PS3 60gb available at, Non Bundle


Seems like the 60gb PS3 is available for online order at Best Buy. And it's not a bundle either. Saw it on fatwallet, figured I'd repost it here for anyone who wants one.

i live right outside of philly and the ps3 is at a lot of ebstops here. i was talkin with one of the workers and he was actually kind of complaining about how many they have.
[quote name='nikkai']Consider MSRP of Premium 360 + HD DVD = 399 + 199 = 598

MSRP PS3 w/ Blu-Ray, wifi and bigger HD = 599.

Pretty equal value for either or.

Of course HD DVD is selling so much better than bluray... =P[/quote]

Keep in mind, you can get a 360 from Overtsock for about $360. Or that alot of stores are giving away giftcards, extra controllers or free games with the purchase of a 360. I look at the fact, that I can get a 360 and Wii for less. The Blueray/HDDVD battle isn't huge in consumer's eyes. Since majority (over 60%) of consumers don't own HDTV's. It is the price of the console and the games. Right now majority of the great games are on the 360. Sony is smart enough to make adjustments in price or add-ins. I think we will see a price drop on the 360 and PS3 by the end of summer. Just in time for the big releases and holiday shopping. Next fall is where the battle will be decided. Sony is going to lose ground this generation, but it does not mean they give up the top spot. Overall, I think Nintendo will take the top sales spot, if you include DS sales. Sony should be pushing the PSP (price cut?), more then the PS3. The PS3 will pick up sales with more titles released.
Wow still available. I wish the Wii was in stock instead.
Anyhow, until they solve the scaler issue I'm not biting.
The reality is as soon as a Final Fantasy game comes out fanboys will buy out all the PS3s.

2008? It ain't happenin' this year, that's for sure.

Concerning the glut of unwanted PS3's, it's real simple. After the initial launch weekend hysteria and bidding surge, people "just said 'No'" to the thousands upon thousands of eBayers. Why? Because they had a choice--nay, choices--this year, as opposed to the 360 having the holidays all to itself last year. The Wii stole the Hype Train thunder on the 'pop culture' tip. The already significantly cheaper 360 had plenty of appealing store-by-store deals in the past few weeks, if not a literal price cut. Every lowlife in North America had the same 'epiphany' of buying a PS3 to pay 'fer their kids' Chrissmiss'/crystal meth addiction/trip to Cabo while leaving the kids behind with Granny. They, en masse, canceled each other out, even when they 'sat' on their consoles 'til the 'last minute'. I love it.

Basically, it's a minor miracle that the public broke the eBay hoarding/retail shortage cycle. We collectively ended the shortage months before anyone thought it would occur by telling the artificially-created secondary market to promptly fuck off. This all proves conclusively to me who's been really buying the vast majority of launch window consoles these last few launches. It was a smackdown long overdue.

Sony's now just another one of the choices, and (for mainstream tastes and priorities) a significantly overpriced one at that. Shane Bettenhausen and many of you may pound your fists and cry yourself to sleep at night vehemently denying that, but the next six years ain't gonna be anywhere close to the last six for them. Accept. Cope.
For the record, I live in central PA near State College (home of Penn State University), and I've been to 2 BB's lately, and both places had at LEAST 20 units per store. In fact, one of them has had them for more than 4 days. I intentionally moved the one on the top to a position that makes it easy to see if anyone picked any up or looked at it, and when I went back yesterday, it hadn't moved an inch.

Not that the wii wont be good but i was wondering everyone felt all the fuss was about after actually being able to play the rather lackluster and forced on controls through the sports pack and zelda, and then i realized, people didn't need to play it, it almost was better if you hadn't.

I'm sorry to say it, but this statement comes off as fanboyism. I don't use that word much, but this applies here. If you've ever played any decent game with the Wii, you wouldn't be making this statement. Zelda is easily the best game of its kind to be released in the last 5 years, if not ever. There's just no comparison. There's a very good reason the Wii is so popular, and Zelda exemplifies it.

Maybe Sony needs a price cut (and it's killer apps) just to get the exposure it needs, but despite strong sales, i'm not sure the Wii is as hot as people think, it's game all are suffering from a rather forced control scheme that doesnt always make alot of sense, whereas the PS3 at least as a more either or situation (but worked wonderfully with Warhawk when i last tried it).

