PS Vita Deals & Discussions Thread


292 (100%)
Since I thought the cheap 3DS games thread was a good idea. I thought I would start one for the PS Vita. I will maintain this site a few times a day going forward. Post links up to new deals and I will add them to the OP. Anyhow, here we go:

Updated 2/5/2014


Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational $15.50

Lumines- Electronic Symphony $18.49

MLB 12 The Show- $5.88

Silent Hill: Book of Memories- $11.68

Spy Hunter- $14.89

Gravity Rush- $18.53

Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time- $19.12

Need for Speed: Most Wanted- $15.99

Persona 4 Golden - $19.99

Best Buy:


Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified $19..99 New/ $17.99 Used

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Vic is right, there is probably no other way, and you can save yourself some trouble by uploading your saves onto Ps+ or at least have that as back up.
Vic is right, there is probably no other way, and you can save yourself some trouble by uploading your saves onto Ps+ or at least have that as back up.
Is it faster to redownload things (games/saves/apps) than to restore them from a flash drive? My internet connection is decent, but PSN seems to really throttle it sometimes.

Is it faster to redownload things (games/saves/apps) than to restore them from a flash drive? My internet connection is decent, but PSN seems to really throttle it sometimes.
I'm going to say it's gonna depend on your connection and PSN at the time, because sometimes it works great, and other times it's as slow as a turtle. It does allow you to save up to 10 gb of saves, which you should have just in case anything goes corrupt. Game data though, you'll have to download the latest updates regardless, I would probably just leave that up to redownloading again, since it worked the first time.

I have google fiber and PSN speeds are still bullshit. That is my biggest complaint with Sony still, I can pull 5-10x higher speeds from Xbox live.

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I have google fiber and PSN speeds are still bullshit. That is my biggest complaint with Sony still, I can pull 5-10x higher speeds from Xbox live.
Yeah, it's really annoying. For the longest time, I thought I had my settings screwed up or that it was my ISP. I even got them to move my router upstairs so I could plug into it directly, and........ no improvement. Oddly, sometimes at night time, it does go really fast. Other times, not. There are not a lot of people in this area connecting to PSN, so switching my internet connection settings to different routes and servers and whatever did not help. It is just Sony being slow or overloaded or throttling.
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Yeah, it's really annoying. For the longest time, I thought I had my settings screwed up or that it was my ISP. I even got them to move my router upstairs so I could plug into it directly, and........ no improvement. Oddly, sometimes at night time, it does go really fast. Other times, not. There are not a lot of people in this area connecting to PSN, so switching my internet connection settings to different routes and servers and whatever did not help. It is just Sony being slow or overloaded or throttling.
sony is huge into throttling, likewise they refuse to spend money on customers like nintendo likewise micro cares and as 10x or more servers and loadouts invested around the world for pros and whatnot since they arent penny pinchers like jp's also why smarter consumers who like doing online dont go the jp route with games when possible to avoid the slowness

Try setting the ps4 to use the google DNS servers and, if you haven't already. Makes a night and day difference in D/L speed

Edit: nice how-to guide for anyone who's not super tech-savvy:
I think this only works if the DNS you're currently using is getting overloaded, which shouldn't be the case in low-usage neighborhoods. At least, that's what I figure. I was super excited, tried it last year, and saw no improvement.

Not familiar with Japanese-only color variations, out of curiosity, is this just announced? I remember there was a color announcement at TGS, was it this one?
Yea it was that color and the silver one announced at TGS. I'm tempted to grab the silver one.

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Yea I it was that color and the silver one announced at TGS. I'm tempted to grab the silver one.
Ah OK, I thought so, I would also prefer silver over metallic red. Importing exclusive colors are too rich for my blood. My blood is already running dry from importing Vita games.

