PS Vita 3G/WiFi - $149.99 Clearance Best Buy YMMV


I was in my local Best Buy last night (Bellevue, WA) and saw that the PS Vita 3G/WiFi was marked for clearance and priced $149.99. I have not seen any recent mention of this clearance price at Best Buy so thought worth mentioning.

Showing as $174.99 online. Has anyone else seen these for $149.99 in store? If so, I might grab one, and order a 16GB mem card from Amazon.

Showing as $174.99 online. Has anyone else seen these for $149.99 in store? If so, I might grab one, and order a 16GB mem card from Amazon.
Not that the store pages ever seem very accurate for me, but I actually had looked at the listed clearance items for this particular store at before posting and it was not listed there. Hopefully some stores other than this one have this in store.

I was in my local Best Buy last night (Bellevue, WA) and saw that the PS Vita 3G/WiFi was marked for clearance and priced $149.99. I have not seen any recent mention of this clearance price at Best Buy so thought worth mentioning.
Were there any left? I bought a Vita online from BB around Black Friday but that was at $169.99, but this is obviously a much better price.

Were there any left? I bought a Vita online from BB around Black Friday but that was at $169.99, but this is obviously a much better price.
Yes, there were some left. I'd swing over there today again, but my son is home sick today.

[quote name=".Azaria" post="11365986" timestamp="1387487374"]Tiger Direct had these for $120 after rebate last week[/quote]

Yes, but that involved rebates and I read many orders were cancelled.

To me rebates are worse than "with gift card" sales. I rather have a straight up lower price.
Tiger Direct had these for $120 after rebate last week
Problem with rebates now a days is that they get rejected sometimes. Had issues with Powercolor and another GPU company that said I was missing something. Gave them a copy of everything but tell me that they wanted the originals...Never doing a mail in rebate again.

more likely to clear stock for the new LCD version.
I bit on the ebay/ Newegg deal on BF for 149. I have been enjoying the system with PS+ but I noticed there is very little on future releases which makes me nervous about the Vita's future. I hope these clearances are for a new bundle or the 2000 series and they will make an announcement soon. New game announcements would be nice as well. Don't want to get stuck with an Atari Lynx...

I'd get one for $150 or less but still trying to decide if there are enough games that I really want to play.  But I went by a Glendora Best Buy in SoCal, didn't find any Vitas on sale.  And their Vita selection was hard to find, nothing like the entire isle for 3DS.  Still I'm betting that Sony pushes harder when the new model comes to the US.   I wonder what msrp will be?

Was at my BB today for something else and thought I'd check prices to confirm this. I couldn't find a Vita anywhere. They had games and memory but no systems in sight. I didn't care enough to ask someone and wait 30 minutes for an answer. The BB stores in my area have been really dumpy lately.
Was at my BB today for something else and thought I'd check prices to confirm this. I couldn't find a Vita anywhere. They had games and memory but no systems in sight. I didn't care enough to ask someone and wait 30 minutes for an answer. The BB stores in my area have been really dumpy lately.
My Best Buy has kept most consoles and handhelds in a cage for awhile now. The only system I've actually seen on the shelf was the Wii Mini.

Was at my BB today for something else and thought I'd check prices to confirm this. I couldn't find a Vita anywhere. They had games and memory but no systems in sight. I didn't care enough to ask someone and wait 30 minutes for an answer. The BB stores in my area have been really dumpy lately.
Funny, that is mostly how mine is Vita wise. I had to ask where it was and when I found it it looked like the accessories took up more space than the games they had. They also appeared to only have a couple of the 3G/WiFi models and nothing else and where they looked like they would go was empty shelf (which was odd as there is very little empty shelf in the store right now otherwise). It seriously looks like there will very soon be no Vita space there at all :(

Funny, that is mostly how mine is Vita wise. I had to ask where it was and when I found it it looked like the accessories took up more space than the games they had. They also appeared to only have a couple of the 3G/WiFi models and nothing else and where they looked like they would go was empty shelf (which was odd as there is very little empty shelf in the store right now otherwise). It seriously looks like there will very soon be no Vita space there at all :(
The Vita space is small, but honestly it does not need to be that big as there aren't that many retail games (more digital or indie games). In the Vita section was a clear container with a Vita card that said "item can be purchased at the register".

In comparison the 3DS "aisle" looks bigger, but in reality it's not since it's lumped together with the DS, 3DS, and Pre-owned games of both (at least at my BB).

In comparison the 3DS "aisle" looks bigger, but in reality it's not since it's lumped together with the DS, 3DS, and Pre-owned games of both (at least at my BB).
Nintendo definitely benefits from being able to play both the 3DS and DS games.

bread's done