PS Vita Deals & Discussions Thread


292 (100%)
Since I thought the cheap 3DS games thread was a good idea. I thought I would start one for the PS Vita. I will maintain this site a few times a day going forward. Post links up to new deals and I will add them to the OP. Anyhow, here we go:

Updated 2/5/2014


Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational $15.50

Lumines- Electronic Symphony $18.49

MLB 12 The Show- $5.88

Silent Hill: Book of Memories- $11.68

Spy Hunter- $14.89

Gravity Rush- $18.53

Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time- $19.12

Need for Speed: Most Wanted- $15.99

Persona 4 Golden - $19.99

Best Buy:


Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified $19..99 New/ $17.99 Used

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While I enjoyed playing the first Awesome Pea game I'm not sure if I will be picking this up. I beat the first game in 3-1/2 hours. The second game has less levels. If they still offered free shipping I may have considered this release but once they took away free shipping it makes the decision harder. I will just pick up Chasm this week.

I'd really like for them to work with Strictly Limited and release Ultracore.

Maybe release Super Life of Pixel, I know that developer wasn't happy with digital sales and he could get some revenue from a physical release. Timespinner would be a excellent release. It is a really great game. Rogue Aces would be a cool physical release.

At least it's both games on one cart, but, yeah, that's an easy pass for me too.

I also wish eastasiasoft and Strictly came to some agreement for 'Ultracore.'


CHASM for PS Vita is coming to Play-Asia on August 6th at 11AM EST.

Limited to 2500 copies and includes all updates on cart.

Also includes a new stackable trophy list.


This is a great game and I am definitely adding this to my Vita collection.
That's cool and all, but I'm still waiting on 5 games from them (Guard Duty, Xeno Crisis, Ganbare, Chasm, Awesome Pea). I really don't want them to take after LRG and amass a huge production backlog.

That's cool and all, but I'm still waiting on 5 games from them (Guard Duty, Xeno Crisis, Ganbare, Chasm, Awesome Pea). I really don't want them to take after LRG and amass a huge production backlog.
They have two more games coming this week too to add to the backlog of releases. Root Double Before Crime and Task Force Kampas. I’m only waiting for three releases guard duty, xeno crisis and chasm. I skipped the other ones.

I don’t mind the wait myself since they are the only physical Vita publisher left. I would think they are trying to get out as many games as possible before it all ends in that territory.

And like with most of these limited publishers I only order games I have interest in. So I will be skipping the Visual Novel since I don’t like this genre. I’m torn of the Shump because it looks like fun but it is only $5 of PSN.
In case anyone isn't aware...won't be able to buy Vita and PS3 titles via the web or mobile after October 19th 2020. We can still purchase them through the store on the devices though. I still have both, but it was handy to get anything (for those triannual Vita/PS3 sales lol) through the web without firing up the device.
The download lists are nightmares on the devices themselves. I'll miss queueing downloads most of all (though I'm not 100% sure if that feature is leaving too, may still be able to see Vita/PS3 games in your web download list? I'm doubtful.)

In case anyone isn't aware...won't be able to buy Vita and PS3 titles via the web or mobile after October 19th 2020. We can still purchase them through the store on the devices though. I still have both, but it was handy to get anything (for those triannual Vita/PS3 sales lol) through the web without firing up the device.
I honestly thought it would be the opposite way. Those app stores are so terrible and it’s so easy on the computer. I thought they’d close down the device stores and you’d have to do everything from computer. Damn.
In case anyone isn't aware...won't be able to buy Vita and PS3 titles via the web or mobile after October 19th 2020. We can still purchase them through the store on the devices though. I still have both, but it was handy to get anything (for those triannual Vita/PS3 sales lol) through the web without firing up the device.
I'd take it with a grain of salt for now. Planete Vita is the only source I've seen communicate this (all of the other articles I've seen reference them second- or third-hand) and the screenshot throws up a few yellow flags:

Ultimately it sucks if it is true (and even if it's not true yet I can't imagine it's far off), but I'd be more upset if they started to push to close multiplayer servers or something. I don't buy that many digital games and I can deal with the pain of navigating the native stores on the rare occasion that I do.

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I'd take it with a grain of salt for now. Planete Vita is the only source I've seen communicate this (all of the other articles I've seen reference them second- or third-hand) and the screenshot throws up a few yellow flags:

Ultimately it sucks if it is true (and even if it's not true yet I can't imagine it's far off), but I'd be more upset if they started to push to close multiplayer servers or something. I don't buy that many digital games and I can deal with the pain of navigating the native stores on the rare occasion that I do.
I got the same exact email forwarded to me from a Vita developer.

