PS3 - Are they screwed or will sales pick up?

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We all know the Xbox 360 just dropped in price and PS3 has no backwards compatibility with the new models (something most people dont use but still care about).

My question - is the PS3 screwed or will it's sales pick up to surpass 360? Do exclusives like LittleBigPlanet, Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm, Resistance 2, and possibly a new Kingdom Hearts have what it takes to help the PS3 past the 360?
Honestly, I don't feel that it matters whether or not the PS3 outsells the 360. It's a Sony Entertainment Product. It's not going to suddenly disappear from the shelves or from publisher's minds like the Dreamcast did.
Let me try to clear things up OP. This year in the U.S., PS3 has outsold 360 by 260k consoles or something. Last year, PS3 outsold 360 worldwide, but did not outsell it in the U.K., NA, and Australia (Japan and most of Europe is where PS3 mostly outsold 360). MS HAD to drop the price because they were losing the advantage this year in their strongest market.

The majority of PS3 sales also this year, COME from non PS2 BC units also, due to lower price and sticking to one SKU mostly (so customers don't get confused as far as what SKU to buy, it's take it or leave it).

Right now, finding a PS3 console isn't very easy. Most stores have plenty of 360 consoles in stock. When it comes to the PS3, the 40GB pretty much sold out at most all retailers in July and August, and the 80GB core came a little earlier to fill up stores shelves. At most retailers I go to (Target, Best Buy, Wal-Mart, etc.), they'll have the case full of PS3 consoles one day, then I go back two days later, and they are all sold out (or one left). Several retailers in my area (and others I went to) have been out of PS3 consoles. So why would Sony drop the price when they already struggle to get enough out on store shelves? And since PS3 has sold the 2nd most after Wii (for the three consoles) every month this year except for March and April (by only 900 consoles), why would Sony be screwed? Last year, there were big stacks of PS3 consoles and price drops weren't helping them outsell 360. MS cutting the 20GB price down didn't help it top PS3 sales ever.

When it comes down to the MGS4 PS3 bundle, which has PS2 BC, it's the only PS3 I see on store shelves normally. For an example, I saw Best Buy get in several 80GB cores and have a few MGS4 bundles. The 80GB cores were gone, but the MGS4 PS3 is STILL there (some sold, but still there). Meijer still has the MGS4 PS3 around. So if ANYTHING, PS2 BC isn't as big as what some may think (lower price is the bigger concerned). For hardcore gamers especially (like many at CAG), having it will be more important. However, many casuals just want to play the newest sports games, blu-ray movies, and a big release every once in a while.

The only way Sony would be screwed is if there are large stacks of PS3 consoles (which I no longer see. Even Fry's that use to have huge stacks at two locations, is normally sold out these days, but has stacks of another console), and PS3 was getting outsold by 360 by a large margin. That hasn't happened yet (unless newer NPDs show otherwise). Previously some would say software sales mean everything (and they are important), but games like NCAA Football 09 and SCIV actually sold to a higher percentage of PS3 owners than 360 owners.

Sony's new business plan is to NOT sell tons of consoles. Their main plan is to make PS3 consoles at a point they don't lose much of anything per console sold (which is why they aren't cutting the price). Developers will continue to support PS3 (most all games go multi-platform these days) because PS3 has the advantage in most of Europe and Japan, but 360 has the advantage in the NA, U.K., and Australia). 360 will probably always have the advantage in the U.S., but PS3 is most likely to always have the advantage throughout most of Europe.
The monthly sales for PS3 have been outselling 360 for several months now (in North America; they've been even more supportive of the PS3 overseas). For better or worse, many of Sony's big franchises from last generation still haven't made the next-generation leap (Jak & Daxter, God of War, etc.).

I don't think that Sony is going to overtake Microsoft tomorrow in worldwide sales, but I would expect their sales numbers to exceed the 360 over the full life of the console. Keep in mind, Sony is still selling about 150,000 PS2 consoles each month, well into the next generation of hardware. Don't discount Microsoft's willingness to cut off the 360 to startup their next hardware iteration; their console isn't nearly as future-proof as the PS3.

Honestly, though, the question isn't where the sales numbers will be, but if there is a critical mass of consumers sufficient to justify cross-platform development. Thusfar, the answer is increasingly moving in that direction.
[quote name='Gourd']Honestly, I don't feel that it matters whether or not the PS3 outsells the 360. It's a Sony Entertainment Product. It's not going to suddenly disappear from the shelves or from publisher's minds like the Dreamcast did.[/quote]

I feel that Sony is well on their way to confusing and annoying both consumers and developers with their constant switching of consoles and some specs in said consoles.

