PSNOT 2.0 - I kind of want to subscribe to IndieBox.

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IGN published a spoiler-free review of The Force Awakens:

Star Wars: The Force Awakens is the movie it was promised to be, with great new characters, a respect for the original trilogy and a strong understanding of what makes this franchise click with fans. The new additions to the Star Wars universe work best, though there is some over-reliance on tying things to and making nods to the classic Star Wars films. Overall, this is a great way to reboot the franchise and open the world up for a new generation of fans.
Reminds me of a conversation we had with Vig months back. There's no harm in taking 1 minute to add all the games to your account each month. I just can't understand this at all.
I can't stand having my download list and PS4 library filled with shit I'm never going to play just cause. I'd rather just pay the odd couple dollars here and there for something I may have missed. I get why you guys like it, but I don't care about claiming games just because they're there. Like I said, the value of Plus is in the online play for me. If it didn't include that I wouldn't ever sub.

I can't stand having my download list and PS4 library filled with shit I'm never going to play just cause. I'd rather just pay the odd couple dollars here and there for something I may have missed. I get why you guys like it, but I don't care about claiming games just because they're there. Like I said, the value of Plus is in the online play for me. If it didn't include that I wouldn't ever sub.
While I get your point, I'll say that it's been great when I've tried Plus games that I never thought I'd like and ended up completely surprised. To me, that way more than outweighs the annoyance of a cluttered download list. To each their own, though.

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Post here if you notice that they do, I'd probably buy it as well. My buy price on most games I want usually tops out at $15 these days, but I make an exception for GOTY editions and the like.
Will do.

While I get your point, I'll say that it's been great when I've tried Plus games that I never thought I'd like and ended up completely surprised. To me, that way more than outweighs the annoyance of a cluttered download list. To each their own, though.
This might not be as much of an issue if Sony learned how to implement a sort function. They'll probably figure it out at the same time as changing your PSN username.

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At least the library on PS4 is in alphabetical order, but yeah I hate the fact that they dont give us multiple sort option on anything.  Its just lazy as far as I am concerned.  It cant be that fucking hard to do.  I mean why is it I can sort trophies by date earned or something but not by name?




*cue X-Files theme*

So maybe a good poll topic:

When Kojima's Playstation exclusive sucks who will the gamers blame?  Kojima or Sony?

Yeah, I predict his next game will suck.  I have no reason to predict it and I dont care either way really as I dont know the guy or care about the beef between him and Konami.

So maybe a good poll topic:

When Kojima's Playstation exclusive sucks who will the gamers blame? Kojima or Sony?

Yeah, I predict his next game will suck. I have no reason to predict it and I dont care either way really as I dont know the guy or care about the beef between him and Konami.
You forgot the real answer. His fans will still say it is the greatest game ever and call everyone else haters.

You guys are way too optimistic. I think the next game will go hugely over-budget and never release at all. Eventually somebody will leak the game source and assets and we'll find hundreds of gigs of panty and boob artwork that the game doesn't even use.

So maybe a good poll topic:

When Kojima's Playstation exclusive sucks who will the gamers blame? Kojima or Sony?

Yeah, I predict his next game will suck. I have no reason to predict it and I dont care either way really as I dont know the guy or care about the beef between him and Konami.
No doubt it won't live up to the overblown expectations that most will have. We know it should at least look pretty though.

Special shout out (or you sonofabitch, depending on the time) to Mild for getting me addicted to Rayman Legends with his allure of a diamond cup.

I know I said it before, but Origins was not nearly as fun or addicting as Legends is.  I know it's essentially the same shit, but this one just clicks for me.

You guys are way too optimistic. I think the next game will go hugely over-budget and never release at all. Eventually somebody will leak the game source and assets and we'll find hundreds of gigs of panty and boob artwork that the game doesn't even use.
Definitely got my vote for hugely over budget. It'll end up in myth territory along with Final Fantasy 15 and The Last Guardian.

Were there ever per platform sales numbers for MGS 5 released?  I am wondering if Kojima needs PS as bad as they want him.  I wonder if it was an absolute stinker on Xbone like the new Tomb Raider game was.

Special shout out (or you sonofabitch, depending on the time) to Mild for getting me addicted to Rayman Legends with his allure of a diamond cup.

I know I said it before, but Origins was not nearly as fun or addicting as Legends is. I know it's essentially the same shit, but this one just clicks for me.
Looks like I am finally going to play it sometime soon myself.

on the WiiU

Were there ever per platform sales numbers for MGS 5 released? I am wondering if Kojima needs PS as bad as they want him. I wonder if it was an absolute stinker on Xbone like the new Tomb Raider game was.
I wouldn't be surprised if it did better on PC than it did on XB1. AFAIK nobody releases PC sales numbers, though. With that being so heavily digital nowadays I'm not sure how any accurate numbers could be released anyway if not from Steam or Konami directly.

According to this site (as of 3 months ago), MGSV PS4 accounted for 72% and XB1 for 22% of sales:

Kojima and his crew will need to build a new engine first since Konami, in all likelihood, retains the Fox Engine.  And you know Konami's going to be looking at everything Kojima does under a microscope so if they think there's any chance of a copyright or trademark infringement, they'll lawyer up.  It'll be years before anything comes out.

The Banner Saga sounds interesting. Wasn't on my radar before but I'll probably buy it eventually.
They were actually subject to a silly lawsuit from the Candy Crush Saga makers over the use of the word Saga, which apparently has delayed the 2nd game which was supposed to release this year and is now scheduled for 2016 instead.

More details about the background on the lawsuit:

No one picked up the replacement RBs for Seattle or New England in my PS4 fund playoffs, so I just snagged them both for nothing. My matchup this week is still brutal against the #1 seed.

I mean look at this shit:

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Still hard to believe the deal some of us got in on for the Premium Edition. Crazy.
I don't remember what that was, though I remember that there was something. I generally ignore deals on AK since I still need to give AA another try--I played through the first 2-3 bosses and it just wasn't clicking at all. Haven't played the other two at all yet.

I don't remember what that was, though I remember that there was something. I generally ignore deals on AK since I still need to give AA another try--I played through the first 2-3 bosses and it just wasn't clicking at all. Haven't played the other two at all yet.
It was a price mistake on the digital version on BF on amazon, it was all the DLC and the game for $13 or $16 or something like that.

Kojima's development cycles are long, so I expect Mitch to be correct and wait until something comes out in 3+ years. Good on Sony on locking down his first game, shame they didn't do the same to his studio. 

So maybe a good poll topic:

When Kojima's Playstation exclusive sucks who will the gamers blame? Kojima or Sony?

Yeah, I predict his next game will suck. I have no reason to predict it and I dont care either way really as I dont know the guy or care about the beef between him and Konami.
Me either. I also couldn't care less about Konami. They haven't released anything I have been interested in decades.

Me either. I also couldn't care less about Konami. They haven't released anything I have been interested in decades.
They have certainly not done much. However, they make some really good obscure games. New Little King's Story that I am playing now on Vita is one of those. Tornado Outbreak was a great game for PS3 that hardly anybody has played. I played Frogger Returns and the Saw movie licensed games for trophies but that is about all I have played from Konami.

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