PSNOT 2.0 - I kind of want to subscribe to IndieBox.

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psn has been up all day for me. maybe just cuz im staying connected. my son is farming coins on pvz. just got 80,000 so I bought 2 character packs. got a paleontologist scientist and a fire chomper. good stuff. he is also farming pirate kills for me ;)
It didn't kick me out when I was playing Ether One earlier but when I went to sync a couple of trophies, it said it wasn't able to connect. Either way, everything shows as back up now.

I'm the bully for getting upset when Stotch says my wife is ugly?

What a weird distorted world you live in.

Go drink some more beer!

If Stotch said your wife was a 5 outta 20 you would be fine with it? Your wife would be fine with it?

Either you are a liar and a hypocrite or you are a spineless husband, which is it now?
for the record my comment about banging 5s was about the other girls u bang, not ur wife

if u or stotch said my wife was a 5, i would not care because u dont mean anything to me


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From another thread:

It's here! ZE3 announced!

North American video game distributor Aksys Games and creator Kōtarō Uchikoshi announced at their Anime Expo panel on Friday that it will release a third game in the Zero Escape game series. The game, tentatively titled Zero Escape 3, is slated for a summer 2016 release on Nintendo 3DS and PlayStation Vita.

fuck YEAH

EDIT: Link with press release:

ATTENTION PEOPLE OF THE WORLD: Japanese Adventure Game Strain Zero Escape Unavoidable

Undisclosed Location – July 3, 2015

Many government organizations have dismissed our urgent warnings regarding the upcoming game event called Zero Time Dilemma. Recent intelligence has escalated our plans and we have come to the decision to contact gamers about the dangers directly. Our ultimate goal has always been to protect the public from the horrific consequences we have foreseen, but it appears our mission to prevent it from occurring may have failed. It is imperative that you make every effort to prepare yourselves for the oncoming deadly game, so that you may survive the coming apocalypse.

An antidote for the game is predicted to be created, but much further down this timeline, and as such there is no defense from its effects. It will be most easily identifiable on Nintendo 3DS and PlayStation Vita handheld entertainment system, though it is transmittable through the air so the spread may increase even more rapidly through the PlayStation Store and Nintendo eShop.

Do not be tempted by familiar faces, fully voiced cinematics, multiple endings, or voices in both Japanese and English, as those are signs that the apocalypse is nigh. We suggest that you put extensive effort into improving your puzzle solving skills, as they will be vital to your survival.

We at Crash Keys beg for your assistance in notifying everyone you can so that no one is left in the dark about this dangerous game. The world will end up in a tumultuous uproar, and ultimate consequences will be unavoidable unless word gets out. Use all the time available to you before the summer of next year to contact your loved ones and prepare; our intelligence hasn’t been able to focus in on an exact date at this time. Do not fear – we are here to protect you and prepare you to our utmost ability so that you may survive. You will survive. We will use all channels available to contact you with updates as soon as we uncover them. You must be ready.
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so i should be happy he says i cam with ugly chix? I'm confused what pix i posted that were 5 out of 20. Don't let him mislead you too. So let's give him the doubt that he wasn't talking about my girl and her friend that I just posted pictures of that day, but instead he was referring to other girl's that I have banged and that they were 25%s. That makes it fine that he just called my friends ugly and not my wife? oh well that was close, i don't give a shit what he says about my cam chix, phew. lol

iv never been in a thread where so many people defend a guy for saying another guy's wife or gfs are ugly. lol. yeah those girls are 5 out of 20s haha, you were too lenient in how ugly they are. that's the guy you are defending? everyone knew the 3 mouseketeers would defend each other even if they raped and killed someone but now a 4th defender shows up? lol. let's pretend im the bully because i don't like him saying my friends are ugly. lol. what type of people defend a guy like that? this is like some bizarro superman world. i can't wait til he leaves the house someday and tells some man that his wife is a 2.5 on a 10 scale and see how that goes when you can't hide behind a computer screen. lol

i never knew everyone thought the girls i brought over were so ugly. I didn't see anyone ever complain when i was saying when i was camming and with who and posting pix, but now that's his defense? he didn't say your wife is ugly, he meant your cam girls. oh ok? lol. well I won't talk about chaturbate or post links or post pics anymore cuz there is some snitch in here that reported a bunch of my posts today and the mods sent me an email. wow. lol. snitches get stitches but whatever. this place reeks of rats now. it is glad when you know people are crybabying to the mods about what we post here. guess this isn't a free thread anymore if you upset the leader of the thread and his butt buddies.