The control scheme for most of the Wii games (the ones I've played anyway) isn't forced. In fact, I've personally introduced 11 people who don't play video games much to both Wii Sports and Trauma Center, and every single one of them is considering buying one because they had such fun.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']Buy a 20GB model and it's only $500, where a Wii and 360 costs $650 together.

PS3 > Wii + 360.

Anyway, I have a friend who wants one, but cannot find one (in his area). I should let him know.
Most can't tell if EB/Gamestop has one; therefore, no one asks.
Pretty much. The 20GB model is more comparable to the 360, but for $100 more, you get HDMI and blu-ray, which is definitely worth it.[/QUOTE]

here is an example of a sony fanboy at his finest. having to defend every comment made just to justify that sony is cool. man, i wouldnt do that unless they were paying me.
Not that it's not often warranted, but I motion that 2007 is the year we put the term "fanboy" in the time capsule for good. Expand your vocabulary, kids! Explore the shades of synonyms! "Apologist", "loyalist", "zealot", "sycophant", "sniveling (insert manufacturer here) shit", "fanatic", "minion", and "myopian" are all wonderful and applicable substitutes for the term that will add much more color to the otherwise ongoing, utterly pointless perpetual flamewars! Be creative!
[quote name='The Mana Knight']Buy a 20GB model and it's only $500, where a Wii and 360 costs $650 together.

PS3 > Wii + 360.

Anyway, I have a friend who wants one, but cannot find one (in his area). I should let him know.
Most can't tell if EB/Gamestop has one; therefore, no one asks.
Pretty much. The 20GB model is more comparable to the 360, but for $100 more, you get HDMI and blu-ray, which is definitely worth it.[/quote]

There are those who would consider HDMI a negative and not a positive
[quote name='Indiana']I live in Indianapolis population 1 million. Yes it's not LA but I'm not in the middle of no where. The Wii is the hot item apparently. Had the Wii not launched at the same time as the PS3 this system would probably still be impossible to find. It appears that everyone wants a Wii and I have never seen one in a store.[/quote]

Absolutely. I'm not trying to argue that the PS3 demand is as great the Wii demand - it obviously is not. But there is still a great misconception in gaming enthusiast circles (one being CAG) that (1) everyone thinks the PS3 sucks and (2) you can walk in to any store anywhere and grab a PS3.
[quote name='jollydwarf']Not that it's not often warranted, but I motion that 2007 is the year we put the term "fanboy" in the time capsule for good. Expand your vocabulary, kids! Explore the shades of synonyms! "Apologist", "loyalist", "zealot", "sycophant", "sniveling (insert manufacturer here) shit", "fanatic", "minion", and "myopian" are all wonderful and applicable substitutes for the term that will add much more color to the otherwise ongoing, utterly pointless perpetual flamewars! Be creative![/quote]

haha - I nominate "loyalist" to replace "fanboy" after it is put in the time capsule.
[quote name='Omatsei'] I'm sorry to say it, but this statement comes off as fanboyism. I don't use that word much, but this applies here. If you've ever played any decent game with the Wii, you wouldn't be making this statement. Zelda is easily the best game of its kind to be released in the last 5 years, if not ever. There's just no comparison. There's a very good reason the Wii is so popular, and Zelda exemplifies it.

The control scheme for most of the Wii games (the ones I've played anyway) isn't forced. In fact, I've personally introduced 11 people who don't play video games much to both Wii Sports and Trauma Center, and every single one of them is considering buying one because they had such fun.[/QUOTE]

The only excercise in fanboyism is to act like i simply must be so wrong because you disagree or "If you've ever played any decent game with the Wii, you wouldn't be making this statement. " in light of what i just said in my previous post, just like all those who hadnt even TOUCHED a PS3 and Wii after i told them their perceptions were not as correct as they thought. For that matter passing me off as a fanboy just so you can specifically debunk the things i said about the Wii (i didnt say the PS3 was all too rosey either at the moment) is "very" pot and kettle to me.

