"PS3 US $399 w/60GB HDD" - PSM


170 (100%)
The latest issue of PSM has revealed new details about the PlayStation 3. While CNN’s Chris Morris claims that Sony won’t announce a price for the PS3 at E3 2006, PSM says the PlayStation 3 is expected to sell for about u$s399 in the U.S., €322 in Europe and ¥45,965 in Japan.

The magazine also claims that the console will come standard with a 60GB, non-removable hard drive.

For those who care about backward compatibility, PSM also revealed that PSO and PS2 games will run on the PlayStation 3 in 720, 1080i and 1080p.

The magazine also confirms some info we already knew. First, all games will come in Blu-ray Disc media and there won’t be regional lockouts. Second, the launch line-up, as well as the final design for the controller, will be revealed at next month’s E3 expo.
Finally, the console will launch in the first half of November with the PlayStation Network Platform service launching simultaneously with the console and offering free online gameplay.

:drool: Sweet.... I think I'm going to wait 6 months to a year to buy it though due to the hardware problems facing the 360. Plus, I'm buying the Revolution on day 1 so I'll have plenty to do in the meantime...

I wonder how the PS2 games will look in 1080i?
[quote name='guyver2077']that would be an incredible price but somewhat doubtful[/quote]

That's what Im thinking too. Why would you buy a Blu-Ray player for $500-700 when you can get a PS3 for $399 ?
[quote name='LinkinPrime']That's what Im thinking too. Why would you buy a Blu-Ray player for $500-700 when you can get a PS3 for $399 ?[/QUOTE]

Try $1000...

If this is true, then M$ will have a lot to worry about. And if it is true, then Sony could be on to something. They could not only destroy the HD competition, but also steal the market as people will no doubt consider the PS3 a better buy at the same price since it's more powerful and because it's a Playstation. I know they said it'd be expensive but this is probably Sony's shot to create a huge gap between themselves as leader and M$ as second place.

At the same time they're going to be losing a TON of money on each system sold... a powerful ass GPU (more powerful than a 7900GTX, which is $500), a Cell chip ($???), a Physx processor ($200), a multidisc reading drive (Blu-Ray, DVD, PS1/2, CDs... gotta be a solid $200), and a 60GB HDD ($50). This doesn't sound right...

Playing PS1 games in 1080p...:drool:
i cant see them making too much money at that price point,, but as much as i would hate to admit it... they would sell like crazy at that price...

i think a 499 price is more realistic
[quote name='CheapyD']How can it run PS2 games at 1080p?
I thought that was basically impossible at this point.
I smell :bs:[/QUOTE]

Well... HD-DVD/Blu-Ray players can upscale the image of a normal DVD to 1080i or 1080p. I figure it would do it the same way for PS1/2 games... that Cell processor does have 8 cores, so it could probably do it without breaking a sweat.
But don't these PSOne games have to support those kinds of resolutions. I am in no way an expert on HD and p's and I's, but doesn't a game have to be developed in a certain way, in order to use that high resolution? And I, for one, would NOT start drooling over PSOne games in high resolutions, that just means you'll be able to see the muddy textures and jagged polygons better.

It's hard for me to get excited about a PS3, especially when I haven't seen ANYTHING on the system that I would consider a "want". Yeah yeah yeah, MGS4, but CG trailers don't do it for me, I need to see actual gameplay. Plus, all this Blu-Ray, Cell Processor jargon is all foreign to me, I'm happy playing my 360 on a 27 inch, mid 90's produced TV.
[quote name='Vinny']Try $1000...

If this is true, then M$ will have a lot to worry about. And if it is true, then Sony could be on to something. They could not only destroy the HD competition, but also steal the market as people will no doubt consider the PS3 a better buy at the same price since it's more powerful and because it's a Playstation. I know they said it'd be expensive but this is probably Sony's shot to create a huge gap between themselves as leader and M$ as second place.

At the same time they're going to be losing a TON of money on each system sold... a powerful ass GPU (more powerful than a 7900GTX, which is $500), a Cell chip ($???), a Physx processor ($200), a multidisc reading drive (Blu-Ray, DVD, PS1/2, CDs... gotta be a solid $200), and a 60GB HDD ($50). This doesn't sound right...

Playing PS1 games in 1080p...:drool:[/QUOTE]

There is no physx processor in the PS3. And where in the hell did you get those numbers? Those look closer to retail than wholesale.
Well if this is true I'm going to be kicking myself for buying the 360 for the same price. I've had all sorts of trouble with the 360. I still wouldnt buy the PS3 when it first came out, Im sure itll be just as buggy as the 360.
[quote name='evanft']There is no physx processor in the PS3. And where in the hell did you get those numbers? Those look closer to retail than wholesale.[/quote]
physx processors = BS processor :lol:

Looks like the hype machine is starting up already. I'll believe it when it's on the shelf to buy.
I don't buy it....they would be losing almost $400 per console...if numbers floating around are correct.

