PS3 software prices finally falling: When will YOU buy?


I refuse to pay more than $10 for a CD. I refuse to pay $60 for a game. Hell, I refuse to pay $50 for a game when they'll be in a GH/PH/PC series soon enough. Until yesterday, I had never paid over $3 a gallon for gas (I went out of my way to buy a GC first to save $0.03 per gallon to bring it down to $3.01).

As a result, I own a grand total of ZERO games for my PS3 that I've had since launch. At one point, I saw CoD3 for $45 after coupon, but I refused that on principle (if it's not available on PC, it better have keyboard and mouse support or else I'm going with the Wii version). I saw Resistance FoM for $45 after coupon too but I had already rented and beaten it and I $45 is still just too much. I was totally uninterested in Genji until I got and played the PS2 game for less than $7 (sooo much better than Onimusha). I never owned a PS2 but I've filled up two shelves full of A-list PS2 games for less than $200, so I have no incentive to buy PS3 games.

So I'm curious what price would you bite at? I see promotions for $10GC and $10 savings "when you buy two" all the time. In addition, I see the $5-off coupons like the GGC coupon (soon to be gone) and the GamePro coupons, so these are the discounts I'm going to take for granted in my charts. In other words, I'm not just looking for a price drop, but an "after promotion" price. I'd buy them and these prices:

Resistance Fall of Man - $39.99 / $34.99 AC (After Coupon)
Motorstorm - $34.99 / $29.99 AC
Lair - $39.99 / $34.99 AC
Heavenly Sword - $49.99 / $39.99 w/$10GC or AC
Virtua Fighter 5 - $29.99 / $24.99 AC
SONIC THE HEDGEHOG - $19.99 / $14.99 AC
Untold Legends - $4.99 / $0.00 AC (effectively, never. I got BURNED on UL for PSP)

Actually, I'd be listing everything else just like Untold Legends if I continued (I got Spiderman 3 for $8.XX on PC)! There just isn't much to want.

Of course, the only thing even close to the prices I'd buy them at is SONIC THE HEDGEHOG. It looks like it's $24.99 after coupon. Is it as bad as the 360 version? Is it really so bad that it's not worth $24.99?
I am considering getting a PS3 soon. Unfortunately, that means buying a game for more than I usually pay. The Best Buy GGC has spoiled me over the years as I figure I can eventually get most games for $14.99.

You spent $500-600 on a new system, what's an extra $15-20 to enjoy it... I would say suck it up this once buy a game you will like and enjoy your new system.
I am cheap too. I only have Genji 2 which I got free from RLS and Tony Hawk project 8 that I got for $13 at Costco. In general I won't buy any game until it is $15 or less. That might be quite a while for the PS3. I was very tempted to pick up a used Virtua Fighter 5 for $30 but can't bring myself to do it. Its ok though with the new 1080P upscaling coming out tomorrow I will be bringing out some older PS1 and PS2 games to keep me busy until the prices drop on games to the $15 range which will probalby be spring 2008.
talk about cheap..

well i also have no ps3 games.. not because i wouldnt buy any but there isnt any exclusive yet worth owning for me.

i almost jumped on the resistance $30 deal weeks ago
Won't pay more than $10 for a CD?
This is why the music industry is dying a slow death.

Gosh, the last CD I bought was $110, used.
And new CDs cost an average of $16 for me.
I do a ridiculous amount of research before I buy games........kinda sad isn't it.

I usually don't just up and buy things, but when I bought my 360 I nabbed Dead Rising with it. I stood in line to buy Gears of War on the day after Emergence Day (Damn you EB and your late shipments!!!!)

I don't regret either of the purchases. I really enjoyed Motor Storm when I played the demo, but I wouldn't pay $66 for it (after tax here).

I'm gonna get Crackdown after the Beta jank trickles away. You should try God Hand I heard its pretty badA.

I'm also picking up God of War 2 from a friend's roomie for $25 in perfect condition, lucky me. :)
[quote name='Snake2715']The $110 used did nothing to help the industry or the band you bought it from though.[/quote]

I know. That was just me showing that I'm willing to part my money for Art.
That particular CD is being reissued in JULY! Agh, prices would have gone down for the out of print version. I'm still buying the reissue though of course, remastered, and bonus tracks.
Devoto needs the money.