I was probably the only one who had any legitimate grounds for predicting what was much truer than people who had delcared the wii awesome based only on videos and the PS3 torrid based on its price, and if you look at the reviews and gamespot the criticisms and lower than expected scores across the board reflect the issue.

the wii mote may be ok and sensible for fishing or sword fighting (although once again dissapointments like Red Steel have not shown that) but it still has a very long way to go if it wants to justify the use of the wiimote in less sensible interfaces, as it has most definetly not in Zelda, which was "good" but as far as Zeldas go, not the grand puba you make it out to be (or most "made" it out to be before it got reviewed and was docked for those very problems).

Since i never allied myself to any system and cited lacking good software across the board as being that reason, calling me a fanboy is rather pointless, especially when it's to defend (or blow off) my criticisms about the Wii controls, which many reviews have stated and docked even the better games for.
[quote name='paddlefoot']There are those who would consider HDMI a negative and not a positive[/QUOTE]

I would like to know who those people are and their reasoning behind thinking HDMI is a negative.
I was at a local Target that have 4 PS3's and 0 Wii's. Down the road at Walmart, they had 3 PS3's and 0 Wii's. It is a price thing, not a game or brand problem.
[quote name='spincut']yeah but alot of these are the same people that "oohed and ahhed" at mere videos of the kitchy wii gameplay without actually using it to see if it made sense. I was at E3 and got to play both before launch and it was obvious that people were easily swayed into their preferences by sonys price and the cool look of the wii gameplay, but werent really concerned with how well the concept was implemented, simply wagging the finger at Sony, first for the price, then the Controller concept being "copied" not really caring if games and gameplay would be better.

Not that the wii wont be good but i was wondering everyone felt all the fuss was about after actually being able to play the rather lackluster and forced on controls through the sports pack and zelda, and then i realized, people didn't need to play it, it almost was better if you hadn't.

Maybe Sony needs a price cut (and it's killer apps) just to get the exposure it needs, but despite strong sales, i'm not sure the Wii is as hot as people think, it's game all are suffering from a rather forced control scheme that doesnt always make alot of sense, whereas the PS3 at least as a more either or situation (but worked wonderfully with Warhawk when i last tried it).[/QUOTE]

I was at E3, too, and I actually went in expecting to pick apart and deride the latest harebrained idea by Nintendo R&D --and who the fuck named it the Wii?-- but instead came out quite impressed. I'll be the first to say that the control of the Wii isn't perfect, and in fact takes some disappointing shortcuts to achieve the appearance of full motion-sensing, but I'm hoping this is something that will be corrected once developers really understand how to develop a proper game for a control system so new. As it stands right now, however, it's still a revolutionary concept (and execution). I don't want to presume too much, but I think you may simply be resistant to such a fundamental change in the way you play. If anything, I've found that non-gamers are much more open to this new style than picking up a traditional controller.

Contrary to your assumption, all of the non-gamers with whom I spoke did in fact play the Wii --thanks largely to Nintendo's mall kiosks targeting holiday crowds-- and a few were sold on it only after playing it. I should note that a good number of them hadn't played the PS3. However, they didn't seem to be of the mind that their high opinion of the Wii would change even if they played the PS3, mainly because it doesn't offer the same controls.

I can't say how demand for the Wii will rise or fall post-holiday season, but I personally know of five families who tried and tried and tried and couldn't get a Wii for Christmas, and still can't find one to this day. Funnily enough, I walked into a Costco at opening on launch day and managed to secure one. Go figure.

Anyway, I do agree that once the PS3 drops in price and finally gets some of those much-needed exclusive heavyhitters, we'll all have forgotten the overriding negativity of its launch. It happened with the PS2, and I'm sure it'll happen with the PS3. I'm just of the opinion that Sony's days of unquestioned dominance in the market are at an end.
you assume very wrong if you think am resistant to change, i very much enjoy my DS for instance (although again, that is more for the quality software, and a near peak quality of 2d legacy games, although i still think a console could do better as even the PS has shown with SOTN, that is neither here nor there). once again, i only judge based on practicality and feasibility of a concept, if it looks as good up close as it does far away and makes sense when in use and to the degree that it is being pruported, so far it has some issues with that that has marred even the few good games.

