PS3 Slim Redesign - Real - $299

[quote name='Oswald9599']Speculation with tangible evidence though. You really need to stop being so negative for a Happy Panda. Also, if we had cold hard facts on the exact price, would we even be having this conversation? Go to your corner, punch the wall or strangle a puppy or whatever you do to calm down and wait for what will be the inevitable $100 drop. Fighting and arguing wont help. HYUGS![/QUOTE]

That's my exact point. You're treating speculation as cold hard facts, which is not the same. I said show me the facts, you show me speculation I already know.

How is it arguing when I'm right :)
NO ONE HAS COLD HARD FACTS! I never said I was giving you the word of god, I said here is Facts and news that helps to propagate the theory that a price drop for $100 is def. feasible and soon.
[quote name='gbpackers94']There is no way that they would make LBP and Uncharted $10. Those are still above $40 most places.[/QUOTE]

Think about it ... LBP is get a GOTY rerelease and Uncharted has a sequel coming out. Demand for the original LBP will drop to nothing once the cheaper GOTY version hits and stores most likely won't carry Uncharted in mass quantities after the sequel comes out. Not to mention, sell the original on the cheap to get more preorders for the sequel ... makes perfect sense to me.
This to me is no different than when the ad for Xbox dropping in price came out. Most people were saying fake while the others were mellow saying if it happens. I for one would rather be mellow and let things pan out the way they pan out.
[quote name='MuzykMann']I'm not so sure they could be selling Uncharted for $10, but if so I'm ALL over it. Been waiting for a good price on that and MGS4.[/QUOTE]

yeah that and little big planet for 9.99 is unbelivable so this hs to be a fake unless they think seling uncharted for cheap will get people wanting to buy uncharted 2 but if its real im in for little big planet. of course maybe the add is saying if you buy a ps3 slim you can purchase one of those games for 9.99.
[quote name='etcrane']Think about it ... LBP is get a GOTY rerelease and Uncharted has a sequel coming out. Demand for the original LBP will drop to nothing once the cheaper GOTY version hits and stores most likely won't carry Uncharted in mass quantities after the sequel comes out. Not to mention, sell the original on the cheap to get more preorders for the sequel ... makes perfect sense to me.[/QUOTE]

I agree with this.

Plus we are both from San Jose:applause:
I'm gonna say a very small slight chance that this is real because last week i went to two best buy stores in the chicagoland area to buy the KZ2 and MGS4 bundle. they were both sold out and the first store told me they weren't sure when they would get anymore and the second store told me that they know for sure they wont be getting anymore of those bundles. plus both stores had a very low stock of ps3 which is weird because they always have a surplus of ps3s. i could however be totally over thinking the whole thing but im not just yet gonna jump the gun and shout fake........just yet
[quote name='danny51990']I'm gonna say a very small slight chance that this is real because last week i went to two best buy stores in the chicagoland area to buy the KZ2 and MGS4 bundle. they were both sold out and the first store told me they weren't sure when they would get anymore and the second store told me that they know for sure they wont be getting anymore of those bundles. plus both stores had a very low stock of ps3 which is weird because they always have a surplus of ps3s. i could however be totally over thinking the whole thing but im not just yet gonna jump the gun and shout fake........just yet[/QUOTE]

Look back a couple pages...the ad is already confirmed fake because the picture of the PS3 is a fan mock-up from NeoGAF.

The $299.99 price drop may or may not be fake though.
ok but what i posted is what i think not what you or 3 pages of people think. im just expressing my opinion like everyone else
lbp at 9.99 lol that game is still almost retail everywhere domestic. unless that is a 2010 flyer i doubt it
Uncharted is listed as a $29.99 greatest hits game in next week's BB ad, so its no longer such a big stretch for it to be on sale for $9.99...LBP at $10 is still a jaw-dropper though!
NeoStrider has posted the BB game prices in the deals forum
the ad is fake
but Uncharted: DF is a $29.99 Greatest Hits title for those who have waited on it
fake ad is fake.

Here are the Facts.

#1. Sony is making a smaller cheaper PS3 aka Slim.

