
CAG Veteran
i just got a network adapter for my ps2 and my dad is saying that i cant hook it up to the modem because "hackers can get in" i need evidence that they cant help me out here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[quote name='ig88vsbobafett']What are they gonna hack ? its not like your have any info on your PS2[/QUOTE]

They'll inject anthrax into your phone lines which you'll then contract when you talk on any phone in the house.. its a terrorist plot.
Tell your dad that if you don't switch between devices at least once a month, hackers will learn what device is on your modem and they'll eventually be able to break through into the computer. But, if you plug in different devices at uneven intervals, the hackers won't know what hit them!:lol:

If you want to be reasonable, however, you can inform him of a few simple facts.

A) Hackers don't give a shit about your computer. As much as movies and the media portray hackers as wanting to go into everyone's computer and destroy everyone's data, one has to realize that putting time and effort into destroying joe somename's computer is typically quite fruitless. Unless...

B) if he's some exec, or has a lot of important data on his computer, he would be much better off using a hardware firewall, like a router, into which your PS2 can plug and be safe-ish from hackers.

C) What are hackers going to do when they hack into your PS2? Play your games? Regardless of how insecure the PS2 may or may not be, the modem is no less susceptible to intrusion, but the modem has no concevable info that a hacker would want or need.

D) Ask him to explain himself. I've already learned, through my mom, that people just have NO clue what they're talking about when it comes to hacker, crackers and other malicious internet people. That's why my mom has 4 layers of protection on her computer and a firewall and then complains to me about how slow her computer is :roll:
so hackers when u play ps2 online cant hack into your computer?? Only your ps2? if this is true then my dad wont care about me playing online
[quote name='capitalist_mao']Tell your dad that if you don't switch between devices at least once a month, hackers will learn what device is on your modem and they'll eventually be able to break through into the computer. But, if you plug in different devices at uneven intervals, the hackers won't know what hit them!:lol:

If you want to be reasonable, however, you can inform him of a few simple facts.

A) Hackers don't give a shit about your computer. As much as movies and the media portray hackers as wanting to go into everyone's computer and destroy everyone's data, one has to realize that putting time and effort into destroying joe somename's computer is typically quite fruitless. Unless...

B) if he's some exec, or has a lot of important data on his computer, he would be much better off using a hardware firewall, like a router, into which your PS2 can plug and be safe-ish from hackers.

C) What are hackers going to do when they hack into your PS2? Play your games? Regardless of how insecure the PS2 may or may not be, the modem is no less susceptible to intrusion, but the modem has no concevable info that a hacker would want or need.

D) Ask him to explain himself. I've already learned, through my mom, that people just have NO clue what they're talking about when it comes to hacker, crackers and other malicious internet people. That's why my mom has 4 layers of protection on her computer and a firewall and then complains to me about how slow her computer is :roll:[/QUOTE]

ya my dad thinks there gonna use some kinda code to screw up his accounts and crap but he really doesnt know what the hell hes talking about lol.
[quote name='funkymunkyluc']so hackers when u play ps2 online cant hack into your computer?? Only your ps2? if this is true then my dad wont care about me playing online[/QUOTE]
Well, if the PS2 is going straight into the modem, there's no computer connected that hackers can get to.

If the PS2 is going into a router, the hackers will have no more luck getting into a computer if they hadn't already been able to do so. Plugging the PS2 in won't suddenly open the floodgates of an otherwise closed firewall.
[quote name='capitalist_mao']Well, if the PS2 is going straight into the modem, there's no computer connected that hackers can get to.

If the PS2 is going into a router, the hackers will have no more luck getting into a computer if they hadn't already been able to do so. Plugging the PS2 in won't suddenly open the floodgates of an otherwise closed firewall.[/QUOTE]

but there is a computer hooked up to the modem sooooo, could they possibly get into my dads computer? i really dont know mucho about ps2 online except that i want to play it
All modems i've seen have only had a single input. However, I can't deny the fact that there may be router modem combos. That being said, tradition single input modems have either the PS2 connected to it, the Computer connected to it, a hub connected to it or a router connected to it.

Which is it? One device at a time, or a hub or a router?
Just make sure that no wire goes from your PC to the modem when you're playing PS2. Problem solved!

PS I sure hope your dad isn't required to work with computers at his job...
Most likely someone is going to hack his PC. By clicking on a link or getting some sort of hack loaded on the PC. The odds of hacking a box without a hard drive are pretty low. Once you shut off the PS2 you would erase the hack so the effort to do that would be as waste of time. It's much easier to hack windows than a PS2.
Not entirely true because even when you "shut off" your PS2 it's still on, in a way. The point remains, though: if you did successfully hack a PS2, what could you do to it? Nothing, really. Worst case scenario, you could break it, I guess. But I really doubt any hacker out there is sniffing for game consoles.
"Cannot" is a strong word. You don't need a hard drive to hack something. It has flash memory, a BIOS, code that could be altered. But I would say there's a 99.99% chance of no one bothering to do it.
Luc, we'd be able to help you out a lot more if you could explain IN DETAIL how your network is set up.