Is backwards compatability a big thing for everyone? No. Is it nice to have? Yes. Has Sony flip flopped on their stance on BC? In my opinion, they certainly have.

If not for the issues with the 360, which not everyone is experiencing much like the Disc Read Errors last gen with the PS2, then I can honestly say that I would be a 360 owner right now and not own a PS3 until it actually price dropped a bunch.

But, I had the money from my old games going away and I had some credit to offset the cost a bit, so I splurged. Otherwise, most games I'm interested in are multiplatform this gen.

Whether or not a game is exclusive doesn't mean squat to me, as long as it's a good game on whatever console I own it for.

As far as what Sony could do to spur massive amounts of sales of the PS3, there's only two words that will get them a ton of sales: PRICE DROP

Unless they can actually drop the price and stop confusing the consumers and confounding the developers, then I don't think that the PS3 will surpass either of the current gen competitors until after both have moved onto their NEXT console.

If you actually think about it, aside from the base model 40(and current 80gb) models, Sony has only really dropped their price by $100, since even the current Uncharted bundle is $499.99. By two years in last gen, how much had the PS2 dropped?
Dont forget that Sony is doing better in Europe and Japan. Funny that BC was phased out in those place already.
Uneducated consumers and consumers not being up in arms over Sony stripping out something they had in from launch has given Sony a free pass to remove whatever else they feel they're losing money by providing in the PS3 and unless consumers actually stop buying the systems until Sony sticks to one SKU, then Sony will do whatever the fuck they want. Not that they weren't going to do that anyway.
It's not that we're uneducated. It's just that we don't really care about BC. As much as the PS2/3, 360, and Wii have been touted for being BC, I bet the actual amount of people playing older games on their systems is pretty low. They needed BC in launch PS3's because the lineup sucked. Now, everyone wants to get a PS3 to play Metal Gear and LittleBigPlanet. They don't want to play old games anymore.
Sony isn't going to die off like the dreamcast as stated above....but believing that MS slashed prices out of some sort of fear or worry due to PS3 sales is just insane.....we are 3 years into the lifecycle of the 360 and in any other generation we would be talking about the next system already....MS is giving the 360 a mid-life upgrade to extend its function/useability (sp?) for the next 3 or more years....they dont lose money on any console sale so why not cut the price, upgrade the user interface and make the console fresh again?

MS destroyed Sony at E3 (FF13, Gears 2, New dashboard, Fable 2, Fallout 3 DLC, etc) and truely has no reason to fear Sony in North America.

Sony still needs to get Home out, stop losing exclusive titles, release exclusive AAA titles that will sell consoles and incorporate some sort of price cut before MS will really start to worry.

MS is doing something right that Sony needs to look at

As of May 16, 2008, there are over 9.8 million registered PlayStation Network accounts worldwide

On May 14, 2008 Microsoft announced 12 million members.

one would think there would be more members of a FREE service that comes with a console as oppossed to a pay service (yes, silver is free, but a LOT of people have gold)
The PS3 is picking up a lot of steam. It just took way too long for it to get going. All they need to do is get some EXCLUSIVES, market the hell out of the ones they got, and continue to improve their online experience. Are they screwed? No.

Ps3 has BR...but so what? When are we going to start seeing people buy BR left and right? DVDs are still super hot. By the time BR really picks up, the next generation of systems will already be out. When are we going to see a "OMG" difference between PS3 and 360? That's Sony's problem (and Microsoft's too).
[quote name='Malik112099']Sony isn't going to die off like the dreamcast as stated above....but believing that MS slashed prices out of some sort of fear or worry due to PS3 sales is just insane.....we are 3 years into the lifecycle of the 360 and in any other generation we would be talking about the next system already....MS is giving the 360 a mid-life upgrade to extend its function/useability (sp?) for the next 3 or more years....they dont lose money on any console sale so why not cut the price, upgrade the user interface and make the console fresh again?

MS destroyed Sony at E3 (FF13, Gears 2, New dashboard, Fable 2, Fallout 3 DLC, etc) and truely has no reason to fear Sony in North America.

Sony still needs to get Home out, stop losing exclusive titles, release exclusive AAA titles that will sell consoles and incorporate some sort of price cut before MS will really start to worry.

