PSNOT 2.0 - I kind of want to subscribe to IndieBox.

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Plat #20:


The glitched Knowing Tag trophy was the last for me. Even though it's supposed to trigger at 25 tags, I had 29 by the time I finished the game and it still hadn't triggered. I had to start a new game+ and go through the opening, picking up those first 3-4 tags multiple times before it tripped. It wasn't adding to my total number of tags--each run I'd start back at 29--but on the 3rd run it finally realized "Hey, he's got more than 25 tags!" and gave it to me. Seems like the function to check if you have enough for the trophy doesn't run most of the time. Weird bug.

How much trouble did those of you with the plat have with this trophy?

Darius Burst: Chronicle Saviors coming to PS4/PSV in Japan this Winter:

Wonder if this will come over here. The last game, Darius Burst, was released on PSP but oddly enough ended up ported to iOS for release over here:

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Soph has been quiet lately too, but he's still been creeping around.

That's right Soph... I see you liking posts from three days ago!
Remember when Cleaner was in management training and was barely around for a few weeks? That's been me lately. I don't have the same level of enthusiasm she did since there's not much room for advancement, but they're paying for tons of stuff and it looks good on the resume so...

Also, I've completely fallen down the rabbit hole of Final Fantasy 14. It's easily the best FF game of the last decade. Course it's also the only FF game of the last decade aside from the 13 trilogy so the bar's set pretty low. But it really is great; if someone liked 12 even a little they would probably love 14.

It's been funny to see Derextreme up at crazy hours hooked on Elder Scrolls Online too. Our struggle is real:


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Also, I've completely fallen down the rabbit hole of Final Fantasy 14. It's easily the best FF game of the last decade. Course it's also the only FF game of the last decade aside from the 13 trilogy so the bar's set pretty low. But it really is great; if someone liked 12 even a little they would probably love 14.
Not quite. FFXII came out in 2006, so is in this past decade. There's been around 10 spin-off titles as well. I'm kinda feel like those should count if you're counting FFXIV. I guess SE did stamp it as a main-series title, though it and 11 both seem like a bit of a stretch.

I've been curious about FFXIV but really don't get into games with subscription plans and MP requirements. Looking over the trophy list shows that there is a main campaign to beat, though--how long does that take, and is the class and critter balance such that it's possible to solo that stuff?

Plat #20:


The glitched Knowing Tag trophy was the last for me. Even though it's supposed to trigger at 25 tags, I had 29 by the time I finished the game and it still hadn't triggered. I had to start a new game+ and go through the opening, picking up those first 3-4 tags multiple times before it tripped. It wasn't adding to my total number of tags--each run I'd start back at 29--but on the 3rd run it finally realized "Hey, he's got more than 25 tags!" and gave it to me. Seems like the function to check if you have enough for the trophy doesn't run most of the time. Weird bug.

How much trouble did those of you with the plat have with this trophy?
I don't remember for sure, but I think it glitched the opposite way for me and popped when I had less than 25 tags.
I don't remember for sure, but I think it glitched the opposite way for me and popped when I had less than 25 tags.
There's a number of people on that had that as well. Lucky.

I'd forgotten about the possibility of it triggering early. With that in mind I really don't get what kinda bug leads to it acting this way. It's not just a failure to check for if the trophy has been achieved--there's something else going on.

I didn't have any problems with it either, but I also picked up a zillion of them.  Couldn't you respawn a ton of them in one of the caverns?

Actually there is a moogle you can turn the tags into, so the game probably keeps track separately of the number of tags in inventory versus the number of tags collected over the game lifetime. The trophy would run off the lifetime number. If there's an issue with the lifetime tracking and how new tag pickups are added to that, that could account both for it failing to trigger and for it triggering early. 

That's my best guess, but I'm sure there's no way we'll ever know.

I didn't have any problems with it either, but I also picked up a zillion of them. Couldn't you respawn a ton of them in one of the caverns?
There's a cave with around ten, but it's filled with bahamut and king bahamut. I was only around level 40 at the end of the game and king bahamuts were still hitting me for 9999 damage (I think that's them--the roaming monsters on the overworld, right?) It's easier to just replay the opening over and over again since it's quick and low-risk.

Let's keep this conversation about what systems a game uses to check your inventory for the number of collectables you have for a specific trophy going please.

Anyone else have any theories?
Oh my god, what if there's like a separate counter, just for the trophy?! Like the game tracks the number you have lifetime, the number you've given to the Moogle, and then just a separate counter for the number you picked up? But then what if the trigger that tells the game to tally a number in that counter is what's actually glitched? Like sometimes you pick one up and it doesn't trigger the right counter?
I ended up buying an SSD. 250 GB for $75 on Amazon. I'll continue to keep you all updated when the situation progresses.
You did remember to buy the relevant adapter for power, right, or at least verified you wouldn't need one? Odds are decent your PSU doesn't have the power connection for a SSD.

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I made another $400 today after 2-3 hours of GS flipping. I preordered the Tales of Zestiria CE because why the crap not.
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Damn you guys and your flipping. That'd be a nice way for me to get a ps4 for cheap. I checked that Diablo 3 one you posted Vig, and there was both available in like 4 best buys in my vicinity. I'm sure I wouldn't be able to trade in a bunch of the same game though..
Damn you guys and your flipping. That'd be a nice way for me to get a ps4 for cheap. I checked that Diablo 3 one you posted Vig, and there was both available in like 4 best buys in my vicinity. I'm sure I wouldn't be able to trade in a bunch of the same game though..
1 trade per game per location per day. If you have 4 Best Buys you probably have 4 GSs. Though you'd also need 4 seperate 50%+ TIV coupons to go along with those 4 transactions, so...

