PS3 Just Cause 2 Has Video Capture Built Right In



For more elaborate stunts, the game menu will also feature a 10 minute capture option, allowing players to create mission walkthroughs, craft machinima, and otherwise eat up a lot of YouTube's storage space.

The feature is only available on the PlayStation 3, which means that if you own both consoles you now have a good reason to pick one version over the other. Perhaps Square Enix is hesistant to work on something the platform holder is already developing.

Just Cause 2 parachutes into North America on March 23rd.
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This is an interesting development, as I've always wanted to be able to capture some of the insane stunts I pull off in other games. Hopefully, many other devs will add this function into their games.
If I didn't have 'Brazilian internets'(as Paco called it), I would try and download the demo so I can see if I'll enjoy the game or not. Right now I'm thoroughly enjoying trying to finish Mercenaries 2, though that's because I'm playing it unconventionally and taking out whole city blocks with bunker busters for fun.:D

If Just Cause 2 has the same kind of enviro(fully destructible)like Mercs 2, I'll enjoy it, but if it's the same repetitive 'go here, liberate this village, rinse repeat' shit then I'll pass for now.
[quote name='nddave']360 has had this forever(not for every game) but it is good to see the ps3 come around[/QUOTE]

Can you provide a list of 360 games that have video capture. Thanks.
I was so glad to see this show up as a demo last night. So far it's very fun, they've addressed a lot of problems from JC1, especially the gunplay. The grappling hook is great... whether you're screwing with the enemies or latching a mortorcycle to your car as a sort of makeshift wrecking ball it's fun times, hardly a gimmick. Just an fyi, but with the bigger propane tanks(the ones that shoot into the sky, not the thin torpedo ones) if you aim at the top of the tank, shoot it and then grapple right afterwards you can ride it as it shoots into the sky. I've been latching a car to a helicopter in the hopes that I can jump out and hop into the car while free falling, but it doesn't seem possible so far.

The one mission I played so far was fun(it was the same one from the dev walkthrough), but who knows how the rest of it pans out. In JC1 you had to create alot of the fun yourself, but hopefully there'll be have some good variety in this one.

Cheapest, there's quite a bit of destruction in the game, but it's not at the same level of Mercs 2. There's some big ass explosions, but you're not going to be able to level all the buildings. It's a shame, but it sort of makes sense, because without them you wouldn't have much to grapple around on.
[quote name='eastshore4']Cheapest, there's quite a bit of destruction in the game, but it's not at the same level of Mercs 2. There's some big ass explosions, but you're not going to be able to level all the buildings. It's a shame, but it sort of makes sense, because without them you wouldn't have much to grapple around on.[/QUOTE]

Speaking of destroying buildings you may need, I'm still wondering if the UP HQ is going to re-appear later on in Mercs 2, since I kinda sorta leveled it with a bunker buster for shits and giggles.:lol:

It was probably one of the most impressive implosions thus far in the game that I've triggered, but now I'm worried I may have borked the endgame by taking out my penchant for destruction on a faction's HQ.:cry:
Played through the demo twice last night. My only gripe about the game is how many fucking bullets it takes for someone to go down. Other than that it feels a lot like Red Faction, which is a good thing!
[quote name='CrimsonPaw']Played through the demo twice last night. My only gripe about the game is how many fucking bullets it takes for someone to go down. Other than that it feels a lot like Red Faction, which is a good thing![/QUOTE]

Red Faction Guerrilla was pretty fun, though once the game ended there wasn't anything to really do, unless you didn't get all of the collectible crap in the game(those big crystals, the EDF crates).
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Red Faction Guerrilla was pretty fun, though once the game ended there wasn't anything to really do, unless you didn't get all of the collectible crap in the game(those big crystals, the EDF crates).[/QUOTE]
Yeah I was a little pissed with RFG at the end... someone told me all of the buildings reset after beating the game so I tried struggling through that last mission and found out it wasn't true. It's kinda cool that everything stays destroyed, but I really wanted to screw around with knocking down some of the cooler objects like that big bridge and the smokestacks.

