PSNOT 2.0 - I kind of want to subscribe to IndieBox.

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yep. I even do what the best video shows But it seems I always get more of the big blade guys and the turrets don't kill them and I get swarmed. I will try again later. I may be missing something.
What "best video" are you using? Go money, weapon, money, then alternate supplies and health every other round. Get turrets round 4, upgrade immediately, and on every final level drop 3 and get in a corner. Get mines next, upgrade, and scatter them in with the turrets. Always have a health pack ready to use.

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Now that just shows you we all have strengths. Vanquish is 10000 times harder than any arcade racing game.
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Now that just shows you we all have strengths. Vanquish is 10000 times harder than any arcade racing game.
Yeah, I would think most would find Vanquish much tougher.

I have 10 races to win left. Too bad one of them is that one. I haven't even attempted it again since yesterday. Luckily there is only one other speed run and one ambush left since those are a bit frustrating.

I'm giving Agents of Shield another chance.  I'm about halfway through the first season now.  It's getting better, but that hacker girl is still annoying.  Her contribution to the team is either reading Facebook posts or serving as a Deanna Troi wannabe.  In other words, she's useless.

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Well, crap. Apparently that wasn't MGR2 being teased at the Taipei Game Show...

...But the font used was so specific. I hope this is BS.

Decided to abandon SR2. The constant crashes and then the absolute absurdity of how instant-kill some things are in the missions just pissed me off too much. I had to restart the game over five times for one mission due to crashes and being squishy and carrying a squishy teammate in a game that throws a constant stream of cars and fire at you just isn't something I enjoy. An example of this is the Reunion Tour mission in the Brotherhood line, if anybody is curious. That's the one where you make Donnie plant bombs on 4 Brotherhood trucks. You have to dodge ~20 cars filled with guys, not get hit by molotov cocktails, flame-throwers, and too many bullets while protecting a guy who either just stands there or gets blown up from trucks catching fire and exploding from bullet fire. Then when you're done you have to hope your car isn't damaged too badly and your guys not incapacitated too extensively so that you can get into your car and race away before you get killed by the ridiculously large bomb you just set. It's a stupid mission anyway--why can't you just blow them up with a rocket launcher or something else that's not pointlessly elaborate?  :wall:

The game just doesn't feel like it does a good job with the concept of being the head of a gang. If I'm going to be fighting a constant stream of guys from another gang, being limited to 3 gang members when the map is completely covered in SR guys is just silly. It undermines the idea that the Saints are taking over the city if you can't actually use them for anything. Curious how 3 and 4 handle this aspect, but it'll be at least a few months until I get around to starting 3.

Other than the poorly-balanced mission difficulties throughout the game, the only real mechanical problems I've run into are that weapons randomly change in story missions (meaning you have dual-wield infinite ammo Kobra equipped, you have a brief cut-scene mid-mission, and suddenly you're rocking bare-fisted suicide mode) and that you have to go find Saints to get your followers to re-join after any mission that doesn't use them or when quitting/restarting the game. You should have been able to call them on the phone like your homies, or any followers should have simply rejoined you automatically on entering the game/completing a mission they couldn't attend.

I wouldn't refer to it as a mechanical issue, but the mission variance is really bizarre. The goals and scenario of missions is randomized so for example if you're playing Mayhem level 3 it'll send you to one location, and if you restart the mission it will send you elsewhere with a very different layout and ease of destruction. The locations and situations behind missions changes to an extent that the difficulty of one iteration can be very different from another. It's an odd approach.

I like the game narrative and style quite a bit. I'm expecting that 3 being more polished will have me enjoying that a lot more. Seems like a lot of people like 3 less, though, so we'll see.

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I thought I had Whoa Dave in the bag, but topside came out of nowhere with an incredible 8.99! Hats off to you sir. I am still trying for 10.00.I already got the plat for rogue legacy, but I'll have fun listening to everyone complain about the remix bosses. Hold on, let me get my popcorn.
Thanks. Yeah, $10 is right around the corner. Something clicked for me and I scored over $8 probably 10 times that day. People in the thread probably won't like to hear this, but I get over $5 every run now. (I still think a lot of you in here could get it; just need to find that rhythm)

Good luck getting to $10.
its a funny matchup because its last decades bandwagon team vs this decades bandwagon team.
Yeah but at least the people in the New England area have for the most part always loved the Patriots. The bandwagons pop up in other parts of the country, though. Even people in Seattle didn't care about the Seahawks until two years ago.
hes just giving you shit about writing a novella about giving up on SR2.
Yeah, I know. I like to write stuff like that out, though. Could be that I was missing a mechanic for the followers, that there's some magic "Being run over by exploding cards does 0 damage" upgrade I missed, or that SR3/4 will not be to my tastes based on what I said about 2. Writing that stuff out lets people respond to any of that if they want to--just saying I gave up on it without any details doesn't do the trick.

Pharm already went into detail about why he isn't liking Duke 3d, so him acting that he didn't say anything else is just silly. He actually complained about the maps a few times IIRC--most of my SR2 post was original material and I glossed over what wasn't.

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Yeah, I know. I like to write stuff like that out, though. Could be that I was missing a mechanic for the followers, that there's some magic "Being run over by exploding cards does 0 damage" upgrade I missed, or that SR3/4 will not be to my tastes based on what I said about 2. Writing that stuff out lets people respond to any of that if they want to--just saying I gave up on it without any details doesn't do the trick.