I regularly buy new CDs. I help and do my part as the audience.
Hmmm my prices would be:
heavenly sword: 60$
Lair: $60
Uncharted: $200
Assassins Creed: $200
Metal Gears Solid 4: $150
Ratchet and Clank: $150

Yea. Id pay about that..

Oh crap. Im not a cheap ass gamer am I?
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Hmmm my prices would be:
heavenly sword: 60$
Lair: $60
Uncharted: $200
Assassins Creed: $200
Metal Gears Solid 4: $150
Ratchet and Clank: $150

Yea. Id pay about that..

Oh crap. Im not a cheap ass gamer am I?[/quote]

you are nuts...

anyways.. no way i could spend that much money on an audio cd. but to each their own..
[quote name='dallow']Damn, yeah, I'd probably pay $150 for MGS4 too.


Me too. Actually I have told my friends many times, if they only made a machine that played the MGS serie only, I would still be willing to buy that. Also I still buy cds. I don't like illegally downloading music and I hate digital music stores. I need my hard copy.
I'm kinda hoping we get an uber special edition of MGS4. If it actually came with some good stuff (like the Snake Eater SE), then I'd buy it no matter what the price.
That's bad logic...You figure games aren't worth buying because they'll be cheaper after awhile, why would you buy a system that's going to be cheaper after awhile also? Especially if you don't even have games for it.
Hmmm my prices would be:
heavenly sword: 60$
Lair: $60
Uncharted: $200
Assassins Creed: $200
Metal Gears Solid 4: $150
Ratchet and Clank: $150

Why? Why do gamers do this?? Is it to demonstrate unconditional devotion? To show just how rabid a fan of a franchise you are? Why encourage the publishers like this??

While these games won't be affected, this sort of pride/dedication can eventually lead to higher prices in the way of outrageous collector's editions*, even more bullshit DLC, and, in certain cases, smaller games suddenly becoming twice or thrice as expensive next time around (I fully expect the next Geometry Wars to be at least $15 on XBLA, as I can't tell you how many times people profess how they'd gladly "pay fifty bucks!" for it). I don't know, full MSRP is enough of an expression of enthusiasm for me.

*--With or without cat helmet.
[quote name='GrimNecroWizard']That's bad logic...You figure games aren't worth buying because they'll be cheaper after awhile, why would you buy a system that's going to be cheaper after awhile also? Especially if you don't even have games for it.[/QUOTE]

That's my question too. Did you buy the PS3 or was it a gift? If you have this mentality, why not wait and buy the system (which would be on a later revision, be subject to sales, or even have a price drop) when the software falls into your buying structure? To each his or her own, I guess.
Wow. you guys took what I said really seriously. do you want to know what prices id like?

heavenly sword:$1
Lair: $1
Uncharted: $1
Assassins Creed: $1
Metal Gears Solid 4: $1
Ratchet and Clank: $1

Duh... everyone wants lower prices. I dont get the point of saying how low id want them.

BUT, right now. If someone offered me AC for 200 bucks id buy it.
I'd will pay 50 or 60 dollars if I deem the game would be worth to me in entertainment value. I had absolutely no problem paying 50$ for God of War one or two when they came out just becuase those are two of my favorite games ever. I will also have no problem paying 60$ for NGS, Uncharted, R&C, and Heavenly Sword if they all live up to the hype and get good reviews.
I was too busy with school to notice any cheap Motorstorm/Resistance deals. :(

Damn, I wish I hadn't missed those. It'll happen again soon. To those below: See? There was reason to have the PS3 now even ignoring the other reasons that don't involve PS3 games.

[quote name='dallow']Won't pay more than $10 for a CD?
This is why the music industry is dying a slow death.

Gosh, the last CD I bought was $110, used.
And new CDs cost an average of $16 for me.[/QUOTE]
I firmly believe that standard single-feature DVDs should top out at $12-$15 and that CDs should be WELL under $10 because these items should be impulse-purchase priced. Even games should not have standard prices of $40 and up just because they are new. More people would take more risks if you weren't risking $40 on a bad game. $15-$25 range ($20-$30 for those not using coupons ;)) is not so bad. If the game sucks, it's not the end of the world because you didn't lose much. Offloading it for a ridiculously low price no longer matters nearly as much.