I don't mind the toughness of the baddies in JC2, I gotta say though they have some pretty tenacious drivers. I was tearing across all sorts of dunes and hills with the police after me and they were right behind me the entire time. I guess it keeps things exciting but they keep up a little too easily and will just be pummeling you with bullets despite your best driving.
I picked up this game from Gamestop today since it would appear that the rumored B2G1 isn't going to happen anytime soon. I'm debating if I wanna open it or not as of yet though, since I also picked up Afrika earlier today used for $10.
I always wished sony would put video capture in their ps3 systems. I mean every system has a hard drive so every one of them is capable of storing it.

Would have been cool if they had a web community for peoples in game footage. Maybe based on votes each month a winner of a video could win 5 bucks of PSN store money on their account or a trophy to sport to make it fun. Just make it so each user can upload like a 5 minute video up to 3 times or something I dont know.

Share your videos with people on your friends list and so on.

If they made it propritary then the footprint could be smaller while having good quality.
[quote name='gargus']I always wished sony would put video capture in their ps3 systems. I mean every system has a hard drive so every one of them is capable of storing it.

Would have been cool if they had a web community for peoples in game footage. Maybe based on votes each month a winner of a video could win 5 bucks of PSN store money on their account or a trophy to sport to make it fun. Just make it so each user can upload like a 5 minute video up to 3 times or something I dont know.

Share your videos with people on your friends list and so on.

If they made it propritary then the footprint could be smaller while having good quality.[/QUOTE]

It could be for legal purposes. Is it perfectly legal to capture and publish videos of copyrighted material? I know there's a bunch of walkthroughs on youtube so game developers haven't really stepped in, but I wonder if they actually consider it a violation of their intellectual property. I'd say they would be more willing to sue a single company like Sony than random youtubers if they did feel it was an infringement.
Alright. I just climbed near the top of the one HUGE mountain in the game and while there's snow cover up on the top they really didn't work too hard to blend it all together. You can actually see the 'squares' they used to put the graphics onto the frame of the mountain.

Thus far, this is the ONLY thing that has disappointed me about JC2 and that's saying alot, since I normally nitpick quite a bit on games.
Is it just me or do the vehicles control a little too 'loose' in this game? I kept swinging back and forth across the road for the whole first night I had this game. Every time I went to steer a little to the left or right, I'd end up on the opposite side of the road.

I do like how you have to cause 'chaos' to get to the next mission and the next mission, since it's ALOT of fun to just go around blowing crap up in this game. I especially like using the grappling hook to attach peds to the compressed gas tanks and then watching them getting shot all over the screen like they're attached to a rocket.
Mount Rushmore type mountain in the game:
Coordinates: X: 30375 m.Y: 30637 m.

It looks like from the YouTube video I saw of it that you could use a control panel to open the mouth on one of them too.
I just started playing this the other day and have been having a lot fun exploring the island. I spent a few hours by flying up to the Mile High Club, rode a boat out to the Lost island, and rode around on the major highway while hopping from car to bike.

The only thing I wish it had was a list of some sort that let you know what you need to get (upgrades, destructibles) in a village to get 100% completion.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']The only thing I wish it had was a list of some sort that let you know what you need to get (upgrades, destructibles) in a village to get 100% completion.[/QUOTE]

THIS. x 1,000,000,000

I tried completing the one village on the one smaller island with 4-8 villages and I think at least one military base on it. I destroyed the statue and picked up all of the glowing parts boxes I could find. I've parasailed all around the damned area in the game to define where the borders of the village are, so I know when to stop searching, yet I'm stuck at 84% on this one village STILL.

Have you taken over any of the airports, Frisky? Those are fun, since you have to knock out SAM sites if you're doing it from the air or you get shot down. Then you can end up missing the tiniest item and be flying around looking for what you missed for an hour to get to 100%. Only good part about liberating some of the mountaintop airports is it gives you varying planes to use from the runway.

But I still hate the flight controls in this game. All movement is controlled via the left stick when in a plane and messing with the right stick is practically guaranteeing death if you're too close to the ground/trees.

