ps3 or 360 has to go......


51 (100%)
I may have to part with one. I have a 360 with the 20gb hard drive and a PS3 60gb. Which would you sell? I need some money and frankly most of what I play is available on both. Also, the wife thinks I have a problem since I have 5 systems :lol:


Get rid of the PS3. You won't miss it. Everything is on 360, plays better, usually looks better, and mroe stuff is coming out for it versus PS3.
I'd keep the PS3 if you actually use the backwards compatibility a lot or if you watch a lot of high def movies. Otherwise it's a toss up. Though I would keep in mind the actual stability of the 360 when factoring in which one to get rid of.
I love my 360. Out of all the systems I have owned, from atari to the wii, the 360 is what I have played the most. Granted, I do not own a ps3, but I don't think it is as compelling of a system as the 360. just my 2 cents.
Take a look at the exclusives out now and the ones coming out within the next year, and pick the system that has the game(s) you want more (even if it's only for one game). You said most games you want are released for both, so you might as well pick the system that has the main exclusive you want.
If your gonna stick with only one system from now on, keep the 360.

If you plan on rebuying the system that your getting rid of somewhere down the line, then keep the PS3. It will be alot easier finding a cheap 360 in the future than a ps3 with that EE chip in it.
[quote name='G33']Take a look at the exclusives out now and the ones coming out within the next year, and pick the system that has the game(s) you want more (even if it's only for one game). You said most games you want are released for both, so you might as well pick the system that has the main exclusive you want.[/quote]

I agree with this and think this is great advice. I love both system equally, why don't you sell the other three systems for cash and keep those two? It would be to hard for me to choose between them since both have their +'s and -'s IMO.
I couldn't part with either, as both have exclusives that I really enjoy & am looking forward to. If someone MADE me sell one tho, it would be the 360 - no way I could pass on playing White Knight Story, FFXIII, MGS4, etc.

EDIT: Also couldn't possibly lose the BR player...
I like shooters, sports and fighters on my consoles. RPG's are played on my DS. I don't do HD and only have a couple of PS2 games that I can live without. I'm going to stick with the 360 and Wii.

thanks for the feedback

[quote name='rscaramelo']I may have to part with one. I have a 360 with the 20gb hard drive and a PS3 60gb. Which would you sell? I need some money and frankly most of what I play is available on both. Also, the wife thinks I have a problem since I have 5 systems :lol:



Dude remember the CAGHL days? That should make you keep the 360 ;)

Honestly I'm in the same situation, not that I'm poor but I doubt I'll ever get a PS3 since a Wii, 360 and high end PC keeps me content.
MM, I was kind of looking for a reason for keeping the PS3 over the 360. I do like it but I've listed it here in the trade forum.

[quote name='SpecTrE3353']If you sell either console because your woman is pressuring you then you are a bitch.[/QUOTE]

I gotta agree, LOL.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']Get rid of the PS3. You won't miss it. Everything is on 360, plays better, usually looks better, and mroe stuff is coming out for it versus PS3.[/QUOTE]
Are you sure about that?

And I'd keep the PS3. 60gb's are going to be harder and harder to find, while the 360 hardware can only get better (or so one would hope)
I say get rid of the PS3. It will have a better re-sale value since it's a 60 giger with EE in it.

Then down the line when you have more cash, you can re-buy the PS3 when it's cheaper. And then it will have rumble and hopfully decent BC.
I'd have trouble parting with either... 360 right now and PS3 for GT5 later. It's just not going to happen. I'd like to only have to deal with one system though.
[quote name='whoknows']Are you sure about that?

And I'd keep the PS3. 60gb's are going to be harder and harder to find, while the 360 hardware can only get better (or so one would hope)[/quote]

This is my thought too. The multiplatform game are more or less the same now (new/future releases) and the 60gb PS3 will be tougher to come by later on.
Don't doubt the PS3 just yet. Wait another year and decide. Next year is going to be big for the PS3. The game line up is going to be insane.
[quote name='Demontooth']Keep the systems...get rid of the wife[/QUOTE]
Yep. Either that or get rid of the Wii. When I sold mine a month ago I not only made all my money back from the original purchase, I got a nice little profit as well. I don't miss it one bit.