#2. They have stopped making the 80GB SKU and the 160GB SKU, because whey would they make these expensive units when they can make cheaper Slims, retailers are running low on PS3 Stock in fact SKU # 9401417 is totally dead.thats the bundle with KZ2 and MGS4

#3. Microsoft has dropped the 120GB Elite to $299, which was already outselling the PS3 when it was priced at $399.99 since it includes 2 games.

#4. Tons of major retailers globally have confirmed the PS3 Slim at $299

#5. The leaked PS3 Slim Box art matches the Box art style of the PSP-Go.
[quote name='Brian9824']Actually there are rumours of full backwards compatibility via firmware patch so its not a stretch.[/QUOTE]

Yea but its unlikely that the Slim will magically have the newest firmware while its not out yet or annouced or anything.
holy...has anyone seen the update on this? they say it is in fact a 'mock-up' for the ad for the frist week of Sept. I say this is plausible b/c its pretty much been leaked every where else around the world. I bet they start showing up in stores w/in 2 weeks from now. maybe a best buy CAG-er can let us know...?

And I'm sure the games will only be $9.99 with purchase of the system. People would flood the store just for those titles and ignore the system if anyone could get them for that price...that wouldn't be a smart move, they'd run out of AAA titles pretty fast!

what a nice one-two punch this would be, PS3 Slim in September, pspGo in October! (I don't have money for either one though, so sadly i have to hope for a nice x-mas bonus)
[quote name='token2k6']holy...has anyone seen the update on this? they say it is in fact a 'mock-up' for the ad for the frist week of Sept. I say this is plausible b/c its pretty much been leaked every where else around the world. I bet they start showing up in stores w/in 2 weeks from now. maybe a best buy CAG-er can let us know...?

And I'm sure the games will only be $9.99 with purchase of the system. People would flood the store just for those titles and ignore the system if anyone could get them for that price...that wouldn't be a smart move, they'd run out of AAA titles pretty fast!

what a nice one-two punch this would be, PS3 Slim in September, pspGo in October! (I don't have money for either one though, so sadly i have to hope for a nice x-mas bonus)[/QUOTE]

i was also thinking the same thing about the $10 games, prolly only when you purchase the system
[quote name='token2k6']holy...has anyone seen the update on this? they say it is in fact a 'mock-up' for the ad for the frist week of Sept. I say this is plausible b/c its pretty much been leaked every where else around the world. I bet they start showing up in stores w/in 2 weeks from now. maybe a best buy CAG-er can let us know...?

And I'm sure the games will only be $9.99 with purchase of the system. People would flood the store just for those titles and ignore the system if anyone could get them for that price...that wouldn't be a smart move, they'd run out of AAA titles pretty fast!

what a nice one-two punch this would be, PS3 Slim in September, pspGo in October! (I don't have money for either one though, so sadly i have to hope for a nice x-mas bonus)[/QUOTE]

Ha. I'd say it's more likely those guys found this thread and saw my theory about it being a mock-up. They might just want to keep their rumor going strong since it gained a following.

[quote name='musick']NeoStrider has posted the BB game prices in the deals forum
the ad is fake
but Uncharted: DF is a $29.99 Greatest Hits title for those who have waited on it[/QUOTE]

I love you geniuses that haven't figured out that the ad featured in this rumor is not supposed to be next weeks ad...
Im thinking that whoever has been mocking this price drop and Slim PS3 is gonna eat crow soon, the ad however is hard to argue as real. The NEO GAF mockup is a fake but it's hard to say that the ad is completely fake. If this ad was an early rendition on an BB merchandisers computer then he could have just grabbed a pic off the internet as a test for what the ad may look like. Kind of like how some boxes on websites say that the artwork is not finalized.
Even with the release of Uncharted 2 I would have a tough time believing that Uncharted 1 would drop to 9.99 after staying $60 MSRP for so long.
and now K-mart has a picture
They've been advertising for the past month or two. Seriously, everywhere you look online there's mentions of the PS3 Slim, is it real (of course it is)? When is it coming? How much will it be? They've been getting free advertising and the hype is building up quite well. I would imagine in-store ads, paper/online ads, and a few commercials is all they will need.
[quote name='happy']

Hopefully before everyone gets all excited again.[/QUOTE]

Sheesh at this point I hope Sony announces the slim with that FAKE photoshop just to fuck with everybody.

