PS2 Guncon Games

If you haven't noticed they usually get average to poor reviews. They recieve them unjustly imo. Take Ninja Assault: I find it to be a great game and exactly what it set out to be - a gun game. However, sites like ign rated it poorly cause according to them all you do is shoot guys coming at you.

Last time I checked that's what a gun game was supposed to be like.
I'd like to see a hybrid gun game. One where its not just all shooting at guys coming at you. If done correctly I think it would be pretty fun.
There's also Endgame.

Actually Japan, and especially the UK, have a staggering larger amount of PS2 light gun games than we do in the states.
There was a really cool saturn gun game that was also 2 player and 2nd player used a gun...or you could play with just the gun alone. It was rather innovative but since saturn games just didnt sell then no one got it.

It had a yellow cover and the character was some robot looking guy...can anyone remember the name?
[quote name='RedvsBlue']I'd like to see a hybrid gun game. One where its not just all shooting at guys coming at you. If done correctly I think it would be pretty fun.[/quote]

"Resident Evil: Dead Aim" qualifies.
Too bad they don't import Time Crisis: Crisis Zone (did I get the name wrong?). I love how the little sub-machine, MP-5-ish gun rattles and vibrates when you shoot. I especially like the dents in the enemy's shields or the magazines flying everywhere once you shoot them. Also, I remember playing Virtual Cop while real little. Since I was so small, I'd climb up on the part that stuck out, kinda like a table, and play like that.
[quote name='PapiChullo']^^^^ No One Lives Forever?

I didn't know Starsky & Hutch was Guncon, I might have to get that.[/quote]

I thought someone mentioned that the guncon doesn't work with S&H, but I might be thinking of the silient scope gun.
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