PSi - "Smaller PSP with touch screen"

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[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, SunSans-Regular, sans-serif]---[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, SunSans-Regular, sans-serif]Sony is set to rock the gaming world once again with a new play platform entry. The PSi (interactive) is just 4.5” wide and carries a 3” LCD with 16 million colors. Other familiar features include a tightly squeezed UMD and memory stick duo. Amazingly the PSi has the same pixel resolution as PSP, with 480 x 272, so gaming titles will not have to be reformatted.New Tech Spy has learned through well placed sources that Sony is apparently hedging its bets against the possible death of UMD and positioning itself against Nintendo’s DS lite, which sold an impressive 380,000 in Japan in March.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, SunSans-Regular, sans-serif]---[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, SunSans-Regular, sans-serif]The PSi is designed with a nearly unscratchable touch screen that will give users a virtual keyboard in which to enter internet addresses and other duties previously unavailable to PSP users. The rest of the body is constructed of matte finish plastic to eliminate the smudge-laden appearance of its glossy exteriored sibling. The " i" also gives the PSi the ability to work not just with WiFi networks but with WiBro, UMTS, EVDO, and future WiMax networks via switchable modules that correspond with each system and their sponsors... Which leads to some questions; wireless photo sharing?, peer-to-peer gaming? or possibly music, game and video downloads? One thing is for sure, without the support of UMD by the major movie studios, Sony may have to find another way to bring in profitable content.[/FONT]
Touch screen.. This is going to be interesting if this pans out.. I still dont like the idea of an unscratchable screen? Wtf is that?
[quote name='jkam']If this isn't an April Fool's joke Sony is retarded.[/quote]

How the hell are they retarded??? They are trying to bank on the DS's success.....I don't see how thats so retarded?? Please explain...
Look at it this way it may not be innovative but at least its a heck of a lot more useful than the one on the DS. From what I've read most developers have to really "work" to make solid use out of the touch screen on the DS and most the time it comes off more annoying for the gamer than useful. If this does nothing else it makes keying in websites less of a hassle on the PSP. It also looks like they may have fixed the funky Dpad if thats the case I'd seriously consider trading in my old PSP to pick up the new one. By the way I happen to "like" the games on the PSP I've got plenty of games to occupy my time.
It all depends about how "unscratchable" the screen is going to be. So far I've seen people make scratches in even the best screen protectors's a bit rough. I'd hate to drop around $250 on a portable that I utilize for its graphics and movie-playing capabilities and yet have to refuse to let anyone borrow it or try it out so I can keep my screen pristine.

That's just me, though. If they can pull it off all the more power to them. I'm still waiting for the huge boom of games that will make the PSP worthwhile for me but it's still not there yet, save for unported goodies from Japan that I can't read.
[quote name='PhoenixT']Look at it this way it may not be innovative but at least its a heck of a lot more useful than the one on the DS. From what I've read most developers have to really "work" to make solid use out of the touch screen on the DS and most the time it comes off more annoying for the gamer than useful. If this does nothing else it makes keying in websites less of a hassle on the PSP. It also looks like they may have fixed the funky Dpad if thats the case I'd seriously consider trading in my old PSP to pick up the new one. By the way I happen to "like" the games on the PSP I've got plenty of games to occupy my time.[/QUOTE]

Where are you getting your wonderful stash of games? Or are you just using emulators, because I count maybe 5 games that are fun on the PSP. Please tell me you are joking that DS touch pad is more annoying than useful? I have never had any problems using it.
GTA, SFA3,Darkstalkers,Daxter,Siphon Filter,MG Acid,Twisted Metal, MegaMan Powered UP *shrugs* not all of them are "orginal" titles to a hand held but their portable and fun. Also what I mean by annoying is developers are putting things in that serve no real purpose like some sort of sealing deal on the castlevania game that I read was more annoying and a chore than entertaining and different. I guess my main feeling is the PSP has more games that fit my interests rather than stuff like animal crossing and nintendogs that hold 0 interest for me. The only game I would consider really getting a DS for might be a final fantasy or mario kart so thats what....two games, not knocking them out of the park either are they. Don't get me started on Metroid I hated that series since they took it to Metroid Prime that game annoyed the hell out me.
[quote name='Prepster']How the hell are they retarded??? They are trying to bank on the DS's success.....I don't see how thats so retarded?? Please explain...[/QUOTE]

I knew it wouldn't take long for someone to ask so:

1. Smaller Screen 3in compared to 4.3 of the original
The PSP screen was a big deal when compared to the Gameboy SP and the original DS. Now it will be the same size as a DS screen.

2. A second version of a console that really doesn't have a creditable game library as of yet.

3. A touch screen which everyone said was stupid when the DS was announced but will now be embraced because its on a Sony handheld? It's almost as if Sony is saying were just going to copy everything Nintendo does.

4. More talk about how many other things it can do besides play games. They just keep jam packing it with features that no one wants or cares about.