heck the DS even has those issues, but it scores high marks for its wide array of great games, many of which are simply great beacause they hearken back to the SNES era while using the "most-of-the-time" more powerful DS hardware to make them ultra slick, although it's peppered with some hot stylus-centric titles as well.
[quote name='rapsodist']Contrary to your assumption, all of the non-gamers with whom I spoke did in fact play the Wii --thanks largely to Nintendo's mall kiosks targeting holiday crowds-- and a few were sold on it only after playing it.
Not to change the subject, but I find this surprising, since I've never actually seen a playable Wii display. At places like Best Buy, Target, Walmart, etc all they have is a Wii mockup with a video explaining about the system. At dedicated game stores they apparently have them, but you have to give them your credit card so you don't run off with the wireless controller -- not exactly conducive to getting people to just stop and try it out. The PS3, on the other hand, is playable just about everywhere, since the controller is just attached to the display.
couple things:

to do it right with JUST hdmi, you will need a new receiver as its audio and video in the stream, many devices puke up when using optical outs for audio and HDMI for video or have limited functionality.

The SOLE purpose of HDMI was to introduce HDCP (horrid copy protection) to protect macrvision protected media and others from being upcoverted and copied - ie all SD DVDs, etc.

To make it even worse, compliance is a little iffy with the formats and you can have movies that dont make the HDCP link because the menu isnt coded right, but wont let the movie start because its having connection problems

The good thing is HDMI is DIGITAL - so for the love of baby jesus dont buy the overpriced monster and best buy cables - try monoprice or bluejean cables on the tubes.

If you have an older HDMI TV (ie 1.0 instead of 1.2,3,3a) it just wont work...

Basically if you are a legit user (ie store bought everything) you need to go HDMI as you wont be able to upconvert movies past 576p. You better have a fairly new TV (18 months) and a fairly new audio system (12 months)...

Oh and the cables are fat causing some install issues in large rooms.

I guess its more of a movie thing with me...but this is the pain of a PS3 user I bet:

Buy PS3
HDMI cable at best buy for 200 bucks
Bring it home, wont sync with TV or downconverts to 480p due to lack of scaler
BluRay wont play over component (neither will hd dvd btw)
Buy a new TV that is HDMI 1.3a and 1080p
Oops TrueHD audio, others wont work via optical out
Buy a new reciever that is HDMI 1.3a compliant
Buy another new reciever that has the new HD audio formats
Play EA games that are a year old and one good shooter
(PS Ill buy one when FFXIII comes out, no worries)

If you pirate movies its not as bad, because pirated stuff has the macrovision stripped in the ripping process. This allows upconverions over non HDMI connections like component or older DVI interfaces.

Anyways kinda OT but HDMI isnt really a step up except for cable management with brand spanking new stuff.

Oh I play Wii/360 on a 120" 1080p 2:35 to 1 dedicated theater room for gaming and movies with a Toshiba HD DVD player and a shatload of audio gear...HD DVD/BluRay has been a total fucking nightmare and copy protection (DRM) can suck my ass.

If you are playing on a 26" Daewoo with your PS3, stfu kbai - you have no idea what im talking about.

Sadly Wii bowling owns so hard on a big screen...its like a flash game for retards, but it owns...Ive been playing the stupid thing for a week solid.

/rant off
/HDCP sucks
/HDMI is technically superior and digital, but was only created as a device locked copy protection to ensure no interception of media at HD rates
to the PS3 playable at stores thing - last 5 I saw were crashed and none of the wii ones are playable cause no everyone plays the 360 heh
[quote name='icruise']Not to change the subject, but I find this surprising, since I've never actually seen a playable Wii display. At places like Best Buy, Target, Walmart, etc all they have is a Wii mockup with a video explaining about the system. At dedicated game stores they apparently have them, but you have to give them your credit card so you don't run off with the wireless controller -- not exactly conducive to getting people to just stop and try it out. The PS3, on the other hand, is playable just about everywhere, since the controller is just attached to the display.[/QUOTE]