MS is doing something right that Sony needs to look at

one would think there would be more members of a FREE service that comes with a console as oppossed to a pay service (yes, silver is free, but a LOT of people have gold)[/quote]

I love these. And Microsoft winning E3 is hilarious? Gears of War? Unreal has always been better then Gears. And the storyline Unreal games are far better to boot. Fable 2? Remember how the first Fable was hyped and it blew ass until the lost chapters? Fallout 3 DLC? Dog Armor? And a new Dashboard update. They need that because Sony has improved their XMB insanely during one years time.

And they have no reason to fear? I guess that 70% failure rate from 2005 was nothing. Or the fact that when they had about 2-3 million sold in 2006, they had over 500k broken in a warehouse is also nothing. Their rep has become so bad that people are starting to avoid it. When you have moms that don't know shit about gaming AND they know what the red ring is. You know you gone and fucked up something spectacular.

I will grant that the 360 has good games, but most of them are NOT exclusive. The consoles are so close that you can flip a coin and not be dissapointed by either, unless you love Forza or Gran Turismo. The difference is the PS3 is making new franchises while the 360 is just buying multiplatform existence. That plan won't work forever, especially when a ton of new franchises come out and Microsoft is left in the dust. I also have two words that pump gaming full of hope. FAT PRINCESS
[quote name='62t']Dont forget that Sony is doing better in Europe and Japan. Funny that BC was phased out in those place already.[/QUOTE]Pretty much. And over 50% of PS3 consoles sold have no PS2 BC.

[quote name='Blackout']The PS3 is picking up a lot of steam. It just took way too long for it to get going. All they need to do is get some EXCLUSIVES, market the hell out of the ones they got, and continue to improve their online experience. Are they screwed? No.
[/QUOTE]The problem with exclusives is, developing on PS3/360 is not cheap. For most games, they need to sell 500k copies to break even at least. For a JRPG, most can't even sell 500k in Japan unless it's FF, DQ, or KH. And most series don't have enough popularity elsewhere to pick up sales. So for most publishers to do well, they have to make a game PS3/360 to maximize sales (PS3 is strong in Japan/Europe, 360 in NA/U.K./Australia). But oh course, Sony does need to put a pretty big push on their main first party games (LBP and Resistance 2 can definitely sell).

[quote name='depascal22']It's not that we're uneducated. It's just that we don't really care about BC. As much as the PS2/3, 360, and Wii have been touted for being BC, I bet the actual amount of people playing older games on their systems is pretty low. They needed BC in launch PS3's because the lineup sucked. Now, everyone wants to get a PS3 to play Metal Gear and LittleBigPlanet. They don't want to play old games anymore.[/QUOTE]Pretty much. At CAG or any other major gaming forum, having BC is huge because many will continue buying old games for years and want to go back playing them. When it comes to most casuals, they want to play the latest games. Most (I'm talking about common people I know who don't visit forums) used the 360 BC early on because there was no Halo 3 yet (most I knew just played Halo 1 and 2). Once Halo 3 came out, they stopped using it. With the PS3, many used it early on due to the lack of games. But once people had an HDTV and/or bought many new games on PS3 (as the selection of games increased and got much better), you really don't hear that many wanting it (at CAG in a thread asking whether their 60GB plays PS2 games, there were several who admitted to having one but no longer use it to play PS2 games. That's my situation too with my 20GB PS3). When I told some friends as a warning about PS2 BC getting cut, they were like "who cares", because they wanted a PS3 for PS3 games and blu-ray.
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Unreal Tournament 3 was garbage. Had no storyline at all, single player was a complete joke, and the online was a broken mess. I'll take Gears over that any day.
PS3 is the N64 of this generation. Less popular console after a string of consoles on top. Most powerful, hardest to make games for. Less 3rd party exclusives, but some AAA first party games. It'll chug along as well, just don't expect the same amount of games as the 360 or Wii gets.

I enjoyed the N64 a lot too, so don't think the comparison is all negative. Someone's gotta be in 3rd place. And nothing is going to get Sony out of 3rd place this generation. Not after almost 3 years.
Maybe it's just me, but for the most part 360 and PS3 seem to have about the same games, except for their exclusives.
[quote name='Paco']I love these. And Microsoft winning E3 is hilarious? Gears of War? Unreal has always been better then Gears. And the storyline Unreal games are far better to boot. Fable 2? Remember how the first Fable was hyped and it blew ass until the lost chapters? Fallout 3 DLC? Dog Armor? And a new Dashboard update. They need that because Sony has improved their XMB insanely during one years time.

