PS2 Underground Holiday demo disk will erase your memory card...

At least we got a head's up! Good lookout, Starky! I'm still getting the demo disc for the SOCOM map, however. Glad that I know now to be careful.
It'll be interesting to see what Sony does about this...I mean, I'm pretty sure lost data has no value, legally, but try telling someone that their 50-hour Final Fantasy save has no value. Maybe they'll come up with some kind of freebie giveaway as a "mea culpa".
I'm uberly pissed, I just got the demo this morning. Sure fucking enough it erased my memory cards, not just 1 but both. Hours of saves down the drain..what the hell is wrong with sony (add sony to the "List")? Oh well..shit happens. CheapyD should post this on the front page, it doesn't really have anything to do with cheap deals, but a warning to fellow Cagers not to play the demo with there memory cards inserted would keep gamers from droping to their knees saying "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!".... :shock:
Never played the demo, but this sort of thing is a reminder for me to make liberal use of my Sharkport (lets you back up memcard saves on PC, or download saves and port' em to the memory card).

Not to sound overblown or dramatic, but I feel like the loss of Memory Card data is one of the worst things that can happen to a person. Someone can rob your TV or sideswipe your car, but a memory card save is something you can never get back! I really am being serious. I feel bad for these people!
Why Do I wish I read this earlier. Put the demo in my PS2 to check out Viewtiful Joe 2, then I went to beat Splinter Cell and find out my saves are gone. I just wanna saw fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. It's fucking messed up. All my created wreslers, my GTA saves, I was at 85% in Splinter Cell now I gotta go through that frustation again.

I liked Kingdom Hearts and FFX but don't wanna spend 100+ hours trying to get everything again. fuck fuck fuck. Someone please tell me sony will hook me up wit something. Well I'm off to unlock everything in Soul Calibur 2. sigh
This must suck for anyone who tested it out. I normally don't care for the PSM demos. Usually the OPM ones are better. Also the only good demos I have found are the Xbox ones with the bonuses or the one with the nearly complete game in it, I think exhbition 2.
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