It is unfortunate that Nintendo doesn't appear to be doing this on a truly national level but here in Los Angeles they have multi-unit kiosks set up in every major mall. It's almost impossible to miss the bright white lights of an eight-kiosk booth glowing in the middle of the mall, and they definitely attracted big crowds during the key holiday shopping season. I think Nintendo was very smart with their placement because putting kiosks in game stores or game departments of electronics/toy stores obviously wasn't going to attract the non-gaming crowd they're going after. I personally witnessed three parents deciding that they'd buy a Wii because it was something they'd want to play along with their kids. It's been a while since I've seen people of all ages playing together with pure glee on their faces. Quite a sight. Now if only Nintendo could rollout this mall strategy to the rest of the country...
I went to Dave Ward Wal-Mart in Conway, AR last night and they had 5 20GB models and 1 60GB model. Admittedly I'm satisfied by how quickly they are not moving.
[quote name='lord_ebonstone']Hahaha!

Stop trolling, cunt.[/quote]

It's his opinion and he's entitled to it. Because you're a Wii60 fanboy does that make you're a cunt too? Cut it out with the personal attacks, it isn't necessary.
[quote name='Rictor']Wow, still available.[/quote]

I am shocked aswell, i cant believe these are actually staying in stock. I feel bad for all the people who bought this thing in a bundle to play it.
[quote name='icruise']Not to change the subject, but I find this surprising, since I've never actually seen a playable Wii display. At places like Best Buy, Target, Walmart, etc all they have is a Wii mockup with a video explaining about the system. At dedicated game stores they apparently have them, but you have to give them your credit card so you don't run off with the wireless controller -- not exactly conducive to getting people to just stop and try it out. The PS3, on the other hand, is playable just about everywhere, since the controller is just attached to the display.[/QUOTE] it works out to the benefit of nintendo anyway to not have playable display cases cause the Wii sells regardless. you could dip Wii in shit and it would sell. They are probably stripping gamecube parts to make Wii's and it sells as soon as it hits the counter. They don't even put Wii in the back of the counter at toysrus. They just wheel it out in a cart and hand it to the cash register guys for the people who line up and if you were lucky enough to be on the line when they wheeled them out then that was your only time to be able to buy them.
[quote name='abhinav']I am shocked aswell, i cant believe these are actually staying in stock. I feel bad for all the people who bought this thing in a bundle to play it.[/QUOTE]
I Don't. Spoiled rich kids and early adopters who were only gonna brag that they had one to everyone else.
[quote name='sparklecopy']I Don't. Spoiled rich kids and early adopters who were only gonna brag that they had one to everyone else.[/quote]
GO RICH KIDS you don't have to be rich to acquire something you want,
[quote name='nathansu']Absolutely. I'm not trying to argue that the PS3 demand is as great the Wii demand - it obviously is not. But there is still a great misconception in gaming enthusiast circles (one being CAG) that (1) everyone thinks the PS3 sucks and (2) you can walk in to any store anywhere and grab a PS3.[/quote]

1. I think most people deep down know the PS3 doesn't suck but a lot of people are disappointed and angry with what the PS3 has to offer right now (few good games, scaling problems, high price, etc) and that's why you hear the bitching. By the middle of the year it will have died down.

2. You actually CAN pretty much walk into most stores and buy a PS3. Not every store has them but if you really want one then you probably only have to hit 2-3 stores to find one (or order online from BestBuy or Amazon). I live in Raleigh NC and work in Tampa FL and both places have them readily available.
[quote name='panasonic']GO RICH KIDS you don't have to be rich to acquire something you want,[/quote]Generally only wealthy people have the money required and available to get the PS3. I don't know too many middle-income families that could just drop $500 or $600 on something as silly as a game console.
[quote name='ikaden']1. I think most people deep down know the PS3 doesn't suck but a lot of people are disappointed and angry with what the PS3 has to offer right now (few good games, scaling problems, high price, etc) and that's why you hear the bitching. By the middle of the year it will have died down.[/quote]

Exactly - this is a very similar reception that the PS2 got when it came out + a bit of bitching because of price (which is quite reasonable).

[quote name='ikaden']
2. You actually CAN pretty much walk into most stores and buy a PS3. Not every store has them but if you really want one then you probably only have to hit 2-3 stores to find one (or order online from BestBuy or Amazon). I live in Raleigh NC and work in Tampa FL and both places have them readily available.

