PS3 Best Buy launch stock #'s

'Tiers' 2 and 3 seem pretty low for the total number of PS3s per store. With this (mis?)information now out there, I expect to see people at the Tier 4/Midnight Launch stores sometime Wednesday, provided the law enforcement or Rent-A-Cops don't chase them away. Ri-fucking-diculous.

Seriously, waiting even a full day really isn't worth it for eBay, let alone closer to two. If you're so 'hardcore' for Sony or gaming in general that you'd wait that long for your own enjoyment, while far less despicable than those profiteering on a fucking game system, you're still really beyond hope. I'm sorry, if I have to offend some to speak the truth, so be it.

Waiting overnight, i.e. roughly eight hours, I can see, but anything beyond that is just indefensible.

P.S. For my Andy Rooney moment of the night, didya ever notice how people think it's a great 'social event' to sit on the concrete and play their DSes with total strangers for hours on end, but that 'social event' always needs to be attached to a hardware launch?

P.P.S. Since the PS2, I've been very lucky and have been tipped off on preorders to minimize/eliminate linesitting I've done. Thanks to all that will never read this that helped with that info. No more launch madness for me. After the Wii, I'm officially past the tyranny and the bulls***, and I'm just flat-out "too old for this s***."
I'm also thinking about camping out for the mightnight sale in Mesa, AZ.

BTW would you guys recommend if I buy the PS3 with a warranty? I'm wondering this because I plan to ebay it and wanted to know if the buyer will still have the PS3 insured if I included the warranty with it. Knowing the history with Sony consoles, we all know the PS3 will eventually have problems.
i would believe that the stores opening at midnite just to launch the machine would have a greater possibility to have more units like circuit city. so who knows, they are probably saying 20-26 units just so theres not a big camp outside the stores
[quote name='jollydwarf']
Seriously, waiting even a full day really isn't worth it for eBay, let alone closer to two. If you're so 'hardcore' for Sony or gaming in general that you'd wait that long for your own enjoyment, while far less despicable than those profiteering on a fucking game system, you're still really beyond hope. I'm sorry, if I have to offend some to speak the truth, so be it.

Waiting overnight, i.e. roughly eight hours, I can see, but anything beyond that is just indefensible.


You cannot put a $ amount on what people's time is worth. Each person's time is worth what they deem it is worth.

And regardless of what anyone says, if camping outside in the cold for 24+ hours is worth it to you, then it's 100% worth it. Whether you re-sell it on eBay or just use the machine yourself is up to you. Chastising others on how they choose to spend their time is futile and rude. No one is giving non-linesitters crap for not sitting in line.

I'm camping myself. I camped for a PS3 pre-order at gamestop (1st in line... 14+ hours) to sell in eBay. That is now sold and now my wife and I are camping for one for myself. The 1st PS3 will pay for my personal PS3. I had a lot of fun camping with my friends for the PS3 preorder and for the Xbox 360 last year... just like I had a lot of fun waiting in line with all the Star Wars geeks for the new Star wars movies.

The reason people find it fun to socialize outside on the cold concrete is exactly because of the exicitement that surrounds a new release.... be it a movie, a console or whatever. It brings people together that have similar interests. Even the ebay re-sellers are gamers.

Judging others who choose to camp reeks of someone that's bitter.

Keeping in the same feeling of the poster above, I myself am probably going to camp out to get one to sell. I am a gamer though. The profit I make is going to buy me a 360 and a Wii plus a bunch of games for free. It's all supply and demand. This could be a pile of cow dung but if people wanted it enough to pay me $1000 to sit in the cold for a day for them I would buy some cow dung. I am not big on the PS# but this camp out is going to bring me into the next gen.

my store gets 40 60 and 40 20gb i called but they didn't say midnight launch but its listed for midnight launch. for 360 they had like 118 :(
[quote name='jollydwarf']'Tiers' 2 and 3 seem pretty low for the total number of PS3s per store. With this (mis?)information now out there, I expect to see people at the Tier 4/Midnight Launch stores sometime Wednesday, provided the law enforcement or Rent-A-Cops don't chase them away. Ri-fucking-diculous.

