PS3 repair advice.


2 (100%)
I have an original "fat" PS3 that is obviously out of warranty.
The autofeeder is not working and I would have to force in the Blu-ray's.
I used some tape on one to check it (so I could pull it back out) and the blue light never came on. I don't hear any ticking or anything so I don't think its the HD.
Anyway, I think its the laser but how do you know which part you need?
I really don't want to pay sony $150. I would rather buy it for like $50 and replace it.
If everything boots fine ex. goes to the nmb then its probably the drive.
I dont want to tell u its the drive
#1 i cant physically look at it and troubleshoot it.

The way you briefly describe it it sounds like the self feeder is bad.
update: I have gotten it to accept and read DVD disks but not blurays.
There is apparently a checkdisk function where if you start with the power off and hold down power for 1 cycle then release. Then hold it down again until 2 beeps it should run without corrupting your data but my screen just goes black then. Any suggestions for that?
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Sony took my 60gb and $90+tax for a refurb 120gb slim. Not a bad option if you dont mind losing the BC, usb ports and card slots.
I'm not sure how much more you've looked into it, but I feel like the headache it's going to cause you to buy a new drive (or whatever part you need to make it work properly) isn't going to be worth it. Also, you'll be fixing an old system thats out of warranty, when you could spend maybe $100 more and get a new PS3 from Amazon Warehouse Deals. I know it's not like you have the extra money just lying around but it still might make more sense to wait, save, and get a new one. People get great deals in the AWD thread all the time.
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