You still have to hit a few places to find one - it isn't like you can pick one up as easily as everyone is saying. Personally, I frequent places that carry console games and I have never, not once, seen one in stock.

Point being that all of these negative things about the Sony launch aren't quite factual.

Now, let me go play Gears of War.
[quote name='daroga']Generally only wealthy people have the money required and available to get the PS3. I don't know too many middle-income families that could just drop $500 or $600 on something as silly as a game console.[/QUOTE]
But there are millions of middle-income families that can afford $400 on one?
[quote name='icruise']But there are millions of middle-income families that can afford $400 on one?[/quote]It's silly, but I think there a pretty big psychological difference bewteen $399.99 and $500 or $600. Not unlike people complaining about the Wii's price when it was announced. "$250? No way! For $200 I'd be in!" It's only $50 they're bickering about, but it was (is) a hard pill to swallow for some.

The Wii is the closest thing you can get to an impulse buy of the 3. The 360, while not cheap (though too expensive for me at this point), is an indulgence that people, while not dropping it on a whim, seem willing to plan for and get. The PS3 though? Once you cross that $500 line and on up, you're into the "lavish" realm where people really stop and think, "Wait, 1/2 a grand or more for just game hardware?" It's especially hard to justify at this point with the launch-software-doldrums the PS3 is going through, but even if it had games I really, really wanted to play, there's no way I could ever justify spending $600 on a piece of hardware. There's having fun, and then there's being irresponsible with your money. It's a fine line to walk, and everyone has their own definition.

Bear in mind, I'm speaking from a family perspective. The kid who has a nice job, lives at home, and has nothing better to do with his money probably wouldn't have a hard time getting enough cash together to get the PS3 if they really wanted it.
[quote name='icruise']But there are millions of middle-income families that can afford $400 on one?[/QUOTE]

Don't forget the $300 sku. I'm sure there are parents and gamers that end up getting this version to save the $100.
I'm not forgetting the Core model -- I just ignore it because once you add in the mandatory memory unit, the savings are minimal. Still, its existence is important psychologically.
[quote name='icruise']I'm not forgetting the Core model -- I just ignore it because once you add in the mandatory memory unit, the savings are minimal. Still, its existence is important psychologically.[/quote]True. The Core 360 is worthless. At least the two models of PS3 allow either one to be useful, with just some gravy (though perhaps worth it) for the premium model.
[quote name='daroga']True. The Core 360 is worthless. At least the two models of PS3 allow either one to be useful, with just some gravy (though perhaps worth it) for the premium model.[/QUOTE]

only problem is that unlike the 360 there seems to be a bit of a lacking in explanation of how i'll benefit from the pricier one, especially in the HD space arena, only a sinking feeling like i'll regret it sometime later if i dont get it.
[quote name='spincut']only problem is that unlike the 360 there seems to be a bit of a lacking in explanation of how i'll benefit from the pricier one, especially in the HD space arena, only a sinking feeling like i'll regret it sometime later if i dont get it.[/quote]WiFi is a great feature, but not a $100 feature, which, aside from the card reader, is the only difference between the two if I'm not mistaken. But have HDMI out, so in terms of HD display, both models are equal.

If you use Wifi and it would be cumbersome to hardwire the PS3 to your router, the 60GB might be the way to go. But since the harddrives can be easily replaced at your leisure in the future, I'd say by-and-large, go for the 20GB.
[quote name='daroga']WiFi is a great feature, but not a $100 feature, which, aside from the card reader, is the only difference between the two if I'm not mistaken. But have HDMI out, so in terms of HD display, both models are equal. [/QUOTE]
Well, there's the obvious difference in hard disk size, of course, and the chrome trim (whether that is a plus or minus is open to debate). The extra $100 for those features is actually a pretty decent deal if you actually NEED them, considering that MS charges about the same just for an external wi-fi adapter. What I don't like is the fact that people consider the 60GB model to be the "real" PS3 when in fact, the 60GB model basically just has some extra multimedia features.
i guess the problem is that i have no gauge for the size of well....ANYTHING in the PS3 world, a user has no idea if they really need a 60GB model until you actually get to dink around with the thing for a while.