Seriously, waiting even a full day really isn't worth it for eBay, let alone closer to two. If you're so 'hardcore' for Sony or gaming in general that you'd wait that long for your own enjoyment, while far less despicable than those profiteering on a fucking game system, you're still really beyond hope. I'm sorry, if I have to offend some to speak the truth, so be it.

Waiting overnight, i.e. roughly eight hours, I can see, but anything beyond that is just indefensible.

P.S. For my Andy Rooney moment of the night, didya ever notice how people think it's a great 'social event' to sit on the concrete and play their DSes with total strangers for hours on end, but that 'social event' always needs to be attached to a hardware launch?

P.P.S. Since the PS2, I've been very lucky and have been tipped off on preorders to minimize/eliminate linesitting I've done. Thanks to all that will never read this that helped with that info. No more launch madness for me. After the Wii, I'm officially past the tyranny and the bulls***, and I'm just flat-out "too old for this s***."[/quote] I make minimum wage. If I can make $700 profit, waiting 24hrs is easily worth it. Anymore than that though I refuse to wait/
If I go to BB should I go there at 12:01am for a greuling 33 hours or cut it down a bit and try my luck a little later?
[quote name='SpikeSpiegel']If I go to BB should I go there at 12:01am for a greuling 33 hours or cut it down a bit and try my luck a little later?[/quote] At the latest, you would want to go just right after they are closed for the day. I can't imagine someone would stay behind after closing to reinforce their 'no camping the day before' policy. At 12:01am, you would have more than enough people already waiting in line to claim all the PS3 they got.
[quote name='eau']At the latest, you would want to go just right after they are closed for the day. I can't imagine someone would stay behind after closing to reinforce their 'no camping the day before' policy.[/quote] I'm sure they;ll have poeple prepping for a little while after closing.
At this point though, unless the stores physically have them on hand right now, I would take any numbers given out with a grain of salt. If EB and Gamestop of all places got their order halved, I would suspect 30-40 PS3's at Best Buy to suddenly become 15-20.
Hey guys, quick heads up.
I saw somebody mention buying the warranty on the system, so I thought I'd pass along some info on the Best Buy replacement plans for PS3 systems.

20GB system plan - $79.99
60GB system plan - $99.99

Drop $600 and spend another $100 to make sure that if it lives up to Sony's hardware standards, you'll be covered for two years.
I have a feeling there's gonna be a LOT of dead PS3s this launch.
Our store demo unit has been freezing up a lot already and it's only been out since Wednesday.

Go Sony! :roll:
Man, with this new shortage and already printed bb ads, lauch night is going to be exciting! Good thing I won't be camping out in a bay area city, fuck the bay, I learned my lesson on the last black friday.

The 10+ hour line was destroyed when the doors opened at a bay area CC. People were cutting fighting, one guy wanted to fight me...after waiting 8+ hours in line for that 300 laptop, I ended up leaving empty handed. I told myself Id never do something like that again...but on nov 16th, I will be LOL. This time, I am in a calm city.
I make minimum wage. If I can make $700 profit, waiting 24hrs is easily worth it. Anymore than that though I refuse to wait

Put it to you this way: if one were to hire someone to linesit anywhere in the continental U.S. for 24 straight hours in November (especially anywhere outside of the Southwest region), they'd have to hire straight-up winos to accept minimum wage (even its projected rate come 2007), and they'd probably need to be totally crocked to not be insulted by that offer. I'm just saying that when you assume people would want $10/hour minimum and would be getting time-and-a-half for a large portion of it, you're really looking at a Time/Money conversion of about $300.

Sure, you'll still make the same approximate $1,000 profit on eBay, but it's quite an 'expensive' time investment. Calling/requesting/switching off work during that time where applicable makes it even less efficient.

I'm camping myself. I camped for a PS3 pre-order at gamestop (1st in line... 14+ hours)to sell in eBay. That is now sold and now my wife and I are camping for one for myself. The 1st PS3 will pay for my personal PS3.

Well, that's two aspects of this we fundamentally disagree on.