Also, 1080p is still over-rated right now....don't MOST TV's just upconvert to 1080p, I was reading something about this...

I will still pre-order one if GR is around, since I have about $350 in credit.
[quote name='doubledown']I don't buy it....they would be losing almost $400 per console...if numbers floating around are correct. [/quote]
I dont think that that number is exactly correct. I read about that in i think last months EGM/PSM (Cant remember). Think about all the other stuff Sony will have out on the market. Blu-Ray players themselvs (though not sure how they will sell), The Blu-Ray movies published by sony, the PS3 Games developed by sony. I read that they arent concerned about taking a major loss considering these factors.

Anyway, im reading the PSM article on the PS3 right now.
I'll pick one up cheap from a wannabe white drug dealer like i did with the ps2.. j/k

I'll get a PS3 when they release a FFVII remake and it drops to $200-250, just because of the high res backwards compatability. And by then they'll have ironed out the inevitable overheating issues.. there's no way that machine can be as small as the prototypes from last E3..
If the PS3 is more then $399 Sony needs to speak up otherwise Sony will have many pissed off customers when they reveal a $499 or $599 PS3 a few months before release.
[quote name='javeryh']I think he meant flux capacitor.[/QUOTE]


Ahh I'm not getting my hopes up until I see it straight outta the horse's mouth.
I look forward to May 8, though the damn conference starts a half hour before my second class of the new semester starts. #-o Rumors suck, but I wouldn't be surprised by a $400 PS3. I hope Nintendo and Sony actually release concrete release info in two weeks so we're not wondering about the spcifics of the launch with fall on our doorstep.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki'] Rumors suck, but I wouldn't be surprised by a $400 PS3.[/quote]
Agreed. Like I said before, Sony can make up the money that they lose so many other ways. Im pullin for a $400 PS3 too. Theres no way im gonna scrape more cash than that together before launch. :bomb:
[quote name='MillerTime2523']Agreed. Like I said before, Sony can make up the money that they lose so many other ways. Im pullin for a $400 PS3 too. Theres no way im gonna scrape more cash than that together before launch. :bomb:[/QUOTE]

I just hope I'm able to bag one from Costco. Knowing Sony I will NOT be taking any chances here and will take the free 2 year warranty.
[quote name='CheapyD']How can it run PS2 games at 1080p?
I thought that was basically impossible at this point.
I smell :bs:[/quote]

My guess is that its the same principal as upscaling a DVD from 480i/p to 1080i. In other words, it ain't going to be pretty. The bigger problem is that as far as I know most PS1 and PS2 games are made for a 4:3 ratio so they'll probably be stretching the picture or cropping the picture. Both are bad ideas.
One detail that won't be revealed is the PS3's price, which is bound to cause frustration amongst gamers, but is actually a savvy media move. By withholding those details, Sony gains additional media attention (and a renewed burst of public awareness) when it ultimately reveals the price - likely at the end of summer or early fall
You guys remember how expensive DVD players were when the PS2 launched? About 300-400 dollars. That's one of the reasons it did so well. I think Sony can do it twice.
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']You guys remember how expensive DVD players were when the PS2 launched? About 300-400 dollars. That's one of the reasons it did so well. I think Sony can do it twice.[/QUOTE]

Were there some on the market at that price? Sure. But I got my first stand alone DVD player that black friday for $60.

Ok correct me if I'm wrong but won't Sony get royalties from each Blu Ray disc made? So in the short term they would lose money but if it gives blu ray the edge over HDDVDs they will make it back and more on the backend.
PSO and PS2 games in 1080p huh? Wow...pixelized HD goodness. Source material isn't exactly tailored for HD so I don't see what the big deal of that is.

The price, if true, however is a huge deal. Damn. Still gonna hold off about a year until all the quirks are worked out though.
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']You guys remember how expensive DVD players were when the PS2 launched? About 300-400 dollars. That's one of the reasons it did so well. I think Sony can do it twice.[/QUOTE]

Do you remember when DVD launched in the USA? Around 1997. Do you remember when PS2 launched? Around 2001.

Do you remember when Blu-Ray launched? Oh yeah, not yet.
PS3 for $400 is insane. Yeap, Sony will loose alot $$$ for each PS3 is sale but they'll made tons of money on Blue-Ray DVDs, DVD Player and PS3 Games. If the RUMMOR is true, Sony will destroy HD DVD, HD DVD Player and control entertainment market once again.

