PSNOT 2.0 - I kind of want to subscribe to IndieBox.

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Having a holiday potluck/ugly sweater lunch thing next week.  Have to make a dish using 5 ingredients or less.  

Then a work happy hour.

Then last night of pinball.

Then Star Wars 7.


Man rpgpredictions cracks me up.

Reminds me of zing bot from big brother, I know some of you people watch that show will know what im talking about.

So the Mystery Science Theater 3000 kickstarter is entering the final 30 hours. So far they are up to 9 episodes and around half the way to the full 12 episodes. There are several tiers with various rewards including a DVD or blu-ray of all kickstarter funded episodes at the $200 tier.

If you don't want any of the other awards, they also have a site which you can buy any of the rewards (and a few other awards that aren't on kickstarter) and you can get the DVD set for $85 or the blu-ray set for $100. Any money spent on the add-on site counts toward the kickstarter total.

The Host is going to be Jonah Ray. The mad scientist is Felicia Day and the henchman is Patton Oswald. The mads are in segments at the beginning and end of the episode and occasionally the skits at the 30 and 60 minute marks. There are also going to be many guest writers and cameos from people like Jack Black, Mark Hamill, Jerry Seinfeld, Dan Harmon, Justin Roland, etc.

$25 - Can watch the premiere episode live stream
$35 - DRM free download of the first episode + postcard
$50 - MST3K kickstarter T-shirt and stickers
$75 - MST3k coffee mug + full set of postcards
$85 - DRM free download of all the 9 kickstarted episodes (or 12 if they meet the goal). Six bonus classic episodes. Includes the previous digital rewards, but not the physical rewards.
$100- The $85 tier except the previous physical rewards ARE included. It also includes an MST3K keychain.
$150- MST3K kickstarter poster + a USB drive shaped like one of the bots which has the first 3 episodes.
$200- A DVD or Blu-ray boxset with the kickstarted funded episodes (9 or 12).
$250- First kickstarter episode on VHS + mission patches.

Then there are a few other limited, expensive rewards. Every tier includes the previous tiers except for the $85 level which is a special case. Some backers wanted a tier that didn't cost them anything to produce physical extras so that all the money could go toward the show.
They are only 18K away with like 7 hours left so they are definitely going to make it to 12 episodes if that changes anyone's mind about pledging. They added 1 more stretch goal of +$400,000 for a 13th holiday themed episode and I would say there is a decent chance that will happen.

So it is $85 for a digital download of the episodes + previous digital rewards.

$100 for a digital download of the episodes + previous digital / physical rewards + a keychain

$200 for a physical box set on blu-ray or DVD of the episodes + previous digital / physical rewards

or you can just buy the DVD set for $85 dollars / blu-ray set for $100 only, a la cart, from the addon site if you don't want the other stuff.

The 4 pack volumes they normally release for $30-40 so 12-13, 1.5 hour long, episodes for $85-100 or $200 + extras is pretty reasonable.

edit: 12 episodes funded.

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They are only 18K away with like 7 hours left so they are definitely going to make it to 12 episodes if that changes anyone's mind about pledging. They added 1 more stretch goal of +$400,000 for a 13th holiday themed episode and I would say there is a decent chance that will happen.

So it is $85 for a digital download of the episodes + previous digital rewards.

$100 for a digital download of the episodes + previous digital / physical rewards + a keychain

$200 for a physical box set on blu-ray or DVD of the episodes + previous digital / physical rewards

or you can just buy the DVD set for $85 dollars / blu-ray set for $100 only, a la cart, from the addon site if you don't want the other stuff.

The 4 pack volumes they normally release for $30-40 so 12-13 episodes for $85-100 or $200 + extras is pretty reasonable.
We dont care, sorry owl.

Any tips for Neo Alexander Velo? It seems like the fight is half skill and half luck since the mini-eyeballs don't move in any kind of predictable pattern and the boss doesn't trigger his 4-way beam attack on any set timing so you can't lure him to a favorable position to trigger it. Sometimes Alexander will just randomly chill on one side of the chamber so that he spawns a ton of mini-eyeballs. Due to the spike in the middle of the chamber it isn't really possible to jump over and then jump back to get him moving again.