He didn't say he wasn't talking about my wife until today when I said it upset me. Then all of a sudden he pretended like he was the victim of fat shaming and that his wife was called ugly also. lol. im the nicest chill dude in the thread but it pissed me off when every week i have someone complaining about stotch picking on them or they are leaving the thread cuz he won't leave them alone etc. I tell them to get thicker skin and who cares. I was pity liking his posts because he seemed to be screaming for help in a snakeybro manner of just saying obscene things to get attention. but im not gonna bend over backwards and turn the other cheek when he insults me for no reason. Why did he suddenly feel the need to insult me for no reason and with no merit? If I posted some 'ugly' chix and then he said damn that's not a 5 out of 10, you are too lenient, that's a 5 out of 20. It would at least be coherent. but he just randomly insults random people now and you are so pussy whipped that you defend him?

oh velo, he's just a troll and you just ignore him or leave the thread like lots of others have done. why the fuck should we leave the thread and let him keep being an ass. People sent me pms saying im so glad you called him out and im gonna ignore him too and he is just a dick to be a dick. Is that what this thread is now? just people being dicks to each other for no reason and then pretending im the bully when i tell him to fuck off. lol.

im pretty sure we are alot better than just tolerating each other's right to be dicks but we get so upset and defensive when someone tells him to quit being a fucking douche. yup. lol @ gator calling me the bully. I'm the kid standing up to the bully and you are the fucking douche telling the bully to do whatever he wants cuz he is your retarded lil brother. stand up like a man and tell your brother to act like a human and not a snakeybro.

but hey stotch and his two lil buddies have me on ignore now. so that's the end of this argument! :)

someone will have to wow me with how hot his wife is when he posts her pix this week. Remember my girls are 2.5 out of 10. so im really excited to hear the reviews and rating of how hot his girls are that he bangs.

wall of text!
i want to know who pms u, rofl

LOL @ one random paragraph in Velo's post starting with a capital letter.


Ok PSN is up and all of my crossbuy games are downloaded. Now I can explore PSN for the first time on the PS4 and look at the games.

I see there are some other PS Plus PS4 deals that were not mentioned in this week's sales:

Whispering Willows ($9.99)

Qbert Rebooted ($6.99)

Unmechanical: Extended ($5.00)

The Last Tinker: City of Colors ( $8.99)

Are any of those worth picking up?  I'm downloading some games that show up as free in the mean time (Zen Pinball, Warframe, Loadout).

Hopefully they have some sort of collectors edition. I'd pay an extra 50-70 bucks if they had some sort of digivice attached to it.

Got my 500 Gamers Club Batman points. That glitch was awesome. ~$33 for the game, $44 for trading it back in plus $10 Gift Card.

I'm pissed at myself that I didn't pre-order more. Battleborn and Battlefront are the two I decided against at the last minute. I'm dumb.
Yeah I should have preordered everything left and right. Kicking myself about Payday 2 as I really want to play that game now.

I didn't realize Hand of Fate was ever going to get a Vita version, but that Vita version has now been cancelled anyway.
Damn that would have been amazing.

Anybody play/plat Hand of Fate? There's no trophy guide and the forum is pretty bare. Wondering how long it takes to knock out.
Yup. I think I think I was the only one to get it when it first released. A lot of those trophies are luck based and take a while to collect those cards.

Anyone try that Blue Moon White IPA? I really want to go get some for this weekend.
I just got a pack of that and Tank 7. Going to try it out in just a bit.

Gotta stop playing Flame Over, it's being too weird about some of the trophies. Not going to try for any of the hard perfect runs just for the game not to give me the trophy anyway.
I'm holding off until they update with the fast restart.

LOL @ one random paragraph in Velo's post starting with a capital letter.


Ok PSN is up and all of my crossbuy games are downloaded. Now I can explore PSN for the first time on the PS4 and look at the games.

I see there are some other PS Plus PS4 deals that were not mentioned in this week's sales:

Whispering Willows ($9.99)

Qbert Rebooted ($6.99)

Unmechanical: Extended ($5.00)

The Last Tinker: City of Colors ( $8.99)

Are any of those worth picking up? I'm downloading some games that show up as free in the mean time (Zen Pinball, Warframe, Loadout).
Whispering Willows is a new game, but those 3 other games have basically been "evergreen" PS+ sales. Qbert has been $7 for Plus since release, Last Tinker and Unmecahnical have been on sale for forever as well.

Unmechanical is fun, but pretty short. I think it's worth $5.

I'm holding off until they update with the fast restart.
Load times are excruciating.

And what's the logic behind the axe? It seems like it just randomly breaks on you once in a while. No rhyme or reason to it, it just fuckin breaks. And if you're on a floor without an axe and there's fire behind one of the breakable doors, then you're completely out of luck as far as I can tell. I'm gonna mention that to the dev, seems illogical to me unless I"m missing something.

Load times are excruciating.

And what's the logic behind the axe? It seems like it just randomly breaks on you once in a while. No rhyme or reason to it, it just fuckin breaks. And if you're on a floor without an axe and there's fire behind one of the breakable doors, then you're completely out of luck as far as I can tell. I'm gonna mention that to the dev, seems illogical to me unless I"m missing something.
Yeah axe breaks are random as fuck. They have the Golden axe and axes lying around for pickup but they are never there when I need them the most.

Lol. I love the randoms with no avatars or trophy cards and no likes that come in here and take snipes at me. Must mean im doing something right if random nobodies come in and attack a guy for taking offense when someone calls his girl ugly. lol.