It seems PSN spoofing for 3.60 will be disabled very soon. I'm going to go ahead and use this chance to get the rest of the Dancing All Night DLC. I'm a sucker for the game/series, and I already got most of the DLC for free or discounted.
Y'know, I realize we can't be picky with the Vita, but I still really hate these lazy color variations where they color some components but not all. Yeah I get it, the Vita is selling very poorly and they don't want to go through the extra expense of producing matching colored screens and analog sticks, and would rather just dive into their available stock of black components.

But still. I look at these colors, I look at the price, and think "meh".

do games show up on the heavy arms vita page, or should i look at the list and email them about stock?
Just email him a list of what you want, and he will let you know what he has and how much they are. I believe the website is for his local customers - it seems he keeps his international stock separate from his local stock (not 100% sure on this, just my observations). The site will say that something is not in stock, but when you ask him, may times he will have it available. Having said that, the more popular items tend to sell out relatively quickly. He is usually good at saying how long before a restock, and the HeavyArm Twitter account is probably the best place to see news of restocks.
Y'know, I realize we can't be picky with the Vita, but I still really hate these lazy color variations where they color some components but not all. Yeah I get it, the Vita is selling very poorly and they don't want to go through the extra expense of producing matching colored screens and analog sticks, and would rather just dive into their available stock of black components.

But still. I look at these colors, I look at the price, and think "meh".
Same here, I can't stand these newer color variations, but that's because I don't like black anything when it comes to color schemes for handheld or systems, and two tone schemes with black are just the worst.

I don't really think they are being lazy, as several users actually like those particular designs. It's all personal preference I suppose, as I have one of their original 2 tone variants that is blue/white and I love it.

I don't know, i think the red casing with the black sticks looks pretty cool!
A lot of users do, that's why I don't understand why they don't offer both kinds of two tone schemes. They did offer the others first, so maybe these new styles sale better, or maybe they are cheaper to produce.

I'm happy with the one I have, so unless they release a new Vita 3000(or some other new and improved unit), I'll stick with mine. Plus, I believe those original colors are still available through certain places, so consumers till have choices, so no big deal either way.

Here in the states, we only got the black slim, and the blue/black that GS offered, so our options where always limited, but to those who import, sky's the limit. LOL

A lot of users do, that's why I don't understand why they don't offer both kinds of two tone schemes. They did offer the others first, so maybe these new styles sale better, or maybe they are cheaper to produce.

I'm happy with the one I have, so unless they release a new Vita 3000(or some other new and improved unit), I'll stick with mine. Plus, I believe those original colors are still available through certain places, so consumers till have choices, so no big deal either way.

Here in the states, we only got the black slim, and the blue/black that GS offered, so our options where always limited, but to those who import, sky's the limit. LOL
I definitely wish we got more options for colors over here, but Vita doesn't look like it's getting any upgrades any time soon. I think that blue version at Gamestop was the last push for NA.

I would say PlayStation Experience in December is probably the last chance for any kind of western mention of the Vita. That would mark one year exactly to a Vita being shown on stage during a presentation for the west (and even then it was someone pulling out their own personal Vita.) Even then later in the night a PlayStation podcast was invited to do a show and they were talking about how unaware attendees were that the thing existed, complete with a show of hands of who in the audience owned one. 

I would say PlayStation Experience in December is probably the last chance for any kind of western mention of the Vita. That would mark one year exactly to a Vita being shown on stage during a presentation for the west (and even then it was someone pulling out their own personal Vita.) Even then later in the night a PlayStation podcast was invited to do a show and they were talking about how unaware attendees were that the thing existed, complete with a show of hands of who in the audience owned one.
I expect ZERO mention of the Vita there, at least from Sony. Honestly, the only thing I really want from them is a 128GB memory card, as anything else would be great and icing on the cake, but more memory is my only real "want".

I was hoping that since the Vita is doing decent in Japan, it would have happened, but those cards are uber expensive to produce, and it's very obvious Sony could care less about the Vita's fate, so while I was kind of hopeful it would have happened last year, my hopes become less and less with each passing year.

Sony would probably charge $150-$200 if it did happen, and they probably don't see the point, those guys are as bad as "N" in regards to business where the Vita is concerned, they just don't get it.