Do you just have to keep playing over and over until you get lucky in the positions he stops enough times in the same fight?

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Any tips for Neo Alexander Velo? It seems like the fight is half skill and half luck since the mini-eyeballs don't move in any kind of predictable pattern and the boss doesn't trigger his 4-way beam attack on any set timing so you can't lure him to a favorable position to trigger it. Sometimes Alexander will just randomly chill on one side of the chamber so that he spawns a ton of mini-eyeballs. Due to the spike in the middle of the chamber it isn't really possible to jump over and then jump back to get him moving again.

Do you just have to keep playing over and over until you get lucky in the positions he stops enough times in the same fight?
i really wish i had a strategy or a video to tell you but i think i just kept going back and forth between sides and just trying to kill out the smaller skulls so it wouldn't get so crowded and take swings when i could on the big guy. i used the teleport skill to go from lower left to upper right etc but really i got nothing for ya. i probly just went war of attrition and did it over and over. that's a high scoring game on tt also, one of my top 10. good luck man

n not garage sale but good will thrift store. luckily no one else saw it. ill actually play it. i saw a guy run into goodwill once and grab catan in the box and i said awesome i heard thats a fun game and he said i have no idea im just gonna resell it on amazon. cmon man ;) she had no idea what she was grabbing but crazy enough i had them both when i was young and i guess my mom garage saled them for cheap or trashed them or whatev happens to stuff in life.

oh and zing!

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Vlambeer with the quick fix for accidentally exiting games on PS4

They are only 18K away with like 7 hours left so they are definitely going to make it to 12 episodes if that changes anyone's mind about pledging. They added 1 more stretch goal of +$400,000 for a 13th holiday themed episode and I would say there is a decent chance that will happen.

So it is $85 for a digital download of the episodes + previous digital rewards.

$100 for a digital download of the episodes + previous digital / physical rewards + a keychain

$200 for a physical box set on blu-ray or DVD of the episodes + previous digital / physical rewards

or you can just buy the DVD set for $85 dollars / blu-ray set for $100 only, a la cart, from the addon site if you don't want the other stuff.

The 4 pack volumes they normally release for $30-40 so 12-13, 1.5 hour long, episodes for $85-100 or $200 + extras is pretty reasonable.

edit: 12 episodes funded.
I'm only seeing them at 5.14 mil with 7 hours left, leaving them 360k short of the 5.5 mil for 12 episodes.

Some people asked me why not switch to diet soda. I tell them that 1) that beats the purpose of trying to stop drinking soda and 2) diet soda is fucking gross. :puke:
Cherry Coke Zero is delicious. And Diet Dr Pepper isn't bad.

I stopped drinking soda years ago, though. It's amazing how much easier it is to control your weight when you don't drink the stuff - diet soda included.

Although I have to disagree with Gator - any time I cheat and get a sip of delicious Coca Cola it's fucking heaven.

Damn, Pharm is on fire.

First I was going to make fun of pitfall for somehow "surviving" on $25,000 every three months, but he did it already.

Then I was going to say that soda is awesome, that Sprite sucks, and that diet sucks. But then he did all of that too! 



Anyone going to PAX South? Looks like CAG is gonna have a panel. Someone here should crash it by streaking with #PSNOT written on their chest or ass or something.
What are they even going to talk about? None of them even use the site. They just bitch about things on Twitter.

Damn, Pharm is on fire.

First I was going to make fun of pitfall for somehow "surviving" on $25,000 every three months, but he did it already.

Then I was going to say that soda is awesome, that Sprite sucks, and that diet sucks. But then he did all of that too!

You are both Danny
Cherry Coke Zero is delicious. And Diet Dr Pepper isn't bad.

I stopped drinking soda years ago, though. It's amazing how much easier it is to control your weight when you don't drink the stuff - diet soda included.