Im very excited if its true you can play Import game on US PS3 ;)

I really not excited about the PS3 at all. I will pre-order one just incase they go for $1500 on ebay. I will buy a PS3 probably a year or so after it has been out just due to the fact that they screwed up on the PS2 with dvd lasers. So image what's going to happen with a brand new technology. Just remember that I'm not biased toward any company.
OK, so the price point thing has been debunked.

Wasn't there some huge article recently about 1080p not being possible on the PS3? I could have sworn I read something similar to that.
1080p is possible on a PS3 (well, I mean, it should be anyway), but don't expect games like Metal Gear Solid 4 or Gran Turismo 5 or Resident Evil 5 to be 1080p. The PS3s graphics processor would have to be several steps up from current gen PC GPUs to do that. You might get some 1080p cutscene videos in a game or something like Tetris 1080p, but the PS3 would have to cost Sony more than a high end computer to do 1080p 3D gaming. Forget the GPU, it would need like double or triple the RAM a 360 has.
[quote name='gizmogc']Do you remember when DVD launched in the USA? Around 1997. Do you remember when PS2 launched? Around 2001.

Do you remember when Blu-Ray launched? Oh yeah, not yet.[/quote]

Actually, do some research and find why the PS2 sold so well in Japan. It was for this exact reason, the Japanese market was buying the PS2 as a DVD player plus gaming console for around the same price as a standard DVD player.


"In 2000, Sony released its PlayStation 2 console in Japan. In addition to playing video games developed for the system it was also able to play DVD movies. This proved to be a huge selling point because the PS2 cost about the same as DVD player but it could do a whole lot more. As a result, many electronic stores that normally did not carry video game consoles carried PS2s."

In my opinion, Sony would be smart to pull this thing out at $399. First, you attack the XBox on the same price level. Second, you get (hopefully) a fully backwards compatable library. And thirdly you get the Blue-Ray DVD market moving. They will make money off of every game and Blue-Ray DVD sold. As it was stated before, they may loose money initially, but in the 5 year strategy they'll come out ahead.
[quote name='CrimsonPaw']Actually, do some research and find why the PS2 sold so well in Japan. It was for this exact reason, the Japanese market was buying the PS2 as a DVD player plus gaming console for around the same price as a standard DVD player.


"In 2000, Sony released its PlayStation 2 console in Japan. In addition to playing video games developed for the system it was also able to play DVD movies. This proved to be a huge selling point because the PS2 cost about the same as DVD player but it could do a whole lot more. As a result, many electronic stores that normally did not carry video game consoles carried PS2s."

In my opinion, Sony would be smart to pull this thing out at $399. First, you attack the XBox on the same price level. Second, you get (hopefully) a fully backwards compatable library. And thirdly you get the Blue-Ray DVD market moving. They will make money off of every game and Blue-Ray DVD sold. As it was stated before, they may loose money initially, but in the 5 year strategy they'll come out ahead.

The difference IMO is that any idiot on the street could see an obvious superiority of DVD over VHS. While Blu-Ray is superior, it's harder to jusitfy then the the jump from VHS to DVD.
[quote name='Stuka']1080p is possible on a PS3 (well, I mean, it should be anyway), but don't expect games like Metal Gear Solid 4 or Gran Turismo 5 or Resident Evil 5 to be 1080p. The PS3s graphics processor would have to be several steps up from current gen PC GPUs to do that. You might get some 1080p cutscene videos in a game or something like Tetris 1080p, but the PS3 would have to cost Sony more than a high end computer to do 1080p 3D gaming. Forget the GPU, it would need like double or triple the RAM a 360 has.[/quote] I don't expect anything to be in 1080p. From what I recall, Sony never said specifically that games would run in 1080p. I'm thinking it's just the Bluray movies that would be at that resolution (plus any cutscenes in games like you said).

That being said, I won't take a word from Sony unless I had the final product in my hands to buy. It happened with the PS2 and I expect no less from Sony with the PS3. After the bs with the Killzone pre-renderd 'simulated' graphics, and then whittling down features as time goes by, (wasn;t there supposed to be a hub on this thing?)I'll wait until all 3 consoles to comeout to stack them up and decided a winner.
We are only getting previous generation games playing on the PS3 by emulation. Same way 360 is doing it.
Straight from Sony.
He said Shes Said...
[quote name='KingDox']yeah, but how much will places charge for bundles ?[/QUOTE]

I think craptastic game filled bundles and retailers eBaying their alotments is going to make the next consoles much harder to get at launch.

"In 2000, Sony released its PlayStation 2 console in Japan. In addition to playing video games developed for the system it was also able to play DVD movies. This proved to be a huge selling point because the PS2 cost about the same as DVD player but it could do a whole lot more. As a result, many electronic stores that normally did not carry video game consoles carried PS2s."

but that is with the dvd player being the same price as the ps2, not at about 1/2 the price.
bread's done