PSNOT 2.0 - I kind of want to subscribe to IndieBox.

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Wow, Man Seeking Women is about the biggest pile of dog shit I've watched all the way through in a long time.

Fantasy elements are fine, but when reality breaks down in the interaction with those fantasy elements,it doesn't work. NO ONE reacts to him being attacked, nor her getting punted across the restaurant. NORMAL people react when a fight breaks out in a restaurant. Also, if Trolls apparently can't communicate in English WTF would his sister think she was a good match? No one has a problem with fuck ing mass murderer Adolf Hitler back from several decades hiding in Argentina? So far it seems like a really poor, live action knock-off of Ugly Americans.

The ending makes it seem like much of this is not really happening and it is a product of his imagination / some kind of psychosis. either that or it is the least realistic television universe EVER.

Escape Goat 2 is awesome. Let me know if you're able to beat it all without looking up answers. I only had to look up solutions for 3 rooms, and then I also looked up which rooms contained the entrances to the secret rooms since that wasn't indicated and could be 3-4 rooms for each one.
All I've got left are most of the secret areas and yeah they're so totally hidden that I'm just saying screw it and looking them up. I had to resort to YouTube for 5 rooms iirc; as soon as I saw the solution to a couple of them I kicked myself for spoiling them. They were definitely the kind of facepalm-simple answers that if I had just spent more time on would've come eventually.

So if I hadn't been an impatient dullard playing at 1am we would've had nearly identical runs through the main game. :D

hmm, I don't remember the enemies in NG+ of Demon's Souls doing so much damage compared to Dark Souls. a zombie waving a torch in my face ate away 90% of my HP.

Not sure how long I'll be maintaining this, but here's every game I've played this year:


Next up for PS4 are Infamous SS and FL. Knocking those out will put me at 5 plats for the month. My total prior to this month was 10 plats ever.  :D/

Just finished the first couple levels of Duke 3d on Vita. Jesus it's glorious. Hasn't aged a bit. It's exactly how I remember playing it in the 90s.

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure done. Easy as pie but ultimately unsatisfying as a game other than the weird characters and phrases like 'I just took away your friction.'

I did like the off kilter concepts like having a crippled character who could mount a horse (and subsequently be knocked off of it and crawl around) and a character that has a super that substantially speeds the game timer all the way to zero and slows the opponent.

Good stuff.
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure done. Easy as pie but ultimately unsatisfying as a game other than the weird characters and phrases like 'I just took away your friction.'

I did like the off kilter concepts like having a crippled character who could mount a horse (and subsequently be knocked off of it and crawl around) and a character that has a super that substantially speeds the game timer all the way to zero and slows the opponent.

Good stuff.
Yeah, arguably the best thing about that game for me was that I now want to read the manga that will be released here.

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So I upgraded my FFXIV from PS3 to PS4 version and I'm downloading now. Will I get another free month on PS4, or would I have to start paying right away?
Thanks again for invite for crota, it was fun, hopefully I wasnt a drag too bad on the team.

Crota is way better than VOG, not nearly as time consuming. Hopefully I can join up again and get that clan trophy possibly.

Some more answers from the Rack 'n Ruin dev:

Q: Will the trophy list have some difficult objectives? That can add a lot of replay value on top of the standard difficulty and story-based trophies. Rogue Legacy for example has some a good trophy list with a mix of progress trophies and trophies that you get by performing specific tasks.

A: There are trophy based challenge objectives. They range from something simple like beating the game on hard to more focused challenges like beating a certain boss using a certain damage type, which changes the way the boss has to be approached.

Q: Are the basic controls left stick to move, and right stick to shoot?

A: There is a lock-on mechanic in place that can be used to target enemies. Its very noticeable in the trailer as you can see the targeting indicator. This allows the player to focus on weaving around all the complex bullet patterns that are unleashed by the enemies in the game.

I gotta say so far the game sounds pretty good. I'm really hoping it's a free PS+ game of whatever month it comes out.

Thanks again for invite for crota, it was fun, hopefully I wasnt a drag too bad on the team.

Crota is way better than VOG, not nearly as time consuming. Hopefully I can join up again and get that clan trophy possibly.
Nah, you were fine. We did it in 38 minutes with you on the team, which is fairly quick. But you had also never done it before, so you have to figure 4-5 of that was standing around explaining things to you.

The first couple times I did Crota, I didn't like it that much. It didn't have the same tactical feel that VOG does. But as I've played it more, I like it better than VOG. I love how fast it can be, even if you're bringing people who have never done it before. If you have just a few who have, you can pretty much just power through it with hardly any issues.