I seriously considered signing up for Sony's credit card to get $100 to spend on Sony's release of Jeff Wayne's War of the Worlds Collector's Edition and get some Sony Style points, but that's WAY more than just a CD!

The high costs of CDs driving people to services where they don't even truly own their music is what is ruining CD sales. I like having something tangible with real value. I also like subscription music and hope it KILLS satellite radio when people figure out that an on-demand subscription "podcast" of Howard Stern or their favorite talk radio show is good too (broadcast live to subscribers). I hate Howard Stern though. $20 for a CD is way too much if all I wanted was a few songs. For $6-$8, I'd be happy and thank them for the freebie songs included with the ones I wanted.

Demand will increase, profits will likely stay the same. Less product sold for the same profit appeals to them, so they'll raise the price and claim that digital services are causing the drop in sales. NEWS FLASH! CDs were not $15-$20 when Napster arrived. FIGURE IT OUT.

[quote name='GrimNecroWizard']That's bad logic...You figure games aren't worth buying because they'll be cheaper after awhile, why would you buy a system that's going to be cheaper after awhile also? Especially if you don't even have games for it.[/QUOTE]
Oh, that's easy. For one, it'll be getting cheaper at the expense of the PS2 hardware. Having never owned a PS2, I required maximum compatability. Also, I'm gettin a fully functional BD player and upscaling DVD player in the mean time. ALSO, I'm still getting a PS3 that I rent games for and download demos on. ;)

There's PLENTY of reason to have one now instead of later and it is possible for it to be worth $600 on potential AND current usefulness. The amount of money they are losing only makes it less likely that the price will drop any time soon and there will be serious compromises when it finally does. Games will drop before that happens.

[quote name='H.Cornerstone']I'd will pay 50 or 60 dollars if I deem the game would be worth to me in entertainment value. I had absolutely no problem paying 50$ for God of War one or two when they came out just becuase those are two of my favorite games ever. I will also have no problem paying 60$ for NGS, Uncharted, R&C, and Heavenly Sword if they all live up to the hype and get good reviews.[/QUOTE]

I certainly have a problem with it. It drives away new IP and legitimizes them charging that price in the first place. When GoW is $15 a season or two later and you're happy having paid more, something is VERY wrong. You could have been playing the last set of A-list games. Just stay one step behind and you'll save THOU$AND$.
[quote name='CZroe']

I certainly have a problem with it. It drives away new IP and legitimizes them charging that price in the first place. When GoW is $15 a season or two later and you're happy having paid more, something is VERY wrong. You could have been playing the last set of A-list games. Just stary one step behind and you'll save THOU$AND$.[/quote]
Usually I do, however God of War is, like I said, one of my favorite games ever and at the time 2 came out I really had nothing else to play so I bought it for 50, and didn't regret. CD's are dying because they are 15$ for crap that music business people tell their artists to create. I will also not spend more than 10$ on a cd, considering the fact that it costs them MAYBE 50cents to create the darn packaging.
[quote name='H.Cornerstone']Usually I do, however God of War is, like I said, one of my favorite games ever and at the time 2 game out I really had nothing else to play so I bought it for 50, and didn't regret. CD's are dying because they are 15$ for crap that music business people tell their artists to create. I will also not spend more than 10$ on a cd, considering the fact that it costs them MAYBE 50cents to create the darn packaging.[/QUOTE]
Well, it was easier for me to stay one step behind in the GoW series considering that I wasn't even able to play it until I got a PS3, but just to make the point again: By the time I finish playing it, GoW2 will be cheap (or at least have been on-sale).

That said, if I had waited a little longer I would have gotten it for $10 after coupon instead of $15. Considering that I haven't really started it (just beat the hydra a few times), I may as well have waited!