The only positive I can see is if they fix the hardware design ie: d-pad and nub. I also own a PSP and its not that I dislike the system I just think they need to concentrate their efforts into making it a viable platform before adding all the other crap.
[quote name='jkam']If this isn't an April Fool's joke Sony is retarded.[/QUOTE]

I agree. This thing is a joke (make that a bad joke). The best idea that Sony is able to come up with is to copy Nintendo? That is lame. Is this PSi thing capable of running PSP games? If so, the touch screen on the PSi alone isn't enough to position itself against the Nintendo DS. On top of that, if they make games that will take advantage of the touch screen. Then, the rest of us who purchased a regular PSP are screwed. On the other hand, even if the PSi is a new platform all together. Sony is still going to crash and burn. If they can't even support one portable system (still not enough games, UMD=dead, etc), how the heck are they going to support two portable systems? I can't wait until the DS Lite comes out, my PSP has been collecting a lot of dust. I barely even use it.

I still think this is some sort April's Fool Joke that got released late.
If that's true, then all I can say is fuck SONY! I spent $250+ on the current PSP and all of a sudden they're re-releasing a new one? fucking shitheads!
lol this is so like sony. I believe it, only because it involves sony stealing nintendo's ideas. lol.. do they actually think adding a touch screen will make the japanese release their death grip on their DS systems? It's about software, not hardware, dumbass sony.
[quote name='PhoenixT'] I guess my main feeling is the DS has more games that fit my interests rather than[/QUOTE]

We have a closet DS lover!!

In reality I know it was a typo... The problem I have and I can see this thread getting derailed soon... But the problem is you "read" about these annoyances...

The games are awesome on the DS. If you dont like them fine it looks like sony did a good job and reached you. However you do need to eventually try them out.
Ooops heh good catch Snack2715 my fault typo corrected wow...I need to proof read more! It may be the case that the games are fun but Nintendos not batting a thousand or orginality anymore anyway. I mean how many billions of different Metroids and Zeldas are out? Secondly the first mario out on the system wasnt even orginal it was mario 64 for crying out loud. If the DS comes out with enough that impresses me I'll buy one but honestly right now their not impressing me horribly much.
[quote name='RiCeBo1']If that's true, then all I can say is fuck SONY! I spent $250+ on the current PSP and all of a sudden they're re-releasing a new one? fucking shitheads![/quote]

And adding stuff to make the old one obsolete. At lesast the DS light is just an upgrade on looks and doesnt effect how games are played.
:rofl: This is the funniest thing ever...

Sony came into the game over-sure of themselves that they'd end Nintendo's reign but now they're down to copying the same thing they called childish and uncompetitive!

If anything, this'll bring something interesting to the table... will people buy into it or not?
Every generation Sony copies Nintendo some how.

Shoulder buttons? Check!

Analog stick? Check!

Touchscreen? ...maybe?

Its actually backwards. Nintendo should have made a handheld like the PSi with one touchscreen and then Sony should have come along and made something like the DS. They not only copied the should buttons, they doubled them. Not one analog stick, but two!

However, I'm thinking this article is bogus. If the screen is supposed to be 3" that would only leave .75 of an inch on each side of the hand held for the buttons. Looking at the picture, the buttons are the same size as the screen, which would make it 6".
[quote name='Kayden']

However, I'm thinking this article is bogus. If the screen is supposed to be 3" that would only leave .75 of an inch on each side of the hand held for the buttons. Looking at the picture, the buttons are the same size as the screen, which would make it 6".[/quote]

Well, having the buttons be on the screen wouldnt be too far fetched for a PSP...
[quote name='Msia'][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, SunSans-Regular, sans-serif]The " i" also gives the PSi the ability to work not just with WiFi networks but with WiBro, UMTS, EVDO, and future WiMax networks via switchable modules that correspond with each system and their sponsors.[/FONT][/quote]

Who would have ever thought that just by placing an i on the end of a system's name could give it so much power?

Wow, I'm really impressed. Keep up the great work, Sony!
[quote name='PhoenixT']GTA, SFA3,Darkstalkers,Daxter,Siphon Filter,MG Acid,Twisted Metal, MegaMan Powered UP *shrugs* not all of them are "orginal" titles to a hand held but their portable and fun. Also what I mean by annoying is developers are putting things in that serve no real purpose like some sort of sealing deal on the castlevania game that I read was more annoying and a chore than entertaining and different. I guess my main feeling is the PSP has more games that fit my interests rather than stuff like animal crossing and nintendogs that hold 0 interest for me. The only game I would consider really getting a DS for might be a final fantasy or mario kart so thats what....two games, not knocking them out of the park either are they. Don't get me started on Metroid I hated that series since they took it to Metroid Prime that game annoyed the hell out me.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, your opinion on the matter is well informed. I read somewhere that sex isn't all that great. Man, I'm never going to try it now!
[quote name='javeryh']There's just no way this is true.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. This simply isn't different enough from the PSP, and if anything, the changes in the console are, for the most part, a step backwards from the PSP. I don't recall anyone bitching about the *size* of the PSP (compared to the DS, anyway), so doing all this seems absurd. I call BS.

Even if you want to hold up the DS Lite and say "well, the big N did this too," then you may have a point. However, at least that thing not only retained the screen size of the original, it also made them a fuckton brighter.
1)Who the fuck is newtechspy and why would they have the inside information on something like this? I'm a little skeptical at this point.