Plus there's no stupid jumping puzzle.
Ratchet & Clank 1 Vita sure is stingy with trophies. At least I think it has trophies. I see Ratchet & Clank listed in the trophies app. Unless that's for trophies for the other games in the set….

Ratchet & Clank 1 Vita sure is stingy with trophies. At least I think it has trophies. I see Ratchet & Clank listed in the trophies app. Unless that's for trophies for the other games in the set….
Did you look at the list? There appear to be very few progression-based trophies and a lot of task/planet-specific ones.

I'm probably not going to play duke nukem because I never liked the game and it looks like it aged horribly, but that level DVR function is awesome as shit. Just saw it in bluemaxima's review when he fell down a pit and rewound to just a little bit before the misstep.
Meh, despite making poor decisions pretty much all of the time, they are still able to churn out great games. That's most important to me at the end of the day.

But they're still not bundling the game in the EU?
I guess this could be seen as counter intuitive, but as a CAG I'd rather pay the normal price for the system and buy a physical copy of the game for cheaper than what the bundle would have cost (thanks GCU).

Agree or disagree:
3DS "has a better variety of games...with Platformers, Fighting, Racing and many many indie titles" then Vita.

This statement was made a GG editor in the comments of my editorial.  He's a silly boy.

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Agree or disagree:

3DS "has a better variety of games...with Platformers, Fighting, Racing and many many indie titles" then Vita.
Didnt even know 3ds had indie titles, and two how many of those games are the same games nintendo has been remaking for the last 20 years?

Didnt even know 3ds had indie titles, and two how many of those games are the same games nintendo has been remaking for the last 20 years?
Exactly. I mean I knew 3DS has some indies, but its more a WiiU thing. The variety of goofy, yet cool indies seems better on Vita. Or maybe I have blinders on? Do I have blinders on? Mom, is that you?

I'm probably not going to play duke nukem because I never liked the game and it looks like it aged horribly, but that level DVR function is awesome as shit. Just saw it in bluemaxima's review when he fell down a pit and rewound to just a little bit before the misstep.
Yeah, I died a couple times this morning and it's a really cool function.

If you never liked Duke 3D you won't like it now for sure. It's the exact same game. It performs and controls well, but it's a mid-90s FPS. Unless you come at it from a nostalgia standpoint you're going to be comparing it to current FPS titles and the genre has changed quite a bit since then.

Agree or disagree:

3DS "has a better variety of games...with Platformers, Fighting, Racing and many many indie titles" then Vita.

This statement was made a GG editor in the comments of my editorial. He's a silly boy.

I bet he thinks 3DS has a lot more games than Vita because he does all his game shopping at Walmart. "The Vita only has 1 shelf of games, wtf?"

Exactly. I mean I knew 3DS has some indies, but its more a WiiU thing. The variety of goofy, yet cool indies seems better on Vita. Or maybe I have blinders on? Do I have blinders on? Mom, is that you?
I think variety is pretty equal between the two just with some different genre weighting. I bought a 3ds a while back and made a list of games I wanted to play off the Wikipedia list. Try it, it's surprising. It's also the reason I ended up selling it still sealed, the variety (outside of some Nintendo titles) just isn't for me. But there's a lot to pick from and it definitely would appeal more to some folks over the vita library.
Agree or disagree:

3DS "has a better variety of games...with Platformers, Fighting, Racing and many many indie titles" then Vita.

This statement was made a GG editor in the comments of my editorial. He's a silly boy.
Oh cool now he's using the PS+ games aren't free argument.

I'll stop giving updates on this now. You know where to find the article/comments if you want to join the fun/roll your eyes.

Agree or disagree:

3DS "has a better variety of games...with Platformers, Fighting, Racing and many many indie titles" then Vita.

This statement was made a GG editor in the comments of my editorial. He's a silly boy.
I think anyone here would disagree with that statement, myself included. But if you were to say 3DS "has a better variety of games that are not available on any other platform...with Platformers, Fighting, Racing and many many indie titles" then Vita., then it is a totally different conversation. That distinction is pretty important, as the numbers show that people aren't really rushing out to buy a Vita so that they can play a lot of the same games that they can just by owning a PS3/4.

I think anyone here would disagree with that statement, myself included. But if you were to say 3DS "has a better variety of games that are not available on any other platform...with Platformers, Fighting, Racing and many many indie titles" then Vita., then it is a totally different conversation. That distinction is pretty important, as the numbers show that people aren't really rushing out to buy a Vita so that they can play a lot of the same games that they can just by owning a PS3/4.
I'm not sure if this argument is all that defensible. A lot of the 3DS titles are also ports from other systems. The ratio of unique games to multi-platform games is better on the 3DS, but it's not a landslide victory.

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