PS3 Preorders at WalMart, Best Buy

Blind the Thief

So I was wondering...does anyone know what the PS3 launch plans are for WalMarts and Best Buys? I mean, they don't take preorders, last time I checked...have they said if they'll be doing a numbering system, just have people stand in line, or...?
If Wal Mart is doing what they did last year for the 360 launch, they will have a designated space for you to wait in line, indoors, and they may or may not give you free cookies and beverages.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']Giant battle royal; last five people left alive win the opportunity to buy $2000 bundles.[/QUOTE]
That would be the only reason I would go and stand in line for a PS2. Just to watch it, screw the opportunity to buy one.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']Giant battle royal; last five people left alive win the opportunity to buy $2000 bundles.[/QUOTE]

If they don't give out numbers, I'm sure it will turn into this at more than one location.
[quote name='wubb']If they don't give out numbers, I'm sure it will turn into this at more than one location.[/QUOTE]
Weren't people getting mugged and beaten up during the X360 launch last year? I can't imagine the PS3 launch will be any prettier.
know what would be nice?

since they'll have more people lined up than systems available before the store closes the night before the PS3 launches, they should just hand out the tickets when the store closes that night. There's no reason not too.

don't make us wait outside and get hypothermia please.
bread's done