And they have no reason to fear? I guess that 70% failure rate from 2005 was nothing. Or the fact that when they had about 2-3 million sold in 2006, they had over 500k broken in a warehouse is also nothing. Their rep has become so bad that people are starting to avoid it. When you have moms that don't know shit about gaming AND they know what the red ring is. You know you gone and fucked up something spectacular.

I will grant that the 360 has good games, but most of them are NOT exclusive. The consoles are so close that you can flip a coin and not be dissapointed by either, unless you love Forza or Gran Turismo. The difference is the PS3 is making new franchises while the 360 is just buying multiplatform existence. That plan won't work forever, especially when a ton of new franchises come out and Microsoft is left in the dust. I also have two words that pump gaming full of hope. FAT PRINCESS[/quote]

MS destroyed everyone at E3, plain and simple. Yes, failure rate...and? That's all the ammo fanboys have....and even with the failure rate the xbox is doing great....

the dashboard update has nothing to do with the XMB....the PSP has the same main interface as the PS3...that tells you how advanced the XMB actually is....i have all these systems and the 360 is by far the easiest to just is...there is nothing wrong with that....but at the same i feel like more of a grown up while using the ps3 because everything about it just seems more grown up when you compare it to th bright colors, schemes of the 360
[quote name='Malik112099']Sony isn't going to die off like the dreamcast as stated above....but believing that MS slashed prices out of some sort of fear or worry due to PS3 sales is just insane.....we are 3 years into the lifecycle of the 360 and in any other generation we would be talking about the next system already....MS is giving the 360 a mid-life upgrade to extend its function/useability (sp?) for the next 3 or more years....they dont lose money on any console sale so why not cut the price, upgrade the user interface and make the console fresh again?

MS destroyed Sony at E3 (FF13, Gears 2, New dashboard, Fable 2, Fallout 3 DLC, etc) and truely has no reason to fear Sony in North America.

Sony still needs to get Home out, stop losing exclusive titles, release exclusive AAA titles that will sell consoles and incorporate some sort of price cut before MS will really start to worry.

MS is doing something right that Sony needs to look at

one would think there would be more members of a FREE service that comes with a console as oppossed to a pay service (yes, silver is free, but a LOT of people have gold)[/QUOTE]

The 360 has also been out a year longer, long enough to garner that extra 3 million users.

If the 360 is doing so well, then why has the PS3 outsold it every month this year? I'm pretty sure that the price cut is exactly because they DO have to fear Sony in North America, and is a reaction to this losing out every month. We'll see if it works.
I purchased my PS3 mainly for the blu-ray player capabilities, I waited until I felt that blu-ray won over HD-DVD before I made that decision. As I see it the PS3 seems to be more like a marathon runner and being such is just at a set stride and eventually will overtake its competition.

Even with the price cut for the xbox I find it difficult to buy one, and I feel that it is the boost in PS3 sales that did initiate this price cut which is a good move on their part. I may pick one up eventually, but I looked at the exclusive titles they have and there is really only about 4 games that I would like to play that I couldn't play on the PS3.
[quote name='depascal22']I have to disagree that Unreal is better than Gears.[/quote]

I'm talking about the unreal series as a whole. If you were around since the original Unreal, the first Unreal Tournament, then I guarantee you that you wouldn't love Gears.

And UT3 isn't bad. It's just not up to snuff yet. Remember that UT 2k4 was like that for a very long time. With time, people will eventually go up to UT3
[quote name='orko60']If the 360 is doing so well, then why has the PS3 outsold it every month this year? [/quote]

[quote name='orko60']The 360 has also been out a year longer[/quote]

you answered your own question
Personally, PS3 still has that newest/fastest/badass console appeal and is worth the extra amount. The price cut should boost sales but it can't shake off not being the best thing spec wise out there which can be pretty powerful in the tech world.
[quote name='Paco']I'm talking about the unreal series as a whole. If you were around since the original Unreal, the first Unreal Tournament, then I guarantee you that you wouldn't love Gears.