And trust me, the whole linesitting 'culture' is way too geeky for me. Am I implying that I'm 'above' it? 'Better' than it? Well, you and many others are sure to make that inference, so think what you will. It is what it is. At the end of the day, I cannot grasp someone actually looking forward to waiting in a line getting weird looks and heckling from passersby, not to mention dealing with an often uncooperative Mother Nature. Granted, when I get stuck in a line, I'm never outwardly bitter. I make the best of it, but I don't exactly 'relish' the experience.

There is just a threshold of the gaming culture that I will not cross, and substantial camping is definitely on the other side of it. I choose to align myself with the non-linesitters, who don't get "crap" from others because they're not doing anything that has a tendency to draw mostly negative attention and perpetuates gaming stereotypes. The consoles aren't going anywhere. If anything, over time they only become cheaper while being produced with higher quality. Like I said, I've been very fortunate/opportunistic with relatively easy preorder opportunities. I wouldn't get a launch console any other way.

Ramble-a-thon aside, best of luck to all of you who will brave any and all potential perils to get your PS3 this long as you're intentions are 'pure of heart'. I really can't offend the eBayers enough here. You say it's your choice, but your choice is taking away a choice from someone else. Zero props for that.
[quote name='jollydwarf'] I really can't offend the eBayers enough here. You say it's your choice, but your choice is taking away a choice from someone else. Zero props for that.[/QUOTE]

Sorry, I'd have to say its SONY'S fault, not the people looking to make a quickbuck. If Sony launched with decent numbers they wouldn't be going for so much. But because Sony is choosing to launch with 400k (rumored now 250k) its their own damn fault. They could have delayed launch and made more units available...but no.
No, people would just buy up that many more consoles. It's not realistic to expect any next-gen console to meet consumer demand between Launch Day and Christmas, and the hoarders know this. The average profit margin might go down considerably, but believe me, if Sony shipped 800,000 to the U.S. for the 17th, you'd just have lines twice as long. Don't put this (all) on the manufacturers.
[quote name='JoeCamNet']Hey guys, quick heads up.
I saw somebody mention buying the warranty on the system, so I thought I'd pass along some info on the Best Buy replacement plans for PS3 systems.

20GB system plan - $79.99
60GB system plan - $99.99

Drop $600 and spend another $100 to make sure that if it lives up to Sony's hardware standards, you'll be covered for two years.
I have a feeling there's gonna be a LOT of dead PS3s this launch.
Our store demo unit has been freezing up a lot already and it's only been out since Wednesday.

Go Sony! :roll:[/quote]

I plan on reselling mine, is it possible to transfer this replacement plan to the buyer?
[quote name='gizmogc']So 400k for a PS3 launch is shit. Sony SHOULD have had 1 Million in American, simple as that. However since Sony has to add the trojan Blu-Ray into the mix this won;t happen anytime soon.[/quote] First, sony wants BR to be the next industry standard. It's their patent, they're pushing it as much as they can. They've lost a lot of R&D money in the past on media which did not sell (vhs beta, mini-disc), they don't want that happening again.

I loved talking with neocisco... he made a great point that the industry isn't always needing a new standard. Sometimes things are good the way they are. I'm all for new technology, it keeps world economies moving forward and standards of living are constantly improving. But there are times when a company can be too interested in owning the market patents and winds up forcing unwanted/unneeded product on the consumer.

Second, sony wants to keep their 3rd-party support, because on current gen systems, that is all they have going for it; it's the weakest system of the three, yet the RPG-lovers will die for Sony so long as they keep getting all the 3rd-party games. If sony didn't launch within a relative time of the Wii, several developers (already frustrated with sony as a vendor) would skip camp.

It takes manhours to develop and code or even just port a game from one system to another. Manhour equals money. So if sony did not have a new console coming out soon, we'd see developers making games and porting between 360 and Wii, with a lesser number going to the ps2.

It's business. Sony put themselves into a tough situation. They're huge; they're far from being solely in the video game industry. My guess is that they'll be fine after a rocky 9-12 months.

[quote name='Yankeez']The Superstition best buy in Mesa, AZ is getting 93 PS3's[/quote]Do me a favor and grab me a coffee at Gloria Jeans in the Mesa Mall. Can't find those coffee shops around here, and I miss the Glorias in New England.