At least we will still be able to buy and redownload Vita content for now, only from the Vita device itself. It's likely this change is so that customers won't be reminded that their PS5's won't play backwards compatible titles beyond PS4

I got the same exact email forwarded to me from a Vita developer.

At least we will still be able to buy and redownload Vita content for now, only from the Vita device itself. It's likely this change is so that customers won't be reminded that their PS5's won't play backwards compatible titles beyond PS4
Thank for chiming in. Always skeptical on things like this, and a corroboration makes it easier to make heads or tails out of the situation.

See that the dead Vita thread got bumped. Check to see if Nicalis said anything about their games. They haven't. Every time. Every single time.
They're too busy with Ikaruga and Dungreed (spelling?) I guess. Weird that they're just letting inventory sit in a warehouse instead of cashing out, but Nicalis is a weird company to begin with.

Thank for chiming in. Always skeptical on things like this, and a corroboration makes it easier to make heads or tails out of the situation.

They're too busy with Ikaruga and Dungreed (spelling?) I guess. Weird that they're just letting inventory sit in a warehouse instead of cashing out, but Nicalis is a weird company to begin with.
They are either in a pissing contest with limited run games to release the last North American vita game or they missed the deadline to print those games and the only copies are the not for resale versions that surfaced. I hope it is the former, but at some point I would think they would want to recapture the printing costs and holding on to the games does not make sense.
They are either in a pissing contest with limited run games to release the last North American vita game or they missed the deadline to print those games and the only copies are the not for resale versions that surfaced. I hope it is the former, but at some point I would think they would want to recapture the printing costs and holding on to the games does not make sense.
I've exchanged emails with Nicalis near the beginning of this month regarding these games. They have said they are still getting packaging materials ready (They are planning on including extras goodies). My guess is they don't have a very high priority on these. I think they would have just ignored me if they weren't still planning on selling them.

I've exchanged emails with Nicalis near the beginning of this month regarding these games. They have said they are still getting packaging materials ready (They are planning on including extras goodies). My guess is they don't have a very high priority on these. I think they would have just ignored me if they weren't still planning on selling them.
Thanks for sharing this info. Good news for Vita fans for sure, I honestly thought they were not going to release at this point. I love the vita and happy to have a full North America collection and several Europe exclusives and R3 only English releases but I do not think I will ever do it again. Was easy to start early on, but never could have imagined there would be 320 NA Vita games (including the 3 unreleased games)
It would be cool to have a full Turbografx set,but Magical Chase single handedly ends that thought.
Was easy to start early on, but never could have imagined there would be 320 NA Vita games (including the 3 unreleased games)
At one point, before LRG existed, I had seriously considered doing a full NA set for the vita when it was only around 120 games. Those days the Vita reminded me of the Dreamcast. A very small but dense in quality library of games. Once all the excess of bargain bin digital titles and shovelware started coming ... it made it really a good decision to just stop where i was and collect only games I was 100% interested in playing and owning physically. That said, I still have a majority of the mass market retail vita games... though this certainly changed my purchasing decisions going forward.

I pretty much already set out on a complete NA Vita set before LRG. It was getting a little rough after they showed up. I won't ever be doing that again for a current system. Especially with all of the copy-cat limited run companies these days. I'd hate to imagine another Poop Slinger PS4 incident happening on a system I actually collect for.

Vita is a system I still enjoy and play a lot, so I wanted sort of a personal archive.

Currently playing Deception IV The Nightmare Princess (Asian English)

Thanks for sharing this info. Good news for Vita fans for sure, I honestly thought they were not going to release at this point. I love the vita and happy to have a full North America collection and several Europe exclusives and R3 only English releases but I do not think I will ever do it again. Was easy to start early on, but never could have imagined there would be 320 NA Vita games (including the 3 unreleased games)
It would be cool to have a full Turbografx set,but Magical Chase single handedly ends that thought.
All NA games, all R3 English releases, and all R2 exclusives here (gallery if anyone's curious - slightly dated). Absolutely wouldn't do it again. It was fun when the Vita library was small, but when LRG started exploiting the market and other publishers started following suit it just became stressful and unfun. Got Meat Boy via eBay after Blindboxes, so I'm just waiting on Nicalis and whatever Play-Asia decides to trickle out before they lose the ability to print carts in R3.

While it's nice to have a full set, the experience has honestly made me more open to digital than I've ever been. No clue what next gen looks like with MOQ and everything, but if the Switch is any indication I have 0 desire to collect there.