Prices stay high to keep the consumer conditioned to spending that much per game. This works best in a "hit" market because one hit will make up for all the lost sales discouraged by charging $50 for a crap game. It also makes the crappy games seem like a "deal" when the price inevitably drops (without product replenishment).
[quote name='H.Cornerstone']Ehhh, I liked the game so much, I couldn't wait.[/QUOTE]
I know, but that wouldn't be the case if you were only just getting around to playing the first one. You'd obviously be willing to wait for the second one at least long enough to finish the first. There is so much good, cheap, older content to substitute for any game that I couldn't possibly "miss" a game I've never played. I'm sure even your backlog is huge. :)
Hmm... ok, yeah... anyway. There isn't any games I want to buy period. So far the only thing I'm looking to get is GT5 and DiRT. Maybe Blacksite: Area 51.
I don't play games to save money, I play them for fun. If there is a game that I want to play, I'll go out and buy it. I know right now I could buy 50 PS1 games and never buy another game for the next five years, but thats no fun.

If you're so worried about saving $20 over the span of two years, you should find a higher paying job.
[quote name='ItsTrueItsTrue92']

If you're so worried about saving $20 over the span of two years, you should find a higher paying job.[/quote]

[quote name='ItsTrueItsTrue92']I don't play games to save money, I play them for fun. If there is a game that I want to play, I'll go out and buy it. I know right now I could buy 50 PS1 games and never buy another game for the next five years, but thats no fun.

If you're so worried about saving $20 over the span of two years, you should find a higher paying job.[/quote]

Great post. Haha.
So pointless in buying a console that only collects dust which occassionally may be used for playing some DVDs. I don't understand why you wouldn't wait until there is something you actually want before splurging over half a grand for a shiny, black box. Caught up in the hype? I did this once with PSP but I learned my lesson; you guys should too.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Wow. you guys took what I said really seriously. do you want to know what prices id like?

heavenly sword:$1
Lair: $1
Uncharted: $1
Assassins Creed: $1
Metal Gears Solid 4: $1
Ratchet and Clank: $1

Duh... everyone wants lower prices. I dont get the point of saying how low id want them.

BUT, right now. If someone offered me AC for 200 bucks id buy it.

Garage sale in 2018.
I luv playstation but that price has to drop a couple hundred dollars before I buy it. I'm a poor college student !:wall:
[quote name='ItsTrueItsTrue92']I don't play games to save money, I play them for fun. If there is a game that I want to play, I'll go out and buy it. I know right now I could buy 50 PS1 games and never buy another game for the next five years, but thats no fun.

If you're so worried about saving $20 over the span of two years, you should find a higher paying job.[/QUOTE]
We're in two totally different leagues then. I save about that much almost every day. Deal hunting like that doesn't leave me with much time to actually PLAY my collection, but it's an OCD thing. The fact that I've bought more than four games a week for the entire year is testament to that (much to sell/trade). HELP!

[quote name='kmartbum001']So pointless in buying a console that only collects dust which occassionally may be used for playing some DVDs. I don't understand why you wouldn't wait until there is something you actually want before splurging over half a grand for a shiny, black box. Caught up in the hype? I did this once with PSP but I learned my lesson; you guys should too.[/QUOTE]
The PSP was the first non-Nintendo console I lined up for at launch. While the game library was disappointing for a long time, I'm not disappointed with the PSP itself at all and yet I'm a DS fanboi. The PSP is so much more than that.

Anyway, my PS3 gets daily use as a PS2 and BD player. Hell, it gets a freaking ton of use for PS3 demos and 1080p demonstrations. I stream the music library to my PSP using remote play often to avoid wasting space on my memory stick. Just because I don't own a PS3 game doesn't mean I'm not getting my use out of it. I've rented all I intend to rent for now except Lair and the only reason I haven't rented that is because I'm busy with final exams.

Oh, and it does collect dust... like a magnet! I'm constantly wiping it off. :D
[quote name='kmartbum001']So pointless in buying a console that only collects dust which occassionally may be used for playing some DVDs. I don't understand why you wouldn't wait until there is something you actually want before splurging over half a grand for a shiny, black box. Caught up in the hype? I did this once with PSP but I learned my lesson; you guys should too.[/QUOTE]
The PSP was the first non-Nintendo console I lined up for at launch. While the game library was disappointing for a long time, I'm not disappointed with the PSP itself at all and yet I'm a DS fanboi. The PSP is so much more than that.