Damn you guys and your flipping. That'd be a nice way for me to get a ps4 for cheap. I checked that Diablo 3 one you posted Vig, and there was both available in like 4 best buys in my vicinity. I'm sure I wouldn't be able to trade in a bunch of the same game though..
Not at the same store and you couldn't trade in more than 4 copies of each in a given month or you'd be temp-banned, plus you'd need a 50% bonus coupon for each store where you traded in, but you could technically do it.
Those coupons are done today dude and you cant get them unless you find someone giving them away in the threads. Better watch that thread like a hawk because everybody else in those threads want one too.
If you can still get to your GSs before they close, I have 4 extra codes that I won't be using. PM me if you want any of them.
Damn, guess I should have asked earlier in the weekened if anyone had any extra codes, I didn't bother trying to do any of these flips since I didn't have any codes. Apparently my GS closes super early on Sunday, 6PM. Oh well.

What I really need to do is sell some these retro games I'm sitting on that are worth a decent amount of money
Yeah, me too. I've got a few rare titles that I could get several hundred for, but in the end I'd probably regret it and for good reason... when I'm dead and in heaven, I'd be real sad if I sold all my worldly possessions and didn't have anything to take with me to the afterlife.

I've been curious about FFXIV but really don't get into games with subscription plans and MP requirements. Looking over the trophy list shows that there is a main campaign to beat, though--how long does that take, and is the class and critter balance such that it's possible to solo that stuff?
You could definitely beat the main campaign within the 30-day trial period if you focused on the central questline and didn't get too distracted by the many other things to do in the world (crafting, gathering, sidequest'ing, etc.)

That being said, the first half or so of the main story is pretty trope-y and it takes a bit get going. It's decent, just not mind-blowing or anything: It's basically the prelude to the much better story that unfolds after the end of the initial campaign and leads into the recent full expansion, Heavensward.

With regard to MP/solo'ing, basically everything in the game can be solo'd except for dungeons, of which there are about a dozen that you're required to go through to clear the main campaign. While you technically have to team up with 3 other people for each of those, you don't have to know your party members or even speak to them if you don't wish to.

When you queue up for a dungeon the game automatically matches you with other queued players from all the servers to round out the mandatory party requirements: 1 Healer, 1 Tank, and 2 Damage Dealers. This usually means that healers and tanks have next to no wait time, while damage dealers have to wait a bit longer simply because more people play those classes. But in all the dungeons I've run I've never had to wait more than 10 minutes to get started, and any given dungeon only takes about 15-30 minutes to clear, so they're really not that demanding.

As far as critter/class balance, you can be any class at any time and are encouraged to vary it up by way of cross-class skills and exp bonuses. At level 30 (which you could hit in a week easily with minimal playtime) you get access to a customizable chocobo that will fight alongside you, further enhancing solo potential outside of dungeons.

You could just hunt critters solo to level up but it's far more efficient to take part in FATE's, which are basically quick group hunts that occur spontaneously and constantly all over each map. Like, a bunch of monsters will pop up in a timed/themed event and several nearby players will cooperate to take 'em out. Again, you don't have to talk to anyone or join a party, you just all sort of show up and work together for a short bit of time for bonus exp and loot.

If you have any further questions just let me know; I could go on about this game all day :D


Yeah, me too. I've got a few rare titles that I could get several hundred for, but in the end I'd probably regret it and for good reason... when I'm dead and in heaven, I'd be real sad if I sold all my worldly possessions and didn't have anything to take with me to the afterlife.
I think I've told my story in here about my sister borrowing my snes, and selling a bunch of games on ebay for whatever minimal price. What she didn't know is that I had all the original boxes back at my parents house somewhere which would have allowed me to sell some of them for $100 a pop.

But then again I was dumb giving gamestop earthbound for $20, and suikoden 2 for $10 awhile ago
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I'm confused. I need more than the regular SATA cable?
Yeah I am confused too. I think you will be fine with no additional cables. Most modern power supplies in the last 5 years also have SATA style power leads. Which is likely what you current spinning disc is also using. You MIGHT need a bracket to mount it if is a 2.5" laptop size drive going in a Desktop. I know some people who just Velcro it in place but I was never comfortable with doing that.

Yeah I am confused too. I think you will be fine with no additional cables. Most modern power supplies in the last 5 years also have SATA style power leads. Which is likely what you current spinning disc is also using. You MIGHT need a bracket to mount it if is a 2.5" laptop size drive going in a Desktop. I know some people who just Velcro it in place but I was never comfortable with doing that.
I got a bracket because that's what everyone on Amazon recommended. My current HDD has two cables coming out if it. That one I just posted that goes to the power supply and a small blue one that goes to the motherboard.
Yeah, me too. I've got a few rare titles that I could get several hundred for, but in the end I'd probably regret it and for good reason... when I'm dead and in heaven, I'd be real sad if I sold all my worldly possessions and didn't have anything to take with me to the afterlife.
That is why I am building a nice digital library. I can log into any PS4 in hell and access my stuff.

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