And UT3 isn't bad. It's just not up to snuff yet. Remember that UT 2k4 was like that for a very long time. With time, people will eventually go up to UT3[/quote]

I'm not a PC guy so I don't know how it is over there, but I don't see UT3 picking up any steam on the PS3. It's going to be a year since it's been out. IMO it lost all steam after the first 2 weeks it was out. Not up to snuff? True. That's why I sold it. Such a huge disappointment for me.
[quote name='Malik112099']MS destroyed everyone at E3, plain and simple. Yes, failure rate...and? That's all the ammo fanboys have....and even with the failure rate the xbox is doing great....

the dashboard update has nothing to do with the XMB....the PSP has the same main interface as the PS3...that tells you how advanced the XMB actually is....i have all these systems and the 360 is by far the easiest to just is...there is nothing wrong with that....but at the same i feel like more of a grown up while using the ps3 because everything about it just seems more grown up when you compare it to th bright colors, schemes of the 360[/quote]

Did you not read what I said? Did you just gloss over it like most people gloss over when listening to feminists?

The fact that you have to defend the errors of the console shows that you are a fanboy yourself. If the 360 was a car, you would be DEAD right now. Would you trust a car if the brakes didn't work 25% of the time?

And I already talked about the games. Gears 2, Fable and what else did you mention? A Dashboard update? That's how microsoft won E3? By showing a few exclusive games, talking about DLC and making a dashboard update? Keep in mind that most of the 360 games are multiplaform and they shown those too as highlights while Sony shown exclusives only as their highlights.

You need to get off Microsoft's tits because it's obviously clouding your judgement.

And the PS3 making you feel like an adult? How the hell does a console make you feel like an adult?
[quote name='Paco']Did you not read what I said? Did you just gloss over it like most people gloss over when listening to feminists?

The fact that you have to defend the errors of the console shows that you are a fanboy yourself. If the 360 was a car, you would be DEAD right now. Would you trust a car if the brakes didn't work 25% of the time?

And I already talked about the games. Gears 2, Fable and what else did you mention? A Dashboard update? That's how microsoft won E3? By showing a few exclusive games, talking about DLC and making a dashboard update? Keep in mind that most of the 360 games are multiplaform and they shown those too as highlights while Sony shown exclusives only as their highlights.

You need to get off Microsoft's tits because it's obviously clouding your judgement.

And the PS3 making you feel like an adult? How the hell does a console make you feel like an adult?[/quote]

i also mentioned FF13 .... yes..all of that won E3 for MS...ask any sane person who came out on top of E3 and they will tell you MS did...please point out the great things Sony showed at E3 and for that matter Nintendo....they had nothing...

the 360 isnt a car..if there was there would have been a recently had a HUGE recall and they still are the best selling car manufacturer worlwide with one of the best reliability what was the point of your car analogy....oh...there isnt one

Gears isn't multiplatform and neither is Fable 2...Fallout 3 DLC isnt multiplatform and FF13 was a system seller until it went multiplatform....MS showed the new dash and instead of delaying the shit out of it (a la Home) they said we would see it in the next update...

yes..the PS3 has a more mature interface when compared to the 360...have you even played these systems for any amount of time?
[quote name='Malik112099']i also mentioned FF13 .... yes..all of that won E3 for MS...ask any sane person who came out on top of E3 and they will tell you MS did...please point out the great things Sony showed at E3 and for that matter Nintendo....they had nothing...

the 360 isnt a car..if there was there would have been a recently had a HUGE recall and they still are the best selling car manufacturer worlwide with one of the best reliability what was the point of your car analogy....oh...there isnt one

Gears isn't multiplatform and neither is Fable 2...Fallout 3 DLC isnt multiplatform and FF13 was a system seller until it went multiplatform....MS showed the new dash and instead of delaying the shit out of it (a la Home) they said we would see it in the next update...

yes..the PS3 has a more mature interface when compared to the 360...have you even played these systems for any amount of time?[/quote]

So your big win is a game going multiplatform? Wow, that must really suck ass if that's the biggest announcement you got going.

Who says Microsoft was on top for showing off what was essentially two exclusives and mainly multiplatform titles? What did Sony have? Little Big Planet, Fat Princess "Which is going to be one of the best games ever made." Crash Commandos "2d contra killing is always good" They announced God of War 3, they shown Wipeout HD, They shown that weird Flower game, they announced MAG. What did Microsoft really show that was new?

And who isn't to say Normura isn't going to pull a Konami and send the worst programmers on the 360 port? It's well known that Normura is a PS fan and he will most likely take the A team away from any 360 port of FF13. Remember how Kojima acted when MGS2 was ported to the Xbox? he took the A team and left the C team to port it. It ended up insanely glitchy with huge amounts of slowdown. Granted I'm not saying that's what's going to happen, but it is a bit suspect when they say they're not even going to think about it until the PS3 version is done and THEN when they start translating, that's when they will start porting it.