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All NA games, all R3 English releases, and all R2 exclusives here (gallery if anyone's curious - slightly dated). Absolutely wouldn't do it again. It was fun when the Vita library was small, but when LRG started exploiting the market and other publishers started following suit it just became stressful and unfun. Got Meat Boy via eBay after Blindboxes, so I'm just waiting on Nicalis and whatever Play-Asia decides to trickle out before they lose the ability to print carts in R3.

While it's nice to have a full set, the experience has honestly made me more open to digital than I've ever been. No clue what next gen looks like with MOQ and everything, but if the Switch is any indication I have 0 desire to collect there.
Is that your collection? Wow, very nice! Is that all the releases as well? Like the standard and CEs?

All NA games, all R3 English releases, and all R2 exclusives here (gallery if anyone's curious - slightly dated). Absolutely wouldn't do it again. It was fun when the Vita library was small, but when LRG started exploiting the market and other publishers started following suit it just became stressful and unfun. Got Meat Boy via eBay after Blindboxes, so I'm just waiting on Nicalis and whatever Play-Asia decides to trickle out before they lose the ability to print carts in R3.

While it's nice to have a full set, the experience has honestly made me more open to digital than I've ever been. No clue what next gen looks like with MOQ and everything, but if the Switch is any indication I have 0 desire to collect there.
You had me excited there for a minute I thought there was a Taiko drum accessory for the Vita. I need to get all of my Vita stuff organized a little nicer. My LE's are in all parts of the game room.

That's basically what I went for as well. All English releases without dupes from other regions. I don't have Meat Boy, but secured my copy with LRG by offering them all of my reward coupons. They are really trying to take care of the Vita people that were with them from the beginning.

Interestingly enough, I have been buying only digital games on XBOX. I won't buy digital on Nintendo though, I don't trust them after what happened with the Wii.

Is that your collection? Wow, very nice! Is that all the releases as well? Like the standard and CEs?
That is indeed my collection and it's every English game (and several Japanese-only ones) for the system. I only have the CE or Standard for each game though - not both. Given how much some Vita CEs cost, I could probably buy a new car for the price of a full CE collection.

You had me excited there for a minute I thought there was a Taiko drum accessory for the Vita. I need to get all of my Vita stuff organized a little nicer. My LE's are in all parts of the game room.

That's basically what I went for as well. All English releases without dupes from other regions. I don't have Meat Boy, but secured my copy with LRG by offering them all of my reward coupons. They are really trying to take care of the Vita people that were with them from the beginning.

Interestingly enough, I have been buying only digital games on XBOX. I won't buy digital on Nintendo though, I don't trust them after what happened with the Wii.
Haha, I wish there were a Taiko accessory. Would be dope! But no, that's just the PS4 drum accessory because I didn't have another place to put it.

I haven't purchased anything on Xbox since I want to say Quantum Break? And on Switch the last thing I bought for myself was Three Houses. I made the leap to Playstation from Xbox around 2014. or so and I just really like the ecosystem (though if GamesPass had been a thing back then I probably wouldn't have made the leap to begin with). I'm also not a big fan of the Switch (too bulky, bad battery, no achievement/trophy system, etc.) but my wife likes hers for otome/Animal Crossing. Still buy most niche releases that come out on PS4, but given the PS5 launch lineup I dunno that I'll need to buy a system for a very long time (or ever, if I actually committed to getting through my backlog haha).

All NA games, all R3 English releases, and all R2 exclusives here (gallery if anyone's curious - slightly dated). Absolutely wouldn't do it again. It was fun when the Vita library was small, but when LRG started exploiting the market and other publishers started following suit it just became stressful and unfun. Got Meat Boy via eBay after Blindboxes, so I'm just waiting on Nicalis and whatever Play-Asia decides to trickle out before they lose the ability to print carts in R3.

While it's nice to have a full set, the experience has honestly made me more open to digital than I've ever been. No clue what next gen looks like with MOQ and everything, but if the Switch is any indication I have 0 desire to collect there.
LRG still hasn't sold 'Super Meat Boy,' right?

You had me excited there for a minute I thought there was a Taiko drum accessory for the Vita. I need to get all of my Vita stuff organized a little nicer. My LE's are in all parts of the game room.

That's basically what I went for as well. All English releases without dupes from other regions. I don't have Meat Boy, but secured my copy with LRG by offering them all of my reward coupons. They are really trying to take care of the Vita people that were with them from the beginning.