[quote name='gizmogc']Sorry, I'd have to say its SONY'S fault, not the people looking to make a quickbuck.[/quote]It's Sony's fault for a lousy launch. And that's it.

It's OUR (our = society, you, me, parents who don't know how to say no to their kids, people wanting to make easy money, et cetera) fault for HAVING to have something right away. It's OUR fault for spending gobs of cash on something when if we waited, we'd pay half the price. It's OUR fault for taking advantage the situation.

No one ever wants to think, "I'm the bad guy here" but sometimes, we are.
The DEMO unit at my Wal-Mart also keeps freezing up... I wonder what is causing this?

[quote name='JoeCamNet']Hey guys, quick heads up.
I saw somebody mention buying the warranty on the system, so I thought I'd pass along some info on the Best Buy replacement plans for PS3 systems.

20GB system plan - $79.99
60GB system plan - $99.99

Drop $600 and spend another $100 to make sure that if it lives up to Sony's hardware standards, you'll be covered for two years.
I have a feeling there's gonna be a LOT of dead PS3s this launch.
Our store demo unit has been freezing up a lot already and it's only been out since Wednesday.

Go Sony! :roll:[/QUOTE]
[quote name='guinaevere']
No one ever wants to think, "I'm the bad guy here" but sometimes, we are.[/QUOTE]

Why does there need to be a "bad guy" at all? This isn't life or death. Buying or not buying a console at launch is completely voluntary. Whether you camp out and pay retail price, spam refresh on a website pre-order hoping to score an online bundle with games you might not want, or just paying through the nose for a console via an auction, it's still all completely voluntary and in no way vital to anyone's existence.

People make choices. Choices are good. If you're pissed off because you want a console at launch and campers are ruining your chance. Too bad for you. You choose not to spend the time and energy to camp. If you really wanted one, you'd camp. Obviously, some people don't think it's worth it. So instead they spend their time trying convince others that they're being idiots or 'bad' for not acting the way they are (waiting for a while and/or not re-selling.)

If you want a console at launch bad enough, you'll camp. If not, then someone else is getting that console and making 2 people happy... the scalper and the receiver of the PS3 (not necessarily the buyer.) Don't wanna pay $1500 for PS3? Don't. But stop whining how this whole thing is bad. It is what it is.

[quote name='Katsu']Why does there need to be a "bad guy" at all? This isn't life or death. Buying or not buying a console at launch is completely voluntary. Whether you camp out and pay retail price, spam refresh on a website pre-order hoping to score an online bundle with games you might not want, or just paying through the nose for a console via an auction, it's still all completely voluntary and in no way vital to anyone's existence.

People make choices. Choices are good. If you're pissed off because you want a console at launch and campers are ruining your chance. Too bad for you. You choose not to spend the time and energy to camp. If you really wanted one, you'd camp. Obviously, some people don't think it's worth it. So instead they spend their time trying convince others that they're being idiots or 'bad' for not acting the way they are (waiting for a while and/or not re-selling.)

If you want a console at launch bad enough, you'll camp. If not, then someone else is getting that console and making 2 people happy... the scalper and the receiver of the PS3 (not necessarily the buyer.) Don't wanna pay $1500 for PS3? Don't. But stop whining how this whole thing is bad. It is what it is.


Couldn't have said it better myself...
If you're looking to blame someone for the high ebay prices then blame the people who are buying these things for $1000+

They're the one's providing the demand for the scalpers.

It's the same argument for gold farmers in WOW or ticket touts, if there was no demand then there would be no need for a supply.
[quote name='Katsu']Why does there need to be a "bad guy" at all? This isn't life or death. Buying or not buying a console at launch is completely voluntary. Whether you camp out and pay retail price, spam refresh on a website pre-order hoping to score an online bundle with games you might not want, or just paying through the nose for a console via an auction, it's still all completely voluntary and in no way vital to anyone's existence.

People make choices. Choices are good. If you're pissed off because you want a console at launch and campers are ruining your chance. Too bad for you. You choose not to spend the time and energy to camp. If you really wanted one, you'd camp. Obviously, some people don't think it's worth it. So instead they spend their time trying convince others that they're being idiots or 'bad' for not acting the way they are (waiting for a while and/or not re-selling.)