Why is everyone falling for the proven fake mock up over and over and over again?

Are people so willing to believe this they will ignore logic and proof? The guy in the freaking NeoGAF thread even explains how he created the KMART pic and sent it out just for the purpose of fucking with people.

And as I said before I actually do believe in the existence of PS3 Slim and the price drop. But this stuff is fake.
Okay, suppose that these are "legit". Why would Sony make 2 different SKUs that are the same price? The BB ad shows a 160 GB slim while the KMART one shows a 120 GB slim; both of which are $299.99.
Why did I just pay $400 for my fat?
When I got NDS, NDS lite cme out the next month. When I got ps2, ps3 came out.
[quote name='major morgan']Okay, suppose that these are "legit". Why would Sony make 2 different SKUs that are the same price? The BB ad shows a 160 GB slim while the KMART one shows a 120 GB slim; both of which are $299.99.[/QUOTE]

Wow didn't notice that...
[quote name='SynGamer']They've been advertising for the past month or two. Seriously, everywhere you look online there's mentions of the PS3 Slim, is it real (of course it is)? When is it coming? How much will it be? They've been getting free advertising and the hype is building up quite well. I would imagine in-store ads, paper/online ads, and a few commercials is all they will need.[/QUOTE]

or theyre not coming out with a thin ps3 instead the new ps3s wil be twice the size of the older ones.
do u guys think it will take the laptop HDD like the ones that it takes now
[quote name='pixi']Why did I just pay $400 for my fat?
When I got NDS, NDS lite cme out the next month. When I got ps2, ps3 came out.

return it if its within 30 days of purchase
How about this....

Instead of worrying how to advertise the so-called PS3 slim, Sony should be considering an announcement for the damn thing.
[quote name='chelosera91']and now K-mart has a picture

"The world's most recognized brand, the PLAYSTATION"?

That doesn't sound legit at all. Not that it's not the most recognized brand, just doesn't seem like something they'd put in an ad.
Did nobody read the NeoGAF forum post that happy posted that showed the dude actually creating that ad. It's 100% fake. Why continue discussing something thats fake?
[quote name='blackjaw']Did nobody read the NeoGAF forum post that happy posted that showed the dude actually creating that ad. It's 100% fake. Why continue discussing something thats fake?[/QUOTE]

Apparently not, seeing as how evidence has been posted repeatedly showing what your talking about in this very thread.
[quote name='pixi']Why did I just pay $400 for my fat?
When I got NDS, NDS lite cme out the next month. When I got ps2, ps3 came out.

You should pay more attention to gaming news? And WTF, you're mad that you got a PS2 then the PS3 came out? You had several, several months of knowing when the PS3 was going to launch.

Also, why is every single "leaked" AKA fake photo taken with a cell phone camera from 1999?
LOL @ all of the people screaming 'fake, fake, fake'. I bet many of them are the suckers who paid $600 for a PS3 at launch and they're just pissed that as little as 3 years later it may be dropped down to 50% off what they paid AND have full BC again.
Wow, and I had such high hopes...

Anyways, if the ads are real/non-shopped, then I'm picking up a copy of Uncharted and MSG4 at that price from BB.

And there are some legitimate reason to believe the new price point. For one, wasn't there a press release totting the fact that Sony managed to slash the production cost of the ps3 by as much as 80%? Also, when the rumors of the ps3 slim designs first came to the intertubes, wasn't there a CnD letter issued to Kotaku (or was it Gizmondo) for showing the supposedly leaked photos? Finally, Sony is under pressure from one notable video game conglomerate to actually have a price drop (though let's put aside the issue of how valid Activision's threats are).

But, look at the description from that K-Mart ad. I'm not an english wiz, but that sentence looks like it was written by someone with a 4th grade english education. And, someone made a mention of the discrepancy between the 2 ads, namely the HDD size.

I myself wouldn't mind picking up a second ps3 at that price, but chances are these ads are total horse-shit.
bread's done