: 5
Sound: 8
Gameplay: 8
Lasting appeal: 6
Awesome game is awesome. One of the few sandbox titles I can actually get into and not bore myself to tears. Such addictive game play I feel guilty for not growing tired of doing missions. I honestly wish there was a karma feature to make the new game+ worthwhile but eh... this title is much better than I had initial expected and I'm obviously thankful.
[quote name='archibishopthedoge']These graphics aren't nearly as good in any way, shape, or form as GTA IV's. GTA IV had its graphical shortcomings, but this game looks absolutely bland. It looks nothing like NYC aside from tall buildings and being an island. GTA IV is gorgeous in comparison. The draw distances in this game are borderline annoying, only because of the stupid blue orbs. I would say they're not as good as Saints Row 2. This is arguably the worst "next-gen" graphics since 2007. Theres maybe 4 or 5 character models (not including military), and its just very bland in the looks dept.

That's why I said less detailed, and perhaps; I should have added less personality.

The character models (as few as they are) and most animation is as good as GTA IV and the cut scenes are pretty damn good.
bread's done