If you want a console at launch bad enough, you'll camp. If not, then someone else is getting that console and making 2 people happy... the scalper and the receiver of the PS3 (not necessarily the buyer.) Don't wanna pay $1500 for PS3? Don't. But stop whining how this whole thing is bad. It is what it is.


[quote name='KrayzieKMF']hmm wonder how early i'd have to get in line in order to get a ps3 from a midnight launch store[/quote]

depends on the store. i recommend calling them, the one by me says no camping till tomorrow.. *shrugs* i'll troll my way over there in the morning tomorrow n report
You are the dad guy for reselling it. I don't know how you can't see it. You are the middleman; the reason Tower Records is the place no one here shops at even after it is 30% off. You are merely a worthless individual taking advantage of a shortage to benefit your self and the rich. Heck, why not just have Sony sell the systems for 2000$? People would still buy them, they would make more cash to pay the employees who actually worked hard to get the product released (not the scalpers who sit around out side a store for a couple nights because they lack a life, well a social life above that of the untouchables in the Indian caste system). Dude, you buy and resale you are getting a deal, but you are the person who enters the Special Olympics because he thinks he may win (but since we all have seen South Park we know he doesn't).
my bb is getting 10 and they already started camping. The manager at the store allowed it so whatcha gonna do?
I've decided a ps3 is not for me this time around. Not enough stock and I'm not taking off from work to go camp.
least I can get my hands on a wii. thats something to look forward to
le sigh
[quote name='McToots']my bb is getting 10 and they already started camping. The manager at the store allowed it so whatcha gonna do?
I've decided a ps3 is not for me this time around. Not enough stock and I'm not taking off from work to go camp.
least I can get my hands on a wii. thats something to look forward to
le sigh[/quote]

Yeah, it seems like it depends on the store manager. Which BB is this?
[quote name='Vergeofinsanity']I plan on reselling mine, is it possible to transfer this replacement plan to the buyer?[/quote]

Yes, they are transferrable. I'd just give the buyer your original receipt and keep a photocopy for your records.
[quote name='the_real_celsus']You are the dad guy for reselling it. I don't know how you can't see it. You are the middleman; the reason Tower Records is the place no one here shops at even after it is 30% off. You are merely a worthless individual taking advantage of a shortage to benefit your self and the rich. Heck, why not just have Sony sell the systems for 2000$? People would still buy them, they would make more cash to pay the employees who actually worked hard to get the product released (not the scalpers who sit around out side a store for a couple nights because they lack a life, well a social life above that of the untouchables in the Indian caste system). Dude, you buy and resale you are getting a deal, but you are the person who enters the Special Olympics because he thinks he may win (but since we all have seen South Park we know he doesn't).[/quote]

I'll have to respectfully disagree. A camper/reseller is not a "worthless middleman." If a friend offered to camp for you for $5, I'm sure most of us would gladly take him or her up on the offer. People buying consoles at above MSRP are merely paying to not have to camp. It just happens their Reserve Price for such a service is much higher than most of ours. However, it is a service and adds value to the chain.

All we're seeing is the laws of supply of and demand play itself out in a free market.
[quote name='McToots']my bb is getting 10 and they already started camping. The manager at the store allowed it so whatcha gonna do?
I've decided a ps3 is not for me this time around. Not enough stock and I'm not taking off from work to go camp.
least I can get my hands on a wii. thats something to look forward to
le sigh[/quote]

Wait, I could have sworn, unless it was stated somewhere else in this topic, but all Best Buys will have a minimum of 26 PS3's on launch. So whoever told you that is probably full of it...
[quote name='Prepster']Wait, I could have sworn, unless it was stated somewhere else in this topic, but all Best Buys will have a minimum of 26 PS3's on launch. So whoever told you that is probably full of it...[/QUOTE]

came from the store manager. (the same guy allowing the camping)
the ad stated a minimum of 26 but doesn't mean anything does it? ads are printed way in advance.
[quote name='Vergeofinsanity']Yeah, it seems like it depends on the store manager. Which BB is this?[/QUOTE]

village pointe omaha, ne
[quote name='Prepster']Wait, I could have sworn, unless it was stated somewhere else in this topic, but all Best Buys will have a minimum of 26 PS3's on launch. So whoever told you that is probably full of it...[/quote]

But how can we be so sure now with this rumoured shortage. This is how I see it.