Next time stotch says someone's girl is ugly you better not get angry or they will pretend you are the bully. lol


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is anyone else confused by velos love everybody super chill personality but he uses the term butt buddies to derogatorily refer to tyler, gator, and stotch?

.... I'm confused.

And Tyler, make sure to stream Attacking Zegeta right away. I would laugh so hard if you have to bomb the wall on the left side of the screen in order to complete the level.

we are potentially missing out on some wonderful beer discussion
seriously, please drop it. if stotch can, I believe that you're a big enough boy to let it die too. if you really find this bullshit more entertaining than beer talk, then continue your pm party with him and email screenshots to yourself to keep the laughs rolling.
Has anyone here played through dokuro?
It would be a great game to complement your new "play it don't plat it" mindset. It's really charming and definitely worth a playthrough but I hated platting it, mainly because it runs too long for its own good and has a few frustrating "can't get hit" trophies in there.

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Had a few Blue Moon White IPAs. I honestly don't think its anything special. I don't mind drinking it despite not caring for IPAs but I'd prefer to just have a regular Blue Moon, while if you're looking for a good IPA to enjoy there are much better options out there. Really not sure who the product is for other than someone who doesn't like IPAs to say they drink an IPA, haha.

I wish companies would start offering build your own editions of games, letting you put together a collectors edition piece meal. Give me steelbooks and artbooks all day err day, but I have zero interest and use for all the cheesy trinkets they throw in these things and can't justify paying extra for them when all I want is the aforementioned books.
Yeah...that would never happen. That turns a mass production line into a build-on-demand setup, which is a lot more expensive and much, much slower.

Finally got my Vita back from Sony service yesterday.

And now it won't activate because it says I already have 3 devices activated. Ugh. (My ps3, my first broken vita, my psp go?)
You might have to call Sony have them remove all the devices from your account and then add them back. I did it a couple years ago and wasn't too bad. They stayed on the line to make sure my PS4 and Vita were working right.
Just deactivate all devices through the account page and then manually re-add what you're using.

The Sony page is down right now due to the security server having issues, though, so you'll have to wait to do it.

Picked up that $5 Vita case. It's much heavier and bulkier than I expected. Kinda wish I'd gotten another soft PSP one. Oh well--for $5 it's acceptable.

Started Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus.

I'm getting C and D rankings for every fight so far. I don't feel like I'm taking a lot longer than I should, but apparently I am. Or maybe you have to increase the difficulty level for the missions to get the higher ratings, I dunno. No trophies for the ratings so I guess it doesn't matter too much, but I bet higher scores give an experience bonus.

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It would be a great game to complement your new "play it don't plat it" mindset. It's really charming and definitely worth a playthrough but I hated platting it, mainly because it runs too long for its own good and has a few frustrating "can't get hit" trophies in there.
Cool. I apparently played it before but can't remember anything about it or even what chalk does so I can't get past the level I'm on. Back to the tutorial I reckon.
It's been there quite a while. It's what's used for gamesharing on PS3s and has been around well over a year.
Shortly after the PS4 launch I traded my original PS3 in. I forgot to deactivate it so I called Sony. Perhaps that option was there then but I wasn't sure I wanted to remove my PS4 and Vita.

So Astebreed might be worth a buy, tyler? Now that I don't have to buy Super sonic cars I have $20 PSN money to spare and have been really mulling that one (only a few old PC reviews last i checked, but they were all good).
Had a few Blue Moon White IPAs. I honestly don't think its anything special. I don't mind drinking it despite not caring for IPAs but I'd prefer to just have a regular Blue Moon, while if you're looking for a good IPA to enjoy there are much better options out there. Really not sure who the product is for other than someone who doesn't like IPAs to say they drink an IPA, haha.
I don't know if you like fruit beer, but here on my mini vacation they gave me shock top raspberry infused beer to drink, it's pretty good. And this comes from someone who doesn't like shock tops original flavor (it tastes thick as hell, this raspberry one doesn't)
Man weird vibe in here today. Like dad just slapped mom at the dinner table and we are trying to finish our meal. Is it really difficult to get rid of jay at this point? There was a time when he tried to make some sort of contribution but now he literally only shows up to cause trouble.
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So Astebreed might be worth a buy, tyler? Now that I don't have to buy Super sonic cars I have $20 PSN money to spare and have been really mulling that one (only a few old PC reviews last i checked, but they were all good).
I'm enjoying it. To me it's kind of pricey for a shooter. And it's short, of course, like all shmups. There's only 6 chapters, 30-40 minutes for a single playthrough if you skip cutscenes. I assume that since you're interested in it you know the point is to play the game over and over to get high scores and beat tougher difficulties.

It's definitely unique. And not really bullet hell style since you can destroy bullets and have a rather large health bar. Some in the stream yesterday were comparing it to a mech/shooter combo.

If you love the genre, I think you'll be happy. If you're only a casual fan of the genre, I think you'll feel like you paid too much for it.

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