Anyway, my PS3 gets daily use as a PS2 and BD player. Hell, it gets a freaking ton of use for PS3 demos and 1080p demonstrations. I stream the music library to my PSP using remote play often to avoid wasting space on my memory stick. Just because I don't own a PS3 game doesn't mean I'm not getting my use out of it. I've rented all I intend to rent for now except Lair and the only reason I haven't rented that is because I'm busy with final exams.

Oh, and it does collect dust... like a magnet! I'm constantly wiping it off. :D
[quote name='dallow']Won't pay more than $10 for a CD?
This is why the music industry is dying a slow death.

Gosh, the last CD I bought was $110, used.
And new CDs cost an average of $16 for me.[/quote]
:whistle2:s Most new CDs in their first week are $10 unless they're double disc or special editions.
Hmmm... I find it just a little bit hypocritical when people want to pay ridiculously low prices for things that took hard work and much effort to create. Remember it's not only the developer and Sony that needs to make money, but it's the programmers all the way down to the janitors who clean the studios who need to make a living to support their family.

I mean if your income doesn't allow for the purchase of the new games, then by all means don't buy the games and attend to your higher priorities, but for god sake stop complaining that the games are too expensive; there are other people besides you who need money to survive.

Next time you ask for a raise or even feel like you are being underpaid, ask yourself "hmmm what if my employer decided nah... I only want to pay my employees a dollar for every hour they work just because the minimum wage is set too high to my liking?" Well, we would all be living in China or some other third world country wouldn't we?
Only a very small fraction of "next gen" titles should be marked 59.99. all others should be 39-49 IMO.

The so called "higher dev costs" do not warrant shitty/crappy/rehashed games at a 59.99 pricetag.
Nobody has to buy crappy ass games.

Honestly, the only next-gen games I've bought are:
MLB 2K6 (didn't like it, sold it)
Madden 07 (didn't like it, sold it)
NBA 2K6 (still have it)
NBA 2K7 (broke)
Twilight Princess (still have it)
Madden 06 (didn't like it, sold it)
Perfect Dark Zero (didn't like it, traded it in)
Call of Duty 2 (didn't hold my interest, sold it)

The one good thing about next-gen games is that they still have high value months after their release.
[quote name='jling84']Hmmm... I find it just a little bit hypocritical when people want to pay ridiculously low prices for things that took hard work and much effort to create. Remember it's not only the developer and Sony that needs to make money, but it's the programmers all the way down to the janitors who clean the studios who need to make a living to support their family.

I mean if your income doesn't allow for the purchase of the new games, then by all means don't buy the games and attend to your higher priorities, but for god sake stop complaining that the games are too expensive; there are other people besides you who need money to survive.

Next time you ask for a raise or even feel like you are being underpaid, ask yourself "hmmm what if my employer decided nah... I only want to pay my employees a dollar for every hour they work just because the minimum wage is set too high to my liking?" Well, we would all be living in China or some other third world country wouldn't we?[/quote]
Wow, you are sooo right. :roll:

Since CZroe is the lone CAG waiting on games to come down in price, you should unite the rest of the cheapassgamer community and convince them to pay full MSRP for every xbox/ps2/gamecube port that comes to next gen consoles in order to sustain the families of EA and Ubisoft's janitorial staff.


Seriously though, there are still a couple of titles I will wait in a line to pay MSRP for, but thanks to CAG I get great deals on just about everything else. I don't say it enough, I love this board. :D
I'll probably end up ggrabbing Heavenly Sword and Final Fantasy at full MSRP release price. Motorstorm and Lair I'll probably wait for a solid $40 price and eventually pick up Untold Legends when I can get it $15'ish.

Anything else on the PS3 right now I'm still undecided.
The best way to consider paying MSRP for certain games, is if you really want to support the company putting it out. I don't think anyone here has a problem buying Odin Sphere for 40$. (Ignore the fact it's 10$ less).

If it's a game I really want more of, and is a lesser known title, I'll pay full price day 1. There's many higher end titles that many of us can easily wait on for a price drop, like FF12 .

But, it still boils down to myself and my money. Yes, I want to support companies, but seeing how the market works, and getting used to it, I'll wait for my price drops. Look at Senke Rondo (War Machine...whatever) That will drop like a stone since it's Ubisoft. It's just a matter of waiting, which I have no problem with considering my backlog.
bread's done