Interestingly enough, I have been buying only digital games on XBOX. I won't buy digital on Nintendo though, I don't trust them after what happened with the Wii.
While the wii was a dumpster fire and I assume the dsi as well for the store support due to not having account systems they added account systems for the 3ds wiiu switch generation at least. But since my wiiu was stolen and I cannot deactivate it on the old account and use it on my new wiiu I agree that its not good enough yet to trust them very much. Just buy whatevers dirt cheap like super beat xonic when it was like 79 cents and don't risk spending more than say 10 bucks to be safe. As I sent an email to nintendo so I could deactivate my account on the stolen wiiu and they never got back to me. And I did have the correct information for it like the serial number since I still have the box the wiiu came in.

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While the wii was a dumpster fire and I assume the dsi as well for the store support due to not having account systems they added account systems for the 3ds wiiu switch generation at least. But since my wiiu was stolen and I cannot deactivate it on the old account and use it on my new wiiu I agree that its not good enough yet to trust them very much. Just buy whatevers dirt cheap like super beat xonic when it was like 79 cents and don't risk spending more than say 10 bucks to be safe. As I sent an email to nintendo so I could deactivate my account on the stolen wiiu and they never got back to me. And I did have the correct information for it like the serial number since I still have the box the wiiu came in.
Yeah, Xonic was a great deal, I did pick that one up as well as a few other cheapies. I would love to see Nintendo implement a better online experience. Because I really like the Switch aside from that.

I like having my same account with all of my digital purchases still available (including FF7 which I purchased to play on PSP & PS3 a long time ago. I can still download it on my Vita. I can deactivate all my consoles if they go missing/stolen. I love trophies/achievements too because I can look through there to remember which games I haven't finished yet. It makes picking something out of the backlog a little easier. The rating system is kind of helpful on PSN too when determining if a game is good or garbage.

Some day, Nintendo. They seem to be on the right track with the accounts, so we'll see.

Damn, that couldn't have been cheap, or did you luck out and get a copy that flew under the radar? LOL
I bought it and Papers Please for around $100 each. Not having to wait and being able to bypass the LRG ratrace on release days felt more than worth it to me. It's very freeing to know that I don't have to log on exactly when things go live anymore.

I bought it and Papers Please for around $100 each. Not having to wait and being able to bypass the LRG ratrace on release days felt more than worth it to me. It's very freeing to know that I don't have to log on exactly when things go live anymore.
$100 a piece ain't bad for games that at the time, hadn't had a full release option yet(1 still hasn't), as I actually thought it would have been more. That's about what I would have consider paying in a similar situation, but I left LRG due to those last 2 games, but if I had stuck around, I think $100 was a solid buy.


It looks like Sony have already replaced the download list with "game library" when you click your account icon on the playstation web store (unless I'm totally misremembering how you normally navigate to your download list?), "game library" only shows PS4/PS5 content on the web store.

Direct links to the download list still seem to function for now:

PSDLE can still read your download list, too.

I won't spam all over the place (well, not more than I already am I mean :3 ), but I made a post here with some general advice for backing up your content, assuming use of a non-hacked Vita. Short version: QCMA, PSDLE, PS3 are your friends. You can start a queued download by restarting the system it was queued to, usually. Don't forget that on Vita the DLC items needs to be installed to the game, I believe. You can download standalone DLC items to PS3 though.

I'm not freaking out, you're freaking out.

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I'd take it with a grain of salt for now. Planete Vita is the only source I've seen communicate this (all of the other articles I've seen reference them second- or third-hand) and the screenshot throws up a few yellow flags:

Ultimately it sucks if it is true (and even if it's not true yet I can't imagine it's far off), but I'd be more upset if they started to push to close multiplayer servers or something. I don't buy that many digital games and I can deal with the pain of navigating the native stores on the rare occasion that I do.
It ended up being real since the exact image is the one sent in the email recently.

It ended up being real since the exact image is the one sent in the email recently.
I'm aware (got an email about it directly from Sony last week), but thanks for the heads up.

I think the most surprising thing about this is the short amount of notice with regard to it closing, but it stands to reason; Sony's never been particularly consumer-friendly on this front.

So I'm curious, once they kill the Vita and PS3 from the online store, what happens if you try to redeem a Vita/PS3 code? I bought a used copy of FFX on Vita and the FFX-2 code is still valid as of this last night. Once closed, if I try to redeem it, will it just give me an error? Or will I be able to redeem it but not access it without going through my Vita or PS3? 

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So I'm curious, once they kill the Vita and PS3 from the online store, what happens if you try to redeem a Vita/PS3 code? I bought a used copy of FFX on Vita and the FFX-2 code is still valid as of this last night. Once closed, if I try to redeem it, will it just give me an error? Or will I be able to redeem it but not access it without going through my Vita or PS3?
You should be able to redeem codes from the Vita or PS3. But codes might actually still work on the web store too. It'll be interesting to see what it does.

bread's done