What's the sickest thing you've seen happen thus far in game with the NPC's? I was flying behind a jetliner the one night in a quicker chopper and I watched it plow into the one hotel on the one island in the south and explode into a fireball on impact.
I've found one airport up in the mountains along with some military bases up in the snow-covered parts that I did as much damage as I could without being killed. I've not really gone into villages to conquer them if there were a lot of military guys around there, so I mostly have 100%'d beachfront villages.

Planes and helicopters control fine for me, though I wish it was easier to aim with helicopters that have guns.

The best thing I saw was in Panau City, where I saw a plane randomly crash into a building while flying around in a helicopter. I also like using the speed boat (the type that sits in front of Blaine's house) to run over smaller boats so they are either destroyed or launch me into the air or surfing on cars on the highway that I can still control while on the hood.
The only issue I have is respawning of the armor crates. Plus it does not seem like my energy bar has moved, even though I have over 100 of them.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I've found one airport up in the mountains along with some military bases up in the snow-covered parts that I did as much damage as I could without being killed. I've not really gone into villages to conquer them if there were a lot of military guys around there, so I mostly have 100%'d beachfront villages.

Planes and helicopters control fine for me, though I wish it was easier to aim with helicopters that have guns.

The best thing I saw was in Panau City, where I saw a plane randomly crash into a building while flying around in a helicopter. I also like using the speed boat (the type that sits in front of Blaine's house) to run over smaller boats so they are either destroyed or launch me into the air or surfing on cars on the highway that I can still control while on the hood.[/QUOTE]

And see, I have less issues controlling the helicopters and aiming the ones with guns.

I've taken over many villages with a ton of military enemies coming in from all sides before. It's quite the pain but definitely fun, though very challenging at the same time.

I started having an issue while in game last night. When I was on a boat cruising along the water seemed to 'flash' and not be loading in right. Yet, when I was in the air flying really low over the water I didn't have the problem.

I thought maybe it was my screen I'm using, but I played another game and had no issues with that one, so it must've been JC2 just not loading right yesterday. I hadn't had the issue prior either.

I do like that you can still control the cars while on the hood, since that was one of my main gripes with the original Just Cause. Unless you were going down a divided highway or something else where the vehicle was constrained to the road, you would veer off into the woods pretty quick.

In the more in-land villages, you'll notice a bell tower in most, you can shoot the bell free and it'll crash through the floors till it hits the ground. This is especially good if you have multiple enemies right below you firing up at you.

I just wish there was multiplayer in this, even if it were only co-op locally and over PSN for 2-3 players. It'd be so much fun just causing tons of chaos with a friend or two in this game.
[quote name='mwynn']The only issue I have is respawning of the armor crates. Plus it does not seem like my energy bar has moved, even though I have over 100 of them.[/QUOTE]
Explain the "respawning of the armor crates" and it does move.
[quote name='mguiddy']Explain the "respawning of the armor crates" and it does move.[/QUOTE]

I have picked up the same armor crates multiple times. I have seen it move twice, and I have collected 100 armor crates.
Strange... I've never noticed armor crates respawning, though they often hide them in very similar spots (under overpasses for example).
The only time I notice the health bar move is when I look for it when picking up the 5th crate or when I compare screenshots from someone who just started to my most recent video.
[quote name='mguiddy']Strange... I've never noticed armor crates respawning, though they often hide them in very similar spots (under overpasses for example).
The only time I notice the health bar move is when I look for it when picking up the 5th crate or when I compare screenshots from someone who just started to my most recent video.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I have been under those same underpasses and those crates always respawn. If you pick them out they do not count on the over all counter. Yet will show as being picked up as far as getting to 5 picked up. So it seems like those cancel out. Which makes me only picked them up, if I am visiting a location for the first time. Even then I have only see the bar move twice. Like i said I picked up 100 so the bar should have moved 20 times. It seems like it stops, as there are more crates than room for the bar to grow.
Hopefully each of those are only like $2 each pack, though I think I got the signature gun, monster truck and one of the other things already. But the rockets on the parachute would be nice to travel across the map with.
bread's done