and yeah the Wifi may not be a 100 dollar feature, but even microsoft values it at that much.
[quote name='spincut']i guess the problem is that i have no gauge for the size of well....ANYTHING in the PS3 world, a user has no idea if they really need a 60GB model until you actually get to dink around with the thing for a while.

and yeah the Wifi may not be a 100 dollar feature, but even microsoft values it at that much.[/QUOTE]
I'm not sure that anyone, even PS3 owners like myself, can really answer that question. I do know that there isn't enough content on the Playstation store right now to really fill up even the 20GB model. Even with the 360, I find 20GB to be OK, as long as you are somewhat careful about deleting things like demos after you are through with them.

Some games do allow you to "install" them to the hard disk (which involves copying some of the game data to shorten load times) but I don't think any of them will require it. I've never done it and find load times to be on par with other consoles. Actually, I think as long as you don't plan to be downloading lots of HD video (when this becomes possible) or don't plan on using the PS3 as some kind of multimedia hub storing your videos or photos, 20GB should be fine. In any case, I bought the 20GB knowing that if worse came to worse, I could upgrade it in the future to much bigger than 60GB and still pay about the same as people paid for their 60GB models. So unless you desperately need the wireless, I think the 20GB is a fine choice.
[quote name='daroga']Generally only wealthy people have the money required and available to get the PS3. I don't know too many middle-income families that could just drop $500 or $600 on something as silly as a game console.[/QUOTE]

I don't know why people always think rich people are the ones buying expensive items. Many rich people are cheapskates. It's one of the reasons they become and stay rich. On the other hand the people who spend money like there's no tomorrow are often the people who live in crappy apartments which is one of the reasons they live in crappy apartments.
[quote name='nathansu']You still have to hit a few places to find one - it isn't like you can pick one up as easily as everyone is saying. Personally, I frequent places that carry console games and I have never, not once, seen one in stock.[/quote]

I go out to stores 2 or 3 times a week and usually hit at least 3 stores in a trip out of about a dozen different ones that I regularly go to. I've randomly seen PS3s in stock and available for sale 4 times at stores since the launch... and one of those was when a guy was returning it. I've never once seen a Wii that was sitting in a store available for sale.

[quote name='Collectordragon']On the other hand the people who spend money like there's no tomorrow are often the people who live in crappy apartments which is one of the reasons they live in crappy apartments.[/quote]

Ahhh... you've met my ex-wife.
[quote name='daroga']Generally only wealthy people have the money required and available to get the PS3. I don't know too many middle-income families that could just drop $500 or $600 on something as silly as a game console.[/quote]

HOGWASH! I am in the military with a wife and daughter and I can manage the money to get one. If your telling me the i am wealthy that is news to me and my 20k a year.

It has nothing to do with wealth just being able to save.
fuck, what would you be doing buying a goddamn 600 dollar gamesystem (3% of your salary) in one day when you can be doing other great things with it (investing, 502, etc.) [besides army free housing, etc., i guess its 20k in disposable income, does it even get taxed? i almost joined the army corp of engineers but decided i'd rather not.]
[quote name='cagefighter']HOGWASH! I am in the military with a wife and daughter and I can manage the money to get one. If your telling me the i am wealthy that is news to me and my 20k a year.

It has nothing to do with wealth just being able to save.[/quote]
[quote name='forgrim']fuck, what would you be doing buying a goddamn 600 dollar gamesystem (3% of your salary) in one day when you can be doing other great things with it (investing, 502, etc.) [besides army free housing, etc., i guess its 20k in disposable income, does it even get taxed? i almost joined the army corp of engineers but decided i'd rather not.][/quote]Exactly. My point wasn't that it was impossible, my point that for most middle-income families it would likely be irresponsible. And I was speaking from personal experience--I don't know what the situation is as a military family. If you want to blow that kinda money on a piece of hardware, I guess that's your choice. But calling such reluctance "hogwash" is hardly appropriate.

I'd think that a year's worth of nice dinner dates with your wife would be a far better way to spend $600 than a PS3, but that's just me. :)
bread's done