Although I have to disagree with Gator - any time I cheat and get a sip of delicious Coca Cola it's fucking heaven.
I love soda and the only diet soda I could stand was Diet Dr. Pepper. I know I'll have some soda in the future but right now I'll stay without it. Losing some weight already is great so I'm curious on how much I'll lose.
You still have tomorrow too. You can doooo iiiiiiittttt!
I'm not sure I'll have time. We'll see! Baby will be here soon.

Vita is such a life saver. I beat the 2nd boss on Nuclear Throne while here. Big Dog? The game totally chugged while everything on the screen was exploding.

What are they even going to talk about? None of them even use the site. They just bitch about things on Twitter.
On Twitter it said they were gonna talk about how to get cheap games. Sounds dumb.
I wouldn't consider myself "poor" per se but I don't have alot left over after bills these days. I'm still the happiest I've been in a very long time though even though my financial situation certainly isn't ideal at this time.
Do you have a budget, or a firm understanding of where your money's going every month? I'd recommend tracking things through Mint for a month or two to see if there's anywhere you can make some changes. Even if you think you have a rough idea, I guarantee you'll find some places to cut if you get it all up on the screen in the same place.

It's amazing what little things like not eating out or setting the thermostat a little lower end up doing to your bottom line over time.

Oh, and this site's about the best thing ever, especially if you don't consider yourself the best cook:

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Do you have a budget, or a firm understanding of where your money's going every month? I'd recommend tracking things through Mint for a month or two to see if there's anywhere you can make some changes. Even if you think you have a rough idea, I guarantee you'll find some places to cut if you get it all up on the screen in the same place.

It's amazing what little things like not eating out or setting the thermostat a little lower end up doing to your bottom line over time.

Oh, and this site's about the best thing ever, especially if you don't consider yourself the best cook:
Thanks for the tips, I've read a little about mint before but never actually used it. I'll have to look into it.

My main problem is I did a big financial no-no and relied on credit cards heavily during my seperation since I basically had to start over. Everything from silverware to dishes, like every household necessity I had to re-buy. Right now I'm throwing all my extra money at that and should have it under control soon.

I also got a loan from the company I work for to cover attorney fees and such, and they take out of my check for that each week. So once these two things are taken care of I'll be in MUCH better shape.
I wonder if Qui Gon and Anakins mom ever banged. I mean she's been living out there alone for so long that she had to have made a pass at him when he was staying at their place, right?
I wonder if Qui Gon and Anakins mom ever banged. I mean she's been living out there alone for so long that she had to have made a pass at him when he was staying at their place, right?
I'm sure it's in some fan fiction somewhere where it was actually a 4 way with Harry Potter and macgyver.
I haven't drunk regular soda since I entered college and have no desire to cheat ever. It probably ties with being hipoglucemic and my whole family having diabetes.

Track team also helped me get into optimal shape. I had meniscus surgery and they have to take your blood sugar at certain times before op. Nurse was asking me if I really had the condition.
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Do you have a budget, or a firm understanding of where your money's going every month? I'd recommend tracking things through Mint for a month or two to see if there's anywhere you can make some changes. Even if you think you have a rough idea, I guarantee you'll find some places to cut if you get it all up on the screen in the same place.

It's amazing what little things like not eating out or setting the thermostat a little lower end up doing to your bottom line over time.

Oh, and this site's about the best thing ever, especially if you don't consider yourself the best cook:
There's also the You Need A Budget approach. That's free for students or goes on sale for $15 for Steam sales (usually.) While Mint takes the approach of grabbing all your finances automatically, YNAB makes you input them manually in order to force you to deliberately account for all your spending. Different people do better with one approach versus the other.

Hey Mild - you should buy Life Is Strange in case you ever have another bout of insomnia.
Supposedly it starts slow then gets pretty crazy by the end. Somebody on another forum I frequent said it's like a blend of Donnie Darko and...something else I can't recall. DD caught my interest though.

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