26-13 because of shortage.

13-4-5 because of employess and managers

Thats leaves you 9-8 ps3s at you BB. You better at lease be top 8. I just have a feeling on this.
[quote name='kevzik']But how can we be so sure now with this rumoured shortage. This is how I see it.

26-13 because of shortage.

13-4-5 because of employess and managers

Thats leaves you 9-8 ps3s at you BB. You better at lease be top 8. I just have a feeling on this.[/quote]

The shortage isn't rumored. It is real. Gamestop's allocation was cut. Walmart's allocation was cut (managers received notice today). Amazons allocation was cut. FYE's allocation was cut to zero. Even if Bestbuy's wasn't cut (which it probably was), everyone elses numbers being cut just means more campers at BestBuy.
[quote name='McToots']came from the store manager. (the same guy allowing the camping)
the ad stated a minimum of 26 but doesn't mean anything does it? ads are printed way in advance.[/QUOTE]

You make a good point there. I worked in a corporate retailer that produced ads just like this one, and the ads bluelined at least a month in advance. They were physically printed out at least a week before anyone even saw it in a paper. And a last minute emergency could be done two weeks or so before at the very latest. So if this announcement to the manufacturers of the shortage has happened in the last week or two, then it wasn't taken into accord by Best Buy.

Still, wording the ad like that in the first place, I wouldn't be surprised if Best Buy had those numbers committed to them.
[quote name='McToots']came from the store manager. (the same guy allowing the camping)
the ad stated a minimum of 26 but doesn't mean anything does it? ads are printed way in advance.[/QUOTE]

exactly. Remember a month ago Gamestop/EB said they were going to be getting 8 preorders per store, and they're not even getting them.
Is there a confirmation of a shortage? Besides retail managers. Their story could change Thursday night if the PS3s are dropshipped to them.
[quote name='kevzik']But how can we be so sure now with this rumoured shortage. This is how I see it.

26-13 because of shortage.

13-4-5 because of employess and managers

Thats leaves you 9-8 ps3s at you BB. You better at lease be top 8. I just have a feeling on this.[/QUOTE]

Best Buy's corporate stance is that if an employee wants a PS3 or a Wii then you have to wait in line like everyone else. I'm sure that employees at some stores will try to pull a fast one, but knowing their extremely tight policy compliance cheating will be VERY limited. There's no doubt in my mind that if someone tries to cheat, they will be fired. They're a great company to work for, but if you fuck up you can consider yourself gone. I've already seen employees fired for lesser reasons. Also, Best Buy has a strict policy that if you're an employee and you purchase a system you cannot resell it. At my local Best Buy there's only one employee who actually wants a PS3 (plus about three who want a Wii) and they won't cut her any slack...not even for one. The management knows that if they let something slip by they're in as much trouble as the employee who benefits.
Expect all those who lost out at EBGames to be at Best Buy. Scalpers probably have to endure the most pressure, unhappy and impatient buyers mean refunds.
[quote name='McToots']village pointe omaha, ne[/quote]
OMG are you serious!? I live in Omaha and was planning to camp there myself on Thurs! Shit! >_< How many people were there already?
Well I'm in Sanford FL, and headed out to Best Buy, Circuit City, and Target all about 5 mins from my house to see what was going on.

Best Buy had about 7 people already camping in tents

Target and Circuit had no one waiting

I was gonna get there at about 3.30pm Thursday because I have a test that day...So I may be too late.
[quote name='nekobi']OMG are you serious!? I live in Omaha and was planning to camp there myself on Thurs! Shit! >_< How many people were there already?[/QUOTE]

