
I'm a RPG fan, prefer the OLD SCHOOL style to the newer style, but pretty open to anything. Unforntalty the PS3 doenst have the marketing might of MS behind it so info on PS3 games seems to be regulated to Websites, some are good, some are bad. I'm more interested in waht people playing hte games have to say.
I have most of the games (RPG) up to about the release of Demons Souls.

Demons Souls- not a TRUE RPG to me (more an Action RPG) but maybe the best PS3 game i have played.
Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice- Very old school, but more tactical, good game but I like a little more RPG then tactical.
Enchanted Arms- Again, more tactical then RPG, and an ok game but lacking in my opinion.
Eternal Sonta- Iliked this one alot, had it all, not a classic, but a great game.
Star Ocean-Did not like, seemed like a fighing game more then a RPG (but will admit i spent very limited time with it)
Valkyria Chronicles- Excellent game one of the best, (but tactical is the anem of the game here) but it excels at it.
White Knight-Just got it so no opinions yet.
Folklore- I liked this one but its pretty much an action game.

I know Im missing a few Oblivion, fallout, sacred, etc. but if its on the PC i buy it on the PC.

I'm more interested in the stuff comming out (many already out in japan) and people who have played them, the thoughts and such.
I've been enjoying NIER a lot lately... It's like Secret of Mana's semi-aborted half-brother with issues. But I still love it. :)
You didn't mention Dragon Age: Origins. I assume you got it for PC (the best version)...

I have mixed feelings about WKC. I liked the grinding but hated the story and stopped playing after my most recent save freezes on load (2+ hrs lost). Save is not corrupt, but when loading world data it freezes. If you're going to play it, make backup saves often.

There is also Cross Edge, Resonance of Fate and The Last Rebellion. Trinity Universe is coming out at end of June. Alpha Protocol I preordered but returning to Amazon (heard it sucks).
Yeah um, FFXIII is a big one you missed there. I mean, it's a love/hate game but if you're dropping money on stuff like WKC, then I'd say go for FFXIII as well.

Provided you've done research and are interested in it.
Dragon Age- yep PC, mixed feelings about it, its like im playing sim city, i like to manage my battles but not micro, micro manage um, one split second mistep and i gotta replay it over... any game you have to save every battle is just not a game. I like the fact i have to think and somtimes cant beat a battle, but i dont like to save every second either. It leande me to the "chicken" offence, run one person around with stuff chasing them while the rest beat on everything. I know some people found it easy, i did not. Fun, yes still fun, but missing something to put it inot the clasic area.

FFXIIII- yes i forgot it, i Have it, like it (not quite love it), again a good game. FF in the last few games has one thing I dont like. 10 minute (or longer) cut scenes. I just start getting into the game and they take all the air out of it with two characters acting like 12 year old girls fighting over a cell phone. Many of the cut scenes are great, but sometimes i think they overdo it, some are just to show how "cool" they can make a cut scene. And some I think are to show how annoying a character is (Hope and Vanial (or however you spell that name).

I also Forgot Last rebellion- Middle of the road, but fun.

Cross Edge- more info please
Resonance of Fate- more info
NEIR-more info

so it appears Im missing 3

And it may appear im overly harsh on stuff. its not really that way, we all know why we like games (i pretty much liked all of um I have played listed above) I tend to talk about what I see is lacking. But that in no way means i think the game is bad.

WKC- havent even had it in the machine yet, I'm worried now :) as for dropping money on it.. not much (guess that should be a sign on how good it is, already so cheap) I think i paid $15 (used). In fact the only ones i ahve that I bought new where Valk Chroniclas, FFXIII, and DEMONS SOULS (still my favorite all time PS3 game).

Thanks for replies.
RESONANCE OF FATE!!! Although, by what you wrote, it may be more tactical/actiony that you are looking for. If you want more info, theres a thread devoted to the game. Personally, I loved the game.

There are also a couple on the PSN. The Penny Arcade ones come to mind immediately. You may also look into some old ones you might have missed. I had never played some of the PSX era RPGs because of the high prices they command, but I found some good ones in the legacy games section.
While I do tend to agree that the PC versions are slightly better, you did mention Sacred 2 and oxymoron there. I have both and will play the PS3 version over the PC version. Far too many driver headaches with that game....and I had a big, beefy machine at the time to play it. I think I eventually got it working after I scored a cheap copy for the PS3. is more of an action RPG as well IMO. I love Demons Souls.

