PS3 sells over half a million consoles in a week

I want to see the official NPD numbers for last week. The PS3 Slim didn't officially release until Sept. 1st at a lot of stores.
[quote name='SynGamer']I want to see the official NPD numbers for last week. The PS3 Slim didn't officially release until Sept. 1st at a lot of stores.[/QUOTE]

Yeah that should definitely clear things up a bit but Famitsu has confirmed that the Slim has sold over 150,000 units in Japan alone for the first week. Taking that into account, the half million worldwide mark doesn't seem quite so far fetched.
[quote name='viernes3am5']Yeah that should definitely clear things up a bit but Famitsu has confirmed that the Slim has sold over 150,000 units in Japan alone for the first week. Taking that into account, the half million worldwide mark doesn't seem quite so far fetched.[/QUOTE]

Oh, I don't think it's far-fetched, I just think the number(s) could tally to over 600,000, perhaps more.
Sales really had no where to go but up, any lower and they would have been sub- Gamecube sales.

Sony is still losing money even on each Slim sold, according to Kaz.

given how badly the first 3 years of the PS3 have gone, and the Billions Sony has lost I don't think they can ever make a profit, selling a $24 Stand for the Slim.

at this point the PS3 has lost all exclusives including Metal Gear Solid, the only thing I would remotely care about it would be for God of War and Ratchet and Clank.
[quote name='Master Ninja']Sales really had no where to go but up, any lower and they would have been sub- Gamecube sales.

Sony is still losing money even on each Slim sold, according to Kaz.

given how badly the first 3 years of the PS3 have gone, and the Billions Sony has lost I don't think they can ever make a profit, selling a $24 Stand for the Slim.

at this point the PS3 has lost all exclusives including Metal Gear Solid, the only thing I would remotely care about it would be for God of War and Ratchet and Clank.[/QUOTE]

Weren't you heralding the slim PS3 as the second coming not even 2 weeks ago, making topic after topic about how YOU were going to buy one? Go troll somewhere else.
Or rather, go, have a life, have fun, and do something other than lament over something as silly as console sales, and you know, go play something on it.
[quote name='Master Ninja']

at this point the PS3 has lost all exclusives including Metal Gear Solid, the only thing I would remotely care about it would be for God of War and Ratchet and Clank.[/QUOTE]

How did they lose it if it still is coming to PS3? 3rd party games should not be exclusive anyway.
I wonder how many are from people who are trading in/selling their fattys? The thought has crossed my mind and I bet you could get close to $200 for a 80GB original...
[quote name='Master Ninja']Sales really had no where to go but up, any lower and they would have been sub- Gamecube sales.

Sony is still losing money even on each Slim sold, according to Kaz.

given how badly the first 3 years of the PS3 have gone, and the Billions Sony has lost I don't think they can ever make a profit, selling a $24 Stand for the Slim.

at this point the PS3 has lost all exclusives including Metal Gear Solid, the only thing I would remotely care about it would be for God of War and Ratchet and Clank.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']It's just another source confirming it. If it bothers you that much I'm sorry.[/QUOTE]

No, it didn't bother me, was just hoping for a solid number.
[quote name='Master Ninja']Sales really had no where to go but up, any lower and they would have been sub- Gamecube sales.

Sony is still losing money even on each Slim sold, according to Kaz.

given how badly the first 3 years of the PS3 have gone, and the Billions Sony has lost I don't think they can ever make a profit, selling a $24 Stand for the Slim.

at this point the PS3 has lost all exclusives including Metal Gear Solid, the only thing I would remotely care about it would be for God of War and Ratchet and Clank.[/QUOTE]

Joke is on you. PS3 has been outselling 360 on a worldwide basis all along. It's not a surprise if they're not making a profit, only Nin has managed that.

As opposed to the billions M$ spent for a few weak ass exclusives and to repair millions ot RROD's?

Ah, how clueless. The MGS you speak of is a side-story with Raiden. The 'real' story is still Sony exclusive, unfortunately for PSP only. (Why not PS3 too?) Meanwhile anything worth playing on 360 has already gone multiplatform because the 360 can't support games on its own. PS3 still has many games that won't go anywhere like God of War, Ratchet and Clank, or Uncharted.
"Meanwhile anything worth playing on 360 has already gone multiplatform because the 360 can't support games on its own."

