PS3 $389.99 & Free Controller Amazon FSS


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I think they will drop the price some time soon if not this Summer before christmas. While I enjoy the PS3 over Xbox and Wii I think sony needs to do some thing to help stimulate sales especially in the US. I would watch Dell to I got mine a coupple months from them for $320 shipped.
[quote name='chibamm']I really doubt a price drop is imminent. I think perhaps in a year or so...maybe around Christmas.[/QUOTE]
Amazon isn't just randomly deciding to officially drop an MSRP price of a console for no reason. It's a sign of something (clearing room for new SKUs?). Similar thing happened when MS was about to drop the HDMI 360s and new 60gb Pros.

If not at E3, then by the Fall push for sure. I'm guessing we'll see a mix of a price drop and a new SKU setup as opposed to the 80g/160gb bundle setup we're seeing now.
[quote name='dabomb505']Yea... would be best to wait for E3 which is about 2 weeks away[/QUOTE]

Agreed, it would be a waste to purchase this right now with E3 coming soon. If that wasn't the case this would be a pretty good deal.
$50-100 MSRP price drop probably coming June 1-3, or possibly even a new slim hardware model, wait for it.
This is a nice deal. I bought a PS3 about 3 weeks ago, though. I honestly don't think there is going to be a price drop at E3. It seems like PS3 has been building some momentum lately without it (but maybe I just think that because I have one now!). Maybe a new bundle or something instead. But who knows?
[quote name='Samstag']Source:

Feb 2009 sales: 276,000
Mar 2009 sales: 218,000
Apr 2009 sales: 127,000

I guess you could call that momentum.[/QUOTE]

Yep, I just saw those, too. It must just be that I enjoy my purchase. I still don't see how they could drop the price on something they are still reportedly losing money on, but stranger things have happened, I suppose.

It should be an interesting E3, for sure.
If they do end up dropping the price at least $50 (hopefully $100) at E3, I will probably buy a PS3 by the end of the summer. If they don't drop it, then I can wait.

Also, aren't there usually a lot of leaks leading up to a price drop? Usually we get scans of like stores' SKUs of their computer system, receipts, paperwork, or a leaked Sunday ad or something. Or am I just confusing it with whenever Microsoft has an announcement about a new SKU...
Sony may have learned their lesson and will be keeping price drops a little more controlled after the whole debacle with CC and Speedy. (I know the 160gb/Uncharted bundle leaked but it was pretty close..)
Surely there's going to be a price drop, and probably in the form of a cheaper to produce redesign, given that they are losing money on each sale of the current model. They can't win with their current pricing and they can't lower the price with the current design.
[quote name='chibamm']I really doubt a price drop is imminent. I think perhaps in a year or so...maybe around Christmas.

Yeah, I agree. I don't think Sony is even making very much money (if any) on the hardware as is.
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