I'm sorry, but I can't get excited over Fable due to the huge disappointment of the first fable, and Gears pisses me off simply because that game destroyed any chance of getting a real Unreal 3.
the DS can run fat princess. i want a killer PS3 game (Team Ico)...everyone already knew a GoW 3 was coming (along with the other games)....nothing new from Sony as well....once again your point falls flat...MAG wasn't an was "hey..there is a 256 player game that we are trying to make"... are a sony fanboy - it's ok....thats why discussing/arguing with you is like talking to a feminist....

nothing anyone says to you will get through to you..
[quote name='Malik112099']ask any sane person who came out on top of E3 and they will tell you MS did...[/quote]

I consider myself fairly sane and have had a 360 from about a month after launch playing nearly every game that has come out for it at some point until the last few months.

Based strictly off what was shown at E3, Sony definitely had the better showing, followed by MS, and then dragging the rear was Nintendo with absolutely nothing that I as excited about.

Gears 2 looks the same as Gears 1 which isn't a bad thing as it was pretty good, the new dash is decent looking, and, contrary to most of the people arguing for Sony, the game I am most excited about which is Fable 2 (loved the first despite its glitches).

Sony on the other hand, had a long list of things shown at E3 to look forward to in my opinion. Little Big Planet is the most obvious as long as it is able to be the creative outlet that it looks to be. MAG seems like a great concept however no actual game was shown. Infamous is looking outstanding and looks to be a nice upgrade from Crackdown (which should have gotten a sequel). FF13 is still coming out on the PS3. Flower looks like a good trip as I love quirky games like that and the PixelJunk series. The God of War team has an outstanding track record and hopefully they will not disappoint on the PS3 entry. I also loved the first MotorStorm and am looking forward to the sequel.

I love my 360, but if you are going strictly based off the E3 presentation, the Sony presentation was definitely a better showing.

MS should have had something ready for Alan Wake and been shoving that right out front. I swear that game is never going to happen.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']Let me try to clear things up OP. This year in the U.S., PS3 has outsold 360 by 260k consoles or something. Last year, PS3 outsold 360 worldwide, but did not outsell it in the U.K., NA, and Australia (Japan and most of Europe is where PS3 mostly outsold 360). MS HAD to drop the price because they were losing the advantage this year in their strongest market.

The majority of PS3 sales also this year, COME from non PS2 BC units also, due to lower price and sticking to one SKU mostly (so customers don't get confused as far as what SKU to buy, it's take it or leave it).

Right now, finding a PS3 console isn't very easy. Most stores have plenty of 360 consoles in stock. When it comes to the PS3, the 40GB pretty much sold out at most all retailers in July and August, and the 80GB core came a little earlier to fill up stores shelves. At most retailers I go to (Target, Best Buy, Wal-Mart, etc.), they'll have the case full of PS3 consoles one day, then I go back two days later, and they are all sold out (or one left). Several retailers in my area (and others I went to) have been out of PS3 consoles. So why would Sony drop the price when they already struggle to get enough out on store shelves? And since PS3 has sold the 2nd most after Wii (for the three consoles) every month this year except for March and April (by only 900 consoles), why would Sony be screwed? Last year, there were big stacks of PS3 consoles and price drops weren't helping them outsell 360. MS cutting the 20GB price down didn't help it top PS3 sales ever.

When it comes down to the MGS4 PS3 bundle, which has PS2 BC, it's the only PS3 I see on store shelves normally. For an example, I saw Best Buy get in several 80GB cores and have a few MGS4 bundles. The 80GB cores were gone, but the MGS4 PS3 is STILL there (some sold, but still there). Meijer still has the MGS4 PS3 around. So if ANYTHING, PS2 BC isn't as big as what some may think (lower price is the bigger concerned). For hardcore gamers especially (like many at CAG), having it will be more important. However, many casuals just want to play the newest sports games, blu-ray movies, and a big release every once in a while.

The only way Sony would be screwed is if there are large stacks of PS3 consoles (which I no longer see. Even Fry's that use to have huge stacks at two locations, is normally sold out these days, but has stacks of another console), and PS3 was getting outsold by 360 by a large margin. That hasn't happened yet (unless newer NPDs show otherwise). Previously some would say software sales mean everything (and they are important), but games like NCAA Football 09 and SCIV actually sold to a higher percentage of PS3 owners than 360 owners.