Sweet. When should I expect gears of war, halo 3, mass effect, and fable in my ps3?

Sorry for the quoting fail on my iPhone.
[quote name='hpbbes']"Meanwhile anything worth playing on 360 has already gone multiplatform because the 360 can't support games on its own."

Sweet. When should I expect gears of war, halo 3, mass effect, and fable in my ps3?

Sorry for the quoting fail on my iPhone.[/QUOTE]

Mass Effect is on the PC, Halo 3 was EXTREMELY overrated (and borked), Gears kind of compares to Resistance/Killzone 2/Uncharted 2...depends on how you look at it shooter/features wise. And 360 owners can keep that piece of shit otherwise known as Fable 2 (fuck you PM).
Because Sony making a profit on each PS3 sold makes the games BETTER and lets you enjoy them MORE.
xbox360=its own exclusives=win
ps3=its own exclusives=win
my choice to buy games i want for either system and not care what games you buy=win
this topic=lulz=win
So, I'm wondering if they're going to hit their 13 million worldwide PS3 sales target now...
Yawn... while Sony fanboys celebrate their half a million consoles sold, Nintendo is counting their $100 bills from suckers who paid $250 for their last gen console and for Wii-fits that sit on shelves from fat people...
[quote name='oasisboy']Yawn... while Sony fanboys celebrate their half a million consoles sold, Nintendo is counting their $100 bills from suckers who paid $250 for their last gen console and for Wii-fits that sit on shelves from fat people...[/QUOTE]

LOL -- so Sony finally has some positive momentum with strong sales and yet you still find a way to flame?

anecdotal evidence but i went to walmart this morning, 1 ps3 slim in the store, 1 160 gig uncharted bundle and thats it. talked to the guy working there and he said they have been selling slims like hotcakes and said he sold 10 of them so far. There were 10+ xbox 360 systems in the display counters. He said sales on wii and 360 slowed down considerably.

Also, Valkyria Chronicles was 19.96 there. I paid more for it used.
I think Sony is finally gaining ground.

It's about damn time.

Now that the PS3 is at the very least an equal if not a better deal than the 360 (I think so), maybe we can see Sony rise again. I love this new competition between consoles.

This will only help the consumner. The ball is in Microsoft's court.

Let's see some deals!
[quote name='hpbbes']"Meanwhile anything worth playing on 360 has already gone multiplatform because the 360 can't support games on its own."

Sweet. When should I expect gears of war, halo 3, mass effect, and fable in my ps3?

Sorry for the quoting fail on my iPhone.[/QUOTE]
I saw a homeless dude with an iPhone. get over yourself
I finally bought a PS3 for this price. Right now I use it mainly for my Blu-Ray player. I'm waiting for some really good RPGs to come out. My main play is still my 360, but that's only because I play with my friends.
[quote name='antlp89']I think Sony is finally gaining ground.

It's about damn time.

Now that the PS3 is at the very least an equal if not a better deal than the 360 (I think so), maybe we can see Sony rise again. I love this new competition between consoles.

This will only help the consumner. The ball is in Microsoft's court.

Let's see some deals![/QUOTE]
Microsoft can't hang in the console wars and come out on top!!!!
[quote name='antlp89']The ball is in Microsoft's court.[/QUOTE]

The Arcade is still $200, the 60gb is $250 and the Elite is $300 plus there are the amazon leak rumors surrounding the new 250gb bundle/sku....also Sony has a LOOONG way before they catch up in sales. Xbox is still leading overall and at the same point in life cycles. Ball is still in Sony's court.

Latest NDP numbers:

360 15,899,186 (46 months) (Aug 2009)
360 10,944,200 (34 months) (Aug 2008)

PS3 8,245,896 (34 months) (Aug 2009)
Hi Everyone..

I buy the ps3 last week and its really nice. So enjoy it And keep sharing the latest information regarding ps3 over here. Thank you.
[quote name='Mako1215']I finally bought a PS3 for this price. Right now I use it mainly for my Blu-Ray player. I'm waiting for some really good RPGs to come out. My main play is still my 360, but that's only because I play with my friends.[/QUOTE]

You can have my import copy of Demon's Souls for $45 shipped if you want. It's a great RPG, but I have no time to play it as of late. Then again, I'm doing the same as last gen and going back to GTA IV for the most part and ignoring the other games I have right now.
bread's done