Hmmm...trying to think of others....Overlord for a stretch on the genre...though probably more action & strategy than RPG.
LOL I'm the exact opposite when it comes to RPG's. I LOVE the action RPG's of the hack n slash variety, but I absolutely cannot STAND the RPG's in the vein of FFXIII.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']LOL I'm the exact opposite when it comes to RPG's. I LOVE the action RPG's of the hack n slash variety, but I absolutely cannot STAND the RPG's in the vein of FFXIII.[/QUOTE]

Ya its hard to quantify. I like the FF games but I'm not the fantic many are. FFXIII is good, the 20 hours to get to a battle i couldnt just thumb mash to beat seemed excesive to me. I'm all for long games, and ramping up slowly. But that game was about 10 hours to long at the start.

I guess maybe the thrill when I was playing RPG's the first time is what I'm looking for (never go home again and all that, I know) and I doubt i will ever find that feeling again.

The first ULTIMA, first WIZARDRY, first Phantasy Star, First Eye of the Beholder, First Diablo, etc...

I do pretty much buy anything that is consdered a RPG and of all the ones I have gotten for the PS3, the only one i was very turned off by was Star Ocean (err i think i got that for 360 actually) the combo fight system was not for me.
[quote name='dannyox718']Huh? what about FFXIII? did you mean to skip this one on purpose?[/QUOTE]

That is a game that shall not be named.

The only EXCELLENT JRPG on PS3 is Valkyria Chronicles, but it really is an SRPG more than anything. Enchanted Arms is good for some entertainment as well. That's about it though.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']That is a game that shall not be named.

The only EXCELLENT JRPG on PS3 is Valkyria Chronicles, but it really is an SRPG more than anything. Enchanted Arms is good for some entertainment as well. That's about it though.[/QUOTE]

Well I alwasy figure I'm to harsh, but you have beat me on that.. I like almost every game I play in some way, but i must admit i talk alot about the parts I dont like, there are only a handfull I put in the "cannot play" area. Star Ocean (I know many love it, i just cant take the Fighter game like combo system), most of the Wii Shovelware ifits this catagory.

I think its funny some of the most hated games on the systems are some of my favorites.. EDF (earth Defence Force) ont eh 360 was slammed in review, yet i still pop it in and play for a few hours every now and then (i know it gets some love every now and then from forum thread). And BulletWitch, slammed.. but I think its fun.

Enchanted Arms- When this was about the only RPG you could get (next gen) i played it and thought it was ok.. I kinda got frustrarated when it didnt dawn on me to add mermaids (been awhile since i played it) to heal.. i was having an impossilble time winning at one point. I finally added some healing and the game was cake from there on. I revisted it a few months ago and felt it didnt hold up very well. I chalk that up to it being one of the first.

Valkyria Chronicles-I do agree.. I like Demons Souls better, but VC is simply one of the top 5 games on the system period, top 3 even.

FFXIII- not as much hate for that.. in fact no hate at all. I think its pretty good modern take on the old school non stop battle/level rpg game. My biggest complaints are cut scenes taking me out of the game more then putting me in it sometimes. And as I mentioned before, 20 hours of gameplay before I actually had to hit more then one button, that irked me.

i guess I have just burned through all the RPGS there are.. have to wait for more (well this thread ointed out 2 i didnt have).

STEAM sale right now so I may not see WKC for awhile yet.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']LOL I'm the exact opposite when it comes to RPG's. I LOVE the action RPG's of the hack n slash variety, but I absolutely cannot STAND the RPG's in the vein of FFXIII.[/QUOTE]

Boooo :booty:

On a more serious note, I guess the reason that the JRPG genre are becoming more and more niche titles is because the people who grew up on JRPGs are getting older, and the younger gamers aren't used to that kind of slow-paced tedious gameplay.

My first ever RPG was Dragon Warrior on the NES, followed closely by Final Fantasy on the NES. I absolutely fell in love with both of those games. I guess it's just because of that experience alone why I prefer JRPGs over the newer RPGs like Fallout 3 or Oblivion.


We're about to get a sh!t load of RPGs soon on PS3, just two off the top of my head are from ATLUS:
bread's done