Sony's new business plan is to NOT sell tons of consoles. Their main plan is to make PS3 consoles at a point they don't lose much of anything per console sold (which is why they aren't cutting the price). Developers will continue to support PS3 (most all games go multi-platform these days) because PS3 has the advantage in most of Europe and Japan, but 360 has the advantage in the NA, U.K., and Australia). 360 will probably always have the advantage in the U.S., but PS3 is most likely to always have the advantage throughout most of Europe.[/QUOTE]

I don't even know where to start with this post. There are reasons that the PS3 is outselling the 360 this year, but I'm not going to get into all that right now. You really need to look at total sales over the life of the system as well as percentages each year to get a good comparison. Of course PS3 is going to start outselling the 360 which has probably hit its peak years in units sold. Comparing the life cycles would be much more effective as in how many units did MS sell at its peak compared to PS3 at its peak. We really can't do that yet because we don't know if either has reached that. I'm fairly certain that the PS3 has not since it's a newer system and probably more price cuts are coming.

Anyways to answer the OP I don't think that the PS3 is dead at all. If after another year they don't start releasing better software I think they could start to run into problems, but that is a long ways a way yet.
i have both systems. i use my ps3 a lot more. for blu ray and games. my 360 has rrod twice too which doesnt help.

my roomate just ordered a ps3...he already has the 360 too. a lot of my friends are talking about getting ps3s now too. some already have the 360 but some dont. the one thing i dont ever hear though is someone saying they are in the market for a 360.
[quote name='nevposey']Personally, PS3 still has that newest/fastest/badass console appeal and is worth the extra amount. The price cut should boost sales but it can't shake off not being the best thing spec wise out there which can be pretty powerful in the tech world.[/quote]

The original Xbox had the same exact "appeal" as the PS3 since it was the most advanced console of the generation. It still lost to the PS2 since it came out over a year later. It's part of the reason why MS rushed the 360 out so quickly. They thought the same business model would apply to this generation.

Paco -- I have been around since the original Unreal. Hell, I've been around since the original DOOM and Wolfenstein. I played Unreal on the original Xbox Live. I still don't like it as much as Gears.
I cared about bc before getting my ps3 in jan, but since then, i have only played one of my older games on it, and that was not too long after getting my system. I currently have 49 ps3 games, not including psn games, i don't have the time to go back and play the last gen games i own.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']By two years in last gen, how much had the PS2 dropped?[/quote]The PS2 didn't experience its first drop for 17 months, even then it was only a 33% drop, which is what the PS3 has already gone through.
Let's not forget that Cell is extremely advanced and could very well last for 8-10 years. The PS3 has next-generation tech already.
I think the PS3 will remain in 3rd place this gen... not GC 3rd place from last gen, more like very very close to 2nd and both nowhere on the radar from 1st... There's a good chance by the time the next xbox gets announced it'll pass the 360 but then it'ld be what do you consider current/next gen?

It's #1 thing it has over current consoles is Bluray, but after the format war, all those preaching Blu seemed to have gone in hiding. Sad too... I was fine with 2 formats, but realized after the Warner announcement that it might be a lot better for just 1 format, and now... here we are and Bluray is slowly growing, far slower than anyone expected.

It's a great console, that's all that matters. I doubt though we'll see anything our of the GT5/MGS4 caliber again. Costs just too much and return on investment isn't there at the moment
most games are still gpu limited though regardless of how good the cell is. The RSX isn't going to hold up for 10 years. The geforce 7900 is already way behind current pc tech.
The question that we should be asking (and answering) is; Does the 360 price drop, have the potential to undo all the success that PS3 has had throughout the year all in one holiday season?

Sony imo doesn't think so, and that's why they aren't going to price drop. I'm sure they don't want to get sold 3 to 1 this holiday season as well. I'm a firm believer that companies should offer some specials during the holiday season. Something extra to get you to spend that extra 100, or 50 dollars here or there.
[quote name='hone']most games are still gpu limited though regardless of how good the cell is. The RSX isn't going to hold up for 10 years. The geforce 7900 is already way behind current pc tech.[/QUOTE]

Outdated technology sells well... ask Wii

As long as the games are there, the platform will stay, honestly, if 360 does go to a newer console, I'd think that Sony should immdiately price drop the PS3, and add the new slim design. But rushing out a PS4 is useless, keep what you have on the market. Sony just can't afford to have another lackluster launch, so they need to be really cautious with their release of the PS4. Price wise, developer wise, and design wise.
I don't PS3 is going to lose anything it's been building up because of the 360 price drop. I think Little Big Planet, Resistance 2 etc are strong enough to withstand that. Eventually though, that price needs to come down.
I bought PS3 for BR.....I owned it for 4 months, I only bought 1 PS3 game "MGS4" and I own 20 BR movies.....