Maybe they would license the card out like they did with the PSP cards. Have SanDisk make them.
Do you really thing someone like SanDisk would jump in at this point? The market for this is maybe a few thousand at most.
Actually, not to long ago, there was a picture shown here from some Asian company who is doing just that. Well, actually they are making an adapter that allows for micro SD Cards to be used.

Maybe someone can post the pick again, and if there have been any updates or not. The only issues is that the adapter sticks out from the units memory compartment for obvious reasons, but considering that the Vita was recently hacked, something like this would sale shit tons and then some.

It wasn't super pretty, but it adds extra memory at a cheap cost, and considering how some of those grips and other attachments look, I would be fine with something like this.

The adapter was a prototype board for probing Vita memory cards. There hasn't been a real SD adapter made yet and they have extra pins they have to figure out what to do with. 

The adapter was a prototype board for probing Vita memory cards. There hasn't been a real SD adapter made yet and they have extra pins they have to figure out what to do with.
Ooops, my mistake, maybe something will come along at some point then. Those adapters for the PSP are the best.

Maybe they would license the card out like they did with the PSP cards. Have SanDisk make them.
Sure, why not. We're all speculating here anyway .
Since Memory Stick Pro, Sony and SanDisk co-developed the memory sticks, it's not a license, SanDisk owns part of it, probably why Memory Stick Pro is more just like SD Card with MagicGate.

I haven't seen saying SanDisk has anything to do with Vita Memory Card, so quite certainly SanDisk will not do it if they didn't already.

Strange, I ordered the second Shovel Knight went up, and I still haven't gotten notification. It's cool though, my backlog is already huuuuuuuuge

Strange, I ordered the second Shovel Knight went up, and I still haven't gotten notification. It's cool though, my backlog is already huuuuuuuuge
Yeah, I was pretty quick on that one too and no notification yet. Mid November would be next week, so it should be happening soon anyway.

Are the slim vitas any more durable than the original one? I picked up an OLED model for cheap off of craigslist and managed to put two extremely light long scratches that light up in a bright rainbow when I turn it on in the three days while I waited for my screen protector to arrive. Ended up reselling it and grabbing a PSTV for the time being.

Are the slim vitas any more durable than the original one? I picked up an OLED model for cheap off of craigslist and managed to put two extremely light long scratches that light up in a bright rainbow when I turn it on in the three days while I waited for my screen protector to arrive. Ended up reselling it and grabbing a PSTV for the time being.
I have to know what you were doing to scratch it up? I didn't have a screen protector on mine for quite some time and dropped it once or twice and not a scratch was made.

I have to know what you were doing to scratch it up? I didn't have a screen protector on mine for quite some time and dropped it once or twice and not a scratch was made.
Tested out a few of the RPGs I picked up with it, used my (clean) finger for menu selections/setup, and kept it in its soft case on my desk. I'm sure it's possible that they were there when I bought it and I somehow missed them, but they were very bright when I saw them, lol.

Tested out a few of the RPGs I picked up with it, used my (clean) finger for menu selections/setup, and kept it in its soft case on my desk. I'm sure it's possible that they were there when I bought it and I somehow missed them, but they were very bright when I saw them, lol.
Just unlucky it sounds like. Even though my OLED was such a beast the first thing I did when I opened up my blue slim from GS was pop a screen protector on it.

Tested out a few of the RPGs I picked up with it, used my (clean) finger for menu selections/setup, and kept it in its soft case on my desk. I'm sure it's possible that they were there when I bought it and I somehow missed them, but they were very bright when I saw them, lol.
I would say they were there when you bought them.

[LED display mechanics isn't exactly my field of expertise, so proceed with doubt]

I think if it displays a rainbow color it is mostly through internal bending than external scratching. For example, being tossed around roughly or crushed in a tight space. In some case, such "rainbows" may manifest intermittently, under different conditions of external stress or the actual frame/picture being displayed.

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bread's done