2)They talk about the possible death of the UMD as the reasoning for Sony to make this new system yet they make it seem (both in the article and the picture) that the new system will use UMD and more or less be a PSP with a touchscreen.

3)Why are there so many people posting in this thread that so obviously hate the PSP?
This is completely fake. Someone on GameFaqs made it supposedly and posted it on their site.

The image and render is shitty quality, its just as bad as all of those Revo concepts
[quote name='munch']Yeah, your opinion on the matter is well informed. I read somewhere that sex isn't all that great. Man, I'm never going to try it now![/quote]

Way to miss the bulk of the post jackass go kiss nintendos ass some more maybe they'll make another princes peach game for you or nintendcats so you can actually get some pussy jesus some of you people need to like grow up or something god it was an OPINION for christ sake *rolls eyes*. Oh no someone with a different point of view from me killem killem!
this is turning into a flame fest. bad bad bad. If sony makes this, it will never succeed and nintendo would find someway to get a lawsuit out of this.
[quote name='PhoenixT']Way to miss the bulk of the post jackass go kiss nintendos ass some more maybe they'll make another princes peach game for you or nintendcats so you can actually get some pussy jesus some of you people need to like grow up or something god it was an OPINION for christ sake *rolls eyes*. Oh no someone with a different point of view from me killem killem![/QUOTE]

explain to me how I'm missing the bulk of the post. You are saying that touch screen functionality is useless. Now, if you would have said that having played the games that would be one thing. But you openly admit that you HAVEN'T EVEN PLAYED THE GAMES. I'm not criticizing opinions, i'm criticizing UNINFORMED opinions like yours.

So it seems to me that you're the jackass in this situation, not me.
I think everyone who fell for this should slit their wrists.

Especially the DS fanboys who used this to rationalise their purchase.

Shame on you all.
It's funny how biased Nintendo people think that the touchscreen option on the DS is soo unique. Right, Nintendo was no where near coming up with it. What about the Zodiac, Palms, and Pocket PC's? The have had them forever.

Two can play this game, now get a taste of your own, ignorant medicine.
[quote name='UncleGuito']It's funny how biased Nintendo people think that the touchscreen option on the DS is soo unique. Right, Nintendo was no where near coming up with it. What about the Zodiac, Palms, and Pocket PC's? The have had them forever.

Two can play this game, now get a taste of your own, ignorant medicine.[/quote]


I don't get it. The DS is the first handheld videogame system with a touch screen as far as I know which would make it unique, right? I must be missing something.
[quote name='javeryh']:?:[/quote] I was just replying to how Nintendo activists/fantatics claim Sony always steals ideas, and now, is doing so again with the PSP.

Edit- No, the DS wasn't.

My main point is that I don't understand why DS activists get so pissed off at Sony, saying they recycle all of Nintendo's ideas. They aren't Nintendo's ideas, others came up with them first, Nintendo just refined them, just as Sony does with many as well. Game developers do the same with every game, yet you don't hear immature other developers complaning about it.
[quote name='Kayden']Every generation Sony copies Nintendo some how.

Shoulder buttons? Check!

Analog stick? Check!

Touchscreen? ...maybe?

Its actually backwards. Nintendo should have made a handheld like the PSi with one touchscreen and then Sony should have come along and made something like the DS. They not only copied the should buttons, they doubled them. Not one analog stick, but two![/QUOTE]
Don't forget 'rumble'! They took one motor and put two!
[quote name='UncleGuito']I was just replying to how Nintendo activists/fantatics claim Sony always steals ideas, and now, is doing so again with the PSP.[/quote]

oh, OK I got it now. You've got to admit Sony does *ahem* borrow a lot of things that Nintendo does first though whether or not Nintendo actually thinks of it... but competition means better products at lower prices so what do I care - I'll enjoy them all (except for the "PSi" which is obviously fake).
[quote name='Grugger']It's been confirmed as fake on's forum.

(Gaming-age's new website)[/QUOTE]

It is more than likely fake.
BUT Gaming Age Forum isn't a credible source.
In the past, they confirmed that Kingdom Hearts 2 was going to be 29.99 at Fry's. They were wrong.
[quote name='PhoenixT']GTA, SFA3,Darkstalkers,Daxter,Siphon Filter,MG Acid,Twisted Metal, MegaMan Powered UP *shrugs* not all of them are "orginal" titles to a hand held but their portable and fun.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='PhoenixT']I mean how many billions of different Metroids and Zeldas are out? Secondly the first mario out on the system wasnt even orginal it was mario 64 for crying out loud.[/QUOTE]

First you say you like the psp's unoriginal games and then you say you hate nintendo's games because they're unoriginal.

[quote name='munch']explain to me how I'm missing the bulk of the post. You are saying that touch screen functionality is useless. Now, if you would have said that having played the games that would be one thing. But you openly admit that you HAVEN'T EVEN PLAYED THE GAMES. I'm not criticizing opinions, i'm criticizing UNINFORMED opinions like yours.

So it seems to me that you're the jackass in this situation, not me.[/QUOTE]

Put a fork in him cause he's done.
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