I buy my games for my 360, LIVE is the best thing their is this generation

Game Count (I own)

PS3: 1

Xbox 360: 32
If you compare the calibur of early games of the PS3 to early games of the 360, and current PS3 & 360 games, it would seem that both have a good amount of untapped potential. I'd say the PS3 has more potential yet to be realised, but there's not really enough progress on either end to call it over.

Let's also not forget how many new PS3 owners there are this year. You think Sony wants to just drop the price when many people haven't even owned the system for 6 months yet? Expect Sony's price cut after we're in '09 (prolly late Q1 or early Q2).
Actually if you compared the early 360 games they looked like upscaled Xbox games or slightly upgraded Xbox games. Anyone remember Kameo or Perfect Dark Zero? It wasn't a huge upgrade. Remember the PS3 launch where it lookedl like 360 games? The Xbox 360 is like the dreamcast in this respect where it's easy to program and it's power is going to be tapped very quickly. The PS3 however has more raw power, but it's going to be a pain in the ass to reach.
[quote name='Paco']Actually if you compared the early 360 games they looked like upscaled Xbox games or slightly upgraded Xbox games. Anyone remember Kameo or Perfect Dark Zero? It wasn't a huge upgrade. Remember the PS3 launch where it lookedl like 360 games? The Xbox 360 is like the dreamcast in this respect where it's easy to program and it's power is going to be tapped very quickly. The PS3 however has more raw power, but it's going to be a pain in the ass to reach.[/quote]

Too bad time is not on Sony's side.
People always use PS3's online servive as a big slap to M$......many hardcore gamer will take the price tag any day. Sony's service is full of lag most of the time and is lacking on total functionality when you compare the 2.

Also.....when you see movies like The Scorpion King 2 coming direct to DVD for $35.....Blu-Ray is not going to be that big of a factor until those prices come down.

With all that said, you cant go wrong if you do get a PS3 and when they roll out more titles.....It will be a great system to get for most.
[quote name='Thomas96']Outdated technology sells well... ask Wii

As long as the games are there, the platform will stay, honestly, if 360 does go to a newer console, I'd think that Sony should immdiately price drop the PS3, and add the new slim design. But rushing out a PS4 is useless, keep what you have on the market. Sony just can't afford to have another lackluster launch, so they need to be really cautious with their release of the PS4. Price wise, developer wise, and design wise.[/quote]

not saying it won't sell. just commenting that in 10 years, it's not "next gen" tech still. cell or not. if anyone comes out with a new console, the ps3 will look very dated.

I seriously think a mod needs to come in here and tell the fanboys to get back to their own corners, wait for the bell and come out swinging. As soon as I saw this topic, I could tell it was gonna degenerate into a series of arguments, with barbs being thrown like 'durrrrr Da Tree Sixty has a 70% failure rate. RROD!!!!!' and so on.

To quote Rodney King: "Can't we all get along?"

Why does one system HAVE to be better than another? Why can't we all just play the games our systems we have has and be content?

[quote name='Methadon']
Let's also not forget how many new PS3 owners there are this year. You think Sony wants to just drop the price when many people haven't even owned the system for 6 months yet? Expect Sony's price cut after we're in '09 (prolly late Q1 or early Q2).[/quote]

That happened to me in the PS1 generation. I bought my system and about 2 weeks to a month later, the price fuckin' dropped. I was PISSED.
[quote name='deadgopher']Let's not forget that Cell is extremely advanced and could very well last for 8-10 years. The PS3 has next-generation tech already.[/QUOTE]

The PS3 will not last this long........With Nintendo working on The Wii-2 and M$ probably already working on their next console......Sony cant rely on the fact that the Cell processor will be able to last that long
I'm in the cell lasting 8 years or more camp. If MS releases a new console with only either Blu-ray (or something equivalent) or downloading Sony will be laughing and just say they were already a generation ahead. Also graphics look so good now the I think few people are really jumping for the next generation.

Finally, Winning the US now shouldn't be Sony's concern. With the terrible value of the dollar they do significantly better on every game and system they sell in Europe and Japan than America. I still have no doubt the American Wii shortage is partially due to the weak dollar giving nintendo no reason to send systems they could sell elsewhere here.
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