Pharm already went into detail about why he isn't liking Duke 3d, so him acting that he didn't say anything else is just silly. He actually complained about the maps a few times IIRC--most of my SR2 post was original material and I glossed over what wasn't.
Yeah, i posted a cople sentences in separate posts. Much easier to read and most people will read it as opposed to a block of text. Even if you did use paragraphs unlike our buddy Zimm.

I think Need for Speed MW may have gotten me back into racing. I've been wanting to play a good racing game for awhile, but haven't bothered until then. Didn't really play much last gen except maybe Blur which was cool. I own NFS HP, MW, and Rivals lol. Last night I tried the demo for Forza Horizon 2 and it was awesome! It reminded me of a much better NFSMW with gorgeous graphics. I might have to nab that when it's cheap. I'd prefer that to the more sim heavy Forza 5 which I got a free copy of.
Topside, is there anything I should do other than just have my character do the teleport and then just sit there on your leveling up Disney Infinity level?  It doesnt seem to be moving along very quick, but slow is better than not at all.  I just didn't know if there was anything I should be doing to make it go faster.

Never fails. As soon as I finish rule the universe, I immediately lost three balls in Shitty dum ways.

So what's the next table chewy is going to embarrass all of us on?
What's the secret? Here's what I do:

Maximize early whoa block kills. Preserve both platformsWhen I lose the first platform, I try to defend the second one at all costs. When the second one is lost, keep everything to one side, prioritize ufo kills

I consistently get over 5 but only broke 8 once... I feel like I'm missing the last piece of strategy
Thanks. Yeah, $10 is right around the corner. Something clicked for me and I scored over $8 probably 10 times that day. People in the thread probably won't like to hear this, but I get over $5 every run now. (I still think a lot of you in here could get it; just need to find that rhythm) Good luck getting to $10.
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Equalizer is the "better" movie but John Wick is the much more fun and entertaining version of the same basic idea.
The ending of Equalizer is very weird
He murders ALL these Russian mob people and even travels to Russia to murder the big boss, assaults (crooked) cops and there are no repercussions for him, He isn't arrested, he doesn't move within the city, hell, he still goes to the same damn coffee shop. There is certainly more than 3 dirty cops in Boston, how does he not get straight up murdered by the remnants of the Russian Mob or the corrupt cops? He isn't even trying to hide.

Topside, is there anything I should do other than just have my character do the teleport and then just sit there on your leveling up Disney Infinity level? It doesnt seem to be moving along very quick, but slow is better than not at all. I just didn't know if there was anything I should be doing to make it go faster.
Nope. When you first activate it there seems to be a good bit of experience but then it slows down to a steady trickle. We usually just use it and then watch some TV, checking every so often to see if characters have capped.

And you don't have to use the teleporter to activate it; I had put it in originally because I was going to completely enclose the area with four walls and that was going to be the way inside. Pretty sure you can just walk in the center to set it off.

Since Pete already said the Most Wanted was kicking his ass, I thought he would really enjoy this post.

I'm giving Agents of Shield another chance. I'm about halfway through the first season now. It's getting better, but that hacker girl is still annoying. Her contribution to the team is either reading Facebook posts or serving as a Deanna Troi wannabe. In other words, she's useless.
They subtlety reboot several of the characters at the start of S2 (her's is one of them), Arrow S3 is finally starting to get more interesting but currently I still stand by my earlier assessment, AoS S2 > Arrow S3.

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What's the secret? Here's what I do: Maximize early whoa block kills. Preserve both platformsWhen I lose the first platform, I try to defend the second one at all costs. When the second one is lost, keep everything to one side, prioritize ufo kills I consistently get over 5 but only broke 8 once... I feel like I'm missing the last piece of strategy
Sounds like you've pretty much got the same gameplan as me. Here's a few things that you may or may not already do that I use:

Focus on the keeping everything on the left side at first since UFOs only attack that side until it's down. Around the $3 mark I let them take down the left side because things start to get a little crazy and I find focusing everything on the right with the left side down is easier because you can dump eggs on the lower left side in the lava. Might seem obvious, but when you dump a whoa block make sure to start clearing coins from the right side and moving back to the left so you can start clearing the left side of eggs again as quickly as possible.

Other than that it's just instinct when bad luck drops get out of hand to get everything back in control. It really sucks when the whoa block drops on the right side in all the traffic or right on top of bomb that's exploding. I was pretty frustrated about an hour ago when I hit the $6 mark without dying only to die 3 times before hitting $7.

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Nope. When you first activate it there seems to be a good bit of experience but then it slows down to a steady trickle. We usually just use it and then watch some TV, checking every so often to see if characters have capped.

And you don't have to use the teleporter to activate it; I had put it in originally because I was going to completely enclose the area with four walls and that was going to be the way inside. Pretty sure you can just walk in the center to set it off.
After the trickle started, I exited out without saving the toy box and then went back in. That way the high concentration of XP comes back.
What "best video" are you using? Go money, weapon, money, then alternate supplies and health every other round. Get turrets round 4, upgrade immediately, and on every final level drop 3 and get in a corner. Get mines next, upgrade, and scatter them in with the turrets. Always have a health pack ready to use.
I was using the video on the guide on the PST site. I looked at others and they were the slow and go type. I wanted to do it quickly. He said to use grenades and I did and it didnt work. You just mention mines and I had that aha moment. Of course mines work bettter! Finished it first try. Thanks.

Dead Nation Apocalypse Edition: Plat #40

In celebration, I'll drink a 40 for my homies!

Fine Stotch you win

I don't feel like putting up with the random ass comments anymore

If anyone still wants to talk to me pm me or keek or whatever...I'm just not in the mood for this
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bread's done