What kind of connection do you have? (Dial up or broadband)
Do you have a router?
If you have a router does it have a hardware firewall?

There's a 99.9repeating % chance that no one out there gives a crap and wouldn't bother to hack a PS2. Could it happen? Sure, but no one cares about your Madden 2k6 save. As to hackers going through your PS2 to your computer, wont happen. It'll act just like any other computer attempting to hack your computer. As long as you have done your Windows Update, have spyware and antivirus and a firewall you're fine.

And if your dad has no idea what Windows Update is, he is begging to be brutalized in the anus. Seriously. No windows update = Virus Ass Rapes You.
[quote name='funkymunkyluc']i just got a network adapter for my ps2 and my dad is saying that i cant hook it up to the modem because "hackers can get in" i need evidence that they cant help me out here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/QUOTE]

Tell your dad that he's a stupid fucker and kick him in the balls.
[quote name='Skelah']i think ur dads just using this exscuse cause he dont want u using the net on ur ps2 while hes on the computer.[/QUOTE]

That's perfectly within the realm of possibility, also. I think some parents feign ignorance just so they don't have to give a real excuse, the real excuse being a mere "because I said so" that doesn't hold up very well.
[quote name='capitalist_mao']B) if he's some exec, or has a lot of important data on his computer, he would be much better off using a hardware firewall, like a router, into which your PS2 can plug and be safe-ish from hackers.

What I never understood is, if you're some company (say the Pentagon) why on earth would you hook a computer with highly sensitive data on it, up to the internet? That way theres no possible way a hacker can get on it.
hey guys i solved the problem i talked to an expert and he gave me this advice

Hello, there is no way for anyone to hack into anything with the PS2 Network Adapter. If you have a true "network" the PS2 would not have any kind of access rights to anything else it is connected to. You probably have a computer and a router I am guessing but there again nobody can hack into anything through the PS2 network adapter.

You can go to this site and have your father read up on home networking so he will understand that there is no access to your home or its network, the only information able to be passed is online game related since the PS2 does not have a OS (like windows) there is no way for your home network to be invaded on PS2 online.

Anyways my dad bought it and now i have just ordered my network adapter
thx for everyones help

i will post my names for my online games and i will be on socom 3 my name will be: afro seal battlefront 1 & 2:afro jedi
i will post more later
thank you
hey guys i solved the problem i talked to an expert and he gave me this advice

Hello, there is no way for anyone to hack into anything with the PS2 Network Adapter.

So the 30 people here that said the same thing don't count?
[quote name='Vegan']What do you have to do to be an "expert" at PS2 network adapters? What line of work is this guy in?[/QUOTE]
I'm an expert at PS2 Network adapters!

I wrote "Expert of PS2 Network adatpers" on a piece of paper, then I got it notarized. It's hanging on my wall :lol:
[quote name='funkymunkyluc']no its just my dad needed expert advice....i thank u guys for your advice but r u guys really experts[/QUOTE]

VV3 5t34l yu0r int3rn3t5!!!!!!1111101010101
If your dad truly believes that video game console is going to allow people to hack into his computer:
1) his PC is probably already heavily infected with spyware and viruses
2) he definitely won't believe anything anyone on a video game messageboard says
[quote name='CocheseUGA']

VV3 5t34l yu0r int3rn3t5!!!!!!1111101010101[/QUOTE]

Nice one.

Kinda funny that the boy in the blue shirt is now the hottest chick in Hollywood (supposedly...)
Yes, I truly consider myself an expert.

It's amazing, I know.

You underestimate our knowledge and understanding of computers and the internet.
[quote name='camoor']Nice one.

Kinda funny that the boy in the blue shirt is now the hottest chick in Hollywood (supposedly...)[/QUOTE]

And cereal_killer turned out to be Shaggy.
ppl im sorry if i insulted your knowledge all i want is to play ps2 online

i went to and asked the guy and he said they cant get in, look i have no idea wut kind of expert he is but my dad believed him so now im having my network adapter being shipped as i speak
[quote name='Zing']If your dad truly believes that video game console is going to allow people to hack into his computer:
1) his PC is probably already heavily infected with spyware and viruses
2) he definitely won't believe anything anyone on a video game messageboard says[/QUOTE]

he said he read an article about ppl hacking into ppl's gaming consoles and completely shutting them down and they had to have them delivered to sony to get repaired

i really doubt he read that but if he did its highly unlikely to happen
If I go register at a site with the word "expert" in the URL, will I be an expert? All I want is to be an expert!!!!
its funny whenever i need to hook up something to the computer he thinks a hacker is going to break his computer or something
[quote name='funkymunkyluc']its funny whenever i need to hook up something to the computer he thinks a hacker is going to break his computer or something[/QUOTE]
I think you're confusing the word funny with the word sad.
bread's done