3 as of this afternoon around 2pm
One of my coworkers called bb corp. to complain since it was stated that it was no more than 24 hours camping.
we'll see what happens.
i was at BB this am doing to guide hunting and there was already a husband and wife team camped out since the store opened. So i got a guy friend of mine and got down there about 6pm and was another two tents up so we got our place at 5th in line. But since we both can't be there at same time (he's camping until thurs am and then i take over until Friday am) we will only be able to get one unit which will be fine because i just saw a unit sell for $2000 on ebay so we will split the profit! Can't wait!! If i didn't have to work the next day and if he didn't have to work Fri am then we'd have gotten two!!!
this is starting to be a little ridiculous....i saw the line at my bb also...i thnk there was about 6 tents up...and its freakin raining here today...i took a picture..i'll post it up if anyone wants to see
If you're pissed off because you want a console at launch and campers are ruining your chance. Too bad for you. You choose not to spend the time and energy to camp. If you really wanted one, you'd camp. Obviously, some people don't think it's worth it.

To be blunt about it, fuck off.* There, I said it. Not the gentlemanly response, but this quote doesn't deserve that. One, not everyone has the option to camp/linesit for the ri-fucking-diculous amount of time (read: days) that this console is going to apparently require. People have lives, jobs, families, a measure of name it. Two, it's safe to say that at least HALF of those camping at this point are only buying the console out of greed, creating a totally unnecessary secondary market online in the process. Hypothetically speaking, eliminate these hoarders/all you chumps, and the amount of time required to secure a launch PS3 goes down considerably. God, I can't believe how much bile that post got flowing through me.

What's even worse is that you're not in a vast minority with those words, particularly on gaming boards such as this one. Gamers are such fucking Machiavellian creatures. No compassion, no perspective, no seeing it from the other side. It's all about the HIGH SCORE and "PWNING" (can't believe I typed that 'word'...ugh) others, isn't it? Might as well throw Reason out the fucking window, right? I mean, hell, it would just be following Dignity, right?

Don't think you're having all the know me...I...hate...everyone.

P.S. I hope every single PS3 goes up on eBay so you all but kill each other's profits. Enjoy.

*--Personally not bothering with the PS3 anytime soon. Just saying that on behalf of others and on sheer principle.
I'll have to respectfully disagree. A camper/reseller is not a "worthless middleman." If a friend offered to camp for you for $5, I'm sure most of us would gladly take him or her up on the offer. People buying consoles at above MSRP are merely paying to not have to camp. It just happens their Reserve Price for such a service is much higher than most of ours. However, it is a service and adds value to the chain.

All we're seeing is the laws of supply of and demand play itself out in a free market.


But if you and other 'service-minded' campers weren't presumptuously linesitting to resell, i.e. taking systems out of circulation, then those paying your ransom would have that much less camping to do. Your 'logic' is like a fucking Mobius loop. But don't feel too bad. You all rationalize it that way.
[quote name='jollydwarf']If you're pissed off because you want a console at launch and campers are ruining your chance. Too bad for you. You choose not to spend the time and energy to camp. If you really wanted one, you'd camp. Obviously, some people don't think it's worth it.

To be blunt about it, fuck off.* There, I said it. Not the gentlemanly response, but this quote doesn't deserve that. One, not everyone has the option to camp/linesit for the ri-fucking-diculous amount of time (read: days) that this console is going to apparently require. People have lives, jobs, families, a measure of name it. Two, it's safe to say that at least HALF of those camping at this point are only buying the console out of greed, creating a totally unnecessary secondary market online in the process. Hypothetically speaking, eliminate these hoarders/all you chumps, and the amount of time required to secure a launch PS3 goes down considerably. God, I can't believe how much bile that post got flowing through me.

What's even worse is that you're not in a vast minority with those words, particularly on gaming boards such as this one. Gamers are such fucking Machiavellian creatures. No compassion, no perspective, no seeing it from the other side. It's all about the HIGH SCORE and "PWNING" (can't believe I typed that 'word'...ugh) others, isn't it? Might as well throw Reason out the fucking window, right? I mean, hell, it would just be following Dignity, right?

Don't think you're having all the know me...I...hate...everyone.

P.S. I hope every single PS3 goes up on eBay so you all but kill each other's profits. Enjoy.

*--Personally not bothering with the PS3 anytime soon. Just saying that on behalf of others and on sheer principle.[/QUOTE]

You don't sound so jolly there dwarf.....hahaha.
bread's done