But to answer your actual question:

Although the 360 is definitely the better console overall (library, features, etc) I'd actually keep the PS3 here. Since you apparently have the fully BC model you may want to hold onto that. As someone said, the 360's hardware will only get better - it's fine right now, but MS seems to enjoy adding stuff. It wouldn't even surprise me to see an internal HD DVD drive announced at CES in a few weeks, although I'm certainly not banking on it.
I don't think you should get rid of anything. But looking at your options, I'd advise you to get rid of the 360. Its going to be a lot easier and cheaper to replace a 360 in the future (if need be). Whereas w/ the ps3, you're going to be hardpressed to ever get another 60gb PS3, and you use a lot more, with the loss of the blu ray drive. I think that you can fee pretty comfortable with having a ps3 only. Call of Duty 4 actually runs better on PS3, Burnout Paradise is nice on both consoles, even Orange Box which was indicated to be horrible on ps3.. weren't so bad. The 60gb ps3 is too rare to just get rid of it. But then again, if you don't want it, It'll be much easier to sell than a 360.
On the 360 vs PS3, it may be a matter of personal preference. A year ago, I looked at both, and decided a 360 was for me. I don't have a PS3, but I love my 360, and wouldn't trade it heads up for a PS3 right now. That being said, some of it depends on the future. Are you going to get the one you sell later? If so, there is appeal to keeping the 60GB model. If you aren't though, hard to use that as the reasoning. Only you know your gaming styles and the games you really want (and how badly you need that money).

I do find your wife having an issue since you have 5 systems. I have more than double that in my house (with 5 hooked up to the tv at any given time. I think it helped that my video game collection was well established when we got married, and it was a non-negotiable point (it didn't hurt that she goes back there from time to time to play, and I've done everything in my power to help nurture her love of games). Not saying that many guys have to change when they are married (I know I have), just sucks when you have to sell your systems because the wife has decided that you have enough.
I may have overstated my wife's involvement here. If I insisted on keeping the thing, she'd be fine. We need a new car and some other stuff so some things have to go. I'll admit I have a rediculous number of gadgets and toys. Like I said before, 90% of what I like is available on both and I failed to mention I have a good gaming PC too that I game on. Between working and 2 kids I can only play so much. If I didn't have kids I'd probably have 10 systems.

My PC has all but replaced my 360, save for a few games like VF5 (online is awesome) and (hopefully PC bound) Mass Effect. Games like The Orange Box just run way better on PC. Portal on 360 runs so sluggish compared to how it runs on my PC. My PS3 is worth more to me due to it's admittedly few exclusive games that won't end up on PC and/or 360 (MGS4!!) and Blu-ray playback. I'm not getting rid of my 360 anytime soon though, because there will be some exclusive games that I will want.

If I were you, I'd just keep both.
[quote name='whoknows']And I'd keep the PS3. 60gb's are going to be harder and harder to find, while the 360 hardware can only get better[/QUOTE]
If you don't expect the PS3 hardware to improve with new iterations, that alone is reason enough to jump ship.
54972510fu4.png your PS3!

Seeing as how your wife is the one getting onto you about getting rid of it, and you don't seem to really want to part with it. Why not just pack it away and hide it or take it to a buddy's house and say you sold it? It's like you'd be missing anything on the PS3 until MGS4 comes out.
I'd ditch the PS3, unless you use the Bluray player a ton. As you said, a lot of games are on both, and IMO the 360s exclusives are better than the PS3s.

But of course, if you feel differently, then keep the PS3 and dish the 360. All comes down to witch games you want to play.

Guess you should also factor in that the 360s have higher failure rates and is more likely to die on you at some point in the future.
[quote name='PyroGamer']If you don't expect the PS3 hardware to improve with new iterations, that alone is reason enough to jump ship.[/QUOTE]
PS3 is probably the most reliable system out of the 3 out now, 360 is well...not. I haven't heard of very many broken PS3's (or Wii's, but those have that graphics card problem), but 360's...people on their 4th+ console? That's awful.

Point is, PS3's will probably get better in the future, but as of now the 60gb is the best model and he should hold onto it since they aren't easy to come by, and since they have a very very low failure rate I see no reason to ditch it in favor of hoping for a newer and better PS3 model down the road. Besides, 360 isn't that hot as far as exclusives go looking at the current release list for 2008.
Get rid of the 360.

60 gig PS3s are impossible to find now, and you can always get another 360 later.

And there are some *great* games coming for PS3 next year.
[quote name='sociopharm02']My wife says the same thing and then I quickly remind her how much her make-up and nails cost us a month:)[/quote]

Same here, when